Showing posts with label get ready. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get ready. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Prophecy: Get Ready to Disciple the Newborns! - VINCE VIOZZI CHARISMA NEWS

(Unsplash/Milos Prelevic)

Prophecy: Get Ready to Disciple the Newborns!

As I was seeking the Lord the other day, I could strongly feel His heart in this. I sense that He desires to speak concerning an influx of newborn Christians.
Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers: Get Ready to Disciple the Newborns!
"The fishermen are about to deliver the fish into the sanctuaries of many churches! Will you be ready to disciple them?"
A Year's Worth of Fish in One Day
Recently I saw a documentary TV program that was highlighting a particular region of the north. In it, they showed a large number of fishing boats, all in one bay of water. These fishermen were waiting for the exact moment of the opening of the season to go out and make their catch.
The fish they were going to catch were in spawning season. And every year, these fish return to one particular area of the water to do their spawning. There were huge numbers of fish that annually returned there by instinct to reproduce after their kind. The documentary also said these fishermen could catch enough fish in one day to equal a years' worth of wages. T
This is a prophetic picture of the time and season we are in. We are fishing for men.
Luke 5:1-11, 4 Fishermen Called as Disciples
As the people pressed upon Him to hear the word of God, He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret and saw two boats beside the lake. But the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He entered one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to thrust it out a little from the land. Then He sat down and taught the people from the boat.
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."
Simon answered Him, "Master, we have worked all night and have caught nothing. But at Your word I will let down the net."
When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was tearing. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon.
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Do not fear. From now on you will catch men." So when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him.
In this passage of Scripture, we are given a picture that represents many similarities in the season the kingdom of God is in right now.
First of all, we have Jesus, who is out ministering to a multitude of the world's people. He is drawing them to Himself, The Holy Spirit has been letting us know that Jesus is out there doing this right now, and a great harvest is imminently upon us.
Second, the fishermen have packed up their gear, parked their boats on the shore and are cleaning their nets. This is a picture of where the evangelistic ministry has been for quite some time now. Evangelists have been working hard to catch new believers for decades, and have had little to no response.
Third, we have Jesus getting into a boat and telling His disciples to take Him out on the lake with them. Not only that, but He also tells them that they are not to pack up their gear but to let down their nets again for another attempt. This is a picture of the what the kingdom prophets have been telling us for quite some time now. It's time for another revival. Get ready for a huge catch; the fish are coming to your pond.
The next picture we have is the response of the tired fishermen. In my words: "Lord, we have been trying for a long time to get people saved, and we are just not having very good success at this." I'm sure that Jesus lovingly looked into their eyes, and with His look of love, He was saying, "I know, child, but just listen to Me again, because this time it's different. I'm in the boat with you!"
The final picture here is the one where the disciples did catch fish. However, it was not the normal catch this time. There were so many fish that there nets were breaking, and they had to call out to their friends to bring their nets as well, because there were so many fish that one net was not able to contain the catch. Their boats were sinking because of the vast number of fish, and they were not prepared to handle the size of the catch.
They were unprepared for the influx of so many fish that they were astonished and convicted. They even told Jesus to leave them because they were not prepared ahead of time with the faith and equipment to handle the great catch that was happening now right in their midst.
Jesus finished this encounter up with this exhortation to His disciples: "Do not fear. From now on you will catch men."
Jesus let His disciples know that this experience had another application. They were being trained to fish for men.
The Season of Harvest Is Upon Us
I sense from the Lord that we have begun to enter the season of harvest in the kingdom.
The Spirit of God is stirring and drawing the hearts of those who are ready to answer His beckoning to salvation. I feel in the Spirit that this number of souls is extremely large. I see a picture in my spirit of a vast number of souls, like a huge school of fish frantically swimming and stirring the waters around them. They are in great anticipation for what is about to take place in their lives. They have been feeling the Spirit stirring them and drawing them, but they have not known what to do about it or with it.
These fish are coming to your pond.
Will you be ready to disciple them? 
You can reach Vince Viozzi at vvministries@outlook.comIf you would like to invite him to speak at your church, meeting or conference please send an email with the subject Line "Invite Vince" to the above email address.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Joni Ames: "Revival: Get Ready for the Adventure of a Lifetime!" - THE ELIJAH LIST Jun 4, 2017

Joni Ames: "Revival: Get Ready for the 
of a Lifetime!"


Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This article from Joni Ames is full of prophetic nuggets for everyone. And let me just say...we are ALL called to SPREAD THE GOSPEL.
As we approach the summer months, this is a very timely word for the Church Body as Joni shares this from her opening paragraph:
Recently the Ringling Bros. Circus announced that it will soon shut down. I got excited in my spirit because the Lord had showed me years ago that those tents would be used for revivals in the coming days. Many souls would come in and the revival would contain a restoration of healing like what happened with Oral Roberts and other great healing ministries of days gone by, but yet a new thing – a massive and great new revival. Signs, wonders, and miracles for a new generation that hasn't yet seen such things. I called several revivalist friends and told them to call and see how those tents may be obtained. We are about take part in the greatest adventure of our lifetime!
I will close and echo that...We are about take part in the greatest adventure of our lifetime! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


Recently the Ringling Bros. Circus announced that it will soon shut down. I got excited in my spirit because the Lord had showed me years ago that those tents would be used for revivals in the coming days. Many souls would come in and the revival would contain a restoration of healing like what happened with Oral Roberts and other great healing ministries of days gone by, but yet a new thing – a massive and great new revival. Signs, wonders, and miracles for a new generation that hasn't yet seen such things. I called several revivalist friends and told them to call and see how those tents may be obtained. We are about take part in the greatest adventure of our lifetime!
"May God revive (bring back to life) all the creativity that He put in you as He revives and brings back to life your heart, mind, and spirit. What an adventure you have ahead of you as that happens!"
The word revive means "to restore life, consciousness, or strength." It can also mean to "return something to its former state." The Church often cries out for revival, but what is really wanted? I believe what's wanted is for the Church to be revived and restored to holiness and to God as Father; to be revived and restored to the purpose, call and destiny that He called the Church to walk in – before time even began.
Restored to Our First Love
When you think back to the time when you were first saved, it often brings memories of excitement, vigor, joy, and great hope. Sometimes throughout the years, the "shine" of that time can begin to get dull. Years of hope deferred can make the heart sick. The value of attending church, being involved, and enjoying yourself in doing that can even become like drudgery.
What would restore to you that feeling of first love that you had back when you were originally saved? 
Can we have it (or even greater joy) now that we are walking in greater fullness as a Christian? Very often, just as in a natural relationship, expectations unfulfilled can cause you to lose heart.
Yet, there is a reality of what God has done in your life that goes beyond feelings. Being revived in one's inner man goes far beyond hype and laughter. As you mature, a stable "knowing" of God's goodness in your spirit takes over. There is a seriousness that comes into play as a more mature Christian that has a level-headed understanding of His love, grace, and mercy. 
It's understanding that life is about growing up and learning to "hold on" even when you don't feel like it. It's not about just enjoying the hype of having something new and "exciting" going on. It's about an eternal adventure yet ahead.
Reviving the "Basics"
Perhaps the greatest revival the world needs right now is a dose of true common sense, a good work ethic, the ability to "be only strong and very courageous" and press on even if they don't "feel like it." Maybe even a dose of good manners. The Word of God commands to be only strong and very courageous (see Deuteronomy 31:6 and Joshua 1:9). It says that overcomers will inherit the Kingdom (see Revelation 21:7). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
I've also witnessed what I call "a sloppy grace teaching" out there that tries to say that God understands people are human and what Jesus did on the Cross covers all sin for all time. So even if we sin again, it's covered, so go do it. In other words, what Jesus did bought us the grace to sin. However, the Word of God clearly denies that. It tells us that when we willfully continue to sin, we trample the Blood of Jesus (see Romans 7). Additionally with that type of attitude, a person can heal, prophesy, and cast out demons in Jesus' name, but still end up having Jesus Himself say, "...I never knew you. Away from Me you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:23)
All of that said, the revival we need might need to begin with a revival of mindsets, a revival of proper teaching of God's Word, and a revival of healthy mentality.
Spreading the Gospel Over All the Earth
Lately, there is so much time spent on cell phones and iPads. The good news is that the Bible is still the best-selling book on the planet! Did you know that? It is said the Bible is one of the popular phone apps college students are downloading as well. Praise God! Now let's teach them how to access what they need to know in it. As well as how to spread that Good News to others.
The computer age has made it such that the Great Commission allows each and every person the opportunity to spread the Gospel to all ends of the earth. Anyone who wants to can get online and begin to do a blog, newsletter, or website to spread the Word of God and start revival.
God said His Gospel will be spread to the entire earth before Jesus returns, and the internet is truly one of the "nets" that He is using to catch fish, bring revival and reel in the harvest.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
You don't have to have a PhD, ordination, or anything else. Just know Jesus, and there you go! If God could use a little rundown storefront on Azusa Street, know that He can and will use you and your testimony and the internet to catch many fish.
Use Your Creative and Artistic Gifts
He will even use your artistic gifts. As you get out there and show others what God gives you, it will spur on other skilled artisans to come forth in the beauty of the skill He has placed within them as well. Post your songs, dances, paintings, drawings, photos of pottery, designs of clothing, hair styles, or whatever skilled artistry God has given to you. Use it, along with your testimony, to reach those of like-mind and skill. You are the one who can reach, with authority, the ones in the category that you also occupy.
"I believe what's wanted is for the Church to be revived and restored to holiness and to God as Father; to be revived and restored to the purpose, call and destiny that He called the Church to walk in – before time even began."
Don't get me wrong, we can all reach everyone, but there is nothing like hearing from or seeing someone who has either been through a "similar situation as you" or has a similar mindset or skill as you. Use it for the Lord! This is how we empower one another to overcome! The Bible says we overcome satan by the Blood of the Lamb and word of our testimonies (see Revelation 12:11).
So you see, even if you have felt different or strange, you were born to be "different" so that you could reach others who are also "different." It's part of your gifting. You were not born to hide. Like Dr. Seuss says, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" As you "stand out" you will do outstanding things in the Kingdom and bring in many.
May God revive (bring back to life) all the creativity that He put in you as He revives and brings back to life your heart, mind, and spirit. What an adventure you have ahead of you as that happens!
Make the Church Great Again
Much has been said about Donald Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America great again." Well, the way to make America great again is to make the Church in America great again. Revive it. Restore it. Breathe life into it. Bring it back to being a living, breathing, full functioning organ again.
One way to make the Church in America great again is to bring the Holy Bible back into it instead of political correctness. Unashamedly preach and teach it and let people know what sin is and how to defend one's self against it, as well as how to get out of its snare if entrapped in it. Holiness isn't a religious-spirited thing. Holy is the first name of Holy Spirit(Photo via Flickr)
If we want revival and restoration, we must have an understanding of what is profane and what is holy. There must be a restoration of the plumb-line of holiness so that we know what our proper boundary lines are. No blurry lines. Clear Blood of Jesus lines.
Jesus died to save and protect us from sin. He didn't die and get raised again to raise sin up as an example of who and what we should be or follow. May God truly revive and bring back to life a holy and spotless Church for a holy and spotless Bride to be joined to Her King.
Get ready! We are about to witness and be a part of the greatest adventure of our lifetime! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Love and blessings,
Joni Ames
The Ministry of Joni Faith Ames 

Joni Ames is an itinerant prophetic minister, writer, teacher, encourager, mentor, mother and grandma. Joni has taught in churches of many varied denominations including: conferences, government offices, Christian businesses, Women's Aglow groups, Full Gospel Businessmen groups, house groups, prisons, and wherever the Lord leads. Joni believes that the Lord wants to encourage and activate the Laborers as we continue to move into the harvest and does share specific types of teachings (activating others in personal prophetic ministry, intercession, etc.). Joni believes that the job of the five-fold ministry is "for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry," (Eph. 4:11) and that "...the whole Body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Eph. 4:16)
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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Danny Steyne: "Get Ready! A Great Shift is Happening" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Danny & Karen Steyne 
Mountain Of Worship (MOW aka The Mountain)

Danny Steyne: "Get Ready! A Great Shift is Happening"

THE ELIJAH LIST  May 25, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I can sense a "shift" coming, how about you? I enjoyed reading the revelations that Danny Steyne received in his latest word about the SHIFT that is coming to the Church.
I understand there are exciting things coming as Danny shares his revelations:
"I realized that He was about to cause a shift in the earth that would break open the dams that have locked the free flow of the "Spirit Way" upstream in all the streams that existed. This shift was going to cause a tumultuous and disruptive release to The River to flow as God had intended it to!"
Let the River flow...there is a SHIFT coming, Church! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

