Showing posts with label Sanhedrin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanhedrin. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

Government Announces ‘Majority of Jews in Israel’ Sanhedrin Responds ‘Time for Jubilee’ - Breaking Israel News

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Government Announces ‘Majority of Jews in Israel’ Sanhedrin Responds ‘Time for Jubilee’

With Messianic importance Israeli government announces Israel is home to the world's largest Jewish community, taking over from the United States

Tiny Israel's Light Dispels Great Global Darkness

Israel ranks 8th out of 25 most powerful countries in the world

WATCH: Inspiring Harmony in Humanity

Koolulam invited 1,000 people who had never met before to a special event at the Tower of David in Jerusalem, to sing one song, in three languages and in three-part vocal harmony

ICYMI - Something is Shaking: Four Galilee Earthquakes in One Day

A mystic predicted that major earthquakes in Israel would precede the War of Gog and Magog

How Sun Tzu Might Approach US Nuclear Strategy

By Louis Rene Beres
Sun Tzu’s The Art of War should be studied by US President Donald Trump’s senior military advisors
By Michael Freund
By Daniel Greenfield
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Friday, December 22, 2017

Sanhedrin Declares: UN Vote Is Nations Choosing Blessing or Curse - Breaking Israel News

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Dec. 22, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Sanhedrin Declares: UN Vote Is Nations Choosing Blessing or Curse

South Africa Downgrades its Israel Embassy

WATCH: Jewish Youth Group Lights Menorah at Terror Attack Sites

ICYMI: Fossilized Antarctic Forest Stumps Scientists But Fuels Bible Flood Theories

The International Community and the
Liberal Media

By Caroline Glick
It should be an embarrassment to the New York Times and its colleagues that they have refused to report why Haley and Trump are demonstrably right to stand alone and why Obama was catastrophically wrong to believe that the US should stand with the “international community” against itself.
By Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
By Daniel Pipes
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Monday, October 16, 2017

Jewish, Christian Leaders Unite to Praise Senate’s Sanctions on Hezbollah - Breaking Israel News

Mass Murderer Wasn’t Muslim? What a Relief!
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Oct. 16, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Jewish, Christian Leaders Unite to Praise Senate’s Sanctions on Hezbollah

Artificial Intelligence Shaping IDF in Ways
Never Imagined

The Power of a Name

Judaism believes that one's name has an influence on their destiny as can be seen when God changed Avram's name to Avraham. In Hebrew, 'Av Ram' means father of Aram. Avram was born in the city of Aram Naharayim. His original name indicated that although he was a spiritual and intellectual giant, his leadership would be limited to those living within close proximity to him. When God added the  ה (hey) to Avram's name, his name became Avraham meaning "father of a multitude of nations." At this point in Avraham's life it became clear that his mission was not just to influence the people around him in Aram Naharayim, but to become a universal leader and to propagate the concept of monotheism around the world. According to God, a name is more than a series of letters. It holds deep meaning and spiritual powers.
Discover your biblical name! »

WATCH: Baroness Stands Proudly Behind Balfour in Powerful Speech

ICYMI: Sanhedrin Performs Temple Blowing of Shofars, Silver Trumpets for Jubilee

Trump’s ‘Calm Before the Storm’ Is a Message to North Korea and Iran

By Alan Dershowitz
North Korea and Iran are taking the measure of President Trump to see how far they can push him and how much they can get away with.
Mass Murderer Wasn’t Muslim? What a Relief!
By Ben-Dror Yemini
By Ronn Torossian
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