Ask any Jewish person what the difference is between Judaism and Christianity, and they will say one word: Jesus. One believes He is the Messiah, or the "God with us" in flesh. The other still awaits a promised Messiah.
Of course, there's more to it than that.
In his book The Lion of Judah: How Jesus Completes Biblical Judaism and Why Judaism and Christianity Split (Jan. 8, 2019), Messianic Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider unpacks the story behind this separation.
The first thing he explains is how Jesus fulfills everything in the Law and, in doing so, is the completion of Judaism itself. Schneider points to one of the most important statements Jesus ever made, especially at that time in history:
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"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill" (Matt. 5:17).
Schneider says, "If Jesus had come to abolish the Law, then it would render all that meaningless. But Christ did the opposite, which meant the Jewish identity was now ultimately found through Him!"
His book is titled The Lion of Judah after Revelation 5:5, which decrees Jesus as the rightful King, not of Jewish people exclusively, but of every "tribe" on earth. He is the Savior for every Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, atheist—everyone.
Schneider's prayer is that readers will understand Jesus on a deeper level and draw closer to Him. By knowing the history of Christianity and Judaism, readers can also be equipped to share the gospel with Jewish people while appreciating their Hebraic heritage.
"No matter how many prophecies are fulfilled or revelations received, the underlying purposes of God remain the same for Jews and Christians alike. He desires a people who will walk closely with Him. He wants devoted disciples," Schneider says. 

Messianic Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider is an international evangelist who serves as rabbi of Lion of Judah World Outreach Center. He is the author of The Book of Revelation Decoded,Self-Deliverance, Do Not Be Afraid!, and Awakening to Messiah. He writes from having seen the truths of God's Word confirmed by the Holy Spirit performing miraculous healings and deliverance. Schneider is host of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, which is listed in television guides as "The Jewish Jesus." For a list of times and stations that broadcast Rabbi Schneider's program, visit and click on the Ways to Watch link.
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