Keith Miller:
The Elijah List
In this text, we see the word Lord in the context of the harvest. The Greek translation of Lord used here means "One who can empower harvesters; one who can literally oversee the harvest; one who can be empowered for harvest" [1]. Interestingly, the Greek word translated as "send out," ekballo, at the root level means "to drive out." Ballo is where we derive the English word ballistic.
In this we can see the force and sense of urgency, a driving out, a thrusting out of laborers into His harvest. We may be the instruments God uses, but God is the moving force for the harvest.
We see this same word used in Mark 1:12 to describe Christ's actions after He was filled with the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River. It says, "Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness."
As we see in Matthew 10:1, "...He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease." The Lord of the Harvest empowers us to harvest dormant promises and re-dig old wells in desolate places so we may see His harvest.
He's giving us boldness to cast out every hindrance to breakthrough, to restore the lost dreams and visions of long ago. He's empowering and sending us out – and quickly!
(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Like He commissioned and sent out His disciples, He is sending us out today.
And as you go, preach, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:7-8
As you go, preach! God calls every Believer to preach the Gospel with power. God will empower us to preach, to heal, to cleanse, to raise the dead, and to cast out demons – all to fulfill His purposes for each one of us. It's a multi-faceted purpose, for God will give us a word, commission us, and release us to fulfill it. Then He will give us another word and release us for another and another fulfillment of it until the harvest is in.
Likewise, we'll go from fulfillment to fulfillment to fulfillment of every true prophetic word ever spoken over our lives. His word will be in our hearts like a burning fire shut up in our bones. We won't be able to hold it back, just like Jeremiah: "But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not" (Jeremiah 20:9b).
With the workings of the Word in us, we will become slayers of any giants that stand in the way of the harvest. Even if there's a wall, we will leap right over it, slaying the giants to bring forth the victory.
Get ready, precious friends! The Lord of the Harvest is releasing a fresh zeal of the Lord through His Word and the power of the Lord for harvest – harvest glory.
Not only will this mean multitudes of the lost coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but also a fresh zeal to stir up the Word of the Lord for our lives that releases the perpetual and ever-increasing flow of His power to see harvest of the promises of God for our lives, our families, our communities, our regions, our states, and the nations!
The Word and the power of the Lord are flowing together to release the plans and purposes of the Lord, according to the constant and ever-increasing flow of His power and ability.
Lord, thank You for the harvest! Empower us for the harvest, precious Lord. Let this time be one of increase for harvest glory – harvest for Your glory, precious Lord.
[1] F. Wilbur Gingrich, revised by Frederick W. Danker, Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament (Second Edition; University of Chicago Press, 1983), 58–59.
Keith and Janet Miller
Stand Firm World Ministries
Stand Firm World Ministries
Keith and Janet Miller minister throughout the U.S. and internationally, across denominational boundaries, with a vibrant teaching, preaching, and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, seeing entire cities and regions impacted by the glory of the LORD! Keith and Janet have founded and pastored a church. Keith is also a conference speaker, and he and Janet are regular guests on Christian television.
They have put together Apostolic Revival Teams to see entire regions powerfully impacted with a fresh anointing, fresh oil, and an increase of a deeper passion for JESUS. Keith and Janet's hearts are to see God's people released and walking in their destiny for the LORD, to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God through each person's life, and the effective working of HIS mighty power through the Believer's life.
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