Showing posts with label President Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Trump. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Adventure (as in Field Trip!) - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

(as in Field Trip!)
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Just think — you don't need a thing, you've got it all! All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.” (I Corinthians 1:7-9, THE MESSAGE)

Remember those young, childhood days in grade school, and the teacher announced, “Tomorrow we are going on a field trip!” You were about to jump out of your seat with excitement! In some ways, it didn’t matter if the travel was going to be across five city blocks, or to the other end of town several miles away. You were “going”, and it was certain to be an adventure.

I have even seen the eyes of staff members, in several Christian ministries that I was administrator or director at, get a bit bigger when I had the joy of saying several times over the years, “Next month we are going on a field trip!” Anticipation then grew in them as each day passed, looking forward to that time together when we could be adventurous as a team.

Why does international travel seem so appealing to many? Because it gives the chance to get away, see the vast world, and experience other cities and cultures. Look at the Israeli young adults who hit the airwaves the first year out of high school, before beginning their stint in the required one and a half (girls) or two-year commitment (boys) in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces). They literally “take off” for adventures in Asia, Australia, Africa or South America. And then back to the home front where the defense adventure starts.

Or consider those who have entered into their retirement years, which I really believe that for those trusting in our Lord Jesus, it can be just the start of the next adventure the Lord already had planned for your life. As Rick Joyner (Morningstar Ministries in the Charlotte, North Carolina area) likes to say, this final time in life is for the “refirement” years.

Seriously, who wants to sit around watching TV all day, or getting out and hitting a white ball for several miles, only to get frustrated most of the time!

For the decades in previous years, these golden boys and girls saved as best they could, doing without many needs and wants, anticipating the last years of life would be for travel and adventurous ease, their life-long destination reward. As too do many young people worldwide, they love adventure.

(L-R) Dave King, Steve Martin, Pam King
 - Israel's Knesset building Oct. 2018
You and I are pretty much the same as the young ones or the old ones. In fact, we too love adventure. Looking forward to, and then actually accomplishing an adventurous time in life, brings a real joy, a sense of fulfillment in our spirit, soul and body.

As for doing the same old, same old, well… it gets old. We need that occasional change in our life; we need that pent-up desire for excitement to happen at least once in a while, and so we look forward to those adventures we hope and pray are coming up in the near feature.

Why do we delight in, and even crave, adventure? Because we are created in God’s image, and He places that same desire of His in us. And guess what, He above all loves adventure. He loved taking Moses and a few friends (in the millions) across the desert, leaving behind some chasers on horses and chariots. And then He was thrilled to open the Red Sea for them to cross over. (I bet it was more than six inches deep, as one joke is quipped, wittily expressed.)

Our God, who enjoys being personally involved with us daily, delighted in walking around the Land of Israel in the first century, sharing His compassionate love, healing, and life lessons with the down and out; the lost in spirit and soul; and those like us who needed a break, and whole salvation, from a lackluster life they had been burdened with.

You too want to see our kids and grandkids follow the Lord Jesus? Give them an adventure, a field trip once in a while, centered around God. Having a real purpose, a real sense of fulfillment will keep them from considering drugs, alcohol, sex or daylong video games instead. They can have and keep experiences with the Giver of Life, who alone can give them a life adventure if they seek and follow after Him.

Our Lord Yeshua’s heart is to give you a lifetime of adventure. It does get tough going through the valleys and reaching mountain tops along the way, but hey, what do you have to lose, except eternal life if you choose your own way. As our President Trump said to the American black people, who generation after generation voted for Democrats, “What do you have to lose?” by instead giving him a chance.

Whatever your age, trust in the Lord and your life will be more exciting than what you thought it would be when you first said yes to Him. Keep saying yes. He will take you on field trips. He will give you the fulfillment of those heart’s desires you have. After all, it is He who put them there in the first place.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. Want an adventure walking the streets of Jerusalem? Come with me sometime! And in the meantime, watch my short videos that I recorded in October 2018 as I did that just that. Jerusalem October 2018 playlist

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$50 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
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P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #366 - in the year of our Lord 11.07.18 –Adventure – as in Field Trip!”, Wednesday, 6:00 am

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Jerry Falwell Jr.: President Trump frees Pastor Brunson from Turkey, proves liberal media wrong - FOX News

Jerry Falwell Jr.: President Trump frees Pastor Brunson from Turkey, proves liberal media wrong
The decision by Turkish officials to release American pastor Andrew Brunson, who met with President Trump at the White House on Saturday, was welcome news. It was a testament not only to the president’s strength but, more importantly, his strength of heart and character.

