Huckabee: If We're Tearing Down Offensive Things, Why Not Abortion Clinics?
Following the fallout of the violence from Charlottesville, many public figures have shared their thoughts about Confederate monuments, though Mike Huckabee's statements took them further.
If Confederate monuments are offensive, so are abortion clinics, Huckabee said.
In an August 17 interview with Fox News, Huckabee expressed his view that state and local communities ought to decide the fate of monuments that might be considered offensive. There can be a slippery slope, however.
When it comes to such monuments, such as those of Confederate soldiers, Huckabee also highlighted the opportunity of learning about "heinous" aspects of American history. "There's something to be said for looking at our history—the good, the bad and the ugly—and being reminded of that which we never want to repeat again," he offered.
Huckabee echoed President Donald Trump's question of asking when it ends with removing statues of figures someone vocally finds offensive. "Where does it stop?" he asked. President Trump tweeted about the potential fallout, resulting in the removal of monuments commemorating Founding Fathers, including Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
The statements from Huckabee not only continued this connection, but also took aim at "anarchists" who have taken it upon themselves to take down statues:
Anarchists go and just tear down the statues because they are impatient with politicians doing it. That is not—that is not acceptable behavior; it is vandalism, it is anarchy, and it would be like me saying 'I don't like abortion clinics, so I'm going to go to tear them down because I find them offensive.'
Huckabee is not known for being shy about his pro-life positions. He has, however, followed and worked within the confines of abortion law in the United States to support or sign into law pro-life legislation. Unlike anarchists, he has not sought to tear down abortion clinics merely because he finds them offensive.
While Confederate monuments may offer a glimpse into history, including that which should not be repeated, abortion clinics operate to perform abortions on unborn children, providing no such history lesson, at least not until abortion is eradicated.
Huckabee's statements have not gone unnoticed by abortion-supporting media outlets.
There does not appear to be a clear answer to Huckabee and the president's wondering of "Where does it stop?"
Several kinds of statues, some not even depicting political figures, have been targeted for removal and/or defacement. 

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