Showing posts with label radical Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radical Islam. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The best speech you will ever hear from a former Islamic terrorist recruiter - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Maajid Nawaz is not afraid to call radical Islam what it is: A toxic culture that puts the entire world at risk—peaceful Muslims included. And Nawaz would know. He spent 15 years recruiting people to radical Islam, and five years in an Egyptian prison. After discovering secular liberalism, Nawaz wants to help bring down ISIS. But first, he has to convince the leading countries in the war against terror that they're doing almost everything wrong.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Four critical truths the President & candidates need to understand in the debate over Radical Islam.

Fox-Joel-Shannon-June2016Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Four critical truths the President & candidates need to understand in the debate over Radical Islam.

by joelcrosenberg
(Jerusalem, Israel) -- If you read nothing else from this column, please read and remember these four critical points:
  1. While it's absolutely true that the vast majority of Muslims are not a threat to us, it's also true that the vast majority of terrorists in our time are motivated by, driven by, even consumed by a radical, violent, murderous and bloodthirsty interpretation of Islam. That may not be politically correct to say, but that's the truth.
  2. If American leaders are not studying the theology and even the eschatology of Islam -- and the civil war going inside Islam between the Radicals (jihadists) and the Reformers (moderates) and their vastly differing interpretations of Muslim history and Islamic scriptures -- they're not going to understand what drives our enemies to kill us.
  3. To misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blind-sided by it.
  4. Neither President Obama, nor the two presumptive presidential nominees -- Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump -- have demonstrated that they have truly studied and understand the theology and eschatology that is driving our enemies. Until they do, and until they develop and are committed to executing sound national security strategies consistent with the actual threat of Radical Islam, they will continue to put Americans and our allies in grave danger.
Let's be clear: Omar Mateen, the 29 year old terrorist who murdered 49 people in Orlando earlier this month, wanted the world to know exactly why he did it: he was a Radical, violent, murderous Muslim who was inspired by and loyal to the vision of the leaders of the Islamic State.
While there is no evidence suggesting Mateen was trained or deployed directly by ISIS leaders, the leadership of the Islamic State quickly took credit for the attack and praised Mateen for being inspired by their vision of slaughtering infidels according to their interpretation of Islam. What's more, ISIS has called for more attacks in the U.S. by "lone wolves" inspired by their theology and eschatology.
President Obama, however, adamantly refuses to call Mateen a follower of Radical Islam and dismisses the term as a "political distraction" that serves no practical purpose.
"For a while now, the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of the aisle have made in the fight against ISIL is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase 'Radical Islam,'" noted the President in a June 14th statement to the media. "That's the key, they tell us. We can't beat ISIL unless we call them Radical Islamists. What exactly would using this label would accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to trying to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this? The answer, is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction."
Is the President right to directly and consistently reject the term "Radical Islam"? Yesterday, I was interviewed on the Fox News Channel about the President's comments. I've posted the transcript of the interview below. To watch the video, please click here.
FOX NEWS ANCHOR SHANNON BREAM: Let's take a closer look now at the fight against ISIS, particularly the threat here at home in the wake of Orlando. We're joined now by Joel Rosenberg, political advisor and New York Times best-seller. His latest book is out now is The First Hostage. Joel is joining us live from overseas. Thank you, Joel, for being with us today.
ROSENBERG: Good to be with you, Shannon, thank you.
BREAM: All right, I want to go first to the President, one of his statement's this week where he talked about using the terminology of "radical Islam," he sort of mocked those who have called for him to do that, saying it's not going to solve the problem. But in your estimation, and knowing what you know about that region and your deep experience and studies there, does it make a difference or not?
ROSENBERG: It does. There's no question that the vast majority of Muslims -- 1.6 billion Muslims in the world -- are not violent. They're not dangerous. They're not a threat. But all the polling shows that between 7% and 10%, roughly, of the Islamic world does believe in suicide bombings, does support the Islamic State's violence, does support al Qaeda. So this is a problem because in a world of 1.6 billion Muslims, that's upwards of 160 million people who could be recruited and drawn into violence in the United States or around the world.
BREAM: And how important is it to use the correct language, to use the correct terminology? Because the President often says that we have to be careful about our statements so that the world does not think that we are at war with the Muslim faith, with those who are Muslims. You mentioned more than a billion people that we're talking about. But doesn't that make the language we use even that much more important?
ROSENBERG: Sure it does. Absolutely. But look at people like Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. He went to the "Harvard" of Sunni Islam -- al Azhar University -- a few years ago, and he challenged the clerics and the leaders of Sunni Islam that they've got to get their house in order, that there is, essentially, a civil war going on inside Islam. Yes, the vast majority of Muslims do not interpret the Qur'an as encouraging violence against unbelievers. But there are verses in the text [that encourage violence], and el-Sisi challenged the theological leadership of Sunni Islam to fight and explain what the differences are. Jordan's King Abdullah has also made that case and has gotten more than 500 Muslim clerics to sign onto a statement explaining the difference between this sort of radicalized, violent Islam that is in the text but many Muslims don't agree with it, and what more moderate Muslims think. This is an important argument. And I would say that if American leaders are not studying the theology and even the eschatology of Islam, they're not going to understand what motivates the "lone wolf," or the movements like the Islamic State.
BREAM: What could we be doing better in the United States? What could our leadership be doing, on both sides of the aisle, to better combat this? Because there's been a big conversation, obviously, about whether or not the Orlando gunman was directed by or inspired or motivated by [Radical Islam]. The end result is the same. We've seen dozens of innocent people who are dead.
ROSENBERG: Well, this is the most dangerous part of saying this is just "violent extremism." That's what the President is saying. Well, it's certainly violent extremism, but what is it that motivates a young man, 29 years old -- Omar Mateen -- to be a killer of 49 people in a club? That's not just being a violent person. He believed he was being driven by a version of Islam. That's what he believed. It doesn't matter what President Obama believes about Islam. It matters what the individual believes. So we've got to study what it is -- the narrative, as well as the theology -- that's drawing Americans but also people all over the world into murderous, sometimes even genocidal, levels of violence. If you ignore that, you are ignoring the heart of the problem, which is the motive.
BREAM: Joel Rosenberg, we thank you for visiting with us today, and I hear your new book is going to be out the first of next year, or early next year, so we'll look forward to that as well. Thank you, Joel.
ROSENBERG: Thank you. I appreciate it.

joelcrosenberg | June 20, 2016 at 4:17 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Monday, June 13, 2016

Why Won't Obama Tell the Whole Truth About the Orlando Shootings? - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that took place in Orlando, Florida, at the White House.

Why Won't Obama Tell the Whole Truth About the Orlando Shootings?

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that took place in Orlando, Florida, at the White House. (Reuters)
Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaireJennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

President Obama is under fire for not pointing directly to radical Islam as the culprit in what goes down in American history as the nation's worst U.S. mass shooting.
Fifty are dead and dozens more were injured on Sunday at a gay nightclub in Orlando. I've heard reports of people in the club on their knees crying out to God for intervention and many lives were spared, but many met their Maker that night.
Like Franklin Graham, I appreciate Obama speaking to the nation in the wake of the Orlando massacre. He was abundantly clear that the it was an act of terror and hate and declared that we would not give in to fear or turn against each other.
But Obama stopped short of pointing to radical Islam even though radical Islam is glorying in the bloodshed and taking credit. Why didn't Obama lay blame where blame is due? That's what many want to know as yet another Islamic terrorist murders Americans on our own soil.
"Mr. President, with all due respect, don't forget Fort Hood; don't forget the Boston Marathon; don't forget San Bernardino; and don't forget 9/11. What do they all have in common? They were all Islamic terrorists carrying out their treachery in the name of their religion," says Graham.
"Mr. President, your administration has cut our military to the bone and some experts say we're the weakest we have been in modern times. It's time we were rebuilding our military force worldwide to take on this enemy. It's time we tighten America's borders until we can clearly vet those we're letting into the country. Mr. President, how many more American lives have to be lost before you understand the threat radical Islam is to every freedom-loving person?"
That's the trillion-dollar question.
Let's continue to pray for the families of this horrific tragedy. Let's keep praying for Muslims everywhere to encounter Jesus. Let's keep praying for a Third Great Awakening. Let's keep praying. And let's stop saying this terror attack was the judgment of God on gay people. It's those kinds of statements that make Bible-believing Christians look as hateful as radical Islamists.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Which presidential candidate truly understands the threat of Radical Islam?


