Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sharing Love From Pakistan - Update from Moses Julius - Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries

Moses Julius - Shalom Today Ministries Worldwide

Shalom Aleikhem ! 

I apologize to all of you, as I couldn’t arrange a Sabbath meeting last week.  I had a serious case of sun stoke and I was admitted to local Hospital . There are currently very bad conditions in my village, because the government doesn’t pay attention to the villages where Christian communities live.  Village life is very difficult compared to city life in Pakistan.  Unfortunately, the villages in rural parts of Pakistan, such as Youhanabad, have very poor drainage and sewage disposal systems.  The sewage and sanitation condition in my home village is quite deplorable.  Nothing has been done to repair and rehabilitate these systems for the last five years.  We now have dirty water mixed with clean water, which has rendered the water non-potable.

The doctor suggested that I use water dispensers and juices to recover my health, but unfortunately I am not in a position to afford these materials. Please kindly pray for me and that I will be healed very soon so that I can continue working for His kingdom.

Your Son in Christ Emoji
Mr. Moses Julius