Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2016

‘It Is Like A Nuclear Bomb Went Off In The Prepping Community’ - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 07 Dec 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Is the prepper movement in the United States dying?  At one time it was estimated that there were 3 million preppers in the United States, but in late 2016 interest in prepping has hit a multi-year low.  The big reason for this, of course, is that the election of Donald Trump has fueled a tremendous wave of optimism among those that consider themselves to be conservatives, patriots and evangelical Christians.  

Not since the election of Ronald Reagan has the mood on the right shifted in such a positive direction so suddenly.  But now that everyone is feeling so good about things, very few people still seem interested in prepping for hard times ahead.  In fact, it is like a nuclear bomb went off in the prepping community.

As the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog, I am in contact with a lot of people that serve the prepping community.  And I can tell you that sales of emergency food and supplies have been crashing since Donald Trump’s surprise election victory.  Firms that help people relocate outside of the United States have seen business really dry up, and I know of one high profile individual that has actually decided to move back to the country after Trump’s victory.  It is almost as if the apocalypse has been canceled and the future history of the U.S. has been rewritten with a much happier ending.

Personally, I am quite alarmed that so many people are suddenly letting their guard down, but it is difficult to convince people to be vigilant when things seem to be going so well.  Just consider some of the things that have been happening in recent weeks…

-Donald Trump was just named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.

-The Dow just keeps setting brand new record high after brand new record high.  In fact, the Dow has now risen by more than 1,200 points since Donald Trump won the election.

-The Russell 2000 has shot up an astounding 13 percent just since Trump’s victory.

-Donald Trump has convinced heating, ventilation and air conditioning giant Carrier to keep about 1,000 jobs in the United States instead of shipping them to Mexico.

-Donald Trump has convinced SoftBank to invest 50 billion dollars and create 50,000 new jobs in the United States.

-The U.S. dollar index recently hit the highest level that we have witnessed since March 2003.

-We just learned that U.S. Steel wants to bring back somewhere around 10,000 jobs to communities that lost them.

At this point there is an overwhelming belief among those on the right that Donald Trump is going to be able to do what he has promised to do.

And the numbers back this up.  In a previous article, I discussed the fact that a recent Gallup survey discovered that the percentage of Republicans that believe that the U.S. economy is “getting better” increased from just 16 percent immediately prior to the election to 49 percent immediately after the election.

I don’t recall ever seeing such a shift in public sentiment in just a few days.  Tens of millions of Americans have put their faith in Donald Trump, and time will tell if he will be able to deliver.  As billionaire Mark Cuban recently pointed out, Donald Trump is like a number one draft pick that has not proven himself yet…
“I’ll analogize it to the NBA draft: He’s the No. 1 pick,” Cuban said. “He’s who we put our hopes and dreams with, and we’re going to believe in him. Right now it’s a little bit easier because we haven’t played a game yet.”
“There’s no reason to rush to judgment or come to any conclusions now,” he continued. “Let’s see what happens starting January 21 and go from there. I hope he’s a superstar, and I hope everything turns out the way we all hope it will. But until January 21, there’s no real point at going into detail.”
Let us hope that President Trump will be everything that people are hoping that he will be.
I would love it if 2017 is a year filled with peace and prosperity.  That way I could write less about our economic troubles and instead do more of the positive stories that I have been sharing lately.  And my wife and I could take some time off and just spend some time enjoying our quiet life up here in the mountains.

I don’t think that is the way it is going to go, but I do hope that the optimists are right.
At this point I could start listing out all of the reasons why our economy is doomed no matter who is president, but unless you are already convinced all of that reasoning would probably fall on deaf ears.

Tens of millions of Americans are completely convinced that we are heading into a new golden era for America just because Donald Trump won the election, and for the sake of the nation let us hope that they are correct.

But what if they are wrong?

What if the rioting, violence and civil unrest that the radical left is planning for the Inauguration on January 20th sparks a movement that plunges many of our major cities into chaos throughout Trump’s presidency?

What if all of the incredibly bad decisions that were made during the Obama years result in the biggest economic downturn we have ever seen early in the Trump years?