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Which presidential candidate truly understands the threat of Radical Islam, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

by joelcrosenberg
(Washington, D.C.) -- During my brief time here in the nation's capital, in addition to working on my next novel, I've been meeting with Members of the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Senate Armed Services Committee, and other Middle East experts. We've been discussing the latest trends in Radical Islam and Apocalyptic Islam and how to confront these challenges in the years ahead.
On Thursday, I was interviewed by a political reporter about the presidential race and which presumptive nominee truly gets the magnitude of the threats we face in the epicenter and is effectively prepared to keep Americans and our allies safe. Here are excerpts from that interview:
By Alex Swoyer, Breitbart News, June 9, 2016
Joel Rosenberg, a New York Times best-selling and award-winning author who focuses on radical Islam, said presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and flawed Democratic candidate in history — but the Middle East expert isn’t too excited about presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump either.
“We’re in a strange moment where Hillary Clinton has the most foreign policy experience, but her judgment on the key foreign policy issues -- especially radical Islam -- is horrible,” Rosenberg, who is a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, told Breitbart News during an exclusive interview on Thursday. “She’s the most corrupt and deeply flawed Democratic candidate that has emerged in history and it’s not clear that we have a candidate at the moment who is able to play against her weaknesses on the issue of foreign policy....
He spoke to Breitbart News about the threat of radical Islam following the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv in which four people were killed.
“This is a pretty serious breach of Israeli security,” he said of the attack, noting it’s the first attack in three months in which civilians were killed. He also referenced a terrorist attack in Jordan earlier in the week, noting that he had previously met with King Abdullah II of Jordan. “We’re in this together.”
“We are allies in a real war, a hot war, against radical Islam,” Rosenberg added.
“We know that we are not in danger from all Muslims,” he said. “This is about a radical, violent subset, which is probably ten percent or less of the entire Islamic world according to a lot of survey data....”
“What’s stunning is that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama absolutely refuse to define the threat to Americans and our allies as radical Islam. The president, of course, for seven and a half years absolutely refused to use the term radical Islam,” Rosenberg criticized, saying one must fully understand the threat posed in order to not be blindsided.
Although Rosenberg believes Clinton is an extremely flawed candidate for President of the United States, he isn’t supporting presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump either because he’s “deeply uncomfortable” with Trump’s rhetoric with regard to his proposed Muslim ban, in which Trump suggested stopping Muslim immigration into the United States until an improved vetting system was in place.
“Donald Trump will use the term 'radical Islamic threat,'” he explained. “What gives me real caution about Trump is … first of all, he refuses to commit to ripping up the nuclear deal with Iran.”
“To give them nuclear energy, ballistic missiles and a pathway to nuclear weapons is insane and Donald Trump won’t commit to scrapping that insane nuclear deal that President Obama and Hillary Clinton and John Kerry negotiated. That raises serious questions about whether Trump understands the threat or whether he’s just picked up the rhetoric of radical Islam,” He questioned.
He also criticized the billionaire saying, “Trump has said we’re going to go kill women and children who are wives and children of terrorists. This plays directly into the hands of terrorists.”
Although Rosenberg is critical of Trump’s rhetoric and his proposal to pause Muslim immigration, he says he doesn’t believe Syrian and Iraqi refugees should come into the United States.
“I do not support opening the floodgates to allowing Syrian and Iraqi refugees to flood into the United States. We do not have an ability to vet tens of thousands of refugees that are coming from countries where ISIS and other radical groups are completely infiltrated,” he stated. “Hillary Clinton’s proposal to bring 65,000 more Syrian refugees into the country is incredibly dangerous and we absolutely should not do that.”
He said Trump’s mistakes come “when he says sweeping statements,” which are made “through inexperience and flawed instincts.”
“What we need to be saying is that the vast majority of Muslims are not a threat and we need to focus on radical Islam,” Rosenberg said.
[NOTE: These are my own personal views as an American citizens. They don't represent in any way the views of The Joshua Fund, which is a non-political, non-partisan organization.]
joelcrosenberg | June 11, 2016 at 1:17 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Monday, March 28, 2016

Dr. Michael Brown: The Truth About Radical Islam - CHARISMA NEWS

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

Dr. Michael Brown: The Truth About Radical Islam

To a Muslim terrorist, unbelievers are unbelievers, be they children, women or men, and killing them is doing Allah's work.
That's why Muslim terrorists could carry out their horrific acts in Brussels last week, indiscriminately murdering and maiming people who, in all likelihood, never lifted a finger against a Muslim in their entire lives.
It didn't matter. To the radical Muslim, they are guilty and they deserve to die.
Watch the video to see Dr. Michael Brown explain more. 
Michael Brown is the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire and is the president of FIRE School of Ministry. His newest book is Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide. Connect with him on Facebook at AskDrBrown or on Twitter @drmichaellbrown.
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Friday, February 5, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - "To defeat ISIS, we need to retake Iraq & cut the Caliphate in half." (Radio interview with Hugh Hewitt)

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

To defeat ISIS, we need to retake Iraq & cut the Caliphate in half. (My radio interview with Hugh Hewitt on Apocalyptic Islam)

by joelcrosenberg
(Washington, D.C.) -- Over the course of the last month, as I've been traveling across the country on The First Hostage book tour, people have been consistently asking me a series of excellent questions:
  1. How do we defeat ISIS?
  2. What should the Obama administration be doing that it isn't?
  3. If this administration can't or won't get the job done, what should the next President do?
  4. Should we send a ground force into Syria?
  5. What about the ancient Islamic prophecies that the West will get slaughtered in the Syrian town of Dabiq?
On Wednesday afternoon, I was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt on his nationally syndicated talk show host. I have grown to respect Hugh as a serious thinker as well as an excellent interviewer, both on radio and in his role helping to moderate the CNN presidential debates. Hugh, a devout Christian and a skilled lawyer, reads voraciously and has an insatiable hunger to learn. Often when I'm in Israel, I enjoy listening to the podcast of his interviews not only with the presidential candidates but with key experts on foreign policy and national security matters.
During our conversation about The First Hostage -- my last interview on this book tour -- we discussed each of these questions, as well as how I write novels and do my research. You can listen to the podcast of the full interview by clicking here.
That said, here's a slightly more detailed explanation of my view on how to defeat ISIS:
  1. Yes, a coalition of U.S., Iraqi, Kurdish, Jordanian, Egyptian, and other Sunni Arab military forces can and must crush the Islamic State. This is a winnable war, but not with the current strategy of half-measures, pinprick bombings, and political tough talk not backed up by a serious military approach to win.
  2. What the Obama administration should be doing is pursuing a "Take Back Iraq First" approach. Since the first Gulf war in 1991, and then with the war to liberate Iraq in 2003, followed by the surge strategy in 2006-2008, the American people have identified Iraq has a strategically important country to us. Getting Iraq right matters. We have invested heavily in liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein and from the clutches of al Qaeda and other Radical Islamic terror groups. Withdrawing all our forces in December 2011 was a terrible and foreseeable error. It created a vacuum that ISIS exploited. Now we're seeing genocide against Christians and Yazidis by the Islamic State, the wicked fruit of Apocalyptic Islam. Thus, the goal now must be to re-take Iraq -- and cut