What a joy it is to have your children grow in the love of the Lord and then reach that place where they too become an encouragement to others, sharing His love for people.
I am so blessed in my heart, spirit, and soul. Today we are introducing to you, the Love For His People blog readers, my oldest daughter Hannah Elizabeth Avalos. (You may have seen a few of her pictures along the way!)
Knowing her desire to be one in also encouraging others, as she has been encouraged in her walk with the Lord, I believe her messages will touch the hearts of her generation, and even us older olders!

Mom and I are proud of you!
With our love,
(Steve Martin)
Worship While You Wait
Hannah Avalos
Aug. 31, 2017
How many times have we been eager about something? Scared? Anxious? I have been thinking about this a lot! When I pray and ask the Lord to reassure me He is with me, I hear a whisper "worship while you wait".
Worship while you wait?! Yes, give "weight to worship." You have all the time to worry, so instead, I want you to worship!
Why worship you ask? Because the peace of God passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) All short comings. All confusion. All fear. All anger. All Anxiety. We worship not to dismiss our anxiety but to release it to the Lord. We worship to feel his peace. We worship to magnify Him and not our problems!
When we are in the midst of a trial, we must believe that the author, the Maker of our faith, is in every situation we are up against!! He doesn't ordain the things that happen to us, but He is with us through them.
I often realize the more "weight" we give to worship the less time we have to analyze our circumstance. This doesn't allow our circumstance to go away. It allows us to persevere through our circumstance with God's help. Often times we find Him most in the deep trenches of our struggle.
Our worship can strengthen us and encourage us for something more important than just our Monday struggles. As we go through our circumstance with our son Levi, we know the most important thing, God is still God and He is STILL Good.
As we face these trials with our son and for his upcoming surgery, the enemy still has a small window to put in our minds of fear and anxiety. It's like we are driving straight into oncoming traffic, but I know that we are going to swerve and not hit anything at all. It's kind of like the Christian faith when you're under attack! You have to know God is in the car and He will protect you!
Sometimes there is a question of, "He is going to show up? Is He going to get us through this? Will we be ok?"
Yes. The answer is YES!
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
So I encourage you as I also encourage myself to "worship while you wait." I ask the Lord to give you and I a peace that passes all understanding - no matter what you're facing today. Be blessed. He is with us.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, North Carolina USA
Hannah with her family
Parents and siblings - 2015
Jonathan, Payton, and Hannah
Hannah - 1985
Hannah at her grandparents Otto and Lorraine Unzicker's house
- Peru, Illinois (1986 maybe?)