Cindy Jacobs: Retirees, Listen! The Lord Says, 'This Is a Higher Season'
Hello! As I have been seeking the Lord for a word to encourage your heart, this is what I received: this is a higher season. There is such an anointing on those words: "a higher season."
Many people reach a place in their lives where they get stagnant. But the Lord would say to you, "I don't wish you to be stagnant. I want you to be ever advancing My kingdom. I want you to be ever advancing in your destiny. Some of My children reach a place of spiritual stagnation—you are not growing personally; you're not growing in your destiny; you're not moving toward a destiny. And you just say, 'Well, that's all there is."
The Lord is really speaking this to me very strongly, even for retirees. The Lord has given you a time of positioning to a new level. You are not to be stagnant, saying, "I'm going to retire and just do anything I want." Now I know that may not seem like good news to some of you. But the Lord says, "I want you to be productive. I have made you to be productive. And if you're not productive, you're gonna go down."
The Lord also shows me that this is even a higher season for little children. In past generations, not much was spiritually expected of children because they were just little kids. But the Lord says, "No, this is a higher season for children. It's a season of dreams and visions."
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The Lord shows me that there is an acceleration, like a rocket booster. If you will allow the Holy Spirit to come, God wants to accelerate you to a new thing; there'll be a divine acceleration underneath you to cause you to go to this higher season.
Father, I thank You in the name of Jesus that we're not going to go backwards in our lives; we're not going to reach a point of stagnation where we don't advance because God has called us to advance. I pray for those who are in that place, even feeling discontent and saying, "But, Lord, if You would just show me what to do, I would do something."
The Lord says, "If you will take one step, if you'll volunteer, or take one step, and just do something in your life, I'm going to give you two steps and three steps and four steps."
I know some of you would say, "Well, that's not where I've been. That's not the height of the position where I've been or what I can do." But the Lord says, "This is a season where I would cause My people to volunteer in the day of power. If some of you will do that, look around. I'm going to take you to a higher season. When I come, I will say, 'Did you reach the higher season, or were you just content with a good life or the acceptable life, but not the perfect life in Me?' So reach out, because I want to give you the perfect life and a new season, a higher season."
God bless you. 

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
This article originally appeared at