Love For His People
Arms of Love
Video Series
Coming August 2017
July 27, 2017
Charlotte, North Carolina
Greetings to our friends now, and new ones coming along.
Beginning in the month of August 2017 (the month #8 - "new beginnings" in the Bible), Love for His People will launch our new ministry outreach, a video series we are calling, "Arms of Love".
After sensing the Holy Spirit's nudge to do such a project, and knowing the additional time and costs involved, we are moving out in faith. It will be a small beginning, but we believe the Word of God, which states in Zechariah 4:10, "For who has despised the day of small things?" (NKJV). We won't!
When the Lord then says "Now is the time", I don't often ask how will I do it, or when do I start, or say, Now may not be the best time." I respond, "How high do I jump Lord!" in obedience to Him. His timing is always perfect.
This photo depicts where we will do our main production. Right here in our former two-car garage, which was then transformed into a NASCAR man's cave back in the '90s, and then got saved and now has become the "Martin Museum of Moments", the prayer room, and the grandkids hang out den when they come over to Grandpa and Grandma's house.
The "new" Love For His People Arms of Love studio!
So why not now make it the Love For His People studio? As my good UK English friend Martin Berger (GODTV representative) would say, "Brilliant!"
We will feature "story-telling" by myself. Maybe even reading a chapter or two out of my book
Arms of Love (now translated in Urdu/Pakistan and soon to be in the Nigerian Yoruba language).

My oldest daughter Hannah Avalos will come on at times and tell her encouraging stories learned from being a newly-wed several years ago, as she joined hands with her husband Jonathan Avalos and then helping to raise his then 5-year old son Payton. (As an ordained minister, I got to be both Father-of the-Bride, just like the comedian actor Steve Martin in the movie of the same title, and officiating pastor! I don't think that Steve Martin has the ordination papers though.)
Maybe we can also get Hannah's spouse Jonathan to share about his life in being a Physical Trainer, and do a few exercises "live" to get us all in shape! Check him out! Personal Trainer For You
By the way, this day that the Lord has made, July 25, 2017, is Jonathan's 34th birthday! Send a greeting to his Christian Strength Coach Facebook page or his personal one Jonathan Avalos.
Hannah and Jonathan Avalos
Hannah will have many great stories to share of miracles, and of our Lord Jesus' (Yeshua's) work being outworked through those experienced blessings, especially with their now 19-month-old son Levi Zachary. Born with TAR syndrome (missing both forearms and having needed blood work done weekly the first full year), we all have seen the Lord's arms of love around Levi's arms of love.
Grandson Levi - he likes the "toys" found in our kitchen.
I guess I am a bit excited! Knowing what the Lord has done with the ministry, and now this, taking another big step forward, has to get one excited.
Thank you Jesus! Stayed turned...
Be blessed in your blessing others today,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina USA
P.S. You can help us help others. Please give a gift today. Online gifts: Contribute Here
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
We have been a USA non-profit since 2010. Gifts are tax-deductible.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA