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If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is thinking of striking a deal with Russia regarding the future of Syria, he'd better think again, cautioned a senior US senator.
As Netanyahu was meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tweeted, "To our friends in Israel — be very careful making agreements with Russia re Syria that affect U.S. interests. I don’t trust Russia to police Iran or anyone else in Syria. U.S. must maintain presence in Syria to ensure ISIS doesn’t come back and to counter Russia/Iran influence."
To our friends in Israel – be very careful making agreements with Russia re Syria that affect U.S. interests.
I don’t trust Russia to police Iran or anyone else in Syria. U.S. must maintain presence in Syria to ensure ISIS doesn’t come back and to counter Russia/Iran influence.
Netanyahu reportedly insisted in his first sit-down with Putin that Iranian forces in Syria be evacuated following the country's civil war. Putin replied that such a demand was unrealistic, leading some to fear that Netanyahu would agree to some kind of arrangement under which Russia promised to keep said Iranian forces in check, while allowing them to remain deployed within striking distance of Israel.
Graham seemed to concur with Putin's assessment that the Iranians can't be easily removed at this point, and instead wants to see a strong US military presence in Syria, too.
That position is shared by most US lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, many of whom are now concerned that when President Donald Trump meets with Putin early next week, he might make some kind of deal that leaves Syria in the hands of the Russians, and their Iranian allies.
In Israel, this is all being viewed as a recipe for war.
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Posted: 03 Jul 2017 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG
Nearly six years ago, my wife Meranda and I moved up to north Idaho in search of a better life. We believed that it would be a place where we could work hard, raise a family and pursue our dreams without constantly having to deal with the long arm of big government interfering in our lives. But of course big government is everywhere, and we have come to realize that if we do not stand up and fight for our way of life, someday it will be gone completely.
Today, the liberal elite dominate almost every aspect of our society. Their enormous media corporations control more than 90 percent of the news and entertainment that we watch on our televisions, their dominance of the legal system has resulted in the legalization of abortion and gay marriage, and their relentless grip on public education means that an entire generation of young Americans is being indoctrinated in their ways.
And of course for decades the liberal elite have been accustomed to pulling the strings in both major political parties. Many had believed that it would be impossible for us to ever take our government back, but the election of Donald Trump showed us that anything is possible if we will just work together.
Today, our Republic is hanging by a thread. If our founders had not stood up and fought for their way of life, the United States of America would not exist today, and if we do not stand up and fight for our way of life now, there will be nothing to pass on to our children and our grandchildren.
There are many that believe that America is too far gone, and so they are content to sit back and wait for everything to fall apart.
But that is not my choice.
I choose to fight for America.
So today, on the 241st anniversary of our Independence Day, I am publicly announcing that I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district.
I have been called an “anti-politician” because I am not just another career politician looking for a job. If I am sent to Washington, I plan to turn the tables over, dismantle the big government institutions that the liberal elite have constructed, and fight to restore our Republic.
If you are not familiar with me or my work, the following are 16 ways that I will be different from a typical Republican politician…
#1 Most Republican politicians tend to protect one another, but one of my campaign slogans is “Every RINO Needs To Go“. We will never turn this nation in a positive direction until we clean up our own party first. At this point Congress has an approval rating of about 16 percent, and it is time to flush the toilet.
#2 For decades Republicans have been using the Pro-Life label to get our votes and then betraying our values once they get into office. If I am elected, I will use the full power of my office to go to war with Planned Parenthood. I will NEVER vote for any bill, no matter what it says, if it includes even a single penny of funding for Planned Parenthood, and I will actively work to defeat any Republican politician that will not make the same pledge. But I won’t be satisfied once Planned Parenthood is defunded. My goal is to completely destroy Planned Parenthood as an organization, and I will greatly rejoice when the final Planned Parenthood clinic in America is finally shut down for good.
#3 I believe that every American citizen has a constitutional right to carry a gun, and I believe that government agencies that have been used to relentlessly harass gun owners such as the BATFE need to be shut down permanently.
#4 Many Republican politicians want to lower tax rates, but like Ron Paul I want to abolish the income tax and the IRS completely. We didn’t have an income tax from 1872 to 1913, and that was the greatest period of economic growth in U.S. history.
#5 Another thing that I have in common with Ron Paul is that I want to abolish the Federal Reserve. Since the Fed was created in 1913, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by about 98 percent and the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger. The Fed is at the very heart of our debt-based financial system, and abolishing it is one of the keys to a bright economic future for America.
