Sunday, May 22, 2016

Oh, the Irony! Palestinian Museum Opens With No Exhibits - Israel Today Staff

Oh, the Irony! Palestinian Museum Opens With No Exhibits

Sunday, May 22, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The Palestinian Authority last week officially opened The Palestinian Museum of Art, History and Culture just outside their de facto capital of Ramallah.
Now, as those who take historical accuracy seriously are aware, the people today known as “Palestinian” Arabs bear no distinction from the Arabs living in the nations roundabout, nations that only gained their current borders and distinct nationalities in the past century.
As such, there is no distinct “Palestinian” history or culture.
And, so, it was absolutely fitting that The Palestinian Museum of Art, History and Culture opened its doors with NO EXHIBITS.
The facility, which cost a whopping $24 million, was described as modern and luxurious by The New York Times.
The newspaper spoke to the museum’s chairman, Omar al-Qattan, who confirmed that he had opened the doors of an empty building. But, al-Qattan insisted, the move was of symbolic importance.
He and other Palestinian officials said they hope to at some point put actual exhibits in the museum.
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Joel C. Rosenberg Blog: Is There Any Good News In The Mideast? Yes, despite intense persecution of the Church, we’re also seeing a great harvest of Muslims turning to Christ.


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Is There Any Good News In The Mideast? Yes, despite intense persecution of the Church, we’re also seeing a great harvest of Muslims turning to Christ. Here’s the latest.

by joelcrosenberg
Recently, Lynn and I had the opportunity to have dinner in Jerusalem with our good friends, Tom and JoAnn Doyle. Among other things we talked about two important trend lines in the world of Gospel ministry to Muslims -- persecution and harvest.
Below is an article on this subject that I asked Tom to write specifically for this blog. It's very informative and encouraging. I hope you'll not only read it but share it with others.
By way of context, Tom was a senior pastor in New Mexico and Colorado for more than two decades. Then, in the summer of 2001, the Lord called he and JoAnn to serve the persecuted Church in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Little did they know the horrific events of 9/11 were coming. Nor could they have possibly imagined that the greatest era of church growth in the Muslim world in fourteen centuries was about to accelerate even faster, deeper and wider. In recent years, Tom has written some excellent books on what God is doing among Muslims. Among them are Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where It's Not Safe to Believe and DREAMS AND VISIONS: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?  I commend them both to you.
Is There Any Good News In The Middle East? Yes, despite intense persecution, we’re also seeing a great harvest of Muslims turning to Christ. Here’s the latest.
By Tom Doyle
When you think of Christianity in the Middle East, the first word that probably comes to mind is persecution. 
But another word should come to mind – harvest. 
The year 2015 was certainly a year of persecution for followers of Jesus Christ in the Muslim world. But one of the reasons for this is the large number of Muslims who have left the religion of Islam and now embrace Jesus as their Savior.
That said, persecution is not stopping the spread of the gospel. To the contrary, the killing of Christians is accelerating the spread of the gospel and the growth of the church. In fact, over the centuries, oppressors have never recognized that the persecution of Christians is always a failed initiative. It doesn’t destroy the church; it makes the church grow.
Welcome to the New Middle East. Muslims all over the region are coming to faith in Christ. What’s more, they’re willing to suffer persecution for the Lord Jesus Christ in part because they see a great harvest of other Muslims and want to be faithful in proclaiming the good news of salvation in a world of such darkness.
Here are some of the things my wife and team and I have been seeing as we travel in and out of the region:
  • In November 2015, I took a team to a country in the Middle East and witnessed something phenomenal: 25 former Muslims baptized as new believers in Jesus. The city where we were has a steadily growing underground church – indeed, they’ve seen 90 Muslims receive Jesus recently. And that’s just in one city. One was a woman who is married to a Muslim Imam (religious cleric). When she embraced Jesus, her irate husband found out and threw her out of the house and kept their three children. He vowed that if she were baptized he would kill her. But there she was, one of the 25 lining up to be baptized, and when she came out of the water there was overwhelming relief and joy on her face. By the world's standards, she has lost everything, but she was not willing to deny Jesus and her love for Him.
  • In Syria, Farid – a pastor and national Christian leader – says: “We’ve never seen Muslims come to Jesus like this. The ongoing civil war in our country has soured many to religion since this is essentially a religious war. Jesus brings something that religion can never deliver. He brings hope and reconciliation.” Farid says that the Syrian underground church is growing rapidly and in some home groups Alawites and Muslims worship together. “In the streets of Syria, they are killing one another, but when they find Jesus and reconcile with the Father, only then can they reconcile to one another. Jesus is the only hope for Syria. We have seen more than 1,000 Muslims come to faith in Christ in Syria in the last few years. This brings us great joy in Syria.”
  • A pastor in Jordan named, Amir, says: “The amazing occurrence of dreams about Jesus seems to be even growing. Of the hundreds of Muslims that we are working with, the majority of them claim to have had one or more Jesus dreams. Jesus tells them in the dream how He loves them. What a message Jesus has in this sea of hatred all around us.”
  • In February of 2015, ISIS killed 21 Christians on the beach in Libya and released the horrific footage of their beheading. The video showed 20 Egyptian men and one man from Chad walking onto the beach in orange jumpsuits and an ISIS terrorist with their covered, in all black, leading each prisoner. The picture summarized the year of persecution for the church. In fact, it became a defining moment for the persecuted church in the region, much like the image of the lone Chinese dissident standing in front of a column of oncoming tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
  • In October of 2015, I took a small team to Egypt to meet the wives of those brave martyrs. Before we left, I happened to mention on a national radio program in the States what we were going to do. I said that we were going to Egypt to encourage these dear widows and bring letters that our e3 Partners team had written. We were so surprised but encouraged when listeners began to write letters to the martyrs for us to take with us. Over 2,000 from around the world poured in within two days. A kindergarten class from a Christian school even drew pictures and sent them in since they were too young to write. Emails came in from countries around the world. What a blessing these messages of solidarity were to these faithful Christian women.
During the research I did for my book, Killing Christians, I came to believe thatpersecuted believers have become the face of genuine Christianity around the world. As Evangelicals, we may not agree with every element of theology of the Coptic Church that these men came from. But in meeting their families and hearing their stories, there is no question in my mind that these men truly loved the Lord Jesus with their whole hearts, and I was moved that they were more than willing to die for Him.

We visited their widows in their simple poverty-stricken villages. They told us how their husbands had been held captive and tortured for 45 days but they never gave in to the free ticket out that was promised to them if all they would do is convert to Islam. One widow shared this: “How is it that we were given this privilege and honor to have someone in our family die for Jesus? We are just humble village people in an insignificant village in Egypt. But yet Jesus selected my husband for the most important thing we could ever do in life-to die for Jesus!”
So why is it that Muslims are now coming to faith in Christ in significant numbers? One of the reasons is that Islamic terrorists are killing violently for their faith, while followers of Jesus are dying peacefully for their faith. Muslims are watching the violence and it has soured them towards their religion. It has also opened them up to the possibility that there may be something to this Jesus after all. They see hate in Radical Islam and love among the Jesus followers, even as they are taken to be executed. What a contrast.
Yes, Christians are being persecuted openly in the Middle East. But they are standing strong, and this has served to spread the gospel even more rapidly. In a world of bad news, that is very good news.
Let us thank God for this – and let us be faithful in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters, that the Lord would give them strength and courage and boldness to keep living for Christ and keep preaching the Gospel, come what may.
Despite the persecution, killing, and terrorism in the Middle East, this is one of the Church’s finest hours.
Tom Doyle is the Vice President of e3 Partners, focusing on evangelism and equipping the Church around the world, including in Muslim countries.
You can get real-time prayer requests from your brothers and sisters on the frontlines and in harms way at the face book page called 8thirty8.
In Tom’s recent book, Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where it is Not Safe to Believeyou can also read true stories of persecuted believers in the Middle East that will inspire you to live wholeheartedly for Christ.
joelcrosenberg | May 21, 2016 at 2:45 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

"I Bore You on Wings of Eagles" ✡ Stirring Words by Rabbi Tuly Weisz - ISRAEL365

You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on wings of eagles, and brought you to myself.

אַתֶּם רְאִיתֶם אֲשֶׁר עָשִׂיתִי לְמִצְרָיִם וָאֶשָּׂא אֶתְכֶם עַל כַּנְפֵי נְשָׁרִים וָאָבִא אֶתְכֶם אֵלָי

שמות יט:ד

a-tem r'-ee-tem a-sher a-see-tee l'-mitz-ra-yim va-e-sa et-khem al
kan-fay n'-sha-reem va-a-vi et-khem ay-lai

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Hamsas, a motif found in middle-eastern Judaica, is considered a form of protection. Hannah was clearly being watched over from above, as her journey to Judaism was accompanied by a hamsa found at school.  Watch now and check out our beautiful collection of hamsa jewelry. And remember, free shipping this weekend on all orders over $75.
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Today's Israel Photo

Today's captivating photo by Ilan Rosen of a bird in flight over the Hula Valley in northern Israel.

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Donald Trump Tells Christian Leaders He Is 'Concerned' About Christians' Rights in America - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump met secretly with Christian leaders last week.

Donald Trump Tells Christian Leaders He Is 'Concerned' About Christians' Rights in America

Donald Trump met secretly with Christian leaders last week. (Reuters)
Donald Trump secretly met last week with Sid Roth, Rick Joyner and other apostolic and evangelical church leaders. Mario Bramnick, senior pastor of New Wine Ministries Church in Cooper City, Florida, told Charisma about his private conversation with Trump—and what it reveals about the Republican frontrunner's true stances.
Bramnick attended the Trump Tower meeting as a representative for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC). NHCLC, the largest Hispanic Christian evangelical organization in America, is led by popular pastor Samuel Rodriguez Jr. Bramnick was joined in the meeting by Roth, Joyner, Frank Amedia, Alex Nuñez and Darrell Scott.
Though Trump has reportedly not changed his mind regarding immigration, Bramnick said Trump showed greater understanding for the plight of Latinos than he had in the past.
"I personally felt that I saw a different side of him from some of what has come forth in his statements previously," Bramnick said. "He seemed to understand the plight of the undocumented, the plight of the Latino here in America, and really showed a willingness to wanting to work with our community."
Rodriguez has been openly critical of Trump in past months, but this meeting suggests the two men may be able to find common ground. Bramnick said NHCLC and Trump actually agreed on many immigration-related issues: the importance of strong border security, comprehensive immigration reform and deportation for illegal immigrants with criminal records.
As president of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition, Bramnick was also encouraged by Trump's addition of a pro-Israel advisor, Jason Greenblatt, to his campaign. Trump also reportedly demonstrated genuine concern for the state of religious liberty.
"He told us in the meeting that he's very, very concerned that Christians are losing their rights in America, that we no longer can even speak or express what we believe," Bramnick said. "And he did say that if he becomes president, he's going to change things to make sure that we as Christians have our religious liberties restored. He said he's concerned about Christians, he's concerned about Jews, and he wants to help."
Yet Bramnick said he was not endorsing any candidate at this time. Instead, he exhorted evangelicals to be prayerful and seek God's wisdom during this election cycle.
Bramnick said, "In our decision-making process—especially at such a critical crossroad in America—we need to see which candidate is most pro-life? Which candidate is most pro-religious freedom? And which candidate is most pro-marriage? And which candidate is most concerned about the immigrant and the stranger? We are in such a critical time. I don't think not voting is an option. We've got to be sober-minded. We can't be one issue-oriented.
"We need to cry out for our nation. We know the answer isn't coming from the Republican party or the Democratic party, but coming from the Lord. We all have expectations of great revival or great third awakening, but we're in very difficult times. We've been called to be light, we've been called to be salt, and we are the ones by the spirit first—not by power, not by might, but by God's spirit—to cry out to God, to decree and declare, to bring our nation back to its original godly values."
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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Despite a bizarre week in Israeli politics, Sunni Arab leaders are quietly reaching out to Netanyahu to discuss restarting peace talks

Moderate-SunniArab-leadersJoel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Despite a bizarre week in Israeli politics, Sunni Arab leaders are quietly reaching out to Netanyahu to discuss restarting peace talks based on the “Saudi Plan.” Meanwhile, Abbas signals he may soon step down. Who would replace him?

by joelcrosenberg
Very few Israelis or Palestinians believe the moment is ripe to craft a comprehensive peace deal. Pessimism over the seemingly never-ending "peace process" is rampant.
That said, there continue to be curious developments here I think you should be aware of. I laid out some in my column earlier in the week. There have been more since then. Among them:
  1. Despite a bizarre and topsy-turvy week in Israeli politics, there are credible reportsthat moderate Sunni Arab leaders are actively reaching out to Prime Minister Netanyahu with indications that they are open to making changes in the Saudi Peace Initiative to make it more palatable for Israelis.
  2. Netanyahu is signaling that he is not averse to opening new peace talks that would involve changes to the Saudi plan, so long as regional Arab leaders are the primary players in the talks, not the French.
  3. At the same time, however, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is privately indicating that he will soon need to step down from power. "My age and health don't allow me to remain in power," the 81-year-old Abbas recently told Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi. "My term in office expired several years ago and I'm still in power only because of the Hamas, which staged a coup and is controlling the Gaza Strip and refusing to allow new elections."
  4. The possibility that Abbas could soon step off the political stage could add a destabilizing factor into the mix, especially if the battle to succeed Abbas becomes heated, or even violent.
  5. Who will the next Palestinian leader be? Would he (or she) be more or less ready to strike a compromise with Israel? Would he or she encourage violent opposition to Israel, or encourage calm and reconciliation?
  6. Meanwhile, critics of Netanyahu are asking, "How serious is Bibi about really making peace?" His enemies say Bibi will never negotiate in good faith. But those close to him say he's ready for an honest dialogue, and note that it was Menachem Began (the first leader of the Likud Party) who made peace with Egypt in 1979. [NOTE: I'm not taking a position on any of these internal political questions -- who's right? who's wrong? -- I'm just pointing out some of the trend lines I think are noteworthy.]
  7. The week began looking like Netanyahu would create a "unity" government with Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog, who is personally determined to find a peace deal with the Palestinians. But in a dramatic and unexpected reversal mid-week, Netanyahu decided to make a deal with right-wing leader Avigdor Liberman and his Yisrael Beitenu ("Israel Our Home") party instead of Herzog. Liberman is now slated to be Defense Minister, if the deal is finalized. This news has triggered a firestorm. Herzog is furious with Bibi. Current Defense Minister Moshe "Bogie" Ya'alon is, too.Ya'alon resigned the government rather than accept his imminent demotion or even change of position, and Ya'alon had harsh words for both Netanyahu and Liberman.
  8. Many in Israel and the region regard Liberman as an acerbic, controversial, polarizing figure, and someone not known for being eager to make peace with the Palestinians or even other Arab states. To Bibi's enemies, the offer to Liberman is proof Bibi and his government will never make peace.
  9. In these circumstances, then, one could imagine that the notion of Bibi including Liberman into his government -- especially instead of Herzog, who believes that a "rare" chance to make regional peace is emerging -- will sabotage whatever slowly improving ties there have been between Israel and the moderate Arab states.
  10. That may still prove the case. But at the moment, the Arab states are reaching out to Bibi, despite of the Liberman/Ya'alon brouhaha. This is intriguing, to say the least.
  11. At the moment, it's Egyptian President el-Sisi who is taking the lead in communicating with Netanyahu. Earlier this week, the Egyptian leader publicly called on Israelis and Palestinians to come back to the negotiating table, and offered to help mediate those discussions. Netanyahu immediately responded positively to the suggestion. Sisi and Netanyahu then spoke on Friday when Netanyahu called to offer condolences over the crash of an Egyptian jetliner this week, a crash that may have been the result of terrorism, though the investigation has only just begun.
  12. Jordan's King Abdullah II, currently on a state visit to Europe, has been quiet so far this week. That said, recent media reports (see hereherehere and here) indicate that behind the scenes he senses the environment for talks is improving and is quietly encouraging the peace process to begin again.
  13. As I wrote on Tuesdaysomething does appear to be afoot between Israel and her Sunni Arab neighbors. Where will it lead? I genuinely don't know. But I am praying for peace because the Bible commands me to and because I truly want there to be calm and security and prosperity and genuine freedom and opportunity for everyone in the region. I hope you will join me in praying along these lines, as well.
[This column is based on my personal views and analysis. I share them in my personal capacity as an American and Israeli citizen and an author. They do not reflect the views of The Joshua Fund, which is a non-profit organization and takes no political or legislative positions.]
  • "Moderate Sunni Arab governments in the region have communicated to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu their willingness to engage in negotiations with Israel over possible changes to the Saudi peace initiative so that it may serve as the agreed-upon basis of renewed talks with the Palestinians," reports the Jerusalem Post, based on a story first reported by Channel 10 on Friday....
  • Arab regimes led by Egypt and the wealthy Gulf sheikhdoms have signaled their desire to publicly change their posture toward Israel, according to Channel 10.
  • Officials in Arab capitals are now awaiting Netanyahu's response to their offer of substantive discussions on the Saudi initiative so as to make it more palatable for Israel.
  • During a Twitter chat he held in the courtyard of his Jerusalem home in honor of Israel’s 68th Independence Day, Netanyahu said Israel is ready to talk about an amended Saudi peace initiative.
  • One of the questioners asked him in Arabic about the 2002 Saudi Initiative, otherwise known as the Arab Peace Plan, which calls for a two-state solution on the pre-1967 lines with a just settlement for Palestinian refugees. In exchange the Arab world would offer Israel normalized relations.
  • “Why don’t you accept the Arab initiative and what are the reasons why it is not implemented,” Twitter questioner @abosarah7 asked.
  • Netanyahu responded, also in Arabic, that an updated initiative which “addresses our concerns merits further discussion. Israel will always seek peace.”.....
  • In response to Sam Rubinstein from Brown University, Netanyahu said in a short video response, “I am willing to meet President Abbas today, right now. He can come to my home here in Jerusalem or I can go to his home here in Ramallah. Now I want you to forward that question to President Abbas and see what he says, #askAbbas.”
  • Channel 10 cites Western diplomatic sources as saying that a number of emissaries have relayed conciliatory Arab messages to Netanyahu, one of them being former British premier Tony Blair.
joelcrosenberg | May 20, 2016 at 9:34 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL: