Showing posts with label unborn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unborn. Show all posts

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Little T-Rex. He will be a warrior. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Little T-Rex.
He will be a warrior.

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“My heart is stirred by a noble theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is the pen of an expert scribe. You are the most handsome of men; gracious speech flows from your lips. For God has blessed you forever. Warrior, strap your sword at your thigh; [gird on] your splendor and majesty. In your majesty, succeed, ride on in the cause of truth, meekness and righteousness. May your right hand teach you awesome things.” Psalms 45:2-5 Complete Jewish Bible

Hannah Elizabeth was expecting her first born. The excitement was shared by her whole family, including us, her Dad and Mom. Even as a young girl Hannah loved children. At one point I thought she would have her own daycare business, and I had suggested that to her in her early 20’s. She had a heart for kids.

In her third year of marriage Hannah was with child. It was confirmed on her visit to the doctor, and the countdown to birth began. Was this unborn a boy or a girl? Black hair, like father Jonathan, or blonde hair like mom. And would this little one have all ten fingers and ten toes? You know, the usual questions anticipated and quietly asked.

Into her first six weeks or thereabouts (Grandpas generally don’t keep track of those things, at least this one doesn’t), with today’s medical advancements, the sonograms started. Amazing what life we can see even at this developing stage of the unborn. Oh how our God is so good! 

Even from the moment of conception, He was forming another good creation in His image, our 7th grandchild.

“God, your Redeemer, who shaped your life in your mother's womb, says: "I am God. I made all that is. With no help from you I spread out the skies and laid out the earth." (Isaiah 44:24, THE MESSAGE)

At one point in the first trimester period, following another sonogram, the doctor came to Hannah, and with concern, told her there seemed to a problem in the formation. This one within her may have TAR Syndrome. Neither Hannah nor anyone else in the family knew what that was. In short, this little one appeared to be missing bones in the arms, specifically the forearms. The doctor told her she had an option – to abort or to continue the pregnancy.

Having been raised in a God-believing family, and being herself a strong Christian, Hannah firmly said no to the killing option. This child was going to continue life, for the Lord was his Creator. As the months moved on, it was confirmed that this baby, now known to be a boy, and prayefully named Levi Zachary, would come forth with a challenge before him and his family. 

You can believe that his praying family, from great-grandma down to his cousins, were interceding with all the prayers we knew, for full development of Levi. How was he going to thrive in this world missing parts of his body? The usual questions were already being asked, as we sought the Lord for what we thought would be the perfect response.

On January 13, 2016, Little Levi came out, just 16 days before his mother’s birthday. He did not have the forearms, as earlier detected, which were missing. Within the first 14 days of life he needed four transfusions, to build up the platelets in his blood. But from the start, he has known his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles love, along with his six cousins. His older brother Payton also received this new addition into their family, with the Lord Jesus' special love and our thanksgiving for the Levi's life.

This little guy is a gift from our Lord. He will be cared for and raised in the knowledge of His Maker. Whatever comes his way, he will have the grace to be an overcomer, and fulfill the plans and purposes of the Lord.

Here is another interesting but encouraging demonstration of the Lord’s love. Hannah calls Little Levi “T-Rex”, and has spoken over him that he will be a warrior for the Lord’s work. Even in despite of missing those forearms, and other situations, we agree, He will be!

And then there is yet another, but simple, sign of the Lord’s heart for this beautiful creation of His. At a recent prophetic class I attended at MorningStar, our home church, a small brown bag containing items was passed out to each of the tables, with the teacher's instructions for each person at the table to draw out an item, ask the Lord for a word to share with another at the table, and give that word in the form of encouragement. No one at the table knew what things were in the bag.

The young mother seated next to me, who was to give a word to me, reached in the bag and drew out a very small, gray toy. It was a dinosaur. It was a T-Rex. She had no idea what that meant, and said so. But I did. I knew immediately it was a sign from the Lord to me.

