Showing posts with label Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2016

Peace: A Deceptive, Dictatorial Word for Israel - MARTIN SHERMAN CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Will peace continue to be elusive for Israel?

Peace: A Deceptive, Dictatorial Word for Israel

Will peace continue to be elusive for Israel? (Reuters file photo )

Standing With Israel
After a long absence, "peace" is back in the headlines, due in large measure to this week's visit to Israel by French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, who came to try to promote a new French initiative that somehow, by as yet unspecified means, would resuscitate the moribund "peace process."
Perversely planned to take place without either Israel or the Palestinians, the principal protagonists, the conference has now fortuitously been delayed to accommodate the schedule of U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, who apparently had better things to do than take part in yet another doomed charade to forge "peace" in the Middle East.
However, despite its ill-conceived rationale and dauntingly dim prospects, the planned summit can and should serve one constructive purpose: to focus attention not only on what the quest for the elusive condition of "peace" really entails, but on the even more fundamental question of what is actually meant, and what can realistically be expected, when we talk of "peace" as a desired goal, particularly in the context of the Middle East and particularly from an Israeli perspective.
Indeed, the need for such clarification becomes even more vital and pressing because of recent reports of possible Egyptian involvement in attempts to initiate "peace" negotiations with Arab regimes teetering on the brink of extinction and involving a perilous Israeli withdrawal to indefensible borders. All this in exchange for grudging recognition as a non-Jewish state by a partially no longer existent, partially disintegrating, Arab world.
A Dictatorial Word
It takes little reflection to discover that, in fact, "peace" is a word that is both dictatorial and deceptive.
It is dictatorial because it brooks no opposition. Just as no one can openly pronounce opposition to a dictator without risking severe repercussions, so too no one can be openly branded as opposing peace without suffering grave consequences to personal and professional stature.
Life can be harsh for anyone with the temerity to challenge the tyrannical dictates of the politically correct liberal perspectives. As British columnist Melanie Phillips remarked several years ago in an interview on Israel's Channel 1: "Believe me, it [failing to abide by political correctness] has a very chilling effect on people, because you can lose your professional livelihood, your chances of promotion, you lose your friends."
In a surprisingly candid admission, The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof wrote that "universities are the bedrock of progressive values, but the one kind of diversity that universities disregard is ideological. ... We're fine with people who don't look like us, as long as they think like us."
This peer-imposed doctrinaire uniformity has had a debilitating impact on the quality of intellectual discourse in general, and on the question of "peace" in the Middle East in particular.
New York Times opinion piece by Arthur C. Brooks cautioned: "Excessive homogeneity can lead to stagnation and poor problem solving." Citing studies that found a "shocking level of political groupthink in academia, he warned that "expecting trustworthy results on politically charged topics from an ideologically incestuous community [is] downright delusional."
A Deceptive Word
The considerable potential for defective analysis in the intellectual discourse on such a politically charged topic as "peace" also accounts for another detrimental attribute of the word.
Not only is it rigidly dictatorial, but, perhaps even more significantly, "peace" is a grossly deceptive word. It can be, and indeed is, used to denote two disparate even antithetical political situations. On the one hand, "peace" can be used to describe a state of mutual harmony between parties, but on the other hand, it can just as aptly be used to characterize an absence of violence maintained by deterrence.
In the first meaning, "peace" entails a situation in which the parties eschew violence because they share a mutual perception of a common interest in preserving a tranquil status quo. In the second meaning, "peace" entails a situation in which violence is avoided only by the threat of incurring exorbitant costs.
The significance of this goes far beyond semantics. On the contrary. If it is not clearly understood, it is likely to precipitate calamitous consequences.
The Perilous Pitfalls of 'Peace'
It is crucial for practical policy prescriptions not to blur the sharp substantive differences between these two political realities. Each requires different policies both to achieve and, even more importantly, to sustain them.
The misguided pursuit of one kind of peace may well render the achievement—and certainly the preservation—of the other kind of peace impossible.
Countries with the mutual harmony variety of "peace" typically have relationships characterized by openness and the free movement of people and goods across borders. As in the relationship between Canada and the U.S., there is little or no effort needed to prevent hostile actions by one state against the other. Differences that arise are not only settled without violence, but the very idea of using force against each other is virtually inconceivable.
By contrast, in the second, deterrence-based variety of peace, such as those between the U.S. and USSR during the Cold War or between Iran and Iraq up to the 1980s, the protagonists feel compelled to invest huge efforts in deterrence to maintain the absence of war.
Indeed, whenever the deterrent capacity of one state is perceived to wane, the danger of war becomes very real, as was seen in the Iraqi offensive against an apparently weakened and disorderly Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
In this type of "peace," there is no harmonious interaction between the peoples of the states. Movements across borders are usually highly restricted and regulated, and often prohibited.
It is not surprising to find that peace of the "mutual harmony" variety prevails almost exclusively between democracies, since its characteristic openness runs counter to the nature of dictatorial regimes.