What if Trump’s inability to get along with China results in a major trade war between the two largest economies on the entire planet?

What if the growing financial instability in Europe results in a new global financial crisis that Trump will not be able to do anything to stop?

I could go on and on, but I think that you get the point.

All of the things that myself and other watchmen have been warning about all this time are coming.

My hope is that the optimists are right and that the horrible events that are coming will be put off for as long as possible.

But I wouldn’t count on it.

A day of reckoning for America is fast approaching, and those that are wise understand the signs of the times.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Virginia Delegate to Christians: Please Don't Elect Hillary Clinton - BOB MARSHALL/VIRGINIA STATE DELEGATE CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

Virginia Delegate to Christians: Please Don't Elect Hillary Clinton

Some Republicans say they will not vote for Trump-Pence in this election.  Why? They don't like his gruff talk, his past mistakes violate their conscience, or they prefer to play the "long game," or in other words,  lose this election and build for the future.  Not voting for Trump would be a horrible mistake!
Hillary understands that Christians and conservatives place great value on "conscience."  She is playing us.  She knows that if enough demoralized Christians stay home on Election Day she will win this election!  But if Hillary wins, we will then face direct attacks upon our faith and conscience!  We must upset Hillary's plan!
In 1976, many evangelicals had no conscience problem supporting "born-again" Jimmy Carter who taught Sunday school.  We ended up with abortion on demand, 20 percent-plus interest rates, 18 percent inflation and radical Islamists ruling Iran.
No reason is sufficient to justify not voting for Trump-Pence because the consequences of Hillary's policies would profoundly harm America and those we love!  To think that a Republican Congress would protect us from her actions is delusional and defies recent experience.
I understand the reluctance of some conservatives to vote for Trump.  But in the practical world, would we impose a "purity" test on a fireman before he saves our home or a police officer before he saves a life?  No!
Does God's call to forgive play a role in public life, or do we only apply forgiveness in private? Do we pass personal judgment on Trump's very troubling words spoken a long time ago and for which he begged forgiveness, so we can justify not voting now for someone who "violates our sensibilities" when Hillary's actions clearly attack and violate our fundamental principles? 
The real question is:  Can our personal sensitivities allow us not to vote, thus enabling Hillary to become president, when we know she will force her radical homosexual and transgender agenda in our grade schools, remove any reference to our Creator in public life, erode religious freedom, weaken property rights, involve us in Middle Eastern wars, enact higher taxes, pay for more abortions, further destroy the moral and financial solvency of our nation and diminish our liberty and freedom, including the right to defend ourselves with an Australian-like gun confiscation program? 
Republicans who think sitting out this election to play catch-up later should think again. Progressives like Hillary want online voting and no voter ID.  Hillary's path to amnesty and citizenship for those illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and those who will flow through open borders will pay the favor back with votes.  
This fact coupled with the WikiLeaks proof of Democrat incitement to violence, planned voter fraud and current voting irregularities could spell the end of Republican election victories for a very long time.  
How can our conscience tell us it is fine to do nothing to stop Hillary when her policies will further destabilize the world, probably start a war with Russia and Syria over her no-fly zone plan in Syria (which our Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford said would probably lead to war), further facilitate the spread of ISIS, and encourage massive refugee resettlement, including ISIS operatives, in our country?  
The Defense Department recently lifted its ban on women serving in combat.  How long will it take for Hillary to mandate that our wives, daughters and granddaughters register for the draft to fight civil wars in the Middle East?
Donald Trump will scrap the nuclear deal that gave Iran, a country that has vowed to destroy us, $150 billion! He recognizes that paying billions to ransom hostages encourages more hostage-taking.  And surprise! Iran wants more ransom payments for its latest hostages!  Trump promises a strong national defense to defer aggression, while the current administration began tax-paid sex-change operations in the military. Whose policies will better protect America?
Donald Trump understands finances and imbalanced trade deals that hurt America's economy.  Who is more likely to save American jobs for our children and solve America's $20 billion debt? 
The Clinton Foundation's "pay to play" led to the State Department approving sale of uranium to Russia needed for their nuclear weapons. Hillary's insecure email server potentially compromised national security.  Clinton destroyed vital evidence despite congressional subpoenas.  Not voting for Trump-Pence will allow double standards of justice and the culture of corruption to continue.   
In 2015, Hillary said, "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" to protect abortion and LGBTQ rights. In the last debate, she celebrated Planned Parenthood's 100th anniversary despite its racist origins and sale of aborted baby body parts. She continues to defend abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy!  Our conscience should tell us we must stop her.
Hillary's Supreme Court Justices will support Roe v. Wade, and so-called LGBTQ "marriage."  Trump is the only presidential nominee to publish a list of constitutionally minded, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominees.  I am unaware of any other nominee who ever made such a promise.
Trump will work to repeal Obamacare.  Hillary will expand it.  Premiums will continue to skyrocket until she is able to reach her ultimate goal: socialized medicine. Perhaps the prospect of waiting months for an MRI or necessary operation will make some think further about sitting out this election. 
Under Hillary, will your private, religious and home schools continue to satisfy state school attendance laws, and will their courses of study continue to be approved to fulfill college admission requirements?  Will your son or daughter be able to obtain a student loan if the chosen college is religious or private?
Under Hillary, will doctors, counselors, teachers and others lose their professional licenses to practice for failing to adhere to the state-mandated "religion" that mocks millennia of Judeo-Christian teaching?  Trump will fight for religious liberty, including allowing pastors to speak without losing their church tax exemption.  For this alone, is it worth voting for Trump?
Under Hillary, will you suffer limits to your Second Amendment rights, while she has armed guards to protect her?  Would she issue unconstitutional executive orders to require universal background checks to make future gun confiscation possible, or make it criminal for parents to gift a firearm to a grown child without federal background "checks"?
Our Constitution empowers the vice president to break ties in the U.S. Senate. Tim Kaine will vote to continue punishing the Little Sisters of the Poor and others for not including abortion pills in their insurance plans. He supports allowing 17-year-old transgender boys into girls' locker rooms and showers and wants small businesses to participate in same-sex weddings.  Would you rather have Pence or Kaine breaking these ties?
This election is not simply about a particular man or woman who is running for president, nor about speeches, spouses, candidate flaws or personal virtues. 
This election is about the soul of a country and the policies the president's team will implement and enforce, including nominating Cabinet heads, agency directors and Supreme Court justices.  Hillary's policies will increase debt, taxes and wars.  Trump-Pence will "drain the swamp" and make America stronger and safer. 
The only way to stop Hillary is to vote Trump-Pence. I sincerely hope you will. 
May God have mercy on our nation! 
Virginia Del. Bob Marshall was elected in 1991 to the Virginia House of Delegates. He authored Virginia's Marriage Amendment, Partial Birth Abortion Ban, non-compliance with federal detention of U.S. citizens, ban on warrantless searches of cell phones and computers, and other liberty-preserving legislation. In 2008, he won a unanimous decision in Virginia's Supreme Court against unelected taxing authorities.
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers and Christians Moving to the Great Northwest? - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed.
Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed. (Brian Wolfe/Flickr/Creative Commons)