#6 I want to get the federal government off of the backs of our farmers, our loggers, our miners and our ranchers. And so that is just one of many reasons why I want to abolish the EPA.
#7 I believe that we need to get the federal government out of the education business. I would abolish Common Core and the U.S. Department of Education, and I would return full control over education to the state level.
#8 I believe that it is time to “shut down Big Brother”. The NSA has been conducting unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens for decades, and that needs to stop now.
#9 In his budget, President Trump proposed shutting down more than 60 different government programs and agencies. I say that is a good start. Instead of asking which government agencies we should close, we should be asking which government agencies should remain open.
#10 I am for a 100% repeal of Obamacare, and I believe that it is a disgrace to our party that half a year has passed and one of the worst pieces of legislation in the history of our nation still has not been repealed.
#11 I want to help Donald Trump build a wall on the southern border, and I believe that the Republicans in Congress that are trying to block the wall need to be held accountable by the voters.
#12 If I am elected, I will push for legislation that would give local communities all over America the option to say no to refugees. The federal government should not have the right to force us to take Islamic refugees against our will, and the sexual assault of that precious little five-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho by three Islamic refugees is just the tip of the iceberg of what will happen if changes are not made.
#13 I don’t care if it’s not politically correct – I will never be afraid to use the phrase “Islamic terrorism”. The number of terror attacks keeps rising with each passing year, and those that don’t realize that we are in a war are in a complete state of denial.
#14 When Barack Obama entered the White House the national debt was just 10.6 trillion dollars. When we gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives, the national debt was just over 14 trillion dollars. Now it is close to 20 trillion dollars and we continue to steal more than 100 million dollars from our children and our grandchildren every single hour of every single day. In a just society, those responsible for getting us into so much debt would be put in prison.
#15 Today, the federal government controls more than 60 percent of all Idaho land. If I am elected, this is what my message to the feds will be: “Hand over the keys and get out of Idaho”.
#16 Unlike most politicians, I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian. This nation was founded by Bible-believing Christians, and the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were birthed out of the values and principles found in the Word of God. If we truly want to make America great again, we need to return to those values and principles.
Every generation of Americans has had to fight for liberty and freedom, and now it is our turn.
This is our time.
This is our second American revolution.
This revolution won’t be fought with guns and bullets. Rather, it will be a revolution of ideas, values and principles.
We can take our country back, but we have to be willing to work together. I am asking you to join us, because we are in a battle for the soul of our nation, and it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.
If you would like to learn more about what I am trying to do, you can visit my official campaign website or my official campaign Facebook page. Ultimately this is not about winning one election or getting a certain candidate into office. Rather, this is about a movement to save our country. My hope is that what I am doing will inspire many others to do the same thing.
2018 may be the most critical mid-term elections in our history, and we need good men and women to run for office all over the nation. Individually, we can only accomplish so much, but together we can make a world of difference.
Posted: 14 Jun 2017 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG
What in the world did the left think would happen? When Kathy Griffin posed for a photo with “Trump’s bloody head”, that sent a message. And the twisted version of “Julius Caesar” that is currently being put on by a New York theater group in which a character meant to closely resemble Donald Trump is brutally assassinated sends a message.
At any time of the day, you can find leftist radicals openly discussing violence against Trump and Republicans on Facebook and Twitter, and groups like Antifa have been employing extremely violent tactics ever since the Inauguration.
So it is not much of a surprise that a huge Bernie Sanders supporter decided that it would be a good idea to try to mow down Republican members of Congress as they were practicing for an upcoming charity baseball game on Wednesday. 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson was simply the product of a political movement that is absolutely seething with hate.
This is not a game. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot in the hip, and four others were injured. You can see some footage of Scalise being taken to an ambulance here. When Hodgkinson arrived at the practice field, he specifically asked which party was using the practice field at that moment…
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an “odd” encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: “There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd,” DeSantis told Fox News.
According to news reports, Hodgkinson fired dozens of shots. This wasn’t a case of targeting a particular individual. Rather, it was obvious that he intended to kill as many Republicans as he possibly could.
But instead of showing remorse, many on the radical left were actually celebrating the shootings on Twitter. And there were even some that were disappointed that it wasn’t Trump that had been shot.
I hate to say this, but it is likely that this is just the beginning of the violence by the radical left.
So what would make a 66-year-old man suddenly snap like this?
His Facebook page has now been taken down, but when it was up Hodgkinson had an enormous photo of Bernie Sanders as his banner image. And it turns out that he was a huge fan of Rachel Maddow…
So, where did Hodgkinson draw inspiration for his “progressive” political beliefs? Well, according to a letter to the editor published in the “Belleville News-Democrat” in July 2012, Hodgkinson’s favorite TV show was MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show.”
What you consistently feed your mind determines what you eventually become, and this case is a perfect example. On Facebook, Hodgkinson regularly shared his hate-filled beliefs…
In a March 22 Facebook post, Hodgkinson, who turned his ire against Trump, who he described as a “traitor.”
“Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy,” he said. “It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”
In a post earlier this week, the suspect highlighted a campaign calling for the president’s impeachment.
“Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason,” Hodgkinson wrote.
▪ “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans” ▪ “Donald Trump is not my President” ▪ “President Bernie Sanders” ▪ “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump” ▪ “Boycott the Republican Party” ▪ “Expose Republican Fraud” ▪ “Terminate the Republican Party”
The hate-filled ideology of the left is intellectually and morally bankrupt, and the only thing all of this violence is going to do is to drive the American people away from their cause.
I must say that I agreed with U.S. Representative Steve King 100 percent when he told reporters that “violence is appearing in the streets”, and that it is “coming from the left”…
“America has been divided,” said Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who, in suit and tie, stopped by the crime scene to pray and was viscerally angry about his colleagues being attacked. “And the center of America is disappearing, and the violence is appearing in the streets, and it’s coming from the left.”
And of course there has been a pattern of violence against Republican lawmakers in recent months. The following compilation comes from Natural News…
Last month, as noted by The Daily Caller, GOP Rep. Tom Garrett’s town halls were replete with heavy security and police presence after he and his family were repeatedly threatened with death. “This is how we’re going to kill your wife,” some disgusting coward wrote, Garrett told Politico.
Also last month, Tennessee police arrested and charged a 35-year-old woman, Wendi Wright, with felonious reckless endangerment after she allegedly attempted to run GOP Rep. David Kustoff off the road following a raucous town hall event featuring the Republican health care legislation.
That same day, North Dakota police escorted a man out of a town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Kevin Cramer after a man became physical with him, shoving a fistful of dollars into Cramer’s shirt collar.
I almost didn’t want my wife to see what happened in Alexandria this morning, because I am very, very strongly considering running for Congress here in Idaho.
I couldn’t help but think that it could have been me out on that baseball field.
It would be naive to think that more Republican lawmakers won’t be targeted. Just like radical Islam, the radical left in this country will never be satisfied until they completely eradicate our way of life. The radical left uses tools such as threats, violence and intimidation because they simply do not have the ammunition to win in the marketplace of ideas. And so anyone that tries to stand up to them will become a potential target.
But if we just sit back and do nothing, they will win by default.
In the end, Hodgkinson and others like him will fail. Because every time they strike us, all they are doing is waking up a sleeping giant called “the American people”. We will not bend, we will not bow, and we will not break, and no matter how violent they become our resolve will not waver.
Every since the very beginning of our nation Americans have had to stand up against tyranny, and we aren’t going to back down now.
Speaker Ryan, a Roman Catholic, is a passionate disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. He is surrounding himself with godly spiritual pastors. (REUTERS/Mike Segar)
What CNN and Fox Won't Tell You About the Move of God
You won't hear this reported on CNN or Fox News because news programs sell spin and controversy. Good news won't raise ratings.
You won't hear this from America's pulpits because America's churches are in a state of separation. Her pastors have abdicated their biblical civic responsibilities to secular politicians in exchange for 30 pieces of tax-exempt silver.
Most pastors and church-goers can't name their representative or senators, much less pray for them daily or name one piece of legislation they're working on. Nor do they know that most likely the lawmakers sleep on their office couches because they can't afford to rent an apartment in the nation's most expensive city.
It upsets me when I hear all the doom-and-gloom "prophetic words" about how Congress is nothing but a bunch of crooks. Most of these spiritual giant slayers have never stepped a foot into the Capitol or visited their congressman. They have no clue of what God is doing in their government or that God has big future plans for it. Their opinions are shaped more from media spin and propaganda than a biblical worldview of God's end-times agenda for governance.
Do I believe America is in a period of judgement? Yes! Most definitely. God has given us over to our selfish desires. Yet the biblical pattern for national revival is almost always preceded by a time of judgment. "The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
Psalm 72:16 and Micah 4:1-3, clearly state that in "the last days" God will take a remnant of believers (wheat) and plant them in the tops of world governments (tops of the mountains) and build "the house of the Lord," beginning in the top levels of the world's governments. The resulting consequences of God's moving in world governments would then shake the earth with revival. "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the house of the Lord."
I can confirm that this is beginning to happen in Washington, D.C., London, Ukraine, Poland, Moscow and several nations in Africa.
Add to this, when the "last trumpet" in Revelation sounds, "the kingdoms of this world" (governments) become the governments of the Lord Jesus Christ and He will rule them forever with His glorious church (Rev. 11:15-19). So much for "separation of church and state."
Almost always, following these periods of captivity and judgment were times of transition to revival. These times of transitions were times of national repentance followed by "times of refreshing" or the latter rain.
So could America be in one of these transitional times of repentance where our national sins are being exposed? Are the wheat and tares being exposed before a time to shine like the sun in righteousness?
How can a nation, which for years has been praying for revival, actually "turn from your wicked ways" until those wicked ways are openly exposed for all to see? Could this be what we are witnessing now in America—unprecedented exposure of corruption at every level of society and government—so God can heal us? So we know what to repent of?
If so, now is the time for the prophets to come forth and prophesy to the nation. Now is the time for the preachers to preach repentance and godly holiness to the church—to make herself ready to enter the kingdom.
Is God through with America yet? I don't believe so. I think America's greatest days may be just around the corner. I believe we're in the first dawning hours of another Great Awakening.
In fact, I believe God has been silently, behind the scenes, answering our 2 Chronicles 7:14 prayers for some time now, not at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (the White House) but at First Street and East Capitol Street, in the heart of the U.S. Capitol with the 114th Congress.
Did you know, for the past two years, weekly Christian worship services for members of Congress and staff, called the Jefferson Gathering, are being held in the Capitol building after an absence of 144 years? More than 150 members have attended on a regular basis. Several people have given their lives to Christ.
Did you know there are more "passionate followers of Jesus Christ" (I prefer this to the overused sometime meaningless term, "Christian") in the 114th Congress than at any time since President Calvin Coolidge? There are. We are working with close to 200 sincere followers of the Lord in the House and Senate.
Did you know, on occasions, as many as 90 pastors will be praying together in the Capitol Rotunda while the House of Representatives is debating controversial freedom of religion amendments on the House floor? Did you know that, on most Wednesday evenings, prayer for America is happening in the Rotunda? It is!
Have you heard? Beginning on Sunday, Sept. 4, three Christian worship services will begin in the Ways and Means Room in the Capitol building for all federal employees and Capitol Police. It's been 150 years since regular Sunday church services were held in the U.S. Capitol. This is big news!
How did this all begin to happen? America has been praying, that's how! And God is right now in the process of answering those prayers by raising up godly men and women in Congress, the most important branch of government.
Let me share our personal first-hand experiences of being a small part of what God is doing in Congress. I know there are other great ministries on the Hill reaching out to Congress in very influential ways, and we thank God for their work. But I can only share with you about what JoAnn and I are doing.
Though we may never agree totally with everyone's politics, let me tell you why I'm thankful that Paul Ryan is speaker of the House and that he won his primary race. Speaker Ryan, a Roman Catholic, is a passionate disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. He is surrounding himself with godly spiritual pastors.
He said, "The only hope for America is a spiritual awakening. ... We must have spiritual solutions to our problems, or we're in for troubled times as a nation" (spoken to JoAnn and me alone in a private, 30-minute conversation). He asked that I help him invite pastors to the Capitol for spiritual advice. So far, we have had more than 200 pastors visit the Capitol, and we plan for many more for this fall.
Ryan makes meeting pastors a top priority in his busy schedule. JoAnn and I have an open working relationship with his staff. They told us that in six weeks' time, they had to turn down more than 500 invitations to various important events (I saw the print out sheets), "but he's doing the pastors briefings because he's passionate about it," a top staffer told us.
Speaker Ryan is an avid fan of historian David Barton. "I listen to him all the time, even in my car while driving," he said. Because of Barton's teachings, Speaker Ryan is very knowledgeable of the 1954 Johnson Amendment (putting political speech restrictions on pastors from their pulpits) and its devastating effects on our culture.
He understands "first causative principle"—that the 1954 Johnson Amendment eventually was responsible for prayer and Bible reading being taken out of schools in 1963, the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 and redefining of marriage in 2016—all because pastors were silenced from speaking out politically. That's why Speaker Ryan wants the Johnson Amendment repealed legislatively. He knows pastors being set free to preach again to the nation regarding these moral and political issues is a must to turn the nation around.
In early January at the Republican Retreat in Baltimore, Ryan and I began discussing how Congress could legislatively repeal it. Later, I spent one hour educating Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (chair of Republican Conference, whose husband is a pastor) and her entire senior staff on the Johnson Amendment toward the goal of repealing it.
Rep. Kevin Brady is chair of the Ways and Means Committee through which any legislation to repeal would have to come to the floor, and he is totally on board. Ryan directed me to Brady. Brady also gave me approval to hold three Sunday services (beginning Sept. 4) in the Ways and Means Committee room in the Capitol. Brady told me with a big smile on his face, "I'm thrilled you're having church in the Ways and Means Committee Room. Glad to let you use it."
So, long before Donald Trump said anything about repealing the Johnson Amendment, Speaker Ryan had been working on it. For the first time in 60 years, the opportunity to repeal the Johnson Amendment exists because of Ryan's leadership, spirituality and love of Jesus! Now we need a Republican president in the Oval Office to sign a repeal into law (which is more effective than just an executive order)!
Speaker Ryan has formed a committee of five members of Congress (to which I was invited to participate) to report to him on inviting pastors to the Capitol to have lunch with him and arrange congressional-clergy townhall meetings in the Cannon Caucus Room. We are planning our second one in November, and we'll form an email alert system so Speaker Ryan can contact pastors on how to inform their churches to pray for America.
This is unprecedented and historic! This is God answering our prayers.
In September, we'll be hosting four worship services weekly in the U.S. Capitol with Ryan's permission and blessing.
I know a lot of folks are critical of Speaker Ryan's policies, but how many know what I've just shared with you? I pray for Speaker Ryan daily. Do you? I know he wants what's best for America. Is he right on every issue? Who is?
But I am thankful God has him where he is. He is very open to the voice of the Lord. Pray that God will change his heart in those areas in which you don't agree with him.
Let me ask you this question: Which is more important for America: Repealing the TPP, building a wall at our border, balancing the budget, restoring jobs or experiencing a third Great Awakening? Without a spiritual awakening, America will still go to hell in a handbasket. We must have revival!
I'm thankful that the top four leaders of the Republican Party in Congress (Speaker Paul Ryan, Leader Kevin McCarthy, Whip Steve Scalise and Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers) know this and are doing what they can to see it happen. They know that, without it, America has no hope. These are the leaders America needs now.
America's political revivals have always followed spiritual awakenings. I am convinced the underpinnings for a third spiritual awakening are happening now, and the foundations for political renewal could be just ahead.
Keep praying, and keep voting. God is not finished with America yet.
Dan Cumminsis founding pastor of Bridlewood Church, Bullard, Texas, and originator of "Washington, A Man of Prayer."
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Speaking before a joint meeting of Congress, Pope Francis encouraged lawmakers to protect the family and to show compassion toward the poor and illegal immigrants, and to fight climate change.
In a speech that did not include a single reference to Jesus Christ, the Pope did honor Dorothy Day, a socialist who founded the Catholic Worker.
He also highlighted the work of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Thomas Merton, a Cistercian monk.
Francis called Dorothy Day "a servant of God," saying, "Her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed, were inspired by the Gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints."
Pope Francis has long used his papal pulpit to speak out for the environment and his speech today was no different. Katherine Hayhoe, an associate professor at Texas Tech University, has worked for years calling on the evangelical church to take climate change seriously. CBN's Charlene Aaron spoke with her by Skype about the pope's speech.
Addressing the illegal alien crisis on America's southern border, Francis admonished opponents of illegal immigration to "remember the Golden Rule."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Mt 7:12)," he said. "Let us seek for others the same possibilities which we seek for ourselves. Let us help others to grow, as we would like to be helped ourselves."
Francis encouraged the United States to abolish the death penalty.
"I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes," he said.
On his belief that climate change is a serious problem, the Pope said, "In Laudato Si', I call for a courageous and responsible effort to "redirect our steps" and to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human activity."
"I am convinced that we can make a difference and I have no doubt that the United States - and this Congress - have an important role to play," he said.
Pope Francis also offered a somewhat veiled message about gay marriage, which he opposes.
"I cannot hide my concern for the family, which is threatened, perhaps as never before, from within and without," Francis said. "Fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family. I can only reiterate the importance and, above all, the richness and the beauty of family life."
He did not directly mention abortion, a prominent issue in America now because of the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal.
After much anticipation that the Pope would use the speech as a chance to lecture Congress about inequality in America, he appeared to adopt a more conciliatory tone toward America's lawmakers, while still encouraging them to do more to promote social justice.