The perils of pursuing one type of peace (mutual harmony) when only the other type (deterrence) is feasible were summed up over two decades ago by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his acclaimed book "A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World." In it, he calls for making a clear distinction between the "peace of democracies" and the "peace of deterrence."
"As long as you are faced with a dictatorial adversary, you must maintain sufficient strength to deter him from going to war. By doing so, you can at least obtain the peace of deterrence. But if you let down your defenses ... you invite war, not peace," he wrote.
For the remainder of this article, visit
Dr. Martin Sherman is founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He was a ministerial adviser to Yitzhak Shamir's government and lectured for 20 years at Tel Aviv University in Political Science, International Relations and Strategic Studies.   
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Prophecy: A Year of Shifting Seasons and Suddenlies - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Last year, the Holy Spirit expressed to my heart that 2015 was the year of new beginnings. That rang true in my life and in the lives of many, many people whom God called from the waiting room to the delivery room.
2015 was a challenging year in many ways, a year of stretching and transitioning from the old to the new—and now we're going to the next. With regard to 2016, I heard the Holy Spirit say it's a year of "shifting seasons and suddenlies."
Those rhythmic words got my attention. What, exactly, does He mean? On the surface, it sounds like more change, more transition—and at least a few unexpected twists and turns along the way. I decided to press in to pray and study what this practically means. In this first article, I'm giving a general overview at the personal level. I will follow up with more specific details in the weeks ahead.
Embracing Shifting Seasons
We all know what a season is, but we don't always know what season we're in. Spiritually speaking, a season is a period of time—that can be specific or indefinite. We know that to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven (Eccl. 3:1). We know we're not supposed to grow weary in well doing because we'll reap if we don't give up—in due season (Gal. 6:9).
We know that if we meditate on the Word day and night, we will stand like trees planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth fruit in its season and prospering in whatever we do (Ps.1:2-3). But we must also know that it is God who changes the times and seasons (Dan. 2:21). We can't change our own season, but we can position ourselves for a season shift.
Merriam-Webster describes a "shift" as to exchange for or replace by another; to change the place, position or direction of; to change gears; to go through a change. When the Holy Spirit said, "shifting season," it's easy to discern that He meant changes are ahead. Some of you are going to shift from a time of sowing to a time of reaping. Others will shift from weeping to laughing. Still others will shift from lack to prosperity.
I'm reminded of what God told Jeremiah, "For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jer. 29:11). God has good plans for us in 2016. He wants to shift us out of what has held us back from His best and into His good, perfect and acceptable will (Rom. 12:2).
Creating a Climate for the Shift
Our part is to position ourselves for the shift—and that means creating a climate that sets the stage for God to move in our lives. Scientists will tell you that the earth's seasons have shifted in recent years—and they point to climate change as the foundation for the shift.
If we translate this to a spiritual reality—as natural surroundings often correspond to spiritual conditions—it's clear that changing our spiritual climate sets the stage for a shift in spiritual seasons. We can't shift our seasons—God does that. But we can create a climate that invites Him to do the work in our hearts that prepares us for the next season.
What is the spiritual climate over your life? If you are angry, ungrateful, complaining, angry, greedy, controlling, critical, impatient, indifferent, discouraged, jealous, frightened, frustrated, unforgiving, resentful, bitter, selfish or something of the kind, you're creating a spiritual climate over your life that repels the Holy Spirit. He loves you, yes, but your flesh is warring against His Spirit.
If, by contrast, you are thankful, peaceful, prayerful, joyful, generous, forgiving, loving, content, selfless, hopeful, faithful, inspired and worshipful, you are creating an atmosphere that attracts the presence of God. And the presence of the Holy Spirit is the ultimate key to spiritual change and growth. Put another way, we need to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and reject the works of the flesh. In doing so, we position our hearts for God to shift us into fruitful seasons of harvest.
Wait for the 'Suddenlies'
When you change your climate unto a season shift, it will lead to a "suddenly." Merriam-Webster defines "suddenly" as "happening or coming unexpectedly; a changing angle or character all at once; marked by or manifesting abruptness or haste; made or brought about in a short time."
After weeks of praying in unity, "Suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind" and the 150 in the upper room were filled with the Spirit (Acts 2). When Paul and Barnabus experienced persecution for Christ's sake, suddenly an earthquake rose up and opened the doors to the jail (Acts 16:26). Suddenly.
Suddenly you may shift into a promotion. Suddenly you may shift from sickness to health. Suddenly you may shift into greater authority in the spirit. Suddenly you may shift from a dark night of the soul to greater revelation of Christ. Suddenly you may shift from feelings of oppression to new levels of freedom. Suddenly.
Believe for the suddenlies in 2016. Expect them to happen. Wait with anticipation, but understand that you have to do your part. Like the disciples in the Upper Room, you need to pray. Like Paul and Barnabus in the prison, you need to praise. In other words, you need to create a spiritual climate over your life that invites the Holy Spirit to work in your heart, in your life and in your circumstances. Your climate change will eventually lead to a season shift that will bring a suddenly you could never make happen in your own strength.
Take heart in Isaiah 48:3: "I have declared the former things from the beginning and they went forth from My mouth, and I announced them. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass."
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Friday, November 20, 2015

Remnant of Resters Rising! by Lana Vawser IDENTITY NETWORK

Remnant of Resters Rising! by Lana Vawser


"Now God has offered to us the same promise of entering into His realm of resting in confident faith. So we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it." (Hebrews 4:1)

There is a remnant of resters rising up. Those who have been pressing deep into the secret place and the Lord has been bringing them to a greater place of rest. The Lord has been working deeply in their hearts leading them into a deeper place of confident expectation in Him. A deeper place of confident faith in who He is and His Word. A deeper place of settledness of His goodness, His power and authority. 

In this place of deep rest, the Lord has been awakening in them a dissatisfaction and insatiable hunger for Him and seeing His Kingdom established. The Lord has broken chains off this remnant in the deep rest and imparted gifts of faith within them to believe for greater things, no matter what their eyes see. 

This remnant of resters have been birthing deeply in the secret place. The Lord has been birthing in them a level of confident faith in Him, His nature and Word that they have never experienced. This new level of confidence in Him, is breaking off chains and limitations and they are now arising with great impartations to release across the body of Christ.

Called and Rising

This remnant of resters are now being called out by the Lord and are arising with a greater anointing for breakthrough as they have entered into this deeper level of rest and faith.

As this remnant is arising now and they are arising with angels of alignment alongside them. They are arising and being positioned/aligned into significant places across the body of Christ and places of EXTREME favor to release a greater impartation and teaching of deeper rest to the people of God.

They are partnering with the Lord in bringing a deeper and wider shift in the body of Christ to a place of deeper rest in Him. A place where wavering and 'to-ing' and 'fro-ing' is settled, it's stopped. Where roots and levels of doubt have continually tormented the people of God, it's being broken and settled. The fire of conviction and resolution to His goodness and the TRUTH of His Word is being birthed. A deeper place of settledness in Him and who He is and what His Word says in the victories and in the mysteries.

These remnant of resters are now finding themselves before HUGE leaps of faith. The Lord has imparted into their hearts revelation and rest, He has brought deep conviction of His nature, and now I see HUGE steps of faith before them. As they take these bold steps of faith forward, EVERYTHING is about to change. 

He is about to rearrange it all and in their 'stepping out' the provision, manifestation of His faithfulness, increase of their faith and miraculous breakthrough will be seen releasing the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy right across the body of Christ, imparting FAITH to those struggling, to stand up and move deeper into the realm of rest and conviction of His nature and Word.

Moving to the Frontline of Greatness

This remnant of resters are not only moving out of the caves, out of hiding, into a greater position on the frontline to lead the body of Christ into some of the greatest encounters and revelation of the truth of who He is and the power of His Word, but into pinnacles of breakthrough. These resters are not only going to see breakthrough upon breakthrough upon their lives but begin to move forward and 'arrest' the enemy. 

Suddenly schemes of the enemy will be thwarted, assignments will be shut down, the impossibilities he stirs up will be flattened as these ones move forward in their burning conviction and authority of KNOWING in SUCH A DEEP PLACE of rest inside them, who HE IS, that miraculous breakthrough occurs.

The Lord is releasing a TIDAL WAVE OF FAITH across the body of Christ through this remnant of resters arising. Reigniting faith where there has been hurt, pain, brokenness, despair, disappointment and confusion. These resters are moving forward ministering right across the body of Christ seeing the Holy Spirit IGNITE FAITH within the people of God who have lost it and add fuel to the fire of faith to those who are holding on. 

I also saw the Lord specifically releasing 'gifts of faith' through this remnant of resters across the body of Christ that when activated and walked in broke some of the hardest ground we have seen. Ground broken open and His Glory displayed.

One of the greatest shifts of increase of faith is happening right now in the body of Christ as we stay positioned and this increase of faith is happening as we come to a place of DEEP REST. We don't change the subject despite what our eyes see, we come into a deeper realm of settledness of who He is and the POWER of His Word.

The Lord is bringing His people into this deeper realm of rest and confident faith in Him and His Word, for it is IN THIS GROUND OF DEEPER REST that He is preparing His people for the greatest move of His Spirit, revival and awakening that they have seen.

The remnant of resters are arising and with them are coming angels of alignment to shift the body of Christ into a deeper level of intimacy and seeing Him and higher level of faith to believe for the impossible and take the Kingdom by force. It's time for the remnant of resters to arise!

Lana Vawser

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Getting Things Done With the Holy Spirit - Dr. Steve Greene CHARISMA NEWS

Have you learned the value of quick retrieval?

Have you learned the value of quick retrieval? (iStock photo )

Getting Things Done With the Holy Spirit

The key to effective organization is a good filing system.
A cottage industry was launched with the publication of David Allen's book, Getting Things Done. Allen's system is rich with ideas and tools for stress-free productivity. The system offers specific advice managing inboxes, to-do lists, projects, filing and calendar management.
The industry is commonly referred to as GTD. Google "GTD" and a list of how-to articles and a sea of apps will quickly appear on your monitor. Many people claim that GTD is cumbersome and difficult. The book was first published in 2002 and birthed as many loyalists as detractors.
According to Allen, "GTD is about creating mental space. You can't manage time. Time just is."
While I'm not a fan of the GTD system as a whole, I profited from learning about his filing system. Paper tends to clutter around me. I don't like to throw things away. I'm nervous I will need everything, every day.
The key to a good filing system is not getting stuff off the desk. It's all about quick retrieval. I once felt if I filed a document, I would never see it again. That feeling created piles of paper throughout my office. (I still fight my tendency to NOT file.)
But I have learned the value of fast retrieval.
When I need a document, I want it now. If I could regain the years I've wasted in "looking for stuff," I would live a full century.
Quick retrieval is a life skill. I believe it is a spiritual gift as well.
Every day we must retrieve priorities, intentions, prayer time, book pages and notes about what I need to retrieve.
I've been amazed and thankful of how the Holy Spirit reminds me of the Word which is hidden in my heart. When teaching, coaching or leading, I'm thankful for the Word that comes to me. I tend to speak from my own "Compiled Version" of the Bible as I have learned verses from many different translations. I'm not always sure which version the Holy Spirit is reminding me to use. But, it is useful in helping me to remember the approximate decade I learned the verses.
Lately, I've been more aware of my need to retrieve notes and ideas given to me by the Holy Spirit. I know when the Holy Spirit is leading me. I know His voice. And, I want to capture the takeaways. I want to keep His voice ringing in my ears. Lead me, Holy Spirit.
Slow me down.
Help me to set aside tech distractions.
Teach me to free my mind to "think on these things." 
Guide me to quickly retrieve that which is of You.
"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you" (John 14:26).

Dr. Steve Greene is the publisher and executive vice president—Media Group, Charisma Media. Sign up here for Dr. Greene's leadership e-newsletter.
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Monday, September 28, 2015

3 Ways God May Be Speaking to You Right Now by Becky Dvorak

3 Ways God May Be Speaking to You Right Now by Becky Dvorak

Identity Network

Faith hears into the realm of the supernatural. A well-trained spiritual ear will hear and know the voice of the Lord. Jesus says in John 10:27, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." Notice He says that His sheep, not the lambs, hear His voice and follow Him.
What is the difference between sheep and lambs? Maturity. And it is mature faith that hears and recognizes the voice of the Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, and will follow Him.
Spiritually speaking, maturity doesn't necessarily come with time or age. There are many in Christ who have been redeemed for many years, but yet they can only handle the milk and not the meat of the Word. They have to be bottle-fed, and are unable or unwilling to feed their own faith. Why? Carnality.  Unless we die to our sinful nature and selfish desires we cannot develop spiritually, and our spiritual senses, such as our ability to hear His voice, are stunted.
How can We hear the Lord?
There are several ways that we hear the Lord speak to us.
  • Through His Word.
  • Through the inner voice.
  • Through an audible voice.
When we move out of religious duty and into actual relationship with the Lord, He will communicate with us while we fellowship with Him in His Word. It says in Psalm 119:105,"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
The inner voice is another way the Spirit speaks with us and is found in Isaiah 30:21: "Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left." This is one of the more common ways that He speaks to us.
I was traveling with a friend on a train in a foreign country and as we were chatting I heard the Lord say to me through the inner voice, "The man sitting across from you is following you." My friend was unaware what the Lord has just spoken to me. As she continued to speak, I looked up and sure enough this man had been following us.
He also will speak to us at times with an audible voice as He spoke to Moses in the burning bush (see Ex. 3:4). On different occasions the Lord has awakened me from my sleep by audibly whispering my name, "Becky." I can physically feel the breath of His voice in my ear, giving me clear instruction on what I am to do at that moment or revealing to me in the supernatural realm things that are taking place.
Recognizing the Voice of the Lord
In 1 Samuel 3 we read about a young boy named Samuel who can hear a voice calling out to him, but he does not recognize the voice speaking to him. It takes the maturity of Eli to teach him who is calling out to him and how to respond to the voice of the Lord.
It is of utmost importance that we train our spiritual ears to hear and recognize the voice of the Lord. To do so we must know the Word of God. The more we know the Word, the more we understand Him and His ways and we can protect ourselves from voices that would mislead us. The Lord will never compromise His Word. This is important when we learn to recognize His voice. Jesus says in Matthew 13:9, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
There are three sources of voice that could possibly speak to our spiritu al ears.
  • The voice of God
  • The voice of Satan
  • The voice of human reasoning
The voice of God is always honorable and faithful to the Word of God. It releases freedom to the hearer and never compromises the Word. In Hebrews 4:12 it says, "For the word of God is alive, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart."
In John 8:32 Jesus says, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
The voice of Satan is deceiving; it twists the Word of God just enough to make it sound appealing and accepting to the human flesh. In John 8:44b Jesus says concerning Satan: "He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
The voice of our human reasoning is based upon our five senses and our emotions and is limited to human intellect. It says in Proverbs 28:26a, "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered."
A mature spiritual ear hears and knows the voice of our Lord; it protects us from misguiding voices and is trained to follow after the will of the Spirit of God in all situations.
To learn more about the senses of our faith read my book Greater Than Magic.
Becky Dvorak

