Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson Baptizes Friend Before He Dies Of Cancer - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson Baptizes FriendBefore He Dies Of Cancer
Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson has shared an emotional video of himself baptizing a close friend who later died of cancer. Accord...
“Make America Great Again” Is Now A CCLI Licensed Christian Worship Song 
"Make America Great Again" is now an officially CCLI listed worship song. Yep. The track was premiered at the 'Celebrate Freedom' ev...
Russell Moore: 'The Empty Tomb Of Christ Is A Declaration Of Independence' 
As we celebrate Independence Day, may we remember that Jesus granted us true and complete freedom when he died on the cross. W...
'The View' Host Insists Jesus "Would Have Just Made The Cake" 
As Jack Phillips prepares to have his case heard by the highest court in the land, he made an appearance on chat show 'The View' to...
Park Service Reverses Decision, Allowing Christian Geologist To Study The Grand Canyon 
The US National Park Service has reversed its decision to prohibit a Christian geologist from studying the rock formations at the Grand C...
Trump: “If We Can Help Charlie Gard, We’d Be Delighted To Do So” 
President Donald Trump has vowed to help a British couple who are fighting for the right to give their gravely ill child further treatment...
Jerry Falwell Jr.: "Trump Is Defending Liberties Of Christians, Not Just Muslims Like Our Last President" 
Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jnr. has given his reaction to President Trump's faith-filled speech at a 'Celebrate Freed...
Conservative Christian Blogger Threatens To Sue LGBT Media Outlet For Slander 
A conservative Christian blogger is considering suing an LGBT media outlet for publishing what she believes to be libelous claims against her....
Beth Moore Encourages Christians To 'Fear God' Before It's Too Late 
Author and founder of Living Proof Ministries, Beth Moore, has said any Christian who seeks to 'take sides' right now is an 'idiot' in so...
Russian MP Says Angela Merkel 'Kissed Satan' By Allowing Gay Marriage Vote 
A Russian MP has suggested that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has 'kissed Satan,' after allowing the German parliament to vote on...
Liberty University President Defends President Trump's Twitter Attacks 
A series of verbal attacks sent out over President Trump's Twitter account have received widespread criticism from across the political...
Tim Challies Explains The WORST Consequence Of Skipping Church 
You've probably experienced it before. You wake up on a Sunday afternoon after a hectic week and an even busier Saturday. You just...
Rick Warren: 'You'll See God's Blessing When You Share Your Faith' 
As those who have been saved and redeemed by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are also to be those who share this wonderful...
Ed Stetzer: On Independence Day, Remember We CELEBRATE America But WORSHIP God 
Happy July 4th! On this day, may we be proud of our nation, thankful for our freedom, and grateful to God for all the blessings he has...
Kris Vallotton: Jesus Was Not A Peacekeeper 
Are you a peace keeper? Do you run around trying to make sure everyone is happy? I bet that is a pretty exhausting way to go throu...
Don't Forget That Independence Day Was Founded On The Knowledge Of God 
As we celebrate Independence day through fireworks, barbecues and parades, let's not forget that the USA is founded, first and forem...
70,000 March Against Abortion In Ireland 
A huge crowd of pro-life supporters have marched on the streets of Dublin to show their opposition to abortion. The theme of this...

Happy Independence Day, to ALL of our readers ✡ "But They Had No Comforter" - ISRAEL365

But I returned and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun; and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power, but they had no comforter.

וְשַׁבְתִּי אֲנִי וָאֶרְאֶה אֶת כָּל הָעֲשֻׁקִים אֲשֶׁר נַעֲשִׂים תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ וְהִנֵּה דִּמְעַת הָעֲשֻׁקִים וְאֵין לָהֶם מְנַחֵם וּמִיַּד עֹשְׁקֵיהֶם כֹּחַ וְאֵין לָהֶם מְנַחֵם

קוהלת ד:א
v’-shav-TEE a-NEE va-er-EH et kol ha-a-shu-KEEM a-SHER na-a-SEEM TA-khat ha-SHA-mesh v’-hi-NAY dim-AT ha-a-shu-KEEM v’-AYN la-HEM m’-na-KHAYM
u-mi-YAD o-sh’-kay-HEM KO-akh v’-AYN la-HEM m’-na-KHAYM

Today's Israel Inspiration

When the verse mentions “all the oppressions that are done,” it refers to the suffering of the Jewish people in exile.  Koheleth observes, however, that not only do the Jewish people suffer in exile but that they lack the leadership to comfort them.  Rabbi Obadiah Sforno notes that the phrase “a comforter” is repeated twice in this verse, hinting that they were lacking the leadership to teach them the two keys for redemption.  Firstly, the Jewish people need a leader who will guide them to repentance, for through sincere repentance comes redemption.  Second, they need a leader who will show them how to pray effectively so that their prayers will be answered, and they will be returned to the Land of Israel. Many Jews have made a home in the United States during their exile from Israel. We are so thankful for the warm hospitality that America has provided for the Jews over the decades. We would like to wish all those celebrating a very happy Independence Day!

Our Eyes in the Sky

Get an insider view of the Israeli Air Force!

Rabbi Tuly's Newsmax Op-ed in Honor of July 4th

We are all used to seeing despicable images of burning American flags throughout the capitals of the Mideast. However, there is one country in the region whose citizens proudly wave the stars and stripes. That country is Israel.

What does 'Chai' mean?

In Hebrew, each letter has a numerical value. The number 10 is the letter Yud. The number 8 is the letter Chet. Chet-Yud spells the word Chai, which means “Living” or “Life”. Therefore, in Judaism the number 18 correlates to life.  Many Jews have the custom to donate money in multiples of “Chai”, as a good omen for life. It is also customary to wear jewelry depicting the word 'Chai' such as the beautiful Chai necklace pictured above. In celebrating life, we would like to offer all of you an 18% or 'chai' discount of your purchase from our store!
Save 18% off our entire store! »

Plant a tree in honor of the 4th of July!!!


Today's Israel Photo

Stunning summer in Tel Aviv overlooking Jaffa, by Noam Chen.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Christopher M. from Pennsylvania; Saul F. from New York; Sylvia G. from Illinois; Stuart O. from Pennsylvania.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Lynn W. from New Jersey; Bandar A. from Jeddah; Nancy W. from Georgia; Bradford S. from Missouri.
Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Renata J. from Connecticut; Peter C. from the UK; Ronald H. from Texas; Sarah H. from Missouri.
Donate to Holocaust Survivors Now » 

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“Jerusalem is the Apple of His Eye”

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Shalom Rabbi Tuly, My praise has been day in and day out for  Jerusalem, I do remember the six day war and knew in my soul that the LORD G-D would be the shield and buckler, crying with tears of mercy to watch and keep those who so gallantly answered the call of arise, never did my faith in the weakest moment fail, thought of Moses,Elijah and others  who depended on his saving hand, The victory was a miracle, Exodus came before me, He was fighting for his chosen , and still, Psalm 125. Jerusalem is the apple of His eye.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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This Is Our Second American Revolution - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 03 Jul 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Nearly six years ago, my wife Meranda and I moved up to north Idaho in search of a better life.  We believed that it would be a place where we could work hard, raise a family and pursue our dreams without constantly having to deal with the long arm of big government interfering in our lives.  But of course big government is everywhere, and we have come to realize that if we do not stand up and fight for our way of life, someday it will be gone completely.

Today, the liberal elite dominate almost every aspect of our society.  Their enormous media corporations control more than 90 percent of the news and entertainment that we watch on our televisions, their dominance of the legal system has resulted in the legalization of abortion and gay marriage, and their relentless grip on public education means that an entire generation of young Americans is being indoctrinated in their ways.

And of course for decades the liberal elite have been accustomed to pulling the strings in both major political parties.  Many had believed that it would be impossible for us to ever take our government back, but the election of Donald Trump showed us that anything is possible if we will just work together.

Today, our Republic is hanging by a thread.  If our founders had not stood up and fought for their way of life, the United States of America would not exist today, and if we do not stand up and fight for our way of life now, there will be nothing to pass on to our children and our grandchildren.

There are many that believe that America is too far gone, and so they are content to sit back and wait for everything to fall apart.

But that is not my choice.

I choose to fight for America.

So today, on the 241st anniversary of our Independence Day, I am publicly announcing that I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district.

I have been called an “anti-politician” because I am not just another career politician looking for a job.  If I am sent to Washington, I plan to turn the tables over, dismantle the big government institutions that the liberal elite have constructed, and fight to restore our Republic.

If you are not familiar with me or my work, the following are 16 ways that I will be different from a typical Republican politician…

#1 Most Republican politicians tend to protect one another, but one of my campaign slogans is “Every RINO Needs To Go“.  We will never turn this nation in a positive direction until we clean up our own party first.  At this point Congress has an approval rating of about 16 percent, and it is time to flush the toilet.

#2 For decades Republicans have been using the Pro-Life label to get our votes and then betraying our values once they get into office.  If I am elected, I will use the full power of my office to go to war with Planned Parenthood.  I will NEVER vote for any bill, no matter what it says, if it includes even a single penny of funding for Planned Parenthood, and I will actively work to defeat any Republican politician that will not make the same pledge.  But I won’t be satisfied once Planned Parenthood is defunded.  My goal is to completely destroy Planned Parenthood as an organization, and I will greatly rejoice when the final Planned Parenthood clinic in America is finally shut down for good.

#3 I believe that every American citizen has a constitutional right to carry a gun, and I believe that government agencies that have been used to relentlessly harass gun owners such as the BATFE need to be shut down permanently.

#4 Many Republican politicians want to lower tax rates, but like Ron Paul I want to abolish the income tax and the IRS completely.  We didn’t have an income tax from 1872 to 1913, and that was the greatest period of economic growth in U.S. history.

#5 Another thing that I have in common with Ron Paul is that I want to abolish the Federal Reserve.  Since the Fed was created in 1913, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by about 98 percent and the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger.  The Fed is at the very heart of our debt-based financial system, and abolishing it is one of the keys to a bright economic future for America.

#6 I want to get the federal government off of the backs of our farmers, our loggers, our miners and our ranchers.  And so that is just one of many reasons why I want to abolish the EPA.

#7 I believe that we need to get the federal government out of the education business. I would abolish Common Core and the U.S. Department of Education, and I would return full control over education to the state level.

#8 I believe that it is time to “shut down Big Brother”.  The NSA has been conducting unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens for decades, and that needs to stop now.

#9 In his budget, President Trump proposed shutting down more than 60 different government programs and agencies.  I say that is a good start.  Instead of asking which government agencies we should close, we should be asking which government agencies should remain open.

#10 I am for a 100% repeal of Obamacare, and I believe that it is a disgrace to our party that half a year has passed and one of the worst pieces of legislation in the history of our nation still has not been repealed.

#11 I want to help Donald Trump build a wall on the southern border, and I believe that the Republicans in Congress that are trying to block the wall need to be held accountable by the voters.

#12 If I am elected, I will push for legislation that would give local communities all over America the option to say no to refugees.  The federal government should not have the right to force us to take Islamic refugees against our will, and the sexual assault of that precious little five-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho by three Islamic refugees is just the tip of the iceberg of what will happen if changes are not made.

#13 I don’t care if it’s not politically correct – I will never be afraid to use the phrase “Islamic terrorism”.  The number of terror attacks keeps rising with each passing year, and those that don’t realize that we are in a war are in a complete state of denial.

#14 When Barack Obama entered the White House the national debt was just 10.6 trillion dollars.  When we gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives, the national debt was just over 14 trillion dollars.  Now it is close to 20 trillion dollars and we continue to steal more than 100 million dollars from our children and our grandchildren every single hour of every single day.  In a just society, those responsible for getting us into so much debt would be put in prison.

#15 Today, the federal government controls more than 60 percent of all Idaho land.  If I am elected, this is what my message to the feds will be: “Hand over the keys and get out of Idaho”.

#16 Unlike most politicians, I am not ashamed to say that I am a Christian. This nation was founded by Bible-believing Christians, and the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were birthed out of the values and principles found in the Word of God. If we truly want to make America great again, we need to return to those values and principles.

Every generation of Americans has had to fight for liberty and freedom, and now it is our turn.

This is our time.

This is our second American revolution.

This revolution won’t be fought with guns and bullets.  Rather, it will be a revolution of ideas, values and principles.

We can take our country back, but we have to be willing to work together.  I am asking you to join us, because we are in a battle for the soul of our nation, and it is a battle that we cannot afford to lose.

If you would like to learn more about what I am trying to do, you can visit my official campaign website or my official campaign Facebook page.  Ultimately this is not about winning one election or getting a certain candidate into office.  Rather, this is about a movement to save our country.  My hope is that what I am doing will inspire many others to do the same thing.

2018 may be the most critical mid-term elections in our history, and we need good men and women to run for office all over the nation.  Individually, we can only accomplish so much, but together we can make a world of difference.

America - we need the Lord. He alone is our help and our salvation. Now. - A special edition of Now Think On This by Steve Martin.

America - we need the Lord. Now.
He alone is our help and our salvation.

July 4, 2017

In this special edition of Now Think On This, my heart years for the salvation of the Lord coming to our USA, this United States of America. 

From the beginning, this vast, rich-in-provision land, first given to the First Nations (formerly known as the American Indians), and then the Puritans, the Pilgrims, the Jews, Catholics, plus many forsaken people from many nations looking for a new start and safety, has been set aside for His purposes.

This beautiful land, a mighty blessing, and a haven for many from far and wide, was then purposed and built upon by a people brought together by the Lord Himself, our Father God.

This is the land in which our Founding Fathers gave their lives, resources, and established, using sound, biblical