Is Trump Himself a Prophet? This Businessman Says Yes!
Editor's note: This is part 3 of a three-part series. You can read Parts I and Parts II below.
Right after I heard the Lord tell me to "read Isaiah 45," two words echoed in my head: "Common grace ... common grace!" This is a term used by Reformed Theologians and first introduced to me while reading Chuck Colson. Ever wonder what keeps fallen man from total self-destruction? Common grace comes down upon a fallen world to keep in check the forces of anarchy. It stirs in man the ideals of virtue and justice. It is the grace that comes upon all (Christian and non-Christian) to help them affirm the good and resist the bad, personally and in institutions. It is the hidden hand of God that works to promote justice and order in a world where selfishness could produce societal collapse. "Saving grace" is what gets you saved and "common grace" is the special influence of God that comes upon man to keep society from imploding.
I liked Trump but I was wanting to hear a "saving grace" testimony. After thinking it through, I realized that "common grace" anoints some men or women for an assignment that may make them more qualified than my favorite Christian. As I read Isaiah 45, a verse jumped out at me: " ... I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known me" (Is. 45:4). Have not known Me? Suddenly I felt better about Trump. In fact, I shared all this with him—but that gets ahead of my point.
Common Grace Raises Up Unpredictable Vessels
Trump falls into a unique category of individuals. These are men and women served up by the hand of providence. They are people whose singular strengths and convictions match a certain test in history—a crucible. As Churchill said, "All my life was a preparation for this moment." Figures like Margaret Thatcher, Patton, Churchill and Lincoln do not step out of cathedrals onto the stage of history, yet we canonize them later as the instruments raised up by God to meet a singular crisis.
Curiously many of these leaders were not the darling or favorite of contemporary Christians. Preachers thought Lincoln to be a godless skeptic; they stumbled over Winston's cigars and scotch; and they balked at Reagan's divorce and children from two marriages. Likewise, today's leading evangelicals have made their rejection of Trump public!
Strangely, while none of these instruments of "common grace" rose through the ranks of evangelicals, each of them ended up as a defender of Christian values. This came home to me in the most shocking way as I replayed Donald Trump, like the Scottish heir to John Knox as he shouted back to the Vatican, "I am a Christian and I'm proud of it!" It reminded me of Churchill who early on framed the contest with Hitler as a "battle for the survival of Christian civilization" He even insisted "Onward Christian Soldiers" be sung on board the ship where he and Roosevelt forged their alliance against the Axis powers. Lincoln quoted the Bible more than any President, yet refused to join any established church.
The question a Christian needs to ask, especially when their favorite candidate fails to get the nomination, is not, "Who is the most Christian?" Instead ask, "Who is the one anointed for the task?"
Trump Has the Cyrus Anointing
Common grace tells us that God acts in history in unusual ways to raise up unlikely deliverers for the sake of His purposes and His people. He disrupts nomination processes. In 1860, the pious evangelical Salmon P. Chase was a better Christian than the men he ran against, but the wily Lincoln got the nomination on the third ballot. Chase could not understand why God had denied him, but in the end the Springfield lawyer proved to be the most suitable vessel for the coming chaos.
From my perspective, there is a Cyrus anointing on Trump. He is as my friend Kim Clement said three years ago: "Gods Trumpet." I predicted his nomination and I believe he is the chaos candidate set apart to navigate us through the chaos that is coming to America. I think America is due for a shaking regardless of who is in office. I believe the 45th President is meant to be an Isaiah 45 Cyrus. With him in office, we have an authority in the Spirit to build the house of the Lord and restore the crumbling walls that separate us from cultural collapse; even then, this national project is likely to be done as Daniel prophesied, "in times of trouble" (Dan 9:25).
People keep asking me: "Is Trump a Christian?"
Let's remember, as much as 70% of Americans self-describe as "Christians." These include Catholics, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Lutherans. Within the total population, 30% say they have encountered Christ in a "born again" experience. There are many who believe they are Christians who do not use our language. Are they trying to deceive us? No.
While meeting, Trump exposed something about himself. It happened when he revealed how he views himself in contrast to pastors and clergy. Tapping his Bible, he said, "Look, I freely admit that while you all were pursuing a higher calling I was running around building buildings and making money." It beckons back to an earlier time in American life when "men of the cloth" were held in higher esteem.