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Responding to His Voice by Kathi Pelton

Responding to His Voice 

by Kathi Pelton

Identity Network
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word...." How did the world begin? God spoke! The entire universe exists because God spoke and it came into being.  Jesus is the Word and when He speaks a word there must be a response.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light." Genesis 1:3
Again, He spoke and then it existed! God's written and spoken word is not void but is full of life, creation, movement, motion and fulfillment. We exist because God spoke. The Earth and all it contains exist because God spoke it into existence. Do you believe this? Do you believe when he speaks a word today it has the same power as it did in creation? His word is just as powerful as the day He spoke and light appeared.
Entering into His Word
God still speaks light and life into our situations. As His sons and daughters we have close relationship with Him, and therefore, He speaks within that context. When you hear God speak a word to you and you respond, you enter into His living word. His words are filled with life; they contain everything necessary to not only begin, but also complete the promise or prophecy He spoke to you.
Picture a word He has spoken to you as a suitcase being handed to you at the outset of a journey. The case holds everything you will need for your entire adventure. It carries the beginning, middle and end result. It has everything that you need in every area that you will need it. Like Mary Poppins' suitcase, keep reaching in even if the bag seems empty, and what your need will be supplied! 
Act on His Word
When God speaks, we must respond. When you receive what He has spoken as truth, you enter into the fullness of the promise contained within the word. You must both receive and believe His spoken word over your life and then ask what your response is to be. He most likely will have directions included, even if that direction is to wait for the next step to be revealed to you.
When the Lord told Moses to stand before Pharaoh and command him to free the Israelites, Moses had to respond. He did not have all the details, but he had received a word, he chose to believe the word, and he returned to Egypt in response to that word.  The word contained all that Moses needed to see his people freed from slavery, but God only revealed what he needed at the moment.  (see Exodus 3)
The same is true for us. God speaks to us and we respond. We may not know all of the details but we obey in faith. Remember, His word is not void of life but is living and active and has provision and promises within it.
Moses faced obstacle after obstacle as he demanded of Pharaoh, "Let my people go!" When Pharaoh resisted, Moses did not give up but went back for further instructions. When he entered into agreement with the word God had spoken, he also entered into receiving instructions, grace and strength for every aspect of fulfillment of that word.
Man does not Live By Bread Alone
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4
Life comes from every word that the Lord speaks! Just as our bodies need food to stay healthy and nourished, so does the body of Christ need the word of God to remain healthy and nourished. His word is truth, and gives vision and guidance of how to live our lives. When He speaks to us, whether personally or corporately, things begin to change as we receive His word. Breakthrough begins at the sound of His voice! His voice is like the gun that goes off to mark the beginning of a race. It gives us the permission to go.
Be sure to be an active participant when God speaks; passivity does not win the race. His word is sure and announces good tidings. His word makes a way through every obstacle and gives strength to every weary heart. His word feeds the hungry soul and gives sight to blind eyes. His word breaks the heavy yoke and promises favor and success. His word is FULL of everything that you need.

Now is the time to respond to the words that He has spoken into your life! Reach into that word and find all that you need to move forward. Do not let what is "seen" usurp the "unseen."  Reality is what the Father has spoken, whether you can see it or not.
Kathi Pelton

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Keith Miller: His Word Is Like Fire In My Bones

Keith Miller:
The Elijah List

Keith and Janet MillerThen He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38 NKJV

In this text, we see the word Lord in the context of the harvest. The Greek translation of Lord used here means "One who can empower harvesters; one who can literally oversee the harvest; one who can be empowered for harvest" [1]. Interestingly, the Greek word translated as "send out," ekballo, at the root level means "to drive out." Ballo is where we derive the English word ballistic.

In this we can see the force and sense of urgency, a driving out, a thrusting out of laborers into His harvest. We may be the instruments God uses, but God is the moving force for the harvest. 

We see this same word used in Mark 1:12 to describe Christ's actions after He was filled with the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River. It says, "Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness."
With that sense of urgency, Jesus isn't going to thrust us out ill-equipped. No, He's going to give us His effectual wonder-working power and authority to help us bring in the harvest quickly. He's going after the harvest, and He's empowering us for it!

As we see in Matthew 10:1, "...He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease." The Lord of the Harvest empowers us to harvest dormant promises and re-dig old wells in desolate places so we may see His harvest. 

He's giving us boldness to cast out every hindrance to breakthrough, to restore the lost dreams and visions of long ago. He's empowering and sending us out – and quickly! 

(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Like He commissioned and sent out His disciples, He is sending us out today.

And as you go, preach, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:7-8

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

As you go, preach! God calls every Believer to preach the Gospel with power. God will empower us to preach, to heal, to cleanse, to raise the dead, and to cast out demons – all to fulfill His purposes for each one of us. It's a multi-faceted purpose, for God will give us a word, commission us, and release us to fulfill it. Then He will give us another word and release us for another and another fulfillment of it until the harvest is in.

Likewise, we'll go from fulfillment to fulfillment to fulfillment of every true prophetic word ever spoken over our lives. His word will be in our hearts like a burning fire shut up in our bones. We won't be able to hold it back, just like Jeremiah: "But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not" (Jeremiah 20:9b).

As the Word becomes like a burning fire in our hearts and bones, our focus will be on the harvest, and it won't be denied us because we have freely received the Word and freely given the powerful Word of the Lord.
With the workings of the Word in us, we will become slayers of any giants that stand in the way of the harvest. Even if there's a wall, we will leap right over it, slaying the giants to bring forth the victory.

Get ready, precious friends! The Lord of the Harvest is releasing a fresh zeal of the Lord through His Word and the power of the Lord for harvest – harvest glory.

Not only will this mean multitudes of the lost coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but also a fresh zeal to stir up the Word of the Lord for our lives that releases the perpetual and ever-increasing flow of His power to see harvest of the promises of God for our lives, our families, our communities, our regions, our states, and the nations!

The Word and the power of the Lord are flowing together to release the plans and purposes of the Lord, according to the constant and ever-increasing flow of His power and ability.

Lord, thank You for the harvest! Empower us for the harvest, precious Lord. Let this time be one of increase for harvest glory – harvest for Your glory, precious Lord.

[1] F. Wilbur Gingrich, revised by Frederick W. Danker, Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament (Second Edition; University of Chicago Press, 1983), 58–59.

Keith and Janet Miller
Stand Firm World Ministries


Keith and Janet Miller minister throughout the U.S. and internationally, across denominational boundaries, with a vibrant teaching, preaching, and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, seeing entire cities and regions impacted by the glory of the LORD! Keith and Janet have founded and pastored a church. Keith is also a conference speaker, and he and Janet are regular guests on Christian television. 

They have put together Apostolic Revival Teams to see entire regions powerfully impacted with a fresh anointing, fresh oil, and an increase of a deeper passion for JESUS. Keith and Janet's hearts are to see God's people released and walking in their destiny for the LORD, to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God through each person's life, and the effective working of HIS mighty power through the Believer's life.

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Sunday, April 20, 2014


John Paul Jackson



Written by John Paul Jackson
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God and His Thoughts Toward You
Several people have recently asked me to teach on what I call the Law of Geographic Anointing. Simply put, this law is all about the heart of God, His extravagant affection for us and how He intends to use us on the earth. Though not clearly stated, this law can be seen in every story in Scripture.
The Law of Geographic Anointing reveals that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. He chose the times and places we would live, and He arranged a myriad of details concerning us (Acts 17:26–28).
The moment we begin to peel back the layers of geographic anointing, we come face to face with a powerful but childlike realization: I must be important to God for Him to be so intentional about the details of my life. The more we understand His ways, His plans for us and His purposes on the earth, the more we understand the position we hold in His heart and are drawn to love Him passionately in return.


God loves us more than we could ever comprehend. His affection for us is greater than anything we could ever hope for. The Law of Geographic Anointing is one of many principles and laws in Scripture that boldly declare that truth. But when it comes down to it, many of us have a hard time balancing what God says about us and what we believe about ourselves.
I spent two years in such a state of heaviness that all I could do was sit in my office. I dreaded the phone calls asking me to come and speak. Whenever I stood behind a pulpit, the Holy Spirit would come upon me and anoint me in incredible ways. Amazing things would happen. But when I walked away from the pulpit, the anointing would lift, and I would spiral back into my abysmal office sitting, unable to do anything productive and wincing every time the phone rang.
In that time of darkness, the Lord dealt with me concerning this whole issue of how I thought about myself. He told me, “I want you to start praying and writing down what I say in Scripture.”
This instruction is so simple and its effects are so profound. I have come to understand that all the promises written in His Word personally apply to me. They are equally applicable to you. The Law of Geographic Anointing is working in your life as much as it worked in Abraham’s life or Moses’ life. Why? Because He has excellent plans for you, just as He had for them; you are important to Him, and in the same breath, you play an important role in His plans.


If you are unsure of who you are and where God is leading you, do what God told me to do—pray His Word and write down His Word.
Sit with your Father and go through Scripture. Write down the verses that jump out at you and ask Him why your heart stirs as you read them—what He is saying to you through them. We cannot come in contact with God’s living Word and fail to experience some sort of change.
This incredible God we serve designed you for this day, for this era of enigma; He designed you to be a solution in a time of quandary and to have faith when others are struggling. You are where you are for a reason, and whether or not your emotions agree with this, God is with you.
He will do everything He promised. He will bring you into the land of your anointing, and someday when you look back on your life, you will find that every step of the road was saturated with His faithfulness.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield;

The Lord will give grace and glory;

No good thing will He withhold

From those who walk uprightly.
— Psalm 84:11

John Paul Jackson is a husband, father, and established authority on Christian spirituality and dream interpretation.  His Biblical approach to dreams reveals their life-changing purpose, and restores an overlooked way God chooses to communicate with people.
John Paul’s teachings have stirred and renewed passion for God among people of all ages from various faith backgrounds.  His thoughtful "explanations of the unexplainable" and simple, yet profound, concepts help people relate to God and each other in fresh ways.
As an author, speaker, and television guest, John Paul has impacted hundreds of thousands of people, emphasizing character as a key element in the true spiritual life.  His many years of study and experience have made him a respected and sought-after spiritual advisor to leaders and believers around the world.
John Paul has shared his practical and spiritual expertise with an international audience through the Streams Training Center courses and publications.