Prophecy: A 'Severe Pruning' of Prophetic Gifts Has Begun
I saw the body of Christ plowing with great difficulty in the field of labor. Finally our plow seemed to hit a stump in the field, and we couldn't go any further. With all our efforts and praying, this stump remained unmovable and steadfast. Our hearts were broken, for we knew God had placed us here to plow in this great field of harvest.
But this "stump" in the field was stopping us.
You Have Hit Treasure
I then heard the Lord say, "You have hit treasure! This is no ordinary stump of an ordinary tree. You have just hit the base of the tree of Calvary. It's the cross growing in your field! You must not, I repeat, you must not remove it. It is growing in your field to remove you out of the way from hindering My harvest. Your will have to embrace this cross and die before I can release resurrection power into your field of labor."
As we beheld the cross growing in our field, we began to experience a severe pruning in our spiritual giftings, especially in the area of the prophetic. He was cutting and pruning us back to bring forth a surer word. He was adjusting our gifts, callings and ministries to bring forth the fruit of servanthood in our lives. I heard the Lord say, "Your giftings are showing more than your fruit. You are embarrassing Me!"
There Are Times You Don't Prophesy
I then remembered right before the cross—they beat on Jesus and cried out to Him, "Prophesy to us!" But He didn't. There are times you don't prophesy—you just show others how to die: to self, giftings and plans.
As we embrace the cross, death and surrender will bring forth fruit that will remain to bring in the harvest. In fact, fruit is the harvest; it will bring it in. In Italy, they have discovered that grape vines produce more fruit when grown on cross-like poles. They get more sunshine and fresh air.
Spread Out Your Arms; You Are at the Cross
Many are spiritually "stumped" in their lives, families and ministries this hour. They feel they are at a crossroads and are looking for a fresh word from heaven to tell them what to do. Many are asking, "Lord, should I go this way or that way?" But I sense the Lord saying, "Go this way: Spread out your arms.
You are not at a crossroads; you are at the cross!"
Have you been betrayed? You are nearing your cross.
Have you been rejected? You are getting closer.
Don't run now. If you miss your crucifixion—you will miss your resurrection!. 

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, where he is now an elder, and a home missionary for the past 40 years. He faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope Inc. for 23 years and now travels full-time, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. He is currently an adviser at large for Aglow International. Bill has authored several prophetic books. His latest book is: The Power of Real / Transparent Prophetic Encouragement. His prophetic email list is: Visit Bill's website at