Why Are So Many Conservatives, Preppers and Christians Moving to the Great Northwest?

Thousands of Americans are flocking to "Big Sky" country, and this movement has become so prominent that it has even caught the attention of the mainstream media. Within the last several weeks, both the Chicago Tribune and the Economist have done major articles on this phenomenon. From all over the country, conservatives, preppers and Bible-believing Christians are moving to Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and the eastern portions of Oregon and Washington. As you will see below, this region has become known as the "American Redoubt," and for a variety of reasons it is considered by many survivalists to be one of the top "safe zones" for when things really start falling apart in this nation.
Many of you that are reading this article may think that it is quite strange that families are quitting their jobs, packing up everything they own and moving to the middle of nowhere, but for those that are doing it this actually make perfect sense. A recent Chicago Tribune article on this phenomenon began by profiling an ex-California couple that decided to flee the state for the friendly confines of north Idaho:
Don and Jonna Bradway recently cashed out of the stock market and invested in gold and silver. They have stockpiled food and ammunition in the event of a total economic collapse or some other calamity commonly known around here as "The End of the World As We Know It" or "SHTF" – the day something hits the fan.
The Bradways fled California, a state they said is run by "leftists and non-Constitutionalists and anti-freedom people," and settled on several wooded acres of north Idaho five years ago. They live among like-minded conservative neighbors, host Monday night Bible study around their fire pit, hike in the mountains and fish from their boat. They melt lead to make their own bullets for sport shooting and hunting—or to defend themselves against marauders in a world-ending cataclysm.
And of course the Bradways are far from alone. Over the past 10 years, approximately five million people have fled the state of California. If I was living there, I would want to move out too. Once upon a time, countless numbers of young people were "California Dreaming," but those days are long gone. At this point, the California Dream has become a California Nightmare.
Only a very small percentage of those leaving California have come up to the Great Northwest, but it is a sizable enough number to make a huge impact. Unfortunately, many of those that have come from California want to turn their new areas into another version of what they just left, and that is often firmly resisted by the locals.
But it isn't just California; there are people streaming into the "American Redoubt" from all over the nation, and many of them are some of the finest people that you could ever hope to meet.
An article in the Economist points to a 2011 manifesto posted by James Wesley Rawles as the beginning of the "American Redoubt" movement:
In a widely read manifesto posted in 2011 on his, Mr. Rawles, a former army intelligence officer, urged libertarian-leaning Christians and Jews to move to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and a strip of eastern Oregon and Washington states, a haven he called the "American Redoubt."
Thousands of families have answered the call, moving to what Mr Rawles calls America's last big frontier and most easily defendable terrain. Were hordes of thirsty, hungry, panicked Americans to stream out of cities after, say, the collapse of the national grid, few looters would reach the mostly mountainous, forested and, in winter, bitterly cold Redoubt. Big cities are too far away. But the movement is driven by more than doomsday "redoubters," eager to homestead on land with lots of water, fish, and big game nearby. The idea is also to bring in enough strongly conservative voters to keep out the regulatory creep smothering liberty in places like California, a state many redoubters disdainfully refer to as "the C-word."
Who wouldn't want to live where the air is clear, the water is clean and the sky is actually brilliantly blue and not the washed out grayish blue that you get in most major cities?
And just having some breathing space is reason enough for some people to move to the Great Northwest. If you can get at least a few acres, you will quickly discover the joy of not having neighbors crammed in around you on every side.
Others wish to move to an area with a low population density for more practical reasons. As the New York Times recently reported, crime is rising in large cities all over America:
Murder rates rose significantly in 25 of the nation's 100 largest cities last year, according to an analysis by the New York Times of new data compiled from individual police departments.
The findings confirm a trend that was tracked recently in a study published by the National Institute of Justice. "The homicide increase in the nation's large cities was real and nearly unprecedented," wrote the study's author, Richard Rosenfeld, a criminology professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis who explored homicide data in 56 large American cities.
Sadly, this is just the beginning. The chaos that we have seen in Dallas, Baton Rouge, Milwaukee, Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago and elsewhere is going to get much worse. As the economy continues to unravel, we are going to see civil unrest on a scale that none of us have ever seen before. When that time comes, those that have moved to the middle of nowhere will be very thankful that they got out while the getting was good.
Over the last several years, my wife and I have met countless numbers of people that have moved up to the Great Northwest. All of their stories are different, but there is one common theme that we have noticed.
In the vast majority of cases, families tell us that they moved to the Great Northwest because they felt that God was calling them to do so. Individuals from many different churches and denominations have all felt the same call, and that creates a sort of kinship that is quite unusual these days.
Something big is happening in the Great Northwest. If you have never been up here, you might want to check it out some time.
And once you get here, you may never want to go home ever again.
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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Monday, March 7, 2016

Thanks To The Republican Civil War, Every Scenario Ends With Hillary Clinton Winning The Election - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Hillary Clinton_Testimony_to_House_Select_Committee_on_Benghazi - Public Domain
Posted: 06 Mar 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

What is the worst possible outcome for the presidential election of 2016?  Assuming that an election will actually take place, that is an easy question to answer – Hillary Rodham Clinton as the next president of the United States.  She is truly evil in every sense of the word, and the implications of what four (or eight) years of Hillary would mean for our nation are almost too terrible to imagine.  