A Turkish court freed Brunson Friday, after he had been held prisoner for two years following an attempted military coup in Turkey. He was charged as a conspirator in the plot, but Turkish authorities were unable to provide any satisfactory evidence to back up the charges against him.

In truth, the only thing Brunson ever conspired to do was to spread the word of God, as he had been doing in Turkey for over 20 years.

After being arrested and imprisoned under appalling conditions – where he was subjected to regular attempts to convert him to Islam – Turkish officials moved the 50-year-old pastor to house arrest in July in the face of U.S. pressure. But that wasn’t enough for President Trump and his administration.

The day after Brunson was placed under house arrest, Vice President Mike Pence issued a stern warning to the Turks on behalf of President Trump.

“To believers across America, I say, pray for Pastor Brunson.” Pence said. “While he is out of jail, he is still not free. And to President Erdogan and the Turkish government, I have a message on behalf of the President of the United States of America: Release Pastor Andrew Brunson now or be prepared to face the consequences.”

“If Turkey does not take immediate action to free this innocent man of faith and send him home to America, the United States will impose significant sanctions on Turkey until Pastor Andrew Brunson is free,” Pence added.

The Turks didn’t heed Pence’s warning. In August, President Trump imposed economic sanctions against Turkey

The Trump administration didn’t stop there. It continued to threaten further sanctions unless Brunson was released. When the Turkish court finally released Brunson, it was against the wishes of the government prosecutors. They sought to imprison him for a decade.

President Trump could have easily sacrificed Brunson to maintain good relations with Turkey, a NATO ally. That nation’s strategic location makes it crucial to containing Russian ambitions in the Middle East.

The mainstream media still take every possible opportunity to paint President Trump as egotistical and uncaring, but his positive, heartfelt actions speak far louder than their negative, heartless words.

Previous American presidents, pursuing the globalist agenda, would have quickly caved to Turkey, given the geopolitical realities of the situation. President Trump didn’t. I know this president’s heart – and I know he would never do such an expedient thing. Instead, he did the right thing.

That’s because President Trump isn’t just a strong and tough leader. He’s also a good and moral person.

Time and time again, we’ve seen this from the president. When pursuing a successful diplomatic breakthrough with North Korea, President Trump didn’t just seek nuclear disarmament and the normalization of diplomatic relations. He demanded the return of imprisoned Americans and the return of the remains of those who died in the Korean War.

On the eve of his inauguration, President Trump gave $10,000 of his own money to a supporter who had fallen on hard times, a FedEx employee named Shane Bouvet. Last year, he gave $1 million of his personal fortune to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Since taking office, President Trump has consistently given up his quarterly salary to government agencies and causes in need of funding.

With the release of Brunson, President Trump has once again displayed his moral fortitude.

This case hits home for me both as a Christian and president of Liberty University. Brunson’s daughter, whose husband serves in the military, shouldered many burdens in her fight to get her father released. She is an online student through Liberty University and we chose to give her a full scholarship to pay her remaining tuition fees.

Now that Brunson has been released, over 3,000 letters written by Liberty students have been sent to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, thanking him for his work in this case and encouraging him to keep up the administration’s fight for religious liberty around the world. My wife Becki and I wrote one of them and we were beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to do so.

The mainstream media still take every possible opportunity to paint President Trump as egotistical and uncaring, but his positive, heartfelt actions speak far louder than their negative, heartless words.

I’m often asked how an evangelical Christian can support a man like President Trump. The answer is simple. I learned long ago to judge people – especially politicians – by their actions and not their words.

Plenty of presidents have paid lip service to God, but few, if any, have demonstrated a consistent tendency to walk in Christ’s shoes and make the morally correct decision instead of the politically easy one.

I am proud to call President Trump my friend. Above all, I’m proud of what he’s doing for our country and countrymen, at home and abroad.

God bless you, Mr. President.

Jerry Falwell Jr. is the president of Liberty University.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

President Trump; Change the Tires - Now Think On This messages and newsletter - Love For His People

July 3, 2018

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus, Yeshua.

Back from vacation yet? Or are you yet to go??? Hope you do get some time-off, whether it is just a few extra days or more. We all need a break once in a while, yes? I have two family reunions in Minnesota coming up at the end of this month. Many of my cousins I haven't seen in over 18 years.

In your reading time, I hope you will take a few minutes and read my latest Now Think On This messages below.

President Trump - Is It Any Wonder? tells a different story than what 90% of news reports would have you believe. Interesting facts!

