Showing posts with label unbelief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unbelief. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

How Unbelief Stops God's Activity in Your Life - SpiritLed Woman

woman hiding behind wall

The battle of the Christian life has always been not just to believe, but to keep on believing. This is how we grow strong in faith and see the actual fulfillment of God's promises in our lives.
Today we tend to soft-pedal unbelief as little more than a common weakness. But God takes no such easygoing approach (Heb. 10:35-39).
Rejecting God's promises to us is far more destructive than the sensational sins we often talk about. The Bible says it is a "sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God" (Heb. 3:12, NIV).
The great target of Satan is to break down our faith. He knows all too well that the righteous live by faith, so he aims at cutting our lifeline to God.
Faith is like the hand that reaches up to receive what God has freely promised. If the devil can pull your hand back down to your side, then he has succeeded.
Real faith is produced when our hearts draw near to God and receive His promises deep within us. There, by divine power, His Word will work supernaturally.
The chronic disease that afflicts us is not a lack of effort; it's a lack of real faith. Many times we are treating the outward behavior and not its source.
We are running the race of faith. And we desire to receive not only God's ultimate promise of salvation but also the many other promises He has made to us along the way.
Faith Follows Promises 
Because of the unique place God has given to faith, His grace flows along the channels of His promises—not His commands. God's commands show His holy character and reveal our sinfulness, but they have no ability in themselves to empower us to obey.
It is not that we don't know what is right or that we don't desire to live that way. Our problem is mustering the spiritual strength to obey, and the commands of God cannot impart that (Rom. 7:18).
Saints down through the ages have not so much clung to the holy commands of God and the accompanying judgment to all offenders as they have cherished the promises and revelations concerning His great salvation through Christ (Rom. 4:5; 8:1, 3; 1 John 1:9). When trusted, these blessed promises of God release His supernatural grace in and through us.
It is these promises that draw the heart to God in faith. In fact, the great command of the New Covenant is to believe!
The Israelites who left Egypt came up short with regard to possessing the new land for this reason: They heard clearly what God promised, but their hearts did not receive it in faith (Heb. 4:2).
Today it is possible to make a living as an esteemed theologian and yet have no more living faith than a slug. Christians can listen to the Word preached every Sunday—and even have a devotional life of sorts throughout the week—without rising above the cynicism, depression and unbelief that are so prevalent in our culture.
The Word must find within our hearts an atmosphere in which its divine power can be released. That kind of dynamic faith fairly oozes from the words of the great Israelite leader Joshua near the end of his life.
He was one of only two men who left Egypt as adults and actually made it all the way into the Promised Land. His parting instructions reveal the environment in which faith blossoms and grows.
Look Back With Thanksgiving 
Joshua begins his farewell with this ringing statement: "You yourselves have seen everything the Lord your God has done to all these nations for your sake; it was the Lord your God who fought for you" (Josh. 23:3).
In other words, look back and think about all He has done. How can we have faith for the future if we don't look back often and thank God for all He's given us in the past?
A lack of gratitude is, in fact, one of our besetting sins. In most of our churches, there is no outpouring of vibrant thanksgiving and praise each Sunday because we are too preoccupied with our problems.
Give Him praise! Let Him know from the depths of your heart how much you appreciate His goodness!
Whether it is part of your religious tradition or not, get past your self-consciousness and formality to praise the Lord. Refuse to be embarrassed or hindered by anyone.
Look Ahead With Anticipation 
Next Joshua turned his attention to the future. At the end of his years, he was still invoking the promises of God and boldly declaring that "the Lord your God Himself" would conquer the remaining Canaanite nations (Josh. 23:5).
Every one of us can point to things in our lives that are not yet the way God wants them to be. He wants to root out things that hinder and mar our Christlikeness.
God also wants to use us to bless and encourage other people in ways we have never dreamed. And He will do these things as we live in this blessed atmosphere of faith!
Among the many definitions of faith, perhaps none is more important than Hebrews 11:1: "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Faith is the ability of the human spirit to receive impressions from God that are born of His Word and made alive by the Holy Spirit. We simply know that something is going to happen, for God's Word has been received and has activated this spiritual sense called faith.
The natural senses have to do with present and visible things. But faith has to do primarily with these future and invisible things that God has promised us in His Word.
Back in the most difficult days of pastoring the Brooklyn Tabernacle, my wife, Carol, and I were struggling to stay afloat with maybe 40 people attending on Sunday mornings. When our daughter, Chrissy, was about 2 years old, we noticed a lump under her eyelid.
I'd spent time praying about the problem. But I knew there was no faith in my heart, only apprehension.
We scraped up the money, and I took her to a doctor who recommended surgery. I knew what God had said in the Bible about healing; but I was filled with doubt and fear. I needed true, living faith, not theoretical faith.
The following Sunday, we were worshiping together at the end of the service. Suddenly my heart was flooded with a kind of divine light, and I was overcome with God's awesome greatness, which makes everything on earth seem minuscule.
I envisioned my daughter being prayed for, and I saw her being healed! It was a real picture before the eyes of my heart. God had birthed something within me.
A teen-age girl brought my daughter forward. We gathered around her, anointed her with oil and prayed together for God to heal her. Within 48 hours, the lump was entirely gone, with no medical intervention of any kind.
Now what would happen in our churches if people came to each meeting with great faith and belief that God was about to do something wonderful? Unfortunately, many Christians who strongly defend the verbal inspiration of Scripture are the most unbelieving and cynical about God ever doing a new thing in His church.
My question is: If Jesus is the same today as He was in the Bible we defend, why shouldn't we believe Him to do great things among us and through us, so we can touch people's lives in powerful ways as did the first-century apostles?
Peter was no perfect saint, but God chose him and used him mightily on the day of Pentecost. God can do the same with us if we look to Him with childlike faith in our hearts.
Look Inward—But Carefully 
In addition to looking back and looking ahead, Joshua called the people to take stock of their obedience. They were to obey the law of Moses and to separate themselves from the idolatrous nations that were among them (Josh. 23:6-8).
This separation from ungodly things was for the purpose of maintaining the strength of the Hebrews for battle. Alliance with sinful things saps our strength and leaves us weak before the enemy.
Joshua knew this all too well from what had happened back at Ai (Josh. 7:1-26). After the stirring victory at Jericho, the army suffered an unexpected and humiliating defeat because the sinful disobedience of one soldier, Achan, had separated the people from God's holy companionship.
Introspection is a two-edged sword. There are special times for looking inward—for example, when receiving communion (1 Cor. 11:28-32) and at other moments of divine searching.
However, if this process consumes us, Satan can gain the upper hand, keeping us preoccupied with our failures rather than with Christ's pardon and power. The apostles called people to cleanse their hearts before God and then move on to faith and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Look Away to Jesus 
Joshua's final instruction is stated very simply: "Be very careful to love the Lord your God" (Josh. 23:11). Our gaze must always be upon Him, for He is the one who will perform everything.
Satan wants us to focus on the problem, not the Provider. If we stop spending time with the Lord in prayer, the concerns of the physical world snatch our attention while the spiritual senses deaden and the promises fade.