That is why it is so depressing watching what is happening to the Republican Party right now.  The civil war in the Republican Party is ripping it to shreds, and as a result of all this warfare every plausible scenario for what will happen the rest of the way ends with Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election.

According to the Associated Press, here is how the Republican delegate count stands as of right now…

Donald Trump: 384
Ted Cruz: 300
Marco Rubio: 151
John Kasich: 37

Ted Cruz looks like he is within shooting distance of Trump, but that is an illusion.  The early part of the schedule was full of states where Cruz was expected to do well, but now the map is going to work very much against him.

At this point, the only candidate that looks like he may be able to accumulate 1,237 delegates before the convention is Trump, and that is far from guaranteed.  So far, Trump has won approximately 44 percent of the delegates during the caucuses and primaries.  By the time it is all said and done, he will need to have slightly more than 60 percent of all the delegates awarded during the caucuses and primaries to guarantee himself the nomination before the Republican convention.  That is because there are hundreds of delegates that are not awarded during the caucuses and the primaries, and almost all of those delegates are members of the Republican establishment.

Trump can still get there by racking up large delegate totals in winner-take-all states such as California, but it will be a challenge.  The entire Republican Party establishment, Fox News, Glenn Beck and a significant number of other prominent conservative voices have all declared war on Trump.  In fact, there are super PACs that are going to spend tens of millions of dollars doing nothing but trying to destroy Trump.

If the Republican Party actually wanted to beat Hillary Clinton in November, they should be rallying around Trump and trying to help him, because he would definitely need a lot of help to win the general election.

According to Real Clear Politics, the latest three polls all have Trump losing to Clinton by at least 5 points.  In key states such as Michigan, the numbers are quite a bit more dismal.  Over the next few months, those numbers are likely to get even worse as Trump is savagely assaulted by the Republican establishment and relentlessly bombarded by tens of millions of dollars of negative attack ads.  

Meanwhile, Clinton is cruising along virtually unscathed.

Of course in a just world Hillary Clinton would have already been arrested and put in prison.  There is no possible way that she should be running for president of the United States.  Unfortunately, we live in a deeply corrupt society, and this is the way that things work.

If by some miracle he does survive to become the nominee, a significantly weakened Trump would then have to face the full power of the Clinton political machine.  It is estimated that a billion dollars could be spent on the Democratic side this time around, and Trump does not have the resources to match that.  

Normally big Republican donors rally around the nominee, but in this case the big money is fighting like crazy to defeat Trump.  In a general election matchup, it really would be David vs. Goliath, and Trump would not be Goliath.

If Donald Trump does not accumulate 1,237 delegates before the convention, then we would be headed for what is known as a “brokered convention“.  The rules are very complicated, but the key thing to remember is that the delegates are only bound for the first vote.  After that, they can vote for whoever they want.

And it is very important to note that the campaigns don’t pick their delegates.  Becoming a delegate is a long and tedious process in most states, and most of them are party loyalists.
In the end, a “brokered convention” would almost certainly result in an establishment candidate being chosen as the nominee.  Needless to say, the names “Trump” and “Cruz” would not be on that list.

Have you noticed that Mitt Romney has started to put himself out there lately?  His verbal attacks on Trump have been absolutely scathing, and he told Fox News that he would not say no if he was “drafted” to become the nominee at the Republican convention…
Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and the Republicans’ 2012 presidential nominee, repeated remarks from last week, telling “Fox News Sunday” that he wouldn’t launch an eleventh-hour campaign for president. But he declined to reject being “drafted” at the GOP convention in July to be the party’s general election candidate.
It would be absurd to say that if I were drafted I’d say no,” Romney said.
Behind the scenes, much more is going on.  In fact, CNN is reporting that Romney’s team is actively working on a plan to steal the nomination from Trump at the convention…
Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney’s inner circle says.
The 2012 GOP nominee’s advisers are examining what a fight at the convention might look like and what rules might need revising.
It sounds like the plan is to lock the convention,” said the source.
If Romney does emerge as the nominee, does anyone actually believe that he will defeat Clinton?