Change the Tires, Trade the Car speaks of a dream received, giving encouragement along the way. I trust you may relate to it also.

My latest book (#18) Hope - Founded in the Solid Rock came out in June. We all need hope continually in our life. I trust this will be an encouragement for you and yours.

Be blessed with ahava (love) and shalom (peace),

Steve Martin
Now Think On This
President Trump - Is It Any Wonder?
Steve Martin
“I am not afraid of the tens of thousands set against me on every side.” (Psalm 3:7, Complete Jewish Bible)

One would think the United States of America is falling apart, if you lived on a secluded island and only saw the cable newscasts that hourly proclaim their misguided, opinionated, rather untruthful messages. Certainly you would though learn what Beelzebub means. Lord of the Flies. As in a lot of swarming buzz surrounding a garbage load of waste.

Is it any wonder then that the Creator, Lord of All, commands us to keep our eyes fixed on Him, Jesus, and our ears tuned to what He is declaring and doing? We don’t live on an island lost afar off in the ocean, but rather do live in this nation founded providentially by the Lord. A correct presentation of written historical facts would show that, given the Founding Fathers often proclaimed their reliance on Almighty God, and fought to put this truth into action. Knowing the biblical and sustaining word that was given to them then, which still holds true, will keep us steady as shaking occurs. A shaking, by the way, which He has orchestrated.

We can count on Him to sustain us in these troubled times, and at the same time see His hand guiding us. One way He has done this was through the divine placement of one into national leadership, again. Needed as much now as when the foundations of this country were laid.

I am confident that what happened on the night of the national elections in November 2016 was the hand of God granting us mercy, knowing that we as a people have yet to complete a very important work. He wasn’t going to let the gates of hell take us further down the road of perdition. Instead He shook things up, keeping His agenda and times on track.

Look what has been done since the new president has taken office, against all odds, or so it has seemed. President Donald J. Trump has done a tremendous job!

Be sure to read the rest: President Trump - Is It Any Wonder?
Change the Tires, Trade the Car

Steve Martin

“You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.” (Job 22:28, New Living Translation)

Dreams are another supernatural way the good Lord speaks to us. He gives us warnings, direction, hope, inspiration, or some other bit of knowledge for ourselves, a family member, or a group of people. When He gave me the following dream last night, following some prayer afterward as to its meaning, I knew it was for me.

But then now I think it may also be for a few of you. Read it, and if you sense an affirmation in your spirit, then too consider the possibility that the Lord may want to speak a confirmation in your heart as well.

Here goes.

The small car I was driving on the roadway seemed to be losing air in the front right-hand tire, and I thought it had picked up a nail. There was enough air left in the tire to get to my intended destination, but when I got out and looked at the tire, it wasn’t a nail or another object after all. In fact, after arriving, the rubber was totally coming off the rim! It reminded me of those tires that are re-treads, and after some good mileage had been traveled, they just fall off the main tread. You see remains of them often along highways where semi-trucks had lost the re-tread.

I then checked the left front tire, and the rubber was also starting to fall off. These had lasted just long and far enough to get me to my intended destination.

Further into the dream, I realized that it just so happened that I had stopped the car near a tire store, and the attendant said he had some tires to replace these two with. I responded with an OK, but then thought, “I am going to be trading this car in for a bigger one. I don’t need the higher priced tires. I’ll get some others instead.” And so I did.

I did not know at this time what the next car was going to be, but I believed it was to be a larger vehicle which I was going to need for the upcoming days.

I then woke up.

Be sure to read the rest: Change the Tires; Trade the Car
Hope book cover
Just released!

by Steve Martin

It would be nice if you could run down to the local grocery store and buy a package of hope. After all, don’t we find we need it every day? A few good helpings daily sure would be nice.

It is not quite that simple to get, but hope is certainly possible to obtain, and keep. The way I have found hope is by believing the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, as put forth truthfully in the Bible. Through the centuries, the words written in the Word have proven accurate and life-changing in the very ones who have chosen to believe. I include myself among them.

The daily news will get you discouraged. The bank statement and monthly bills which come by mail or smart phone will drain you of your pursuit of happiness. One minute you are “up”. The next minute you hit a wall. What is it that keeps us pressing on to accomplish the good in life? Family and friends can be a good source to rely on, but even then those relationships can falter. We need more.

We need hope in our lives.

I would be graceful if you would support Love For His People by buying a copy for yourself, and one for a friend as a gift. (Birthdays and such!)

Be blessed, with the shalom (peace) and ahava (love) of the Lord.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Published June 2018. You can get it in paperback or Kindle.

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134