Ben Lim: "A Time to Accelerate! You Will Run With the Horses"
I know many of you are sure enjoying hearing from the younger Millennial generation...and we will continue to post many upcoming words from them as they are the next generation rising up in mighty ways in the Kingdom of God.
Ben Lim shares an awesome word for all of us in this season of acceleration:
This harvest is going to be so great, that we need each and every one of us to be ready and able. Get renewed and get refreshed, for the Lord is about to accelerate you into the best season of your life!
Now that's good news for all of us...enjoy this word and get ready for a great acceleration in this season! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Time to Accelerate! You Will Run With the Horses"
Running Out From the Dumps!
There is a time for everything under the sun. There is a time to laugh and there is a time to cry. There is a time to sit and there is a time to run!
I believe that the Lord is anointing the Church to run, run, run! It is not time to sit back and rummage around. But rather, it is time for the Bride of Christ to run, fast forward, and to not look back!
Elijah was a man who was just like us. The Bible says that after his greatest victory, he fell deep into the face of depression. Depression had swallowed him up and the spirit of death was knocking at his door (1 Kings 19:4).
"The Holy Spirit is strengthening you with fresh revelation and you will now move forth in the spirit of power and might!"
Many have fallen into depression and sadness. Many have fallen into a spirit of discouragement. The Lord began showing me that many in the Church were experiencing sadness because of unfulfilled words and unfinished projects. But this spirit of discouragement is now going to flee far from you in Jesus' name!
Tiredness and Depression
This spirit of discouragement is delaying the people of God from running with full force. These heavy baggages are causing people to run at a speed level that they were never destined for. You are meant to run freely in the power of His might! You were made to run swiftly in the power of God and run freely from all of the baggages of your pasts and from all of the entanglements of the world.
The enemy is trying to distract you so that you would deplete your time and energy and all of your resources. Have you been discouraged?
Elijah was deep down in the dumps, but the Lord had met him in a supernatural way (1 Kings 19:14). The same whisper of God's wind and Word that empowered Elijah to run is going to pick you up and cause you to run! The Lord is about to meet you in a supernatural way. The Lord is about to cause you to run.
Pace Yourself
The Bible says that we should all run in a race as if only one will win the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24). We are all competing in this life-long marathon of eternal Olympics. And truly, life is not a sprint but it is a marathon.
Life is not about how quickly you start, but about how long and well you last. Even for myself as a Millennial, I have witnessed so many people, both old and young from all schools and streams of life, get on fire for the Lord but quickly die out in their passions and in their faith. Some even backslide into renouncing Christ and become Atheistic or turn to some form of New Age Universalism.
I am not impressed by a person's zeal and passion. I am impressed by how they carry themselves to fully finish their assignment. Too many start well, but they end up veering off track. Even the Apostle Paul rebuked the Galatians and asked, "...Who has bewitched you?" (Galatians 3:1). The Lord is interested in whether or not we finish strong with one another for the long run.
Your Integrity is Your Life-Long Legacy
The Lord wants us to overcome all obstacles so that we will be a great witness for His name. The Lord wants us to be credible and demonstrate integrity in every way, so that we will be trusted voices to this generation and to those to come. We must not compromise our birthrights for mere bowls of soups.
The Lord wants us to be a holy people with proven character. We must be a people who can be trusted with much more than we have now. And if we are not capable of being faithful with the little now, then how can we be faithful with the greater things to come? Kingdoms are at hand; nations are at hand. There is so much of God's Kingdom that is drawing nearer and nearer.
We haven't even come close to seeing the greater things that Jesus has for us as He spoke of in John 14:12. We haven't even come close yet! We haven't even scratched the surface. There is a depth that is calling out to the children of God. Deep cries out unto deep (Psalm 42:7).
The Spirit of Endurance
"But the one who endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 24:13 ESV)
The whole prophetic book of Revelation is repeated with the word and phrase, "Endurance." You can see this in Revelation 2:3 NKJV, "And you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary."
The Kingdom of God is about endurance. I believe the spirit of endurance is about to mark the Church in an immeasurable way. Endurance is what the foundational apostles of Christ Jesus had. Endurance was the sure sign of being an apostle (2 Corinthians 12:12). Endurance is what caused the Church fathers to prevail over the persecutions of Rome and of the religious systems of the Jews.
Endurance is what caused Jesus to carry the Cross up to the top of Mount Golgotha. And endurance is what will keep you strong and ready even to the finishing of the race and to the end of the battle.
"I believe that the Lord is anointing the Church to run, run, run! It is not time to sit back and rummage around. But rather, it is time for the Bride of Christ to run fast forward and to not look back! "
If you're feeling tired and discouraged now, then get ready beloved, because this is just a small taste of what is to come! We must advance with full force. We must advance with the resurrection power of Christ Jesus.
This harvest is going to be so great, that we need each and every one of us to be ready and able. Get renewed and get refreshed, for the Lord is about to accelerate you into the best season of your life!
Running with the Horses
"If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?" (Jeremiah 12:5 NIV)
Have you been stumbling? Have you been stumbling with the footmen? Well the Lord is wanting to upgrade you to the horses. It's time for you to compete with the horses! The Lord is moving you up from running with the footmen to now racing with the horses.
God is about to bring you up to the next level of things. He's bringing you to a whole new ball game. He is bringing you to a new tier. You will be moved from running with the men to running with the horses. You will move from the natural to the supernatural. You will go from the first heavens to the third. You are being promoted.
Discouragement is fleeing from you. Sadness is leaving you. The disappointments and the depressing lies of the devil are being extinguished. The Holy Spirit is strengthening you with fresh revelation and you will now move forth in the spirit of power and might! It's time for you to ride on with the Rider on the white horse. Ride on rider, ride on!
To Run with the Spirit of Endurance, We Must:
2) Sabbath - Take time and days, even seasons, to have days off and to go on a sabbatical trip with the Lord. Refresh your spirit and your soul by taking a break from what you call work and ministry.
3) Fellowship - There must be mutual koinonia with people who you can receive from. The Kingdom is not all about giving, but it is also about receiving. So get under anointings, atmospheres, teachers, and people who you can receive fresh impartation from.
As you do these things on a regular basis, you will surely run fast and far with the horses! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Ben Lim is a dynamic Millennial leader, who currently serves as the senior pastor of His Way Life, in Koreatown, Los Angeles. He is the director of Open Heaven Cry, a missions and revival network, and is a highly sought out international speaker. He is the CEO of Ben Lim TV and is the author of the book Men of Valor. He loves to live life in the fullness as a son of the Most High.