From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most awesome and encouraging word from Lana Vawser of Australia. Lana is one of our popular writers and she and her husband Kevin have become friends to Derene and me and the Elijah List. We love Lana!
Lana is one who has a deep heart for the United States, among others who are also from Australia. Here in one of her latest encounters that she shares over the United States:
Suddenly, I was taken into the Body of Christ across the United States. I watched God's people all across the Body of Christ that were aligned with His heart and praying and declaring what was on His heart beginning to birth. God was birthing a greater move of His love through their destinies, through their giftings, and their callings, and as it was happening, what looked like a tidal wave of His love was beginning to build.
There is a great "momentum" that God is building at this very present time...please read this word by Lana and remember to "speak words of LIFE" over our great nation!
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Heart of the United States of America is Groaning"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
It is Time to Love the Nation Back to Life!
I had a vision where I was taken above the nation of the United States of America, and I could hear the heart of the nation groaning – a deep groaning in the heart of the nation to be free of the bondage that it has been placed in. I could hear the groaning in the heart of the nation to be catapulted into its God-given destiny. The groaning was so deep, and one of such pain, like it had been in bondage for so long. I then saw the groans coming from the heart of the nation begin to rise into the atmosphere, and the people of God who had their ears leaning on the chest of their Beloved began to hear the groaning louder than ever.
I saw the heart of the nation, and it was barely beating. As I looked at it, there wasn't much life left in it. The heart looked grey, almost stone-like, almost struggling to make every beat. The sense surrounded me that the heart of the nation was tired...the heart of the nation was tired of the bondage, tired of the struggle, tired of the oppression and was crying out for freedom, to be embraced and loved.

As I began to hear this groaning getting louder and louder, I saw the hearts of God's people being knitted together with the heart of God for this nation, a heart of deep love. There was a resolve and conviction that was building stronger and stronger in them to not give up on this nation no matter what, and continue to speak life and call out the gold in it, no matter how dark things looked around them.
(Photo via Pixabay)
As this was taking place, the Lord was releasing specific keys of "strategy" to these ones. Many of the keys He released had Jeremiah 33:3 on them: "Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." The Lord was revealing insights, secrets, and revelations concerning the United States of America and future events so they could come into deeper alignment with His heart and what He wanted to do in this nation.
I then heard the words, "It's time to love the nation back to life," and I felt the Lord was encouraging His people to continue to speak words of life (see Proverbs 18:21), i.e. His promises into this nation despite what their eyes saw in the natural. As they prayed and "loved on this nation" through what they declared, I was then taken above the nation a second time and all I could see was pregnant stomachs over cities all across the United States of America.
Where there had been "curse words" placed over cities, the Lord was moving powerfully as His people prayed, and the fire of His love was beginning to break and melt chains of oppression in different areas of cities right across the nation that have held them bound.
It is Time to Birth!
I saw the word bound suddenly disintegrated by His love and replaced with the word birth! I then heard the words over and over again, "It is time to birth! It is time to birth! It is time to birth!"

Suddenly, I was taken into the Body of Christ across the United States. I watched God's people all across the Body of Christ that were aligned with His heart and praying and declaring what was on His heart beginning to birth.
God was birthing a greater move of His love through their destinies, through their giftings, and their callings, and as it was happening, what looked like a tidal wave of His love was beginning to build.(Photo via Pixabay)
As this was happening, the greatest strategic alignment of destiny was happening across the Body of Christ for God's people, positioning them in new strategic places and platforms – and this powerful move of His Spirit, a great move of His love, was being released into cities. A new breed was arising!
"Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth! Break into loud and joyful song, O Jerusalem, you who have never been in labor. For the desolate woman now has more children than the woman who lives with her husband," says the LORD. Isaiah 54:1
As it was being released into cities, the chains on the cities were beginning to lose hold. The people of God continued to cry out and intercede for the nation from the strategic place of positioning the Lord had released them into. Their tears of repentance on behalf of the nation and their heart of love for the United States of America began to send what I can only describe as "shock waves of His love" back into the heart of America, and I saw the heart slowly begin to turn from a deathly, cold grey color, to starting to find warmth, life, and strength in beating again. It was turning to a pink color The color of love and life coming back into the nation.
The "forecast" was being changed over the heart of the nation, and I heard lyrics from the famous song, "It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright, bright sun shiny day."
For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:2-3
It's Time for the Multitudes of Captives to be Set Free!
Instantly, I saw the manifest sons and daughters of God in the United States, who had given Him their yes, rising up all across the nation completely awakened – awakened by Jesus and to deeper revelation of His nature in ways they never had been before, and they were awakened to new levels of their identity.
The manifest sons and daughters of God were rising up, coming out of hiding, and shining bright. Where there was deep darkness, the brightness of His light was exploding, declaring the hope of a bright new day found in Jesus, the Son. Where there was still deep darkness, the brightness of His lightwas extending across the nations and releasing tidal waves of hope in the revelation of who Jesus is, and I saw captives all across the nation being set free suddenly.

The words then flooded into my spirit,
"It's time for the multitudes of captives to be set free." (Photo via Pixabay)
I saw captives in governmental arenas, in the seven mountains of influence, and people in strategic positions all across the nation becoming suddenly set free by the revelation of Jesus, His love, and glory. Where they were captives, they suddenly became catalysts for breakthrough and the glory and fresh move of God to be released across the nation, bringing hope and healing.
I saw these catalysts begin to join hands with the people of God across the nation, and it created what looked like a force field. It was a force field because of the power of God that was flowing in the unity between the people of God, and a strength was rising amongst them that they had not known before. As they joined hands and began to step forward, I saw walls of religion, competition, offense, and hatred between denominations across the Body of Christ being melted away and shattered in forgiveness and love.
God's people in the United States of America began to move forward in greater unity, which was acting like a force field and beginning to take back ground in the nation that the enemy had stolen. In areas where there had been significant demonic oppression, the enemy was losing ground as the Kingdom of God was being extended and they were taking it with force (see Matthew 11:12).
It's Time for Deborahs to Arise!
In the process of the Lord sharing this word with me, I had a dream, and in my dream I saw Deborahs rising up all across the United States.
Wake up, Deborah, wake up! Wake up, wake up, and sing a song! Judges 5:12
The Lord is awakening the Deborahs. He is awakening them with the fire of His love again and calling them out of hiding and to "take their place."
As Deborah in Scripture did, the Lord is raising up the female prophets to release encouraging war chants and victory songs over the United States of America. Where many Deborahs have felt hidden, the Lord is bringing them out onto the front line with a message of hope and victory flowing from His heart that will awaken many. (Photo via Pixabay)
Many other Deborahs have been wounded and become weary, and the Lord is awakening and restoring them, bringing restoration and healing so they can take their place and sing again.
As these female prophets, these Deborahs, arise, they will arise with the strategic war chants from the heart of God, inviting the people of God into partnering with what the Lord is saying to see victory songs begin to manifest across the nation.
Angelic Hosts are Heralding in a Season of Deeper Worship of the Lord
I then saw angelic hosts being commissioned by the Lord into the earth, and they were blowing shofars, a clarion call to greater levels of worship. There was an invitation being released across the nation into deeper levels of worship that was great warfare, and the people of God began to suddenly rise up in worship all across the nation with a roar!

I saw the Lion of Judah roaring His love through His people as they worshipped. They were releasing the sound and vibrations of His heart across the nation, warring for heavenly alignments to manifest. More and more and more prophetic songs were being birthed through the people of God that were changing and shifting atmospheres in the nation. Hard ground was being shaken to its core, and the cracks of breakthrough were beginning to appear, and life was being released into the heart of the nation again.
(Photo via Pixabay)
In this place of worship, the Lord was birthing declarations over the nation, declarations of life and love into the heart, that were bringing forth "signs of life" across the nation, even where darkness surrounded.
It's Time for My People to Discern and Turn!
I heard the words, "It's time for My people to discern and turn." I saw a Spirit of greater wisdom and discernment being released across the Body of Christ in the United States as they pressed into Him, which was bringing a cleansing of the heart, mind, and soul.

Where there have been great offenses, where there has been lack of wisdom and discernment in discerning what the Lord is saying and what He is doing...that was
suddenly turning around.
(Photo via Pixabay)
For the days that we are in, wisdom and discernment are needed on levels we have not experienced before. There is a heart cry in the heart of the Father for His people to move in greater wisdom and discernment, to see things from His perspective and hear what He is saying, and declare it from His heart of love. As this wisdom and discernment were being released across the Body of Christ, I saw many repenting for hatred, offense, and lack of discernment and wisdom. They were rising up with keys of wisdom, discernment, and revelation to see His people move into greater levels of intercession for the nation, and pathways were created as they prayed to see His fire move across the nation.
In many ways, the Lord was using the "foolish things of the world to confound the wise" (1 Corinthians 1:27). Many were very surprised by who and what the Lord was using to bring a shaking, to bring a sifting, to bring a cleansing, to bring breakthrough.
The Lord is going after the heart of His people and the heart of the nation. The fire of God is pruning, purging, purifying, and cleansing. It's time to really press into His heart without assumption of how we think He is going to move, and with only one agenda – and that is to hear what He is saying and see what He is doing.
YOU Have a Strategic Part to Play in this Beautiful Nation
This is a strategic time for the United States of America, and it's time for God's people in this beautiful nation to unite in greater ways, for walls of offense, religion, and hatred to be broken down, and the Body of Christ to move forward as one in love. A great move of the love of God has begun in this nation and is about to pick up momentum as the people of God stand and continue to pray and declare His heart of love back into the heart of this nation.
Darkness may be all around, but the light and glory of God is going to shine brighter!
A great cleansing is upon God's people, a great uprooting of hindrances, chains, and roots of unbelief and offense. The Lord is uprooting these things so God's people can partner with Him and move into greater freedom and see His light and glory shine through them in greater ways.
People of God in the United States of America, this is your season of awakening. The time of slumbering and hiding is over. It's time to be awakened in intimacy in new and fresh ways by the kiss of love from a good Father.
You have a strategic part to play in this beautiful nation; if you haven't already, it's time to take your place! It's time to arise and shine!
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family seeing powerful moves of God.
Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.