Showing posts with label US Embassy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Embassy. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

Trump, Hurricanes and Israel - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate

Trump, Hurricanes and Israel

Ron Cantor —  September 8, 2017 

One of my mentors often says he does not like armchair prophets. An armchair prophet is somebody who prophesies after the fact. What do I mean? It’s too easy to say after a tragedy that it was judgment from God. You’re far more credible if you prophesied before the tragedy that a judgement is coming if a certain country doesn’t do X, Y or Z.

But Why?

So it would be too easy right now to say God is judging America because of the Hurricanes. On the other hand, when two of the most horrific hurricanes in history come one after another, a country must fall on its face and ask God, “Why?” Harvey is set to be the costliest natural disaster in American history. Irma is heading for Miami as the strongest Hurricane ever coming from the Atlantic Ocean. We must ask the Lord, “Why?”
Is that not what they did in the Bible when judgment suddenly came—they asked the Lord, “Why?” Joshua did this when they lost the battle to Ai and 36 Israelite fighters died?

Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads. And Joshua said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord, why did you ever bring this people across the Jordan to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us? (Joshua 7:6-7)
The people of God are to be God’s voice to the world. We should be asking God “Why is this happening? Is it just weather? Or something more?”

Confusion in the White House

So let me share with you an experience I had a few weeks ago. It was just after Charlottesville, when the president made several comments regarding the protests there over a period of several days. One of the final comments, and maybe the most confusing and controversial, was when he said, there were “very fine people on both sides” protesting.
There were no fine people marching with the Nazis. Even if you showed up there to protest the removal of Confederate statues, you left the minute you saw people on your team with Nazi flags, making Nazi gestures and chanting Nazi slogans. The minute you realized that you were hanging out with white supremacist racists, you got out of there.
In fact, it seemed that all hell was breaking loose against the Trump administration. Massive leaks, firings, resignations, exposing of secret meetings, infighting, the Scaramocci tape, angry tweets, attacks coming from every side and miss steps on every side. I’ve never seen anything like it and I was not buying that it was only because of the media. (I understand the media is no friend of the president.)

I sensed from the Lord

One Wednesday August 16th, a day after the contentious news conference, I felt the news cycle sucking me back in to waste another two hours or so. I pulled away to seek the Lord. Burdened for America, I simply asked, “God, what is going on with the Trump administration?”
Instantly I sensed God impress something on my heart. I say I sensed and impressed because I want to submit it to you. The spoken voice of God is subjective (unlike the written Word of God). It is often like seeing through a glass darkly, to quote Paul. When the Lord speaks to me, it is rarely in sentences, but sudden bursts of knowledge. I simply know something I didn’t before.
And I sensed that he said something close to this, “I gave Donald Trump the opportunity for a slam dunk in Israel. I set him up for blessing. All he had to do was recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and announce the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem during his visit in May, marking 50 years of her reunification.” He was set up for blessing, but instead he chose two other things:
  • To make a massive arms deal with ultra-Islamic Saudi Arabia
  • To send his son-in-law to restart the forever failed and flawed and frankly unbiblical peace process. (Not that God does not want peace, but He doesn’t want us compromising with terrorists).
Neither of those things would have happened if he had recognized Jerusalem and moved the Embassy. Many prophetic voices have said that Trump was called to be a Cyrus, but, as I stated in a recent blog, Cyrus’ foremost achievement in regard to his calling, was to bless Israel.

What God did not Tell Me

Here is what God did not tell me. He didn’t tell me that hurricanes were coming. At the most, I sensed there was a spirit of confusion released on Trump’s team because he backtracked on Jerusalem. But you have to understand that if God set you up for blessing and you refuse, the opposite is a curse.

Does God Judge?

The fact is, judgement upon nations happened quite frequently in the Bible for the actions of their leaders (see Isaiah 10:5-34 about Assyria). Is the U.S. any different? If there is an earthquake in Damascus, 100 prophecy wonks don’t hesitate to call it judgment, but can God judge America?
God calls Israel the apple of his eye (Zech. 2:8) and has blessed America greatly for favoring her, but  inthe same passage He prophesies judgement on those who touch Israel. What if God called President Trump to do two specific things—things he passionately promised before he was elected—and he disobeys?

A Broken Heart

I recognize that when judgment does come on a nation or any other tragedy that people are hurt and lives are ruined. That should break our hearts. We should do everything to help them. But we must also recognize that the God of the Bible does at times bring judgment on nations.
At the very least, the people of God should be crying out for mercy, repenting of anything we can think of and asking God to hold back his hand. We should appeal to God like the prophets of the Old Testament did. Jeremiah wept and wept, begging God to refrain from judging Israel:
Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people. (Jer. 9:1)
But in the end, Israel’s sin was too great and God had to judge. There is no place for a theology where God never judges nations. But at the same time, the greatest form of intercession is like Moses, when he said, “But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” (Ex. 32:32)
There is no joy in judgment. Any prophet who is more excited that he prophesied correctly, than he is devastated over the judgement, does not have the heart of God. If God is judging America—and let’s be honest, weather doesn’t escape his eyes—then we must fall on our face and repent. If it is connected to President Trump’s backtracking on his Jerusalem promises, then we must pray he changes course.

Katrina and Gaza

Hurricane Katrina formed the very day that Israel, under pressure from President Bush (from his Roadmap to Peace), finished forcibly evacuating thousands of Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Even as these Jews were evacuated from their homes in their own country, thousands of Americans in the south also were evacuated from their cities and towns. President Bush’s mishandling of the event hunts him to this day.
Interestingly, meteorologists claimed that Katrina was small and insignificant. All the models predicted she would stay in the ocean. The aftermath was devastating.

Arafat and Tornados

In March of 1997 Elana and I were at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, DC. It was a gift from a couple I married. We noticed many, many Arabs. I asked what was going on and they said that President Clinton was rolling out the red carpet for Yasser Arafat that weekend. Our president welcomed a man to the White House with not only Israeli, but American, blood on his hands. That same weekend tornadoes ripped through the President’s home state of Arkansas killing 25 people. It should be noted that Clinton criticized Israel for building in East Jerusalem during his time with Arafat.
I could go on…


And even now, as I am writing in my Tel Aviv rental, I just stopped and heard this in the background on the news. The emir of Kuwait is standing next to President Trump saying:
With respect to the Palestinian question, we have praised the recent U.S. efforts to move the peaceful process, and we affirm the need to join efforts in order to reach a comprehensive and lasting solution to this problem on the basis of a two-state solution and in accordance with the international (inaudible) resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.
To be clear, the Arab Peace Initiative, means Israel returning to a 8-mile width and suicidal borders, giving East Jerusalem to Palestinians and Hamas terrorists. It is unbiblical. The President responded saying that he would give the “peace process” his best effort.
I humbly submit this to you and am praying for God to send Irma back into the ocean and spare America.  Please pray with me.
PS Whether or not these storms are judgment, we as believers need to express the love of God to those affected by them, through giving, praying and serving. We are Jesus on earth.
Watch video: Trump

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Congress Reaffirms: Jerusalem Belongs to Israel - Israel Today

Congress Reaffirms: Jerusalem Belongs to Israel

Tuesday, June 06, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
The US Senate on Monday voted 90-0 in favor of a resolution reaffirming that a united Jerusalem is and will forever remain Israel's capital city.
The vote was held to mark the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification under Israeli rule during the Six Day War in 1967.
The resolution called upon President Donald Trump to abide by a 1995 law stipulating that the US Embassy be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all sidestepped the law by citing national security. There remains hope in Israel that Trump will buck that trend.
In related news, US Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday again chastised the United Nations Human Rights Council for its obsession with criticizing Israel, even as genuine human rights crises elsewhere go unmentioned.
"It is essential that this council address its chronic anti-Israel bias if it wants to maintain its credibility," Haley insisted.
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Friday, June 2, 2017

Trump Won't Move US Embassy to Jerusalem, but He Did Make This Promise - CBN News Benjamin Gill,Tzippe Barrow

Trump Won't Move US Embassy to Jerusalem, but He Did Make This Promise

06-01-2017 CBN News Benjamin Gill,
JERUSALEM, Israel – President Donald Trump decided today he will not be moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
During his campaign, Trump promised to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, thrilling Israelis and many pro-Israel Christian voters. But the White House says he can't do it just yet.
CBN's docudrama on this 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War, "In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem" returns to theaters tonight after debuting to sold-out theaters. Click here to find a theater in your area.
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets
"No one should consider this step to be in any way a retreat from the President's strong support for Israel and for the United States-Israel alliance," the White House said in a statement.
The statement makes clear the president made the decision because he intends to push ahead with plans for peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
"President Trump made this decision to maximize the chances of successfully negotiating a deal between Israel and the Palestinians, fulfilling his solemn obligation to defend America's national security interests," the statement said.
"But, as he has repeatedly stated his intention to move the embassy, the question is not if that move happens, but only when," it continued.
The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement expressing disappointment with the decision.
"Israel's consistent position is that the American embassy, like the embassies of all countries with whom we have diplomatic relations, should be in Jerusalem, our eternal capital.  Maintaining embassies outside the capital drives peace further away by helping keep alive the Palestinian fantasy that the Jewish people and the Jewish state have no connection to Jerusalem," the statement said.

"Though Israel is disappointed that the embassy will not move at this time, we appreciate today's expression of President Trump’s friendship to Israel and his commitment to moving the embassy in the future."
Many were hoping the president would announce his decision to move the embassy during his recent visit. Now he has kicked the can down the road like his predecessors, former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush, postponing the decision for another six months.
For more than two decades, the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act, stipulating that the embassy be relocated to Jerusalem, has been pushed off.
The waiver is almost always justified on the basis of further complicating the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which actively warns against such a move.
While Trump reportedly would like to fulfill his campaign promise, he appears to have opted for postponement to avoid condemnation by Arab nations and other Western allies.
At a Jerusalem Day event last week, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said to President Trump, "…we are grateful and say again that we want to see the transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem."
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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Analysis of Trump Visit to Israel - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate

Analysis of Trump Visit to Israel

Ron Cantor —  May 25, 2017 
As Force One took off Wednesday from Ben Gurion Airport, ending the President’s 28-hour whirlwind trip to Israel, Israelis were not sure what to make of his trip. After visiting the center of Islam, Saudi Arabia, and the heart of Judaism, Jerusalem, he headed to the Vatican to meet with the Pope.

The Trump Doctrine

With two thirds of his trip concluded, we are beginning to see what may soon be dubbed, the Trump Doctrine. It is worlds apart from the Obama Doctrine. Obama’s first foreign trips were nicknamed the apology tour where he apologized for U.S. arrogance in Cairo, Turkey, and France—to Arabic Newspapers and before the Turkish parliament. He even apologized for the CIA, to the CIA.
He shunned Egypt after the secular military overthrew the radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood. He gave Saudi Arabia the cold shoulder. And then, the unthinkable—he made a peace deal with the notoriously dishonest, state-sponsor of terrorism, Iran. A deal that was criticized by not only the right, but also by many on the left, as being short-sided and extremely naïve.
President Trump is strengthening ties with natural allies, rather than trying to make friends with those sworn to our destruction. He had an extremely successful visit in Saudi Arabia where he signed a $350 billion arms deal with the Sunni stronghold. Not only is this good for the U.S. economy, but it sends a clear signal to Iran that they should be careful.

Symbols over Words

Next, he flew to Israel where he prayed at the Western Wall. This was a powerfully symbolic way of saying Jerusalem is the capital of Israel without actually saying; Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. In other words, he wasn’t there to connect with the Dome of the Rock. Personally, I would have preferred him to be more vocal in his support of Israel and to have announced the move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem—as he promised. Nevertheless, he is the first sitting U.S. president to pray at the Western Wall.

Let me clear—announcing the move of the embassy would not have been a wise move politically, but it would have been the right move biblically. President Trump has never been a particularly religious man—though some claim he has had a recent conversion. No doubt, he has reached out to many Christian leaders for advice, but based on his actions this week, he sees the alliance of the United States and Israel as strategic, not covenantal.

A New Coalition

President Trump is trying to build a coalition between moderate Arab states such as Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. I must state that none of the states are free of the most radical elements within Islam, but the governments are seeking stability in the region. Saudi Arabia is hardly a secular state and could be labeled as the father of modern radical Islam (Osama Bin Laden, September 11th terrorists), but its government is not seeking (as is ISIS and Iran), a caliphate—a government led by a successor to Mohamed. Internally, they are stuck in the seventh century, but are not aggressors to other nations.
Iran must be stopped. Syria must be stopped. Assad cannot be a long-term solution nor can ISIS. Lebanon is weak, and more and more is dominated by Hezbollah. Hezbollah is both a political party in Lebanon (with one third of parliament) and they have their own army apart from the Lebanese Army. This is extremely destabilizing. Iraq has moved closer to Iran and further from the U.S.
Under former President Obama, the U.S. abandoned Iraq, pulled out our troops too early and allowed ISIS to fill in the vacuum. President Trump’s plan is to build a partnership between the Saudis, Egypt and Jordan, and the Jewish State, Israel.
Even after writing this I saw that this was indeed Trump’s plan was to build good will between Israel and her historic enemies. A Trump official said, “the first step [toward peace] … is to bring relationships that are warm and strong privately and bring them more public and also set forth a common set of principles that everyone wants to abide by.”
This is most likely why, in his seven public appearances here in Israel, he did not mention Jerusalemsettlements, the embassy or a Palestinian state—all trigger issues that would cause tension in building these relationships. I get it. But when will be a good time to tell the Arabs that the U.S. is recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital? When would be a time that it would not be a possible deal breaker? And yet, Netanyahu is not going to compromise on Jerusalem. Sharing at Jerusalem Day celebrations, he declared:
“The Temple Mount and the Western Wall will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty. The correction of a historical injustice that was achieved by the heroism of our fighters 50 years ago will stand forever.”
The question is, where will President Trump—who has many voices counseling him on this—ultimately land on the Jerusalem.

Not All Roses

Now comes the concern. President Trump and Netanyahu clearly have two separate strategies. The U.S. President sees making peace between the Palestinians and Israelis as a first sign to these Arab nations that there could be a peace deal between them and Israel.
“I am truly hopeful that America can help Israel and the Palestinians forge peace and bring new hope to the region and its people.” (
Netanyahu, on the other hand, sees it quite oppositely. Peace can only come between Israelis and Palestinians after there is peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. And let’s be honest. How can we even talk about peace between Israel and the Palestinians while Hamas is fully in control of all of Gaza? We cannot make peace with terrorists. And the more moderate Palestinian Authority is still in the business of paying off terrorists.
In light of the U.K. terror attack on Monday night, with President Trump still in Israel, Netanyahu stated the obvious:
“If the attacker had been Palestinian and the victims had been Israeli children, the suicide bomber’s family would have received a stipend from the Palestinian Authority. That’s Palestinian law. That law must be changed.” 
How does President Trump expect Israel to even begin to establish peace with such a culture of murder that the PLO has created?
In his speech in Israel, there was lots of love for Israel, but few specifics. No mention of moving the embassy to the “eternal capital Jerusalem”, as he boldly proclaimed before he was president. For example:
“Through your hardships, you’ve created one of the most abundant lands anywhere in the world, a land that is rich not only in history, culture and opportunity, but especially in spirit. I stand in awe of the accomplishments of the Jewish people.”
Sounds great, but no meat.


From a political point of view, it was a brilliant visit. From a biblical point of view, it fell short. I saw many posts online where people made excuses for the President breaking his promise. “He knows what he is doing…he has more information than we do…he is taking his time.” And therein lies my fear. We all howled over how former President Obama was treated with Messiah-like reverence. Let’s not make the same mistake with President Trump. He is a man and even if God has brought him to this moment, he is still accountable to the voters. That is how democracy works. Our voice is important.
It is up to voters to demand that politicians keep their promises. And even though I would agree that this President has been treated worse by the media than any president I can remember, he can’t blame the media for his not recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital or for not moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.
I will say it again—politically, it was the right move. Why upset the Saudis, Egyptians and Jordanians? But viewing this biblically, God gave President Trump an opportunity to please heaven and he missed it. Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification. No doubt his trip was originally planned with that in mind so he could recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. I think such a move would have brought favor on him and the United States. Still, it was so much better than Obama. And his visit to the Western Wall was an enormous symbolic gesture. He hit a double, but he could have hit a homerun.
You will arise and have compassion on Zion (Jerusalem), for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come. (Ps. 102:13)