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We have a new number through Sept. 15 while in America: 805-422-6810.
Shalom dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
Praise the L-rd for the incredible times of ministry in Singapore - we're already praying about when we can return! The worship and message were well received, especially as I shared how when we made Aliyah, the L-rd asked me, "What do you know about the East?" "Nothing," I answered. So He said, "Then I'll give it to you." I hid this in my heart for years until after meeting Kenneth Khoo, the local director of Christians For Israel who invited us to Singapore last year.
The L-rd brought back the memory of what happened in Israel during the 2000-3 intifada, the terror uprising. I remember hearing that terrorists justified the intifada because then PM Ariel Sharon went up on the Temple Mount to pray - how malicious to murder Jews for this! A few years later I heard there was a new age festival in Israel where a speaker led 100's of Israelis in bowing down and worshipping the gods of the East. Shortly afterward, the intifada began! We believe this is the reason it began because our G-d is a jealous G-d and He will not share His glory with any others!
So the message for the believers in Singapore was to lead them in a proclamation to help break the curses over Israel and the East by saying, "The gods of the East are no gods at all. The G-d of Israel is the One true G-d. Worship Him alone!" The response was incredible! Many first generationAsian believers, whose parents had built pagan temples and even dedicated their children to idols, renounced these false gods without hesitation! Praise G-d for these many testimonies and the blood of the Lamb, where by we overcome the evil one!
Before we left on this journey some difficult things happened to our family and almost caused us to cancel our trip. Without going into details we thank you all for your love and prayers for healing, restoration, justice and salvation for our family.
"They overcame the enemy by of the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony" Rev 12:11
Before we left Israel to begin our journey, I needed to hitchhike into Tiberias. An Orthodox Jewish man kindly picked me up and began speaking to me about Torah. I'm sure he assumed that I was a secular Jew whom he felt he needed to educate, but when I told him that I read the Parashat ha Shavuah every week, we had a delightful conversation about the weekly Torah portion!
Then he spoke of the increase in ungodliness such as the gay agenda, abortions, etc. I was in complete agreement with him on bemoaning the prevailing spirit of rebellion in the world today and said that if only our nation would turn to our G-d, Elohai Yisrael, and cry out to Him with all our hearts and follow His Word, we would see His deliverance. This gentle haredi man wholeheartedly agreed with me on this. Then he said that it doesn't matter to him if a Jew is haredi like himself or secular (like me, he assumed). He said all Orthodox, Conservative and even Reform Jews need to make Aliyah and live as one in the Land of Israel.
Then he did something I've never seen before - he repented before me for the way the Orthodox Jews have treated the secular - wow! I was so surprised by his humility and I figured that since he was in the mood to repent, I'd give him something else to repent about, so I asked him, "And what about the meshikhim (Jewish believers) who are also Jews and have the right to live in the Land with respect?" He looked at me with surprise and when I smiled at him, he realized that I was "one of those"! But he shrugged his shoulders and made one of those classic Israeli facial and hand expressions that declares, "You're right - why not?!"
The kindness of G-d leads us to repentance. Romans 2:4b
Please come to our home this fall for worship and Israeli folk dancing then hear how the Spirit of G-d is moving in the Land! Then enjoy dinner up on our balcony with a magnificent view of the Kineret (Sea of Galilee), Golan and Jordan Valley!
Enjoy! Download lead sheets here.
Thank you for your faithful prayers as we journey along the southern borders of America through Sept. 16. Our website Schedule is updated so please check if we're in your area and come join us!
We truly thank you for your love, prayers and support as we share the love of Messiah wherever He sends us!
Abundant blessings in Yeshua's love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada: First Century Foundations * Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001
I was trying to learn how to say, "How are you?" in Chinese but I must have said something else...