In November 1989 the Lord told me, "If unity will come to the Church, someone has to be willing to be offended first." Through the years I've watched and waited. I've seen little "cross-pollination" that does more than create the awkward experience of "almost unity", but not quite. Then I received three things that would shift my focus in a huge way!
"The intensity in the Spirit of this hour requires a peace inside of us. We must not divert from the call of God on our lives, but be very aware of the times in which we are living."
First, I saw a shifter in a car – a speed shifter – no clutch needed! We were about to enter the next phase without the usual protocol. We were going from 2nd to 4th gear! (That feeling of needing to shift gears out of second and the engine begging for a shift is how most of the Church has been feeling...but here is the answer!)
The initial shift would seem slow, but as we move through it, we would realize 3rd gear wasn't working, and so it was bypassed to get us to Highway Speed. We were going to be driving on the Highway of Holiness: "A highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness" (Isaiah 35:8).
Secondly, I also saw many streams rushing down the hillsides in a torrential river and watched as they crashed and exploded into that river and realized we had only seen minimal trickles entering The River, but what we were about to see was going to challenge the torrents of the rivers and streams coming. It was tumultuous. It raged with a passion and produced a speed in The River not previously experienced.
I realized that He was about to cause a shift in the earth that would break open the dams that have locked the free flow of the "Spirit Way" upstream in all the streams that existed. This shift was going to cause a tumultuous and disruptive release to The River to flow as God had intended it to! (Photo via Pixabay)
The streams aren't going to flow together, they are going to crash into one another and stir up the passionate heart of God rather than forcing ideologies and opinions across denominational and stream lines. This was the Body of Christ on the earth about to arise. 
This was the expression of The Giant waking up to the intended call of the earliest disciples not to "a" way but to "The Way" of following Jesus. "All nations will stream to the Mountain of the Lord."Isaiah 2:2
The Season of Deborah
The third thing I heard was: "You are entering the season of Deborah." (Read Judges 4-5 for context.) As I began reflecting and meditating on this, my first response was the rise of women in the Church, but I realized that women are already rising in the Church.
Women are standing in places that previous generations would have never allowed. They have risen as being as gifted (or more so) than men in some areas. One quick glance through the Church and you will realize far more women are involved than men, and some have indicated this to be a problem; but Jesus ended His days as a man on the earth with women at the Cross by His side, except for one man, John. I realized the Lord was saying more than what I thought He was saying.
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What He was declaring was further, deeper, than the surface meaning that can only be interpreted as "natural" thinking. God was speaking about a generational issue, a leadership issue, and not a gender issue.
Breakthrough for the Church in this hour is coming, but it's not coming from those whom we have perceived it's supposed to come. Breakthrough is coming not through known and the notable, not from the visible and the viable, not from the crowned and the cream, not from the professional and the polished. It's not coming through whom you think it will come and you must look in a different direction. It's coming through the willing. You must now look at yourselves!
Breakthrough is Coming in Surprising Ways
"I realized that He was about to cause a shift in the earth that would break open the dams that have locked the free flow of the "Spirit Way" upstream in all the streams that existed."
This breakthrough will cause those who should have done it already to become perplexed because they believed it would happen through them. It was their fear of losing what they had grown to enjoy in victories of the past and recognition for past battles that has held them back.
They were already carrying public honor and recognition and believed it had brought them to the place where they would have the honor of continuing to carry it, but it will be just like when the Lord pushed the "rightful heir" Shebna aside to lay the inheritance of the Key of David on a humble servant, Eliakim (see Isaiah 22:15-24).
They believed the battle and victory would be "brought" to them, rather than running to the battle as they once did. The generation of Deborah will be those who won't shrink back. Barak was the appropriate victor for this battle, but his insecurity to believe what God had spoken caused him to carry a fearful spirit. Fearful that God wouldn't do through him what God could do through Deborah.
This breakthrough will not be small and it will encourage those who have actually not been walking in the alliances of the Lord to reconsider their ways and do what the Lord wants. The courage of Deborah will evoke righteousness in a Jael company.
Exposing the Politically Correct Spirit
Political and religious correct speaking will be exposed and true discernment will be seen. As a result, the Jael company will take a sharp instrument and rightly divide "truth" and pierce the shemes and ways of the enemy that have kept the Church powerless by intimidation. It will be as a hammer drives a nail into the mind and schemes of the enemy. He will not rise from this blow. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The name Deborah means "bee" – like a hornet. God says He will drive out the enemy with hornets. In Joshua 24:12 the Lord gives a promise of "how" the enemy will be defeated in every situation and circumstance. The enemy will be "stung." He will be sent running. Deborah represents the hornet of the prophetic, and it will send the enemy running while the Lord raises up a voice and a standard through His Bride, the Church.
On Schedule
The intensity in the Spirit of this hour requires a peace inside of us. We must not divert from the call of God on our lives, but be very aware of the times in which we are living. This is the time where the Church rises in glorious power and freedom and joy and where the miraculous and healings are evidenced all around us. It is here that the lost will rally and allow the salvation of Jesus inside to find them. It's the season of "Go-Go-Go." It's the season of Highways and Byways to beg the lost to come in! Don't stop. Don't be intimidated. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Danny Steyne
Mountain Of Worship
Email: ClickHere
Danny Steyne has been a church planter, pastor, teacher, author, and worship leader for over thirty years. His heart is to release ministry that is full of the power of God and demonstrated through the authentic miraculous works of Jesus. Danny and his wife Karen lead the apostolic team of Mountain Of Worship (MOW aka The Mountain). 
The expression of Mountain Of Worship transpires regionally through various gatherings that draw the Body of Christ together in regions, nationally through MOWTeams and MOWConferences, and internationally through Ministry Trips and International Conferences. 
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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Get Ready, Passover is Coming! ✡ "Observe the Month of Aviv" - ISRAEL365