Notice that he considers the work of ministry a "higher calling" than what he was doing when he made his billions. In some ways, this was a humbler admission than most people of wealth and affluence ever make.
Donald Trump may be shrewd but in matters regarding his faith he possesses the self-conscious candor of a man who knows he falls short but who fundamentally shares the same beliefs.
The genuineness of this connection was on full display in the acceptance speech he delivered in Cleveland where he thanked evangelicals and in a rare moment of emotional vulnerability spoke off script saying, "I don't know that I deserve it." This one moment reveals the true heart of the man.
A Prophetic Businessman
This will surprise some, but Trump is more prophetic than most people realize. I think great entrepreneurs—like a Steve Jobs—tend to be prophetic. Repeatedly Trump said, "Leadership is all about seeing the future and not listening to the short-sighted thinker. This is the kind of leadership we need to turn this country around—and fast."
He repeats this phrase a lot: "Leadership is about seeing the future." He is Churchillian in this regard. He sees the threat nobody else has courage to talk about until it's too late. He sees it with radical Islam, he sees it with the soaring debt, and he sees it in America's tinderbox of the inner city. He accurately predicted by name that Brussels was no longer the same community he knew years ago, and this statement was being picked apart by the press at the very moment Brussels became the epicenter of another round of organized terror and death. Likewise, Trump predicted the "Brexit" while expert commentators in media and government were stunned. Christians should take note of this.
Media in the post-Cleveland conference of the Republican Party described Trump's message as "dystopian" or dark. However, those who agree with Trump found the message encouraging simply because someone was finally telling the truth! A full 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. Trump is very much like Churchill, lifting a warning voice about the unraveling of America at a time that the ruling class, buttressed by media, wants to deny there is anything wrong! In all likelihood, Trump is intuiting that which is on the horizon if changes are not made. And, like Churchill, the opposition wants to exile him for sounding an alarm in his disturbingly blunt manner.
Back to Trump Towers to Prophesy!
I had no intention of meeting Trump again or sharing this "Cyrus" word with anyone, let alone delivering it to Mr. Trump in person, but all that changed quickly. My friend Darrel Scott called the day after my "President Trump" experience. I shared with him what I discovered and he proceeded to invite me to join him in New York for a meeting of Trump and minorities. I pointed out that I am not exactly a minority to which he whimsically replied, "Yeah, but you're a future minority!" I like working with Darrel so I agreed to go. Prior to our meeting, Black Lives Matter activists were in confrontation with Trump supporters in rallies and the media was all over the story. Trump wanted to meet and hear feedback from a variety of ministries assembled by Darrel. It was intense and interesting. At one-point Trump turned to the pastors and asked, "What would you do if someone came up tried to take over your service while you were preaching?" To a man, they shouted back how elders and deacons work with the pastor: "We don't put up with that foolishness." It became pretty clear that Trump and those gathered did not really have race issues; they had event management issues.
As the meeting ended Darrel spoke out across the room to me, "Dr. Lance, share with Mr. Trump what you told me on the phone yesterday." I was shocked. He could see as much but repeated, "Tell Mr. Trump." I was going to skip parts but when I did he insisted I explain it. So I shared it all and Trump took it in, telling me afterward with a hand on his chest, "What you said really, uh, it ..." He was trying to say it "ministered" to him or "touched" him but he's Presbyterian, not Pentecostal so he finally settled on, " ... that meant a lot. Really. I mean it."
Trump's Warning
Right now I'm recalling the last words I heard him speak at a rally in Atlanta before the nomination. "I have to tell you. Get ready folks," he warned. "The distortions of the news media and hundreds of millions of dollars in attack ads are coming. Who knows how much damage they will do? I really wonder about that. You have to get ready. They're coming."
How much damage will they do? We are about to find out. He is looking more and more like a man under siege. I for one will stand with him. With Cyrus Trump. I wonder how many will join me? Are you willing to become the missing grassroots needed in the final weeks? Everything is at stake. 
Dr. Lance Wallnau is a catalytic thought leader. An internationally recognized speaker and business consultant, he is one of the premiere speakers on the subject of cultural transformation and the seven mountains. He delivers his message of transformation with relevance, wit and intensity. Find him on
The views expressed in this article reflect the views of Lance Wallnau personally. They do not reflect the views of Lance Wallnau Ministries.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Prophecy: God Sent Donald Trump to Wage War Against Destructive Spirits
Editor's Note: This is part one of three. (Part 2 is below and Part 3 is above.)
The man sitting across from me at lunch represents the gold standard of evangelical believers in Texas. We were discussing his future. He is retiring from a huge corporation where he oversees a $3 billion budget. As our conversation turned to politics, he surprised me. His voice lowered as he leaned toward me, sharing how much he wrestled over the moral conflict of voting for either candidate, Hillary or Trump. "I wanted to tell you," he confided, "I was not sure what I would do till I heard you speak about Cyrus and Trump. As I heard what you said, I had peace." Read this and let it minister to you.
The media assault on Trump is unprecedented. Political analyst Pat Caddell says, "This is the crisis of democracy—the mainstream media, which is in the tank in the most violent way against Donald Trump, and for Hillary Clinton, that I have ever seen in the 45 years that I have been at the top of presidential politics."
Caddell added, "And it is terrifying ... Not just that they're for Hillary, and telling us that Trump is evil, and my God, no human being could possibly vote for him; it is what they are omitting, the facts that they will not tell the American people."
Let my account provide an alternative viewpoint. I am thankful to Steve Strang for the courage to publish this potentially controversial piece. First, I am not after the role of Trump apologist. He is not a perfect man or a flawless candidate. I don't know how he can compensate for so deeply alienating the Cruzes and Kasichs and Bushes, whose help and infrastructure he needs. Which leads to my second point: Without a grass roots mobilization of believers to get out those who never voted before, it's hard to see how he can overcome the Clinton machine and hit the numbers he needs.
In spite of all that, I believe I've heard God.
You have to wonder: What is it about this man, Trump, that unhinges liberals, media, academia and the establishment class in politics? This is more than an issue of personal style. There is a spiritual storm surrounding this election. Those who see Donald as a hateful, unstable, shallow, blusterous billionaire need to consider whether they are responding to the man and what he actually says or reacting to a caricature of the man. Barak Obama deliberately ran as a blank canvas that voters could paint on to make him become what they wanted him to be. Trump is the opposite. He is in some strange way a mirror that reflects back whatever you are. Some people "get" him and others don't, and those who don't never will. But if he is a mirror, what does it tell us about the American left when they burn our flag, smash police vehicles and unleash violence and invective against peaceful gatherers at Trump events?
There is a spirit assigned to destroy America. The strategy is laid bare if you read the 51-page democratic platform. It's the manifesto Hillary is expected to enforce when she is president. They call this revolution a "reset!" Read it for yourself. Under Hillary, America will undergo the final phase of Obama's radical socialist cultural transformation with astonishing speed. Just one man stands in its path.
When I first heard Donald Trump speak, he was returning from a trip to Iowa where he met "evangelicals." Asked what he thought about them he replied, "Well, they're interesting." He sounded like he had encountered a rare bird species never seen in Manhattan.
With 15 candidates running, and many of them strong Christians, it didn't seem likely that Mr. Trump, the business man outsider, would go very far. But I heard the Lord say something: "Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness." That was the first word I heard about him. Immediately I began to wonder what God was doing. How far will Trump go? Could this odd man out be the unpredictable instrument of God for a nation entering what authors of The Fourth Turning call "the crucible," a cycle of American history where we are put to the ultimate test?
With 15 candidates running, and many of them strong Christians, it didn't seem likely that Mr. Trump, the business man outsider, would go very far. But I heard the Lord say something: "Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness." That was the first word I heard about him. Immediately I began to wonder what God was doing. How far will Trump go? Could this odd man out be the unpredictable instrument of God for a nation entering what authors of The Fourth Turning call "the crucible," a cycle of American history where we are put to the ultimate test?
Donald's "P.C." Gift to America
When I heard the words, "Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness," I sensed that this man was about to break up the narrative driving the nation. Few people remember where we all were when he showed up. The media was highlighting gender change with Kaitlin Jenner, burning cities in Ferguson, and safe places on campuses. The terms homophobia and islamophobia were being attached like a scarlet letter on anyone who had concerns or convictions out of sync with popular opinion. No politicians were talking about borders.
