I remember hearing Dutch Sheets share a dream that someone once had concerning the call to share the stories of old. Dutch was telling everyone that we must be willing to remind others of what God has already done and encourage those who have yet to experience the goodness of God with these stories: "Tell the Stories." It was and still is a clarion call for the ekklesia. Throughout my life, I have been an avid lover of history. No matter which era, as long as it pertained to history, I loved the stories. Naturally this love helped feed my passion and hunger for revival. I have spent years studying and learning as much as I can about the revivals and awakenings. I have always been intrigued by these stories, and I have encouragement to keep pressing through for the reality of revival and awakening.
A few days ago, I was preaching a message about the moment that David was anointed to be king and how Samuel was obedient in the process for God's anointed. In the midst of the message, something grabbed me that had never hit me the way it did in that moment. I've preached and taught from the passage multiple times, but Holy Spirit got a hold of me, and God spoke a simple statement: "It's time to create history, not re-enact."
It's Not Going to Look Like Before
"When they came, he looked on Eliab, and said, 'Surely the anointed of the Lord is before Him'" (1 Sam. 16:6).
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