Time To Consider – The initial new message of my new series – Steve Martin, Love For His People ministry

“Let whoever is wise observe these things and consider Adonai’s loving deeds.” Psalm 107:43. Complete Jewish Bible
As I sat on our Charlotte area front porch this morning, which I like to do often, the Lord spoke of a new season upon me. And He may just be speaking to you too about yours.
Now that specific word can be, or has already become, due to repeatedly a clique, an often-spoken word, that we just might easily dismiss. Somewhat like the words we have heard regarding prophecy in our gatherings, such as “God loves you.” (Prophecy #1 on the all-time list.) Or, “I am opening a new door for you.” (Great word! #3 on the list.) Or how about, “You need to repent.” (For some, that may have become #7 on the all-time prophetic words given these days.)
All are still true, no matter how much we have heard them, and most likely will hear again. The Lord still tries to get our attention often! One of the best ways to learn and retain what we hear is to repeat it often. As the great Bible teacher Derek Prince once said, or more than once, “Rote is the best teacher.” (Rote: mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned.)
Being the humans that we are, repetition seems to be quite necessary. Ever hear the same commercial over and over again??!! Rote!
And so, back to my message.
The Lord spoke of a new season upon me. And most likely for you too.
Because…we can’t stay in the same wine barrel forever. Just as they do in the Golan of Israel vineyards, after the grape juice sits in a barrel for a certain, measured, exact length of time, they pour it into another vessel. That leaves the old sediment behind, which can ruin the soon-to-be wine if left in the barrel too long. Stagnant. Impure. Bitter. (Ever get that feeling)
And then they do it again.
So, it is with us. If we are not going from season to season, from one adventure to another, it gets old really fast. We get ingrained with the mundane. We become accustomed to sitting on the fluffy couch (clique again!) and get annoyed when someone asks us to get up and do something.
Ok. That is just me.
This new message series, as the Lord is now moving me on from my previous ones, “Now Think On This”, a total of 522 messages started in October of 2010 after a return from Israel, is entitled “Time To Consider”.
It is time to consider your life, if you haven’t recently. It is time to consider even more so the life that Lord wants to give you, whether you have walked with him for 56 years (yeah!) or just getting started.
Whose life will you live? What life will you live? The one He created you for, or the one you have decided, in all your own wisdom and understanding, is the best? As the good doctor said, you know, Dr. Phil, “How is that working out for you?”
As the eternal Word of God says in Proverbs 24:12, “If you say, “See, we did not know this,” does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does He not know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?” NASU
I like what Paul wrote of his life, “But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24, NASU
Take some time before the Lord to consider your ways. He will give you a response by speaking to you through His Holy Spirit.
Hear and obey. It is the only best way to live.
It is time to consider.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Founder/President Love For His People ministry
Carolyn Hyde will also lead Messianic worship!
Carolyn Hyde will also lead Messianic worship!
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Time To Consider – in the year of our Lord 7.03.2020 – “Time To Consider – Initial Message”.” Friday, 9:45 am in Charlotte, NC USA

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