Remnant of Resters Rising! by Lana Vawser
There is a remnant of resters rising up. Those who have been pressing deep into the secret place and the Lord has been bringing them to a greater place of rest. The Lord has been working deeply in their hearts leading them into a deeper place of confident expectation in Him. A deeper place of confident faith in who He is and His Word. A deeper place of settledness of His goodness, His power and authority.
In this place of deep rest, the Lord has been awakening in them a dissatisfaction and insatiable hunger for Him and seeing His Kingdom established. The Lord has broken chains off this remnant in the deep rest and imparted gifts of faith within them to believe for greater things, no matter what their eyes see.
This remnant of resters have been birthing deeply in the secret place. The Lord has been birthing in them a level of confident faith in Him, His nature and Word that they have never experienced. This new level of confidence in Him, is breaking off chains and limitations and they are now arising with great impartations to release across the body of Christ.
Called and Rising
This remnant of resters are now being called out by the Lord and are arising with a greater anointing for breakthrough as they have entered into this deeper level of rest and faith.
As this remnant is arising now and they are arising with angels of alignment alongside them. They are arising and being positioned/aligned into significant places across the body of Christ and places of EXTREME favor to release a greater impartation and teaching of deeper rest to the people of God.
They are partnering with the Lord in bringing a deeper and wider shift in the body of Christ to a place of deeper rest in Him. A place where wavering and 'to-ing' and 'fro-ing' is settled, it's stopped. Where roots and levels of doubt have continually tormented the people of God, it's being broken and settled. The fire of conviction and resolution to His goodness and the TRUTH of His Word is being birthed. A deeper place of settledness in Him and who He is and what His Word says in the victories and in the mysteries.
These remnant of resters are now finding themselves before HUGE leaps of faith. The Lord has imparted into their hearts revelation and rest, He has brought deep conviction of His nature, and now I see HUGE steps of faith before them. As they take these bold steps of faith forward, EVERYTHING is about to change.
He is about to rearrange it all and in their 'stepping out' the provision, manifestation of His faithfulness, increase of their faith and miraculous breakthrough will be seen releasing the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy right across the body of Christ, imparting FAITH to those struggling, to stand up and move deeper into the realm of rest and conviction of His nature and Word.
Moving to the Frontline of Greatness
This remnant of resters are not only moving out of the caves, out of hiding, into a greater position on the frontline to lead the body of Christ into some of the greatest encounters and revelation of the truth of who He is and the power of His Word, but into pinnacles of breakthrough. These resters are not only going to see breakthrough upon breakthrough upon their lives but begin to move forward and 'arrest' the enemy.
Suddenly schemes of the enemy will be thwarted, assignments will be shut down, the impossibilities he stirs up will be flattened as these ones move forward in their burning conviction and authority of KNOWING in SUCH A DEEP PLACE of rest inside them, who HE IS, that miraculous breakthrough occurs.
The Lord is releasing a TIDAL WAVE OF FAITH across the body of Christ through this remnant of resters arising. Reigniting faith where there has been hurt, pain, brokenness, despair, disappointment and confusion. These resters are moving forward ministering right across the body of Christ seeing the Holy Spirit IGNITE FAITH within the people of God who have lost it and add fuel to the fire of faith to those who are holding on.
I also saw the Lord specifically releasing 'gifts of faith' through this remnant of resters across the body of Christ that when activated and walked in broke some of the hardest ground we have seen. Ground broken open and His Glory displayed.
One of the greatest shifts of increase of faith is happening right now in the body of Christ as we stay positioned and this increase of faith is happening as we come to a place of DEEP REST. We don't change the subject despite what our eyes see, we come into a deeper realm of settledness of who He is and the POWER of His Word.
The Lord is bringing His people into this deeper realm of rest and confident faith in Him and His Word, for it is IN THIS GROUND OF DEEPER REST that He is preparing His people for the greatest move of His Spirit, revival and awakening that they have seen.
The remnant of resters are arising and with them are coming angels of alignment to shift the body of Christ into a deeper level of intimacy and seeing Him and higher level of faith to believe for the impossible and take the Kingdom by force. It's time for the remnant of resters to arise!
Lana Vawser