the Caliphate in half -- using decisive military force. We likely need 20,000 to 40,000 U.S. boots on the ground, primarily special forces. We need to heavily arm the Kurdish Peshmerga forces. We need to strengthen the Iraqi military. We need to increase arms (and humanitarian aid and other economic assistance) to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, our most faithful Sunni Arab ally in the region. We also need to work closely with Egypt, the Saudis and the Gulf States and get their active participation. The mission: to storm across northern Iraq, crush ISIS wherever they are found, liberate Mosul -- Iraq's second largest city -- set the captives free, crush ISIS once and for all, and drive whatever remains of the terror group back into Syria. This could likely be done by the end of 2016 if the U.S. took the lead and was fully committed to victory. By cutting the Caliphate in half, it would deal a serious blow to ISIS morale and their sense that they are invincible.
  3. If President Obama won't pursue such a strategy, then we need to elect an American President who understands the threat of Radical and Apocalyptic Islam and has the courage and wisdom to fight to win, beginning with re-taking Iraq.
  4. No, I don't believe we should send U.S. ground forces into Syria. That Arab nation is imploding. It's engaged in a Hellish civil war. Now the Russians and Iranians are fighting there on behalf of Bashar al-Assad and his evil regime. There are no good options. There are no rationale leaders that we can identify at this point who could truly govern the country in a civilized way, even if we could defeat ISIS, remove Assad, and pacify the civil war. Syria is a hornets' nest. My heart breaks for the people of Syria. The U.S. and other world powers need to help Jordan and Lebanon care for the millions of Syrian refugees that have flooded their borders. We should not take Syrian refugees into the U.S. because we cannot vet them and determine who is a terrorist and who is not. We should use air power to consistently degrade ISIS forces, infrastructure, oil reserves, and so forth. But we should not launch a ground force into a country that we have no plan -- or ability -- at this point to truly rescue.
  5. While there are many reasons at this point not to launch a ground war into Syria, fear of ancient Islamic prophecies about an end of the world battle in Dabiq is not on the list. Those are false prophecies. ISIS is driven by them. But they are not Biblical prophecies. They are not based on truth. They are based on false teaching. We needn't fear false teaching and false prophecy. Since we can degrade ISIS in Dabiq (and Raqqa, and elsewhere) from the air, that's what we should do for now. Once we have worked with our Sunni Arab allies in the region to re-take Iraq, and degrade ISIS forces in Syria from the air, then we can re-evaluate and develop the next phase of our strategy. But while we need to understand how Apocalyptic, genocidal, Islamic eschatology motivates ISIS leaders, we need not hesitate confronting them because of their apocalypse-addled thinking.
joelcrosenberg | February 5, 2016 at 1:04 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

10,000 French Jews, 3,000 Americans expected to Make Aliyah in 2016 – Israel News By JNI Media

Some of the 95 children who made Aliyah on a Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight facilitated in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah & Immigrant Absorption, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel, and JNF-USA. (Photo: Shahar Azran)
Some of the 95 children who made Aliyah on a Nefesh B’Nefesh charter flight facilitated in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah & Immigrant Absorption, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel, and JNF-USA. (Photo: Shahar Azran)

10,000 French Jews, 3,000 Americans expected to Make Aliyah in 2016 – Israel News

“Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.'” (Deuteronomy 1:8)
The coming year is expected to see another increase in the number of Jews immigrating to Israel, this after more than 30,000 Jews made Aliyah last year, a record for the past 15 years. In 2016, some 10,000 Jews are expected to emigrate from France alone; 3,000 Jews are expected to arrive from the United States; 7,000 from Russia and an additional 7,000 from Ukraine.
“We are monitoring the intensifying anti-Semitism in Europe, while at the same time the government ministries are preparing to absorb the olim,” the head of the Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, MK Avraham Naguisa, said Wednesday. “Their absorption is a national mission and a Zionist, social and economic window of opportunity for the Jewish nation, the State of Israel and Israeli society.”
Russian Jewish Congress President Yuri Kanner told the committee that the level of anti-Semitism in Russia is low and decreases continuously, but systematic anti-Semitism, or media-related anti-Semitism will increase immigration to Israel. According to Kanner, nationalistic parties have significant influence on the level of anti-Semitism in Russia. He recalled that some two years ago a yeshiva student in Moscow was beaten because he was Jewish, and noted that those who commit anti-Semitic acts in the various Russian provinces are punished.
Unlike in Europe, the relations between the Jewish and Muslim community in much of Russia are good, Kanner said, adding that Jewish-Muslim relations are not as good in Dagestan, Chechnya and the Caucasus regions.
Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt, who also serves as the president of the Conference of European Rabbis, said, “Europe’s Jews are like a person walking on train tracks; from one side there is the train of radical Islam, and from the other there is the anti-religious reaction of old Europe. Today, after the Islamic attack in Paris, Europe understands that Islamic terror is its problem as well, not only Israel’s.”
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Goldschmidt said the expected immigration to Israel will weaken the French Jewish community, which he said should be strengthened with educational and social activities.
Yogev Karasenty, director of combating anti-Semitism at the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, told the committee that last year had seen a record number of anti-Semitic attacks, carried out mainly by Muslims. Nearly all the attacks committed by Muslims were carried out by Muslims who were born and educated in Europe, and not by refugees, he said.
Karasenty criticized some European countries for their lack of deterrent punishment against anti-Semites, and mentioned that the denial of the Eastern European nations’ role in the Holocaust is becoming more widespread. Karasenty said 63 percent of French Jews have experienced anti-Semitism. According to him, the Israeli government allocates $50 million each year towards strengthening Jewish identity and education abroad, while the Jewish communities in the Diaspora spend a similar amount.
Former Minister of Immigration and Absorption Sofa Landver (Yisrael Beitenu) said the full potential of the immigration of Jews from France has yet to be realized. “We could have reached 15,000 [French] olim this year, not only 8,000,” she said. “The best response to the anti-Semitic attacks is improved absorption. There is no place for [a lagging] bureaucracy in this national mission.”

Monday, January 18, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg - What’s the difference between Apocalyptic Islamic eschatology & Biblical eschatology?


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

What’s the difference between Apocalyptic Islamic eschatology & Biblical eschatology? And why does it matter? (Video & sermon notes)

