Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015

When You're Stressed About Money - SPIRITLED WOMAN

When You're Stressed About Money

woman holding last dollar
We don't like to talk about money yet their are a lot of scriptures about finances. Here are 3 scriptures to speak over your finances regardless of whether your rich or poor. (iStockPhoto | kovalvs)

Spirit-Led Woman

My first car didn't have power steering. It was a '67 Chevy, with bench seats and an 8-track player, from which I played Barry Manilow at full volume. I was a young girl, and he wrote songs of love and special things that made me cry.
You didn't try to eat a soft-serve cone while driving that car, because it took both hands and upper body strength to turn the wheel, which had the diameter of a large Chicago pizza.
My heart doesn't seem to have power steering either.
I say this, because I see the words "trust" and "lean" in the Bible, but it takes more than an index finger of movement to get my soul going in that direction.
This weekend I was stressed about money, and I'm just going to come out and say it. For some reason, I fan out the deep issues of my life for you to see, but money matters seem too personal to share. But don't we all deal with financial concerns every day? And Jesus talked about money a lot, so maybe I should talk about it, too.
I was awake at 3:00 in the morning running every worst case checkbook scenario I could think of. The antithesis of counting sheep. What if we get hit with a big medical expense this year? What if the furnace goes out? What if the hot water heater goes out? What if they both go out at the same time? What if gas prices skyrocket this summer? What if painting the house costs more than I budgeted?
I let my thoughts veer into the ditch of fear and hopelessness.
But that made me cranky, because I am a person of faith trying to encourage you to be people of faith. Why is it so hard to just trust the Lord with these things?
I decided it is hard. Hard work to steer our thinking.
So I put on tennis shoes, even though I didn't feel like it, and got on the treadmill. For 30 minutes I put effort into trusting the Lord. I mentally walked through some Bible verses I have memorized, and I lined up my thoughts about money with those truths from God's word. I acknowledged the greatness of God. I gave thanks. I begged for help in getting my thoughts going in a right direction.
When I stepped off the treadmill, I was joyful and calm. I was a new person.
But it wasn't an easy turn of the heart.
Three of My Go-To Verses When I Have Money Anxiety
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 (I always replace the words "chariots" and "horses" with whatever I'm tempted to lean on at the moment, like a savings account balance.)
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5 (Anxiety, fear and hopelessness are flashing signals that tell me I'm leaning the wrong direction.)
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:9 (God probably has a solution to my financial concerns that is beyond my imagination.)
Money concerns are always going to be stressful and will always challenge our faith, but I figure if I can maneuver a tank of a '57 Chevy that lacks power steering, I know you and I can do the work to keep our thoughts between the lines.
Christy Fitzwater is the author of A Study of Psalm 25: Seven Actions to Take When Life Gets Hard. She is a blogger, pastor's wife and mom of two teenagers and resides in Montana. Visit for more information about her ministry. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Money and Faith: Can the Two Walk Together? - ISRAEL TODAY

Money and Faith: Can the Two Walk Together?

Sunday, February 09, 2014 |  Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY  
In the wake of celebrity Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto’s supposed attempt to bribe a senior police officer, Finance Minister Yair Lapid stated, “Three tycoons were known to counsel rabbis - Moti Ziser, Ilan Ben Dov and Nochi Dankner – all of whom saw their [financial] empires crumble. Maybe they should have consulted economists rather than rabbis.”
In the increasingly tense debate between religious and secular views in Israel, Lapid seized the opportunity provided by Rabbi Pinto to widen the divide between the spiritual and the material. Money and faith, so Lapid and many Israelis believe, are two unrelated and even opposing spheres.
Pinto set a bad example, so be sure, but to conclude from his scandal that rabbis should not be consulted on financial matters is like concluding from one rotten apple that all apples should be avoided.
Moreover, in light of the presumably sound economic theories and policies that led the Western world into financial crisis, relying on economists for good counsel is apparently as risky as consulting a rabbi.
People’s ill judgment in the financial sphere, as well as just about every other sphere of human life, is ultimately a testimony of human frailty, not a rebuttal of spirituality. If anything, that the ultra-rich, who presumably don’t need any help on financial matters, would seek spiritual guidance should have been cause for concern that they are unable to find the good counsel they need from secular economists.
There are those who will insist that the rich, just as the poor, are simply superstitious. Be that as it may, I believe more credit should be given to one who seeks the company of a rabbi, or the spirituality that he represents.
A case in point was the 2008 gathering of 500 of Israel’s upper echelon in honor of Rabbi Haim Kovalski, who had earned great respect among many Israelis due to his Project Meorot Hadaf Hayomi that aimed to help every Jew study the Talmud on a daily basis.
Asked by a reporter what a respected lawyer was doing at such an event, Gideon Fischer replied: “…people are looking for a wise man. A rabbi has no radio and he doesn’t read secular newspapers. He knows all that is needed to be known, and avoids everything one need not know and need not read or see. All of his time is devoted to studying and casuistry. He has hundreds of thousands of studying hours, and we, how much time are we wasting on television, nonsense and vain things? We want to sit around a refined person.”
True religious people, and by religious I mean anyone who puts his or her faith to practice, knows that the division Lapid suggests between the spiritual and the material is false at best. The Bible has much to say about debt, usury, alms giving and a host of other purely economic issues that if given their proper weight can bring much relief to individuals and society.
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Sunday, January 12, 2014

“Less IS More.” - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


                                              “Less IS More.”

So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. John 6:67,68 NAS)

Dear family of friends,

My good wife is right. But it has taken me awhile to admit it.

It used to be whenever she’d say, “Less is more,” it was irritating. How can something less be something more? Are you kidding me?

But now I am a changed man. Yes, I believe less is more, as in what the Lord intends to do with His people.

In my previous Ahava Love Letter, #98, I wrote on “How Shall We Then Give”, in regards to those we support with our financial gifts. The encouragement I gave in advising readers was to give your support to those whom you personally know; more so than giving to big ministries, with big budgets, whom you have little knowledge of where your money actually goes. This being because it is about relationships, not just giving money.

If we see Yeshua (Jesus) as our model for ministry, as we should, we know that He gathered twelve together, with whom He spent the majority of His three years teaching. There were certainly the big crowds on occasion, but that wasn’t His main effort. It was the small settings, the intimate moments, the relationships with the ones who would be faithful to go forward. This is a critical lesson for us. Indeed, less is more.

We all know that Sunday church attendance is way down, especially in America, the UK, and Europe. There are many reasons for this, but I am not so certain we have to be discouraged about it. Perhaps it was the “wrong model” and God the Father is showing us that. Allowing the large church buildings to fill less and less might just be pushing the committed Christians into closer relationships with those who are in it for the long haul. We are to form those connections that the Lord is really after.

Just as it happened to Yeshua Himself towards the end of His earthly ministry, the crowds dropped off considerably. We hate to see it happen, but He has always seemed to prefer using small numbers to accomplish His purposes, rather than large crowds. You really can’t have much fellowship with hundreds of people attending a two hour service, and then each go off in every other direction afterwards. But you can build solid relationships when you are in the trenches with your brother and sister, spending real time with them.

I envision that the days of "large" ministries, with large budgets, are going to be over soon. Especially in America, where too much emphasis has been placed on the "one man, large ministry" model. This will end.

One very real sense I have had from the Lord is that He is taking us down to smaller numbers, in smaller settings, to build teams of solid believers properly jointed together. Just as He did Himself in His ministry. Just as Paul and the other apostles did with their small teams in the first century. And they changed the world.

The Lord’s concentration and life flow will take place through the close knit, one to one relationships He is establishing. These relationships will be where ministry for each other occurs. The end result will be to touch the nations with effective spiritual activity, flowing out from us.

As for my wife and I, we are seeking to get rightly jointed with the local body we attend, and be part of a team that will touch the nations. We must be committed to His purposes and desires to have His Bride joined properly together. I hope you are doing the same.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.
Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless the known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. 

Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Go here for safe ONLINEGIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

I hope you read my first two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through Xulon, plus other website book stores.

You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for$14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #99   “Less IS More”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (01.12.14) Sunday at 7:00 pm in Charlotte, NC).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Word of Love From Sweden - Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve!

I wish you a nice beginning of the new year!

I saw on your blog that there were a man who lived in Peru who did painting. Is he a relative? There were nice paintings! My husband comes from Peru.

You wrote about Rick Joyner. I do not know him so much but have gotten a good impression of him. For instance he talks about love in Body of Christ - fellowship and care of each other.

Not so many talk about this and I think it is important to talk about what Jesus did. He prayed that there will be love from God in the Body of Christ, which will be a testimony to the world (John 17:21.) I think it is, for instance, as in Acts 2:46. The enemy has stolen it from quite a lot in the Body of Christ. Instead there sometimes are as if clubs. In 1 Cor.12 we can read that we need each other much in friendship.

Jesus say in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this than to lay down ones life for his friend." Jesus talked about love. Why then are there not so many who preach this. To be hospitalble and have fellowship. That is love - not just a smile. There needs to be much more fellowship.

Jesus says also, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." Sometimes some Christians have a good heart to evangelize but are not interested in friendship. You also have to have friendship so people who get saved have friends to come to.

We can see that Jesus had fellowship. For instance in John 21 they were eating together, talking and Jesus made breakfast and a warm fire. Jesus is the Friend. You can talk to Him when you eat breakfast or go on a walk. He is the best Friend among friends.

Our heavenly Daddy and Jesus have much fellowship and are not impersonal. They talk to each other.

Christian conferences can be good and it can be good to be at one. But if you want to go to conferences, when is there time to have a cup of coffee with a friend and have time with God? I like to be at a good conference but also to have time in fellowship with God and friends.

Jesus gave time and shared His bread. For me this also means fellowship because I think to share bread can also be to talk with each other around a table. Where there is just a club in the Body of Christ I think God wants to restore so it will become as He wants.

There are also friendships but I think there needs to be more. I think also that we are not created just to do things for God or just to ask God for things but to be a close friend to God.

This I think is where worship comes in because it has to do with the relation to God. Dance as unto God I think is also worshiping Him with the body as Mirjam and David did.

To have a relation with God is to read His Word because Jesus is the Word.

I think the Bible symbol for instance can be bread. Jesus is the Bread, the Life of Bread. (John 6:35)

Jesus did not just talk or preach about love For instance, when He told us to wash each others feet, He did this to show care. He lived love. He was like a servant and gave all in love. He is life. He is love.

Thank you for many good things you write and give on the blog!



Love. Love not. What will I choose?
Who is God- a hard God?
A God of love?
The money, the idol in the bank.
Is it worth to live for?
Is money, things more worth than care and love?
Who is God?
Did he keep his love in heaven or did he gave?
He gave his Bread - his life…
He gave ALL he had not because he had to but by FREE WILL…
He preached by his life that he is a God of love.
He gave ALL he had in a deepest pain - NAILED for us…
The pain he carried he carried for us - a love more worth than money-
He the King - thought that we were more worth than all money in the world…
You are rich if you have him…
Eva Haglund.

Monday, January 6, 2014

“How Shall We Then Give?” Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


                        “How Shall We Then Give?”

 “…and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means.” (Luke 8:3, NASU)

Dear family of friends,

Have you ever heard of the book, “How Should We Then Live?” It was written by Francis A. Schaeffer in 1955. I read it in the 80’s and remember it gave me something to ponder (dictionary: to think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.)

Lately even more so I have been asking the Lord about the way we support Christian ministries - how they request funds, and how should we then respond. Or as I keep seeking of the Lord, “how shall we then give?”

What is His plan? Is His example the same as the model we have basically followed for the last 30 years, as we respond to requests from monthly ministry contribution mailings, commercials on radio and TV showing needs abounding all over, e-mails coming into our InBox, or through websites having ads on almost every site we get on? I have been pondering.

As I am sure you have, we have heard it all. Tithe here. Send your offering there. “This need is real urgent, call now the 800 number shown on your screen.” Is that really how our Prime Example, Jesus (Yeshua) did it? Of course, you and I know He didn’t have all this modern technology, but isn’t His Word eternal, the same yesterday, today and forever, and we can learn from Him? We should learn from Him. That also holds true in how we support ministry.

If you believe that, yes, His example given in His Word is true, there is something then that we can learn by HOW HE DID IT. We can learn from Him as to how His ministry was provided for. Might we then consider reconsidering how we give - in our support of those we do now, or for those whom we should be, but haven’t been supporting, and now should instead?

Here is one example of how Jesus did it. His ministry means was provided by those who knew Him. In fact, Scripture even gives specific names of some who gave provision for the ministry of Jesus. The first three verses of Luke 8 read, "Soon afterwards, He began going around from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demonshad gone out, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means."

We can learn from the importance of why the writer Luke even specifies the names of some women (that note well taken.) These people were those who personally knew the one they were supporting. I would imagine they even walked with Him, saw how He ministered, knew His family and certainly knew His lifestyle. Because they knew, they gave in support of His work. They gave to the one they were familiar with and trusted.

How familiar are you with the one who has the costly half hour infomercials, and after convincing you to give your $10, $25 or more, “for the need is great”, do you ever see or know exactly where it has gone? (Most likely a good percentage of it will have to go to pay for the TV production, airtime, staff and more.)

Having worked with three major ministries, as the Director of Operations and Finances over a period of 24 years (these each having budgets of over one million dollars annually) I daily saw how money was raised and spent. And on a regular basis I did reviews of other ministries with large budgets and expenditures, to gain further perspective. It will amaze you, and at times it did me. Years later it caused me to seriously consider how funds for our ministry, Love For His People, would come in.

My encouragement to you would be to give to those ministers and ministry whom you personally know. By having a relationship with them, and not just in giving money, you can see how they themselves live. This will very well be a good indication as to where your generous gifts are actually going. Or you might even get to know the ones that their work assists. This too is a good indicator.

But if you can’t do that, might you yourself ponder for a bit and seek the Lord, if you are to redirect your giving? Jesus knew His supporters, and they knew Him. His ministry didn’t get so large that the relationship was no longer there among His supporters.

I believe the time will come, sooner than later, that the Lord will shake down in size those ministries that have gotten too big, and the relationships aren’t real. He will have caused us to join together and support one another in small teams, where the huge expenditures for big TV budgets, radio airtime, and staffs won’t be the norm. He will get us back to basics, just as He and Paul did it. And we know what they accomplished.

The Word also says to “Know those who labor among you” in 1 Thessalonians 5:12. It might also mean to know those who you support for the work of the ministry. To me, that speaks of an ongoing relationship.

Jesus knew how to do it. Paul knew how to do it. I want to follow their examples in how you and I do it.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.
Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless the known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. 

Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Go here for safe ONLINEGIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love ForHis People

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

I hope you read my first two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through Xulon, plus other website book stores.

You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for$14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #98   “How Shall We Then Give?”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (01.06.14) Monday at 9:00 pm in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava LoveLetters