Our Almighty God whom we serve has Little Levi in His heart. He always has, from the beginning of time, even before He began forming him in his mother’s womb. Little Levi is a “T-Rex”. He will be a warrior, a fighter, for the Lord’s purposes in His kingdom.

You and I don’t know all that the Lord has in store for us. We don’t know what all Levi will face as he continues to grow in the Lord’s love. But we certainly can stand on His promises that whatever those plans are, they are most certainly for good! For He is a great God! He is a Mighty Savior! He is the King of kings and the Lord of All!

We all face obstacles in our life. But we have the Victorious King who makes us overcomers. In His wisdom, honor and strength we too, like Little Levi, will find our place in His army and be the men and women, warriors all, to see His Kingdom come.

To this we can say, “Amen!”

So think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I have included a brief description on TAR Syndrome below.

Here is our Little Levi, at just 14 days old as of this writing. And below him is the T-Rex which I now carry in my pocket daily, as a reminder to intercede daily for our grandson. He will be a mighty warrior for His Lord!


Hannah and Little Levi

Dad Jonathan and big brother Payton.

The “T-Rex” from the MorningStar prophetic class.
I carry in my pocket as a reminder daily to pray for Little Levi.

                            Levi at birth Jan. 13, 2016                  Levi & Grandpa at 7 days old

 Levi Zachary (Martin) Avalos - 12 day old, Jan. 25, 2016

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to bless the families that we do in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 01.30.16 - #239 –“Little T-Tex. He Will Be a Warrior.” – Saturday at 8:00 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

TAR Syndrome

Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius Syndrome
What is TAR Syndrome?

Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius (TAR) Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. It is characterized by low levels of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia), absence (aplasia) of the bone on the thumb side of the forearm (radius) on both arms, and underdevelopment (hypoplasia) or absence of the bone on the pinky-side of the forearm (ulna). Platelets are very important for normal blood clotting. Consequently, thrombocytopenia results in potentially severe bleeding episodes (hemorrhaging) primarily during infancy. Children with TAR Syndrome frequently have malformations of their hands, but their thumbs are always present. Other abnormalities may include malformations of the heart, legs, and hip sockets; kidney defects; and mental retardation resulting from bleeding in the skull.

Source: Birth Defects website - click here: TAR Syndrome

Saturday, January 23, 2016

March for Life Protesters Brave Blizzard to Speak for the Unborn - Paul Strand CBN News

March for Life Protesters Brave Blizzard to Speak for the Unborn

CBN News
WASHINGTON -- Despite threats Washington officials might yank the March for Life's permit because of a dire storm threat, the march went on Friday. 
Its participants refused to let a record-breaking blizzard bearing down on the nation's capitol stop them from their mission. Like in the 42 years before, they came determined to bear witness that multitudes of Americans hate abortion.
Starting on the National Mall, they've been marching on the Supreme Court to protest ever since it legalized abortion January 22, 1973. This year's theme: "Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand-in-Hand."
"I'm so thrilled with the theme of this year's march," Maureen Ferguson, senior policy advisor for The Catholic Association, told CBN News.
"It's so wild-timed because the pro-abortion side, of course, loves to use this as a political football and bandy around terms like 'the war on women.' But we know there's a war on women in the womb," she said. "Half of those babies aborted are little girls."
Catholic Association Senior Fellow Ashley Maguire explained the earliest American feminists were pro-life.
"Starting with the suffragettes who were fighting against slavery and then fought for their own rights to vote - they were very pro-life," Maguire said. "And so the idea that women are by nature pro-choice is completely false."
"And we know that abortion sadly leaves a woman wounded, sometimes physically; emotionally scarred with a hole in her heart for the rest of her life," Ferguson added.
"A woman's capacity to be a mother is empowering and it's a beautiful gift  that's a part of who she is as a person," Jeanne Mancini, who leads the March for Life, said.
Subverted author Sue Ellen Browder was once a pro-choice feminist working at Cosmopolitan. That is no longer the case.
"To be pro-woman is to be pro-life, and of course that's true," she told CBN News before speaking at the March for Life rally. "You know, women want to have babies. Babies bring us joy, happiness, wonder."
Lauren Handy, with the group Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, counsels women heading into abortion clinics. She gets angry at those who accuse her of waging a war on those women.
"I think they use inflammatory language and scare tactics when we try to meet the needs of both the child and the mother, because we know abortion hurts the mother, the father and the child," she said.
Monica Miller, with Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, rejects that the right to this procedure is a key component of women's liberation.
"The sadness and the tragedy of that skewed, perverted point of view - that we actually would have to kill someone, end the life of someone else in order to be free - that's not a freedom," she explained.
"It looks easier and more fun not to have babies sometimes," Browder added. "But in the long run, especially when you get to be my age, and you see the women that did have children and how happy they are and how blessed they are with grandchildren and all that - whereas the old ladies in the nursing home, because they thought they were all free and alone, they're still alone."
"Abortion impacts women negatively, both psychologically and physiologically," Mancini insisted. "In fact we're hearing this week from a new Marist poll that the large majority of Americans believe that abortion hurts women, that it's not good for women, by a 35 percent margin."
Kristan Hawkins told CBN News how her group Students for Life of America constantly looks for ways to minister to young women considering this life-altering decision.
"We're always making sure that we're appealing to her and talking to her about how she's a victim, too," Hawkins shared. "And how the abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, is directly targeting her."
Planned Parenthood has become a major target of the marchers since it is by far the largest abortion-provider in the country. It ends the lives of more than 300,000 unborn babies every year. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Watch here Friday, Jan. 22, 2016 - March For Life 2016 in Washington, DC - Starts 11:45 am EST

Click on "March For Life 2016" link below:

Watch here Friday, Jan. 22, 2016
Click here - March For Life 2016 
in Washington, DC


Watch here Friday, Jan. 22, 2016
Click here - March For Life 2016 
in Washington, DC

Rally & March Info

The March for Life will go on no matter the weather


11:45 a.m. Musical Opening
Mr. Shawn Welcome; Performance Poet
Ms. Caitlin Jane; Christian Music Artist
12:00 p.m. Rally
1:00 p.m. March
3:00 p.m. (approx) Listen to Silent No More testimonies outside U.S. Supreme Court
3:30 p.m. Visit your Representative or Senator to advocate for life


Carly Fiorina, Pro-Life Businesswoman
Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)
Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ)
State Senator Katrina Jackson (D-LA)
Matt Birk; former Baltimore Ravens player and Super Bowl Champion
Sue Ellen Browder; Author, Subverted
Jim Daly; President, Focus on the Family
Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List
Dr. Marguerite Duane, MD; Cofounder and Executive Director, FACTS
Jewels Green; Silent No More campaign
Nathan Grime; Student, Concordia Lutheran High School
His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos, Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops
Dr. Russell Moore, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Matt Birk is a 15 year veteran of the National Football League. 
He was recognized as the 2011 NFL Walter Payton Man of the Year, which acknowledges
 off the field contributions to the community as well as on the field accomplishments. 
Named to the Pro Bowl 6 times, Matt’s career culminated in February of 2013 in a 
Super Bowl win as a member of the Baltimore Ravens.

Following the Raven’s victory, Matt chose not to participate in the White House Super Bowl 
celebratory meeting with President Obama because of the president’s support for 
Planned Parenthood, a decision that received significant media coverage.

Matt and his wife, Adrianna, are both actively involved in the Pro-Life Movement, 
including with their local pregnancy center and past participation in pro-life marches. 

The couple have 6 children and currently reside in Greenwich, CT.

