To Watch Video, click here: Rabbi Kaduri student Tabernacles with Yeshua-Messiah of Israel Ministries
Published on Sep 28, 2012
Another student of Rabbi Kaduri who is a new beliver.
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Zev Porat, Messiah of Israel Ministries
Zev & Lin of Messiah of Israel Ministries
Zev was born in Israel,and was raised in the orthodox city of Bani Barack. He was raised an orthodox Jew from a rabbinic family. His father, grandfather and ancestors were all rabbis. Zev was born again in Yeshua after many years of hearing the gospel on the internet and reading the prophecies of the Old Testament.
Zev says, “Now we go out on the streets as the Spirit of God guides us!” The minute he received the infilling of the Holy Spirit he began to share the Gospel of Yeshua everywhere? Being a native-born evangelist he has been persecuted and most of his family has disowned him. Zev understands that being a Completed Jew is believing in Yeshua. This comes at a cost that he and his wife Lian are willing to pay the salvation of Israel.
Romans 11:26 reads “and so all Israel will be saved.” Zev says, “Yeshua called me to share the gospel with the lost sheep of Israel because “my people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)
What We Believe
We believe the Holy Scriptures are the Divine Revelation of God’s command from Genesis to Revelation. There is one God-Eternal Who has manifested Himself throughout history in many ways. We believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah of Israel and the only begotten Son of God (Prov. 30:4). We believe that God has sent His Holy Spirit to New Covenant believers to help them understand His Word and to help them apply it in their lives.
Yeshua – HaMashiach is the expressed image of God manifested in the flesh. Salvation is God’s grace command that rest upon man’s faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua. Believers in Yeshua, Jew and Gentile, are immersed by the Holy Spirit into one body. The saved will be eternally blessed; the lost will be eternally punished. We believe that the Torah is written on man’s heart based on Jeremiah 31:31-33. We believe in maintaining our Jewish roots/Hebraic roots through Yeshua HaMashiach.
We Believe in sharing the Love of Yeshua with ALL PEOPLE and are not ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16).