    The number one reason Christians today don't pray more is that we do not grasp the connection between prayer and the promises of God. We are trying in vain to pray "because we're supposed to" without a living faith in the promises of God concerning prayer.
    When real faith in God arises, a certainty comes that when we call, He will answer. Soon we find ourselves seeking Him for wayward children to be saved, for a greater sense of the Holy Spirit in our church services and for spiritual gifts and power to be released.
    Strength to keep believing often flows into us as we just take time to wait in God's presence and worship Him. His promises become wonderfully alive as the Spirit applies them to our hearts.
    God Is Waiting for You 
    Let us not be hesitant about trusting God. What really matters isn't our efforts, but the wonderful truth that God is a faithful God (Heb. 10:22-23).
    It is not what happens to people that makes for tragedy in their lives; it is the missed opportunities to see God help them due to their unbelief that is the real tragedy.
    Joshua must have had God's faithfulness in mind when he ended his speech that day with this great crescendo: "You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed" (Josh. 23:14).
    We, too, can finish our race in life with the same powerful declaration. Only keep believing in the God whose promises are forever true.
    Jim Cymbala has been pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle since 1972. He is co-author with Dean Merrill of Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire. He lives in New York with his wife, Carol, who directs the Grammy Award-winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Dean Merrill assisted in the writing of this article.

    Monday, March 10, 2014

    "Let the Shaking That You're Going Through Become the Shaking of the Breakthrough" - by Eileen Fisher

    Eileen Fisher:

    Eileen Fisher
    What Is YOUR Purpose?

    The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on January 21, 2014 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

    "Understand that you truly were created for My pleasure. And those days when you say, 'Lord, nothing's going right.' Smile inside and know this truth: You were created for My pleasure. In spite of anything, find comfort in knowing your purpose."

    The Spirit within me is saying, because sometimes, when things are going a different direction, we have to know that is our identity;that is our purpose. Our purpose isn't what we're called to do; our purpose is relationship – to fellowship with the Living God.

    We were created to fellowship with Him; and that is to be so intimate, that wherever we are, we feel His breath, His hand, His pleasure. We feel the brush of angels' wings. We're so aware of Him that that's why we go some places, and that's why we don't go other places, because we're aware that He would not be comfortable there, and it would not bring Him pleasure.

    Redeemed by Jennifer PageAnd I hear the Lord say, "Many, many times, you face choices. In fact, every day you face hundreds of choices – choice, after choice, after choice. And with each choice, just as with each step, it could draw you closer to Me, or away from Me.

    For the enemy would come and sow seeds of doubt, unbelief. He would put work, after work, after work – of failure, of discouragement, of disappointment – to where you begin to say, 'Where are You?'"

    He said, "I would say back to you, 'Where are you?' Is that not what I said to Adam and Eve? Where are you?

    "Where are you with Me this night? Are you in the fold of My arms? Are you where My hand can rest upon your head, and give you right thinking and right understanding? Are you so close that I need only to whisper, and you feel My breath, and know exactly what I am sending you to do, and the message I will send you to carry?

    "Let the distance cause you to come closer and closer and closer. Learn to run into My arms. Learn to acknowledge My presence in every hour of the day, until you become so aware that you too cannot escape My presence, just like David. Because if you too were locked in the pits of Hell, I would come and get you, for you are My property.

    Did You Know You Were Created By a Creator Who Wanted You?

    LIFE by Jennifer Page"You were created by a Creator who wanted you. Perhaps the circumstances of your birth were not the highest on this earth, but I promise you, on My side there was dancing. There was rejoicing for another one – another one of us – We could love.

    Part of our family had come to the earth, made in the image of God, for fellowship, for identity.

    "Know that you were created for a purpose. And after you know that purpose, then begin to pray.

    Seek My face for strategy, for what you were placed on the earth for.

    And know that you too must come to the point in your life that man cannot persuade you to take a left, or a right, to stop, or to run.
    "But you too will have a song in your heart, and that song will be the same song that I sang: 'I must be about My Father's business. I only do what the Father shows Me.' But you must be very close, to see when I direct you, when I whisper, when I nudge, when I restrain you, and I say, 'Wait. Rest.'

    "Be not concerned about pride, of always being right. But be more concerned about becoming righteous in My sight, because you serve and you dwell in the presence of an everlasting, righteous Lord your God. Seek righteousness.

    Seek first the Kingdom of God and My righteousness, and everything will be added unto you," says the Lord your God.

    ElijahList Prophetic Resources

    Let My Presence and Strength Roll Out of You In Times of Trouble

    The following corporate prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on January 28, 2014 during her weekly Prophetic School of the Holy Spirit meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

    The Lord said, "Be aware, for the enemy would come with distraction, after distraction, after distraction, and only to deposit subtraction – subtraction from who I am. From who you are. Subtraction of strength, faith, and to rob you, and deposit within you despondency and numbness. Put you in a sense of shock, and an aftershock, and for longing, not knowing which way to go – to the left or to the right.

    Glory Filled the Temple by Robert Bartow"But I am not a God who died for His people and then abandoned them. I am with you forever. I've said, 'Forever!'
    "In times of trouble, call in My presence, for where you are My presence is.

    Do you not understand 'The Hope of Glory' that is within you? Do not look exterior. Do not look outward. Don't look around. Look in. Let My presence, let My strength, roll out of you.

    "Be carriers of praise and thanksgiving. Be carriers of 'Amen,' 'So be it,' 'It is written.' Be carriers of 'Command,' that command My Word to be alive and active.
    Take Up Your Position; Wake Up!
    I Slept, But My Heart Was Awake by Donna Smallenberg"Take up your position, for the King of Glory longs to come in and walk among you.

    But will you recognize Him? How will you recognize Him? What if you're asleep in your spirit? Wake up! Wake up!

    "Let the shaking that you're going through become the shaking of the breakthrough.

    Be not shook for any reason, but be shook awake: to make a stand. And then the enemy will tremble and flee. But first, you must shake.

    "Shake off the negative words. Let them drop off of you. Do not let the enemy live in the darkness of your words. Do not cover him with words of unbelief, for he hides and brings torment with fear, and aggravation, and regret, and remorse.

    "Expose him by the light of My Word and My presence. You are My mouthpieces. But how can you speak what I tell you to speak unless you have come with praise and thanksgiving, and receive that which I would give to you?

    "Ponder this well, for this is the key and the secret to the Kingdom. Let My Holy Spirit quicken this to you. Let this be a foundation, a cornerstone, for you are the temple. My presence dwells in your temples.
    "Claim My ever-filling. Claim My ever-presence. Claim and remember the days of old, of My faithfulness.
    "Allow time for Me to come and rebuild what the enemy has come to destroy. Know that I am a gatherer, and it takes time to gather. Know that I am a multiplier, but it takes time to multiply. But will you be willing?

    Arise and Shine; You Are the Light

    Salt and Light by Jennifer Page"Uncover the enemy with praise and thanksgiving, for he comes under the umbrella of murmuring against Me. For is he not called the 'accuser of the brethren?' He accuses, and accuses, and accuses until you stand with your heads down, as one who's been accused and condemned. That is not for My people.

    "My people are resurrected. My people are strong. My people are called to arise, and to shine. My people are not called to hide in the darkness, but My people are called 'the light.'

    "You are living epistles. If only My people would become living epistles. Will you be My people – alive in My Word and My Word alive in you? Do not take this lightly. For I have called a few here this night. I have given them the keys to a Kingdom. Apply this. I await your reply.
    His Joy by Jennifer Page
    "I've called a people to be joyful, so that they will be strong and do great exploits in My name. Shake off the darkness. Shake off the negative agreement. Tell the enemy, 'No, get behind me.' Do not hide behind him with murmuring and accusing, one to another, for My Spirit grieves in murmuring, for My Spirit is truly connected with the Father and with Me.

    "We have connected you with Us. We have sealed you. You are sealed by My Spirit. Do not take that lightly. Own it. Live in it. And let My Word do what it was sent to do – set captives free," says the Lord your God.

    Eileen Fisher
    Eileen Fisher Ministries

    Eileen Fisher speaks and ministers before many groups and has a desire to fulfill the commission that Jesus gave us all. Eileen is available for retreats, workshops, meetings, banquets, or other special events. Eileen is also the author of two books titled Embraced by the Holy Spirit and Embracing the Prophetic.

    She travels, is a frequent TV guest, and teaches Schools of Prophecy and Healing. Her husband Fred oversees the ministry and is the ministry administrator. Fred and Eileen are active overseers and members of the board of directors for Freedom Christian Fellowship Church. They have one married daughter, Theresa, their son Michael went home to be with our Lord in 1993, and they have four grandchildren.

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    From the desk of Steve Shultz:

    I know many of you feel like you are going through a shaking right now...with tests and trials in circumstances. You'll really appreciate this latest word of the Lord from Eileen Fisher. Good can most definitely come out of shaking as Eileen shares:

    "Let the shaking that you're going through become the shaking of the breakthrough. Be not shook for any reason, but be shook awake: to make a stand. And then the enemy will tremble and flee. But first, you must shake...Shake off the negative words. Let them drop off of you..."

    Be encouraged that God IS moving on your behalf in whatever you may be facing.

    Steve Shultz

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