Sue Ellen Browder is a freelance writer who has appeared 
on Oprah, theToday Show, and hundreds of radio talk shows. Her work for 
Cosmopolitan, New Woman, Woman’s Day, and other magazines has given her 
a lifetime of experience with the women’s movement as it unfolded in the media, 
both on the public stage and behind the scenes. Trained at the University of Missouri 
School of Journalism to be an investigative journalist, Browder unwittingly betrayed 
her true calling and became a propagandist for sexual liberation. She did not realize 
until much later that propagandists higher and cleverer than herself were influencing 
her thinking and her personal choices as they subverted the women’s movement. Her 
most recent book Subverted: How I Helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the 
Woman’s Movement sets the record straight and illumines a way forward for others 
who have suffered from the unholy alliance between the women’s movement and 
the sexual revolution.

Jim Daly was named president of Focus on the Family in 2005 
after 16 years with the ministry. Under his leadership, the organization has taken on 
a major role nationally in encouraging and helping facilitate foster-care adoptions, 
earning recognition from the White House and Congress for its efforts. The ministry 
also has reinvigorated its traditional focus on helping couples build strong marriages 
and raise healthy, resilient kids. Daly started his career at Focus in 1989 as an assistant 
to the president, fostering relationships with the ministry’s supporters. He was appointed
 international field director for Asia, Africa and Australia in 1992, and in 1997 was 
promoted to vice president of the International Division. In 2004, Daly was appointed 
chief operating officer, the role he held until he was handpicked by Focus on the Family
 founder Dr. James Dobson to be the group’s president.

Marjorie Dannenfelser is an original organizer of the Susan B. Anthony 
List (SBA List), and is the organization’s President. In this role, Marjorie directs the mission 
of SBA List and serves as its primary spokeswoman. Under her leadership, the organization
 has grown to more than 365,000 members nationwide.

Marjorie was recently named one of Newsmax’s top 25 Most Influential Republican Women 
and one of Newsweek’s top ten “Leaders of the Christian Right.”

She serves on the boards of the Alliance Defending Freedom, Constituting Culture Foundation 
and Chosen Families, a ministry to families who have special needs children. Prior to launching 
the Susan B. Anthony List, Marjorie served on Capitol Hill as staff director of the 
Congressional Pro-life Caucus. Prior to her work on Capitol Hill, she worked at the
 Heritage Foundation. She is originally from North Carolina and is a graduate of
 Duke University. Marjorie lives in Arlington, Virginia with her husband Marty and 
their five children, ages 12-21.

Dr. Marguerite Duane, a board certified family physician and 
Adjunct Associate Professor at Georgetown University, is co-founder and 
Executive Team Leader of FACTS – the Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to 
Teach the Science. Dr. Duane formerly served as the medical director of the 
Spanish Catholic Center of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC 
and as the Family Medicine Clerkship Director at Georgetown University. She received 
her M.D. degree with recognition in primary care from the State University of New York
 at Stony Brook and completed her Family Medicine residency at Lancaster General Hospital 
in Lancaster, PA. Dr. Duane received a Bachelor of Science with Honors degree and a 
Master of Health Administration degree from Cornell University in 1992 and 1994, respectively.

Dr. Duane balances her career as a teacher and Family Physician, with her role as a 
mother and wife. She is proud to be accompanied on this life’s journey by her husband 
and fellow family physician, Dr. Kenneth Lin, and they are delighted to be the parents 
of 4 young children, Isaac Thomas, Eden Rose, Ellis John, and Gianna Marie Lin.

Senator Joni Ernst has dedicated her life to Iowa and her country, 
having served in the military for over 23 years and now in the United States Senate.

In November 2014, Joni was elected as the first woman to serve in federal elected office 
from the State of Iowa and also became the first female combat veteran elected to serve 
in the United States Senate. In Washington, Joni serves on four Senate committees of 
major importance to Iowans: Armed Services; Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry; 
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Joni is focused on growing a vibrant economy and ensuring the government runs 
effectively and efficiently which means cutting out-of-control spending, reducing 
taxes, eliminating harmful regulations and balancing the budget.

