Hannah Avalos
Nov. 19, 2017
Nov. 19, 2017

Life as a special needs mom is really freaking hard, but it’s also equally BEAUTIFUL,THRILLING and MAGNIFICANT, because two years ago, I wouldn’t have found so much joy in all these little things that are all actually big things if we take a closer look. I would have missed the opportunity to be so grateful, so moved by the mundane.
The littlest moments have brought us so much joy, because when you throw "normal" out the door, you really get to see the beauty of life.
These past few weeks have been another test for us, and I think it's another one we have crushed.
The Lord doesn't seem to ever forget about us, and that's just the feeling we cling to.
Thank you all who love us and support us! I usually don't always have the right words to say, but you keep us going. Love is the fuel we need to conquer tough times. Grace is the ultimate feeling in all of it.
We love you and I just wanted to let you know, NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE.
Hannah Avalos
Charlotte, North Carolina
Special Note from the Editor:
We are so blessed in our hearts, spirits, and souls. Our oldest daughter Hannah Elizabeth Avalos, her husband Jonathan, little Levi and his big brother Payton have seen the Hands of the Lord come and do His miracle in Levi's hands and arms (who was born with TAR Syndrome.)
Our Grandson Levi Zachary spent three weeks in Florida recently, with his Dad and Mom, undergoing two surgeries to straighten out his hands and wrists. Having been born 22 months ago with TAR Syndrome, leaving him with no forearms and twisted hands, among other things, we are grateful for the wisdom and expertise the Living God has given Dr. Paley, an Israeli surgeon. (See here: Paley Foundation & Institute)
What a joy it is to have your children grow in the love of the Lord and then reach that place where they too become an encouragement to others, sharing His love for people.
Our Grandson Levi Zachary spent three weeks in Florida recently, with his Dad and Mom, undergoing two surgeries to straighten out his hands and wrists. Having been born 22 months ago with TAR Syndrome, leaving him with no forearms and twisted hands, among other things, we are grateful for the wisdom and expertise the Living God has given Dr. Paley, an Israeli surgeon. (See here: Paley Foundation & Institute)
What a joy it is to have your children grow in the love of the Lord and then reach that place where they too become an encouragement to others, sharing His love for people.
Knowing her desire to be one who encourages others, Hannah has been encouraged in her walk with the Lord. Thus she shares with her heart what the Lord has shared in hers.
Thank you, Hannah, for hearing the call of the Lord on your life, living for Jesus, and stepping out in faith to share His Word in love to those looking to Him also, and for others who will in their time of need.
Mom and I are proud of you!
With our love,
(Steve Martin)
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, North Carolina 28134 USA