Vince Viozzi
Vince Viozzi: "This is a Significant Time and Season to Push Back the Enemy!"
A prophetic alabaster box has been broken open and is releasing seemingly unknown voices who have paid the price of being hidden, while the Lord was developing their character.
Vince Viozzi is one of those voices. I have known Vince over many years and have witnessed the fire in his bones to not only hear God speak but to live it.
I knew the day would come when his anointing and integrity would break him out into the open place to touch multitudes. His word below is timely for us. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"This is a Significant Time and Season to Push Back the Enemy!"
A Vision of Jesus on His Mobile Throne
During a powerful time of worship, I saw and felt a huge wave of powerful magnitude rising up and moving out with force. It erupted out of our worship! (Earlier before this the Lord had placed Song of Solomon 3:6-9 on my heart.)
I could see us carrying God on His "Mobile Throne" with our high intensity worship! He was riding the wave!
Then I saw another vision: Jesus was standing tall, like a giant, and military aircrafts were flying all around Him just over His head. He was in charge and with authority He would command them, "You go here and you go there!"
"God is calling all Believers and many 5-fold gifts out into the world to the people of the world to get the word out to all men everywhere in every place! The world needs to see the Church in action!"
He was making it known that He was in control! No matter where the call would come from, He was available on His "Mobile Throne" to be the first responder to every call and to take control of the situation at hand!
There is nothing that arises that He is not able to respond to and be in charge of! He is "King of kings and Lord of lords!" He is responding to the calls of everyone, everywhere He is needed...all over the globe! As things of challenging significance take place all over the earth in these days, He wants us to know that He has not lost control of the earth.
Rise Up and Push Back the Enemy!
I sense the Lord saying: "Yes, there are some more events to take place in the US, in Canada, in France, in the Koreas, and elsewhere, and these outbursts of the enemy are only a tool in My hand! For I am using these circumstances and situations to shake whatever can be shaken at this time! Shake, rattle and roll over!
"For have I not even set boundaries in the earth that the waters cannot pass and the darkness cannot remain? The moon stays in its orbit and the sun remains until the time that I say, 'No More!' For the earth is Mine and its fullness. I won it back and I have not abdicated My authority to My enemy!
So rise up and pray! Rise up and proclaim! Rise up and decree what I tell you! For this is a significant time and season to push back the enemy. He will flee!"
As Jesus was commanding and directing the military aircraft in the vision above, He was revealing that we are in a war! An intense war. During times of war people must enlist to rise to the new occasion. If enough people do not enlist, then a draft is put into place.
I sense the Lord saying to many of His people, "I need You! You go here and you go there."
The World Needs to See the Church in Action!
The Father is releasing a mandate to all of the citizens of His Kingdom to, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15 NKJV). God is calling all Believers and many 5-fold gifts out into the world to the people of the world, to get the word out to all men everywhere in every place! The world needs to see the Church in action!
I sense that the Father is in missionary-mode. He is releasing an apostolic mandate, but not just with the evangelistic gift. Although that is one of His high priority goals, but not His only goal! He is starting to release a Kingdom mentality to overtake the Body mentality. For it is imperative that we become more active as citizens of the Kingdom of God than members of His Church!
The Church mentality is not wrong, it has just become unbalanced. If we recognize that we are part of a greater organism than just the local church we belong to or even the global Church, and we start to see that God is not just doing things in the Church but also in the world (hence, the nations), then we can begin to lift our eyes to a greater perspective than just using our gifts to minister to the members of the Body!
"From whom the whole Body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the Body for the edifying of itself in love." (Ephesians 4:16 NKJV)
Updates, Upgrades and Reprogramming
In this computerized world that we live in, I think that many of us can relate to this metaphor. As more things become necessary for a computer or computer program to function, the need arises for updates, upgrades and reprogramming to be done, in order to continue to meet the new demands of the current situation.
"No matter where the call would come from, He was available on His "Mobile Throne" to be the first responder to every call and to take control of the situation at hand!"
We are in a new era, a new season, a new Kairos moment of God's timing and plans for the world, "For the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" (Psalm 24:1). There has been another level of the purposes of God being released in these days, and for that release there is also a new release of the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of the times and seasons we are in.
Yesterday's Manna will not do for today's needs! Yesterday's wine will not fit into the new wineskins that are being made to fit the new paradigm of the Kingdom of God.
So in this season there is also a need for us as His People to press into Him like never before and to pick up the new directives – the new updates, upgrades and programs – that are needed to facilitate the new day.
Rethink! The Wind of Change is Blowing!
It's time to rethink! Rethink the old ways that were good for then but not for now! Rethink the old visions that were good for that time, but not for this time. Reform the old systems to make room for the new. Many of the former denominations were right on in their day but they stagnated – they didn't dive deeper and follow God past those revelations! God is moving on right now! Will you move with Him?
Jesus is here on His Mobile Throne to rule and reign over the necessary changes needed in the earth to facilitate the next phase of His intentions on the earth! The wind of change is blowing! The question is, "Will we move with it or grow stagnate?" Elisha needed to remove his old mantle in order to take up the double portion mantle of Elijah!
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8 NKJV) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Vince Viozzi's gifts and passions have been to teach the Word of God and bring clarity to the Body of Christ. He has a prophetic-edge on his ministry and shares the prophecies God lays on his heart. Vince became a born-again Christian at the age of 16, and after high school, he felt God's call to go to Bible College, with his new wife Linda, and to pursue the ministry.
He completed Christ for the Nations Bible College and attended Life Bible College East. He has been serving the Lord through ministry in music and leadership in several churches in the Pennsylvania area. He is an ordained minister through the Clear River Network, Harrisburg, PA – Charles Stock Senior Apostle.
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