Joni resides in Red Oak, Iowa with her husband Gail and their daughter Libby.

Carleton (Carly) S. Fiorina was born Cara Carleton Sneed in 
Austin, Texas on September 6, 1954. After dropping out of law school, she became an 
AT&T management trainee. She moved up the company ladder and became the first 
female officer in the Network Systems division. In 1998, she was put in charge of 
Lucent’s Global Service Provider division. A year later, she was tapped as CEO of 
Hewlett-Packard. After the controversial merger with Compaq Computers didn’t 
meet expectations, Fiorina was forced to resign. She then became a consultant for 
Republican candidates. In 2010, Fiorina made a run for Congress in California.

Jewels Green is a regretful post-abortive mother and former 
abortion clinic worker turned ardent human rights advocate. She is a writer, public 
speaker, has appeared on TV and radio programs, and is featured in the documentary 
film “40” about abortion in America. She is a featured contributor in the book 
We Choose Life: Authentic Stories, Movements of Hope and her mini-eBook
 “Abortion Hurts: a collection of essays on my journey from death to life” is available 
as a Kindle exclusive to raise funds for life-affirming pregnancy centers. Jewels is a 
high school dropout who went on to earn a Master of Arts degree in Psychology 
from Yeshiva University and is a stay-at-home mother who occasionally blogs 

Singer, songwriter, and speaker, Caitlin Jane, not only puts 
on a powerful concert with her gift of music, but delivers along with it a beautiful 
message of hope in a broken world. Boldly using her platform on behalf of the 
unborn, she speaks truth with love and helps open once-hardened hearts to see 
the sanctity of life through song and film. Ray Ruddy, the President of the 
Gerard Health Foundation & Life Prizes, has said of her ministry, “The emotion 
in her music and depth of her lyrics make Caitlin Jane one of the most gripping 
Christian artists today.” Caitlin Jane has toured nationally and internationally, 
intertwining music, faith, and life seamlessly at each and every venue. Her latest 
album, Coming Season, includes the powerful pro-life song “Unborn,” 
which has been instrumental in helping save countless little one’s lives.

Caitlin Jane finds joy in sharing her songs and passion for life across the country 
at various pro-life events, as well as women’s groups, churches, universities, and 
youth groups.

Russell Moore serves as the eighth president of the 
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, 
the moral and public policy agency of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.

A widely-sought cultural commentator, Dr. Moore has been recognized by a 
number of influential organizations. The Wall Street Journal has called him 
“vigorous, cheerful, and fiercely articulate” while The Gospel Coalition has 
referred to him “one of the most astute ethicists in contemporary evangelicalism.”

An ethicist and theologian by background, Dr. Moore is also an ordained Southern Baptist 
minister and the author of several books including Onward: Engaging the Culture 
Without Losing the Gospel. He blogs frequently at his website,
and hosts a program called Signposts.

A native Mississippian, he and his wife Maria are the parents of five sons.

Shawn Welcome is a nationally known performance poet. 
He is blessed with a gift to encourage, inspire, educate, and motivate. Shawn has 
more than 10 years’ public performing experience, which includes drama and acting. 
He has performed in various churches and venues across the state of Florida and the 
US, was nominated for state poet laureate, and has also spoken for companies, such as 
Nike, Johnson & Johnson, The Orlando Magic, Wycliffe Bible Translators, and more!

Shawn’s goal is to use his gift with words as a light in a dark decadent world, thirsty for 
hope and hungry for change. Today, along with hosting and performing, Mr. Welcome 
is a teacher at Oak Ridge High School. He is married to his beautiful wife, Jannah, and 
is the father of four children.

Printable March Route

Click the map to download a print version.

Interactive March Route Map

Click on the map for an interactive version.


The March for Life 2016 Rally will take place at noon on the grounds of the 
Washington Monument, near the corner of 15th Street and Constitution Avenue. 
Following the Rally, the March will begin on Constitution Avenue between 15th 
and 17th Streets at approximately 1:00 pm.
Important Notes

While walking, and riding the metro in D.C. please be respectful of residents 
and commuters. Let’s show the Nation’s Capital how passionate and polite and 
respectful pro-lifers really are! Please read these 6 tips for riding the metro.

Do not leave trash or signs on the grounds of the National Mall, Supreme Court, 
or Capitol. This is our Nation’s Capital and we should treat it with dignity and 
respect. If trash bins are full, please carry your trash or sign with you until you 
find an available trash bin.

Do not engage with counter protesters. Once again, please be respectful of all 
people and stay focused on the cause of promoting and celebrating live, lovingly 
and graciously.

Watch here Friday, Jan. 22, 2016
Click here - March For Life 2016 
in Washington, DC

Friday, January 23, 2015

March: Why Should Only 'Perfect' Children Be Born?

March: Why Should Only 'Perfect' Children Be Born?

WASHINGTON -- Every year the March for Life has a different focus, and this year it focused on the group most aborted -- the pre-born diagnosed with some sort of disability.
As the marchers gathered on the National Mall near the Washington Monument, they declared those babies are every bit as deserving of life as any other child.
Americans abort about one out of five of their unborn children. But among these 'special needs' unborn, the abortion rate is a staggering 85 percent.
Kristan Hawkins, a pro-life leader who heads up Students for Life of America, is also mother to a special needs child who didn't get aborted. Six-year-old Gunner suffers from cystic fibrosis.
"Which is a deadly, incurable genetic disease," Hawkins told CBN News.
But she said Gunner's life is so precious, a world without him is unimaginable.
"He's smart. He's articulate. He's so tenderhearted," Hawkins said. "I can't imagine our lives without Gunner."
And Hawkins can't imagine denying him his rich, full existence.
"Gunner likes life. He has a pretty good life with his iPad, his brothers, and all of his Legos," she said, laughing.
Potential GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina also attened a pre-March for Life gathering this week held at the Heritage Foundation. She praised women who refuse to go along with the mainstream and give birth to special needs children or even risk their own lives with troubled pregnancies.
Fiorina spoke of one mother-to-be given a stark medical judgment in 1949.
"That an abortion was her only choice. Her doctors feared for her life," Fiorina said.
But the former Hewlett-Packard CEO told the Heritage Foundation audience that particular pregnant woman had deep faith and great courage. She trusted God with her life and refused to abort, giving birth to that baby she was carrying at tremendous danger to her own life and health.
"She spent almost a year in the hospital following his birth," Fiorina said. "But her son -- my husband -- was the joy of her life, and for over 30 years he has been the rock of mine."
CBN News met up with Dr. Grazie Christie at the March for Life. She often works with parents of the unborn as a radiologist.
But this Catholic Assocation Advisory Board member is philosophical about who is and isn't "disabled."
"All of us are disabled. All of us suffer," she said. "You know we can't avoid all the vicissitudes of life. So why should only 'perfect' children be born? Our lives won't be perfect anyway."
Dr. Christie came to tell the March for Life crowd that ultrasound technology is a wonderful thing for showing people so clearly that a fetus is indeed a human being.
"But ultrasound has a dark side," she explained. "It allows us to make pre-natal diagnoses that are then used to eradicate children that don't quite measure up to the standards that we are developing as a society."
And she said it's those standards that should be eliminated, not the children found unacceptable by them.
Even before this year's March for Life began, Fiorina summed up why the marchers come to Washington D.C. every year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.
"We gather here because we know that no one of us is any better than any other one of us," she said. "We gather here because we know that every human life has potential and every human life is precious."
As every year before this since the U.S. Supreme Court announced it's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the marchers made their way more than a mile from the National Mall, up Constitution Avenue, and massed in front of the Supreme Court.
There they bore witness to the more than 56 million unborn babies slain since Roe v. Wade.