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The Muslim professor who asserted that Jesus Christ was not crucified has resigned from her position at Rollins College. Student Marshall... |
 | | Katy Perry Opens Up About Her Christian Upbringing
Megastar singer Katy Perry has opened up about her Christian upbringing in an interview with Vogue. She was brought up by evangelica... |
 | | 3 Key Characters From The Easter Story We Must NOT Forget
When it comes to the Easter story, we all know of the main figures. The disciples, Pontious pilate, and of course Jesus himself. Bu... |
 | | Pastor Mentored By T.D. Jakes Has Affair With His "Spiritual Daughter"
A popular pastor and mentee of famed Bishop T.D. Jakes had an extra-marital affair with his "spiritual daughter" according to CBN.&nb... |
 | | Easter Is Not About Chocolate Eggs, It's All About The Glorious Work Of The Cross
Well, Easter has rolled around once again. I love this time of year. Coinciding with the season of spring, it marks new dawn, new life, an... |
 | | Korean Pastor Sues American Airlines For Racism, Claims White People Allowed On Instead Of Him
It has not been a good week for the United Airlines PR department, after a passenger was dragged off a flight, sustaining injuries - all of... |
 | | Ravi Zacharias: "Without The Cross, History Itself Cannot Be Corrected"
Ravi Zacharias, one of the most recognizable apologists and preachers of our time, as written a truly amazing Facebook post about the... |
 | | Rick Warren: "Forgiveness Is NOT Cheap. It Cost Jesus Christ his life."
Pastor Rick Warren has reminded us that whilst Jesus freely offers us forgiveness of our sins, it was certainly not free. In fact, it cost H... |
 | | Supermarket Apologizes For Insensitive Good Friday Advert For 'Cheap Alcohol'
Supermarket giant Tesco has been forced to apologize after posting what many Christians are calling an insensitive and tasteless advert fo... |
 | | Did Jesus Really Mean What He Said About Divorce?
Occasionally people will ask me whether or not I think God hates divorced people, usually former Catholics.Thousands of years ago God said... |
 | | John Piper: 'Jesus Died To Repair The Injury We Had Done To The Glory Of God'
When we think about Good Friday, we think about the crucifixion, when Jesus died to take away our sins. If you have grown up in the... |
 | | Trump Gives Pro-Lifers Easter Gift By Taking Tax Dollars Away From Planned Parenthood
President Donald Trump has delivered a previous Easter gift to pro-life Americans by diverting tax dollars away from Planned Parenthood,... |
 | | Pastor Says Church Leader Who Has Gay Kids Should Resign And Repent
In a series of shocking remarks, a pastor from Colorado has said that any Church leader who's children come out as gay should resign fro... |
 | | Tomb Of Christ Opens After A Year Of Painstaking Renovations
The tomb of Jesus Christ has re-opened after a year of renovations, ahead of the Christian celebration of Easter. It is the tomb that J... |
 | | Tim Keller Just Summed Up The Meaning Of Maundy Thursday In One Brilliant Sentence
Today is Maundy Thursday, which commemorates the last supper of Jesus and his disciples before he was seized and taken to be crucified.... |
 | | Alabama Governor And Former Baptist Deacon Resigns Amid Affair Scandal
Alabama governor Robert Bentley has resigned after over a year of scandal that has irrevocably damaged his career. A former deacon in... |
 | | US Coptics Pray And Raise Money for Victims Of Egypt Church Bombings
The Coptic community in the United States is gathering together to help their brothers and sisters in Egypt following the horrific Church... |
 | | Ex-Youth Pastor Jailed For 80 Years For Raping Two Teen Girls
A former youth pastor from Arkansas has been sentenced to an 80-year jail term for raping two teenage girls. An eight-man, four... |
 | | The Two Greatest Words In The Bible
There is a lot of bad news contained in the first three verses of Ephesians 2: We were spiritually dead, children of wrath, even followers... |
 | | Five Indian Churches Targeted With Brutal Beatings And Raids On PalmSunday
Egypt hit the headlines on Sunday when ISIS bombed out a Church north of Cairo. But the Christian community in India has its own... |