Of course not.  Trump’s millions of supporters will be absolutely infuriated, and many of them would absolutely refuse to cast a vote for Romney in the general election.

In the end, it would be the same result – a victory for Hillary Clinton.

The next few weeks are going to be very interesting.  If Trump wins Florida and Ohio, there is going to be a lot of pressure on Marco Rubio and John Kasich to get out of the race, and the path to 1,237 delegates would appear to be clear.

However, Mitt Romney could attempt to derail the Trump bandwagon by jumping in the race after March 15th.  Romney’s goal would be to capture enough delegates in winner-take-all states such as California to keep Trump from getting to the magic number of 1,237.  If Romney could do that, he knows that he would likely come out of a brokered convention as the nominee.

But no matter what happens on the Republican side from this point forward, it is going to take a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency.  Every plausible scenario ends with her in the White House, and that is a truly horrible thing to imagine.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Faith & Freedom: Who's Best for America's Future?

Faith & Freedom: Who's Best for America's Future?

WASHINGTON - Potential presidential candidates recently gathered in Washington, D.C., for the Faith and Freedom Coalition to talk about the country's future.

The annual event is an opportunity for politicians to make their case in front of a very important voting bloc in America: evangelical Christians.

One by one, they came to the stage, weaving a message of faith and freedom. Some of them were possible presidential candidates, like former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Others, like the new House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, came preaching a message of conservative unity, despite the disputes over the direction of the party between the Tea Party and establishment conservatives.

Backstage, in an exclusive interview with CBN News, McCarthy played up the harmony theme.

"First and foremost I want to make sure that we're united. But we want to change the country. We want to change the direction," he said.

"I want to restructure government itself, these agencies have become too large. They need to be streamlined. There is too much duplication in it as well. We want to unshackle what has held us back for so long," McCarthy added.

Division Over Iraq

McCarthy and GOP leadership in both the House and Senate will also have to confront a divide on what to do in Iraq.

Some lawmakers, like Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., say decisive military action needs to be taken. Other Republicans aren't so sure they want to get involved in this fight. Rubio feels that's a mistake.

"They're wrong," he said. "We're going to have to deal with ISIS."

"The choice for us is not whether or not we're going to have to deal with them. The choice is do we deal with them now while they are still kind of scattered or do we deal with them in 10 years or five years when they own a piece of land and they have their own country and they use it to plan and carry out attacks that kill Americans here and around the world," Rubio explained.

Rubio will surely play up his hawkish views if he runs for president.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is also considering a run for president. He came touting his pro-life credentials, complete with a video before his introduction. He's a bit on the defensive after he recently said how Republicans might need to agree to disagree on social issues.

"I don't want to change our party. We need to be the pro-life party, the pro-traditional marriage party. But can we accept people, some people who don't agree with those issues in the party?" Rand challenged.

"I think that if we are not so strident to push people away, maybe having some people in the party that don't all agree with us, maybe we'll have some chance to persuade them. And we'll be a bigger party," he concluded.

Clinton-Obama Administration?

One item all these speakers seemed to agree upon was that religious liberty is under attack, whether through Obamacare here at home or abroad, where Christians are being persecuted for their faith.

They also agrees that they don't want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., said that would be a nightmare.

"She will be Barack Obama's 3rd and 4th term, fundamentally transforming the United States of America away from the principles that the founders bled and died to give us," Bachmann warned.

It is those founder's principles that the Faith and Freedom crowd are fighting for.

The goal for them now is to mobilize other voters of faith to make a difference at the ballot box. The polling shows that when evangelical Christians show up, they can make the difference.