by joelcrosenberg
(Riverside, California) -- Yesterday here in Southern California, I did a Q&A session and delivered a sermon on the differences between Apocalyptic Islamic eschatology (End Times theology) and Biblical eschatology.
I explained why this topic matters, and why it's particularly important right now.
This was the first of a series of messages I will be delivering as part of our month-long book tour for The First Hostage, and I'm very grateful to my friend, Pastor Greg Laurie, for inviting me. My intention is to post notes and the video or audio of each message along the way. I hope you find them helpful. Please feel free to comment on ourEpicenter Team page on Facebook, and to share this with family, friends and colleagues on social media.
First, some background: Radical Islam is a serious threat, but it's not the most dangerous threat the West faces. Apocalyptic Islam is far more dangerous.
Radical Islam seeks to attack us. Apocalyptic Islam seeks to annihilate us.
Radical Islam (al Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, etc) uses violence for the purpose of persuading Jews, Christians and other so-called "infidels" to withdraw from -- and leave entirely -- the holy lands and holy places they consider their own, namely the Middle East and North Africa.
Apocalyptic Islam (such as the top leaders of Iran, and the leaders of the Islamic State) do not merely seek to drive infidels out of their region. They are driven by ancient Islamic prophecies. They believe the End of Days is at hand, that their messiah (known as the Mahdi) will come at any moment to establish an Islamic kingdom or caliphate that will rule over the entire globe, and that the way to hasten the coming of the Mahdi is to annihilate the infidels who refuse to submit to their brand of Islam.
To be clear: having an eschatology is not necessarily wrong. What is both wrong and horrific is having an eschatology that requires a person or an entire religion to rob, kill, destroy and even commit genocide to achieve their religious objectives.
Devout Jews believe the Messiah will come one day to establish a global kingdom (see Daniel 7, Jeremiah 23 and Isaiah 9, among other passages). Christians believe this as well and believe that Jesus of Nazareth is, in fact, that Messiah and that He will come again to establish His kingdom in the last days (see the Book of Revelation, among other passages). 
Having said that, it's important to understand that both devout Jews and Christians believe God will supernaturally achieve these objectives. We do not believe that God requires us to slaughter our enemies en masse to bring about the End of Days and establish His kingdom.
Most world leaders do not understand these issues. Most citizens don't either. But the rise of Apocalyptic, genocidal Islam makes it urgent that we and our leaders study and understand these distinctions. We cannot defeat an enemy we cannot or will not define.
There are some similarities within Islamic, Jewish and Christian teachings about the End Times. Indeed, when it comes to the study of eschatology, most devout Muslims (Sunnis and Shias), Jews and Christians -- that is, those who take their holy books seriously and haven't rejected or drifted from the orthodoxy of their religions -- agree on five basic points.
  1. Ancient prophecies in our holy books give us signs to watch for that will indicate when the End of Days has come.
  2. So many signs are coming to pass in our time that we can be confident that we are, in fact, living in the End of Days.
  3. The Messiah is coming to earth, and it is possible that this will happen very soon.
  4. The coming Messiah is the King, He will establish a global kingdom, and He usher in justice and righteousness on the earth.
  5. Each of us must live differently in view of the fact that we are living in the End of Days and the fact that each of us will face the Final Judgment soon.
That said, the vast majority of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims are not dangerous. Polling research indicates about 7% to 10% of Muslims worldwide subscribe to the concept of violent jihad to achieve their objectives. And while all devout Muslims believe the Mahdi is coming in the End Times to establish a global caliphate, the vast majority do not support violence much less genocide to achieve those ends. But some do, including the leaders of Iran and ISIS, and that's what makes them so dangerous.
What, then, are the main differences between Apocalyptic Islamic eschatology (based on the Qur'an and the hadiths) and Biblical eschatology (based on the Old and New Testaments)? I've prepared a simple chart to draw out some of the important distinctions.ApocalypticIslam-chartSome important questions are these:
  • According to the Bible, how does one enter the Kingdom of God?
  • According to the Bible, how is one adopted into the royal family of God?
  • What did John the Baptist mean when he preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"?
  • What did Jesus mean when he preached "the gospel of the kingdom"?
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joelcrosenberg | January 18, 2016 at 6:08 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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My heart yearns for the glory of the Lord Jesus to be revealed in the earth, touching the hearts and souls of men, women and children in each and every nation. As we see the days become darker, we believe that the Lord God of Israel will show Himself strong, and prove that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, as He says He is. I wrote this book for you who also long to walk in strong faith, courage and commitment to the end, for whatever the Lord has planned and purposed for you and I. 

Together, as the Body of Christ, and the glorious Bride that we will become, we will one day see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The Gospel, the Good News of salvation, will be declared, and that which is just and good will for all eternity overcome the evil one. I sincerely believe we are living in the end of days, as prophetic words have been rapidly fulfilled since the re-birth of Israel in 1948. Jesus Himself had said that when we see the fig tree budding, we know that the time is near. 

This book, my 10th published in the last three years (all between 2013-2015) and before my 61st birthday, is very special to me. I sense it is something the Lord put on my heart to do several months ago, giving it that “urgency of getting it done and out there” feel as I wrote. 

Originally these chapters were Now Think On This messages. It was amazing to me how many were done in September and October of 2015 alone, as the Holy Spirit would speak a word or sentence to me, and I would write soon after. I am truly grateful for His impartation, and acknowledge Jesus (Yeshua), my Lord and Savior, above all. 

The photos I have included in the book are primarily ones I took (exceptions noted), both to document history and to share another way the Lord also speaks to His Body. Capturing moments of the Holy Spirit action, especially in the two “fire” photos, were exciting. In both cases I wasn’t even aware of it until they were “developed”.

I trust this book will both encourage you and cause you to re-commit yourself - to know the Lord’s will for your life, do all you can to allow Him to direct your steps, and be the light in these dark days we desperately need and have been called upon by the Lord to be. I am with you, arm in arm! 

Ahava (love in Hebrew) and shalom (peace), 

Steve Martin
Love For His People