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Deaf America's Got Talent Star Sings 'It Is Well'In AMAZING Worship Performance
Mandy Harvey is a remarkable young woman. She was rendered deaf at the age of 18 due to a connective tissue disorder. But Mandy is... |
 | | Congressman At Shooting: "God Raised Up Two Agents And Put A Hedge Of Protection Around Us" As Washington D.C. begins to recover from the terrible shooting that rocked Congress on Wednesday morning, on Republican witne... |
 | | Pastor Sells His Dad's $1.2 Million Church To Himself For Just ONE Dollar A Connecticut pastor is coming under fire for allegedly selling himself his Dad's $1.2 million Church property for just one dollar, reports ... |
 | | Russell Moore: "The Arc Of The Moral Universe Is Long And It Bends Toward Jesus" The President of the Southern Baptists Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has strongly condemned white supremacy and rac... |
 | | 4 Reasons I'm Convinced We're On The Verge Of The Next Great Awakening I have been a student of sweeping revivals and massive spiritual awakenings since I was in elementary school. Maybe it was how the Gospel... |
 | | Released Christian Otto Warmbier Suffered Severe Loss of Brain Tissue in N. Korea Doctors assessing former North Korea captive Otto Warmbier have said that the 22-year-old Christian has lost brain tissue since it emerg... |
 | | Nabeel Qureshi Receiving Groundbreaking New Treatment For Terminal Cancer - PRAY! Evangelist, author and teacher Nabeel Qureshi is to receive a new type of treatment for his stage 4 stomach cancer after radiotherapy... |
 | | Todd White: "Jesus Still Does Miracles! We Must Get On Page With The Holy Ghost" Leading evangelist and preacher Todd White has been in Israel for the recent 'Jerusalem Encounter' conference. He has posted various... |
 | | Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. Sentenced To Probation For Drunk Driving Offense Reformed theologian, speaker and author Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. has accepted a plea agreement relating to his November drunk driving ar... |
 | | Little Church At Heart Of London Relief Efforts Following Deadly Apartment Fire Amidst the tragedy and rising death toll of the Greenfell Tower fire in London, one small parish Church has become the centre of re... |
 | | Hundreds Flock To Hear The Gospel At 'Jerusalem Encounter' Israel Conference Over a thousand people from six different continents are in Israel this week, pursuing the Lord and hearing teaching from leading evangelist... |
 | | The Heartbreaking Final Words Of London Fire Victim: "Please Pray For Me" As the London fire death toll continues to rise, heartbreaking stories have emerged detailing the final moments of life as fire and smoke en... |
 | | Christian Congressman Steve Scalise Still In Critical Condition, Requires Another Surgery Steve Scalise, the congressman who was shot during a GOP baseball practice yesterday is still in critical condition and will require further... |
 | | 6 Truths To Remind You What Christianity Is ALL About As Christians, it easy to forget the very foundations of our faith. We have heard GOOD NEWS, and we have responded in faith, trustin... |
 | | Southern Baptist Convention Declares It Will Never Stop Fighting Against Abortion The Southern Baptist Convention has re-asserted its commitment to eradicating abortion in America. Ethics & Religious Liberty... |
 | | Pastor Refuses To Quit Pro-Life Protest Outside Clinic Despite Breaking The Law Local pastor and pro-life advocate Joseph Spurgeon has refused local authority orders to stay behind a "buffer zone" that separates an... |
 | | God Doesn't Care About Your Achievements, He Just Wants Your HEART When it comes to our achievements, we can often feel as if they harbor some sort of weight in the Kingdom of God. Well, they really do... |
 | | Ireland's First Openly Gay, Pro-Abortion Prime Minister Enters Office Ireland's first openly gay Prime Minister has taken office, and vowed to bring a progressive social agenda with him. Leo Varadkar is... |
 | | Pentecost And The Presence And Power Of The Holy Spirit I doubt if many of you have ever heard the name Octavius Winslow. He was a Baptist pastor in England in the 19th century (d. 1878), a... |
 | | K.P. Yohannan: Overcoming Criticism In The Body Of Christ Criticism is a great danger in the Church in our day where many are even thinking they are doing God a favour by being critical against o... |
 | | Thoughts On Talking To Your Kids About Tragedy It happened again this week, a senseless act of violence that killed multiple people and injured many more. These tragedies seem to happen... |