Observe the month of Aviv, and keep the Pesach unto Hashem thy God; for in the month of Aviv Hashem thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.

שָׁמוֹר אֶת חֹדֶשׁ הָאָבִיב וְעָשִׂיתָ פֶּסַח לַיהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ כִּי בְּחֹדֶשׁ הָאָבִיב  הוֹצִיאֲךָ יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ מִמִּצְרַיִם לָיְלָה

דברים טז:א

sha-MOR et kho-DESH ha-a-VIV v'-a-SEE-ta pe-SAKH la-a-do-NAY e-lo-he-KHA kee ba-kho-DESH ha-a-VIV ho-TZEE-a-kha a-do-NAY e-lo-he-KHA mee-mitz-ra-YEEM lai-LA

Today's Israel Inspiration

The origins of Pesach (Passover) lie in the Springtime celebrations of the first grain harvest. The holiday celebrates God’s great redemptive act of the Jews’ exodus from slavery in Egypt to freedom. According to Jewish law, it is forbidden to eat or even possess any food that can contain leaven, chamtez, on Passover. Therefore, a major part of the preparations for Pesach consists of removing all traces of leavened foods from the home. Many begin to clean for Passover and stock their kitchens with special kosher-for-Passover foods weeks before the holiday. With only a few weeks remaining until Passover begins on April 10th, start your preparations now!

A Talk With an Israeli Nobel Prize Winner!

Israel has produced an incredible amount of Nobel prize winners in a wide number of categories, but we especially shine in science research! Meet Professor Dan Schechtman, who discovered a revolutionary new kind of crystal.

30,000 People Run Through 3,000 Years of Jewish History

“We’re in the holy city of Jerusalem, running where kings and prophets walked, where the Bible happened,” said Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

Enjoy the Blessings of the Land on Your Skin

Shivat cosmetics has developed an amazing like of soaps, based on the verse in Deuteronomy, where God blesses the Land of Israel with wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. These seven grains and fruits are known as the seven species, and Shivat soaps feature an amazing line of soaps, one for each of the seven species. Buy all seven and save!
Buy 7 Soaps for $49 Now! »

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photograph by Ilan Rosen is of a herd of camels in the Negev desert. Camels have been an important part of the Holy Land’s landscape from Biblical times as described by Isaiah, “they carry their wealth...and riches upon the camels’ hump” (30:6). Visitors to Israel today can enjoy a camel safari in the footsteps of the patriarchs.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Dale Graham, Salvatore Cirelli, Donna Kroeger, Matthew Port, Derek Puchert, Gerald Lynch, Julia Walsh, Winston Jennings, Louis Bangert, Linda Edgemon.
Fight Anti-Israel Media Bias » 

Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Cathy Mitchen from Virginia; Aurelio Cabrera from Puerto Rico; Arnold Swanson from Washington; David Silver from Connecticut.
Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

Thank You to Our Purim Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Ellen Gray from the UK; Eldon Doiron from Canada; Keisha Johnson from New Jersey; Anna Webb from Maryland.
Ensure a Festive Passover for Israel's Neediest »

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My thoughts and prayers for you all. God will always give you and His land the victory over all your enemies. He says so, and that settles it! Shalom. --Pamela Pedersen
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