While evangelicals were walking on eggshells, Trump took over the conversation and dominated it ever since. Unlike any candidate in electoral history, Trump has shaken up the establishment in media and politics. Until Trump arrived, a handful of insiders held the undisputed power to prop one contender up or take an unruly voice down. As media found out, they can only break you if they make you. They didn't make Donald.
Wrestling With God on the Way to New York
As I traveled to Trump Towers I wondered, how far will this wrecking ball go? Why would God choose Trump when so many true conservatives and Christians were already running? Is he an interruption to God's plan or is the battle for America changing in a way we haven't caught up with?
We've been losing the culture war decisively for the last decade, largely because we never knew how it was fought in the first place. Christians (30-50 million) represent a sufficient number in America to impact the nation. Why do we fail?
I've researched this topic for 20 years and keep coming back to a conclusion my colleagues and I don't like: Culture isn't shaped the way we thought. We assumed that culture is a reflection of the values of the majority of the people. If you can turn the majority, you can tip the culture. Or so we thought. The truth is that culture is shaped by relatively few people, a remnant of elites in proximity to power. This is why you can't evangelize a nation into transformation. Christians already outnumber other groups but keep losing influence. To put it in Christian terms, culture is shaped by a remnant of gatekeepers who sit at the culture-shaping gates of influence. This powerful elite is made up of dense overlapping networks located and largely concentrated in the coastal cities (think the Northeast and California) and distributed among the peak institutions of government, law, academia, journalism, banking and entertainment—institutions that touch us all. It's a revolutionary distinction. Revival ignites from the bottom up, but cultural reformation solidifies from the top down. You must occupy the gates!
Christians by and large are not concentrated in these heights. This explains why a remnant in the progressive left has succeeded so radically since President Obama came to power. Just as Jesus said, the people of this world are shrewder in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light (Luke 16:8). Put simply, evangelicals and charismatics are a large but disjointed group. We don't work together and we don't occupy key "gates" in the high places of opinion shaping.
In spite of this, Trump sees this group as critically important.
So why is he a threat? By putting America first and building a people movement, Donald Trump becomes a wild card that messes up the elite globalists' insider game. Whatever you bow to on the way up the mountain controls you at the top. Hillary Clinton comes to the top of the political mountain with 1,000 strings (attached to 30,000 missing emails). Donald Trump comes with none. This is why the lawless Left and establishment Republicans don't trust him. He's not tied into the system. 
Editor's note: This is part 2 of three. (Part 1 and Part 3 are above.)
How will the Left accomplish their final "reset" for America?
The winner of this election will have the power to appoint 3 or 4 more Supreme Court Justices. To use a J.R.R. Tolkien analogy, this is the "one ring to rule them all." The winner has power to protect our constitutional freedoms or alter the meaning of the Constitution and punish, prosecute and persecute the opposition for the next 40 years. If Democrats win, the court will be this rubber stamp behind the radical "reset."
As Hugh Hewitt, a professor of Law and media commentator, says:
"Every issue, EVERY issue, will end up there, and the legislature's judgments will matter not a bit. So vote for Hillary Clinton (or sit it out) and then prepare for the deluge of court-ordered solutions to every social problem, bench-drawn congressional districts and extraordinary deference to every agency of the federal government combined with a sweeping away of federalism."
This Election Gives the Victor the Ultimate Spoils
Traditional Judeo Christian morality doesn't exist. It has been replaced by the moral relativism that judge's morality itself. This is the ultimate spoils of the culture wars—the power to define the meaning of words. Hence, the meaning of "marriage" and "gender" already changed, are just the beginning of a whole new vocabulary. Soon freedom of speech itself will fall under the scornful branding of "hate speech." Sound unrealistic? Watch what a progressive Supreme Court comes up with for laws!
Spiritual warfare is all about whose version of reality becomes manifest on the Earth. Christians are about to make a big mistake in this election cycle if they buy into the wrong narrative about Trump. Our choice is now Soros or Cyrus.
Spiritual warfare is all about whose version of reality becomes manifest on the Earth. Christians are about to make a big mistake in this election cycle if they buy into the wrong narrative about Trump. Our choice is now Soros or Cyrus.
Trump Up Close
My first meeting with Trump was Dec. 30, 2015, in the boardroom on the 26th floor of Trump Towers, which is in fact quite a grand facility. The building is an impressive architectural marvel whose entrance merges marble and brass into a fusion resembling the grandeur of a great Cathedral with the bling of a Las Vegas Casino.
Most of those attending did not know each other personally prior to the meeting. It was a rather eclectic sampling of evangelicals, a group within the larger self-described "Christian" community that makes up nearly 30 percent of the American population—some 30 million potential voters.
It is not easily noticed on TV, but Trump is a big guy, and I don't just mean in terms of personality. He is physically tall—at 6 foot, 3 inches and then add heels and hair and he grows another inch.
His personal style is more restrained than the person you see on a platform or in an interview. He was gracious, non-confrontational, and surprisingly open to "give and take."
I got the impression that Trump takes in information quickly but filters it equally fast to distinguish one idea from another. It's an executive skill I've noticed in CEOs in whatever field I meet them. They are avid fact finders with a built in filter that separates superficial ideas from ideas with substance. He seems to be the same way with people. As individuals spoke, he was reading them and weighing their relative power within the group.
Things Got Tense
A Messianic Rabbi sitting near me said, "Your comments don't always represent you in the best light. People want to know you have a presidential temperament. They want to know that you are a person they can trust with a finger on a nuclear button." Trump perched his lips in characteristic fashion, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I hear you." When the conversation turned to some of the more heated exchanges of the campaign, Trump explained, "You know, people aren't aware of what is coming at me ... what I am responding to. Like the storm that broke out when I took a stand on immigration. It can get pretty vicious. You don't always know the back-story. I can say this, I never punch indiscriminately. I'm a counter puncher ... but I fully hear what you are saying. I know where you're coming from."
Several of us exchanged glances. There was no denial and no need to drill deeper on the subject. Equally, there was no flippant or disingenuous commitment to change. He would do as occasion required—till he clinched the nomination. After that? He will do as occasion requires to win.
Bishop Darrell Scott of Ohio spoke up, "I wouldn't change a thing. Be you and keep being consistent. That's what people like about you. You're not playing politics."
Trump looked around the boardroom table and laughed. "So you're saying, 'Don't change?' Well, that's interesting!" Darrell replied, "Right! People would see you change they would know it isn't you. You would start to look political and that would make you look like everyone else. Just BE YOU!"
The Gospel in Black and White: A Different Sample of Evangelicals
One significant difference between this meeting and Trump's earlier encounter with Iowa evangelicals was the presence of a number of African-American ministers in the room. Almost to a man they described to me the backlash they encountered for even being willing to meet with a Republican. It was interesting to watch the interaction. In fact, some of the men present ended up on the Republican platform in Cleveland.
Pastor Darrell continued: "I came here with an open mind. To my way of thinking there are three branches of government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. You are clearly gifted for the Executive Branch. That's what you do." Scott believes that Trump will deal with the problem of 50 percent unemployment for inner city youth in a manner much different than either Democrats or Republicans in the past. Scott believes Trump is interested in America, not party politics.
The Conversation Took an Interesting Turn
As our meeting continued I was surprised to find that Trump actually knew some of the preachers and teachers in the room, not because he had met them but because he had watched their TV programs. Media is one of his domains. He is very much dialed in on all sorts of TV programing—including Christian Programing.
Trump casually shared, "I was going around the dial last night and ran into 'Politically Incorrect.'" This is the popular left wing HBO talk show hosted by comedian Bill Maher. "It's amazing how antagonistic they are about people of faith. It was painful to watch ... wasn't always like this in America" Trump said. Turning to Jan Crouch of TBN, he asked, "This seems to have been going on for a while hasn't it?" We all agreed.
"It's open season on Christians in particular" someone added.
Then Trump Dropped the Line I Will Never Forget!
Trump scanned the room and said: "I think we had such a long period of Christian consensus in our culture and we kind of got...spoiled. Is that the right word?" Then he turned the tables on us and said something shocking: "Every other ideological group in the country has a voice. If you don't mind me saying so, you guys have gotten soft." Ouch! That's the line I won't forget. Then in a moment of reflection he corrected himself, "I mean, we, myself included, we've had it easy as Christians for a long time in America. That's been changing." From Trump's perspective, Christian leaders are a people living in fear of having opinions. Subsequent to this meeting he proposed lifting the Lyndon Johnson ban on churches discussing politics that hangs like an IRS sword over the heads of churches in America. The truth is, even with it lifted, pastors fear offending their flock.
What he said next may have been lost on others but it hit me in a particularly striking way. He added, "People who identify themselves as 'Christian' make up probably the single largest constituency in the country, but there is absolutely no unity, no punch ... not in political consensus or any other area I can see."
When the meeting broke up, I went home feeling certain there was some sort of anointing on this man but couldn't get my head wrapped around where he fit. Nor could I figure out the purpose for me being in that meeting.
That was when the next unexpected download hit me!
Trump the 45th President
I was updating some random social media activity when I ran across a simple PowerPoint showing Trump seated in the oval office with the words "Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States." The image made a peculiar impression on my mind. I was dazed. Literally no one was thinking this would be a possibility but I was sensing that this was more than some random Facebook meme; it was a prophetic picture. It struck me the same way the "wrecking ball" word did. The Spirit impressed upon my mind "read Isaiah 45."
To be honest, I didn't recall what the chapter was about. I opened a Bible and began to read "Thus sayeth the Lord to Cyrus whom I've anointed." Cyrus, I thought? Who is he in relation to all this? I recalled that he was a heathen king who was indispensable to the protection of the Jews but was frankly confused as to what God was saying.
With 15 candidates running, many who were clear conservative evangelicals, why would God be talking about Cyrus? I quickly looked up the number of the next president. I confirmed that Barack Obama is number 44. The next president will indeed be number 45. I kept reading Isaiah 45.
'Cyrus My Anointed'
Nearly 150 years before Cyrus' birth, God declared through the prophet Isaiah that a foreign man, a non Jew named "Cyrus" would be the anointed shepherd of his people and rebuild Jerusalem, beginning in the first phase with the house of the Lord.
Regarding Cyrus, Isaiah the prophet says:
"This says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whom I have seized by the right, to subdue nations before him. Yes, I will open the loins of kings, to open the two-leaved doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before you and make hills level; I will tear apart the bronze doors and cut the iron bars in two" (Is. 45:1-13).
He wasn't a Jew and he wasn't from the line of David, but God elevated this foreigner and called him, "My anointed." When Isaiah described Cyrus as the Lord's "anointed" the word in Hebrew denotes a person specifically chosen and set apart for a specific task. It never occurred to me that God anoints secular leaders who are not part of the faith community. But then again how else would you describe Cyrus, Churchill, Lincoln or even Reagan?
Notice also that God promised to intervene and help Cyrus "break open" and even conquer (i.e., make many hills level and to bring things down to size). What a gift that would be to our 19 Trillion-dollar deficit!
The Cyrus Effect!
Cyrus did something powerful. He ended a period of spiritual captivity and deterioration. He opened a gate in heaven to all the prophecies and prayers that were stored up in heaven over Jerusalem. The commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem starts with the decree of Cyrus recorded in Ezra 1:1-4. The word starts with rebuilding the house of the Lord. It was this "Cyrus decree" that worked its way through King Darius and King Artaxerxes till Nehemiah engaged his task to build the wall surrounding Jerusalem. We've got prayers for America still stored up and waiting for release!
These two phases "the house" and "the wall" should make believers stop and wonder. This is a direct promise touching the church and restoration of society. The controversy over "building the wall" in current-day politics is more symbolic than people think. What do walls represent in the Bible? Proverbs 25:28 says "He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls." America has become a nation without walls, a nation without self government. We are out of control fiscally and physically on our borders. It reminds me of the prophetic statement of Lincoln who warned that no foreign power would destroy us: "No, if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide."
I believe this wrecking ball is sent to break the spell and stop the death spiral. The Cyrus anointing will build and restore. 
Dr. Lance Wallnau is a catalytic thought leader. An internationally recognized speaker and business consultant, he is one of the premiere speakers on the subject of cultural transformation and the seven mountains. He delivers his message of transformation with relevance, wit and intensity. Find him on
The views expressed in this article reflect the views of Lance Wallnau personally. They do not reflect the views of Lance Wallnau Ministries.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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