Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Wants to Break the Spirit of Weariness in Your Life
I awakened the other morning with a Spanish word that I wasn't quite sure what it meant, "basta." It means enough, fed up, I've had all I'm going to take.
I felt from the Holy Spirit, as I was praying, that there was this spirit of weariness that is coming on people. It's actually demonic. It's saying, you're never going to get ahead. It makes you tired emotionally. The Bible says in Daniel 7:25 that he's going to persecute—or Satan will persecute— or wear out the saints. I felt that this was like a wearying spirit.
Some of you are going to relate to this. You just feel so tired all the time, you feel, and it's not a natural tiredness. It's a soul-tiredness, where you just feel like you can't get up, you can't move, you can't do anything, and I literally heard the Holy Spirit say, "Basta!"
"Fed up, get up," to the powers of darkness around you. The Lord would say, "You cannot let yourself go down in your destiny due to the weariness of the battle. You cannot let yourself be robbed of the blessings I have for you because you are too tired to fight anymore."
The Lord would say this morning, "Basta! Stop!" to the enemy. And I want to agree with that, I want to bind that spirit of weariness; I want to bind that which is coming against you. I just feel like the Holy Spirit wants to give you a refreshing. He wants to do something extraordinary for you. He wants to cause you to be able to shake off yesterday's troubles, yesterday's anxieties.
I see you've gotten into panic mode, where you're spiraling down and down and down. I just say to the enemy, basta, stop it, in the name of Jesus. I say to your spirit, rise up! There is a refreshing in the presence of the Lord. There's a rest in God that you can come to.
I'm thinking of Psalm 23, that He's leading you beside green pastures and still waters for His name's sake. I'm feeling something break. It's breaking off of you. It's breaking off you emotionally, It's breaking off you physically, and sometimes, I just feel for the Lord that you cannot separate, and even that's happened to me before, you cannot separate a natural weariness, which we get weary, but from a demonic weariness that is pressing you down. So, this morning, we say enough, stop, basta to what is coming against you.
I speak the peace of God into your soul, and I just want you to receive it. Just receive it by faith, and the Lord would say, "I am giving you an anointing of strength to resist the devil so he'll flee from you, and just enter into My rest."
Well, God bless you. I love that word. I'm applying it to my own life. 
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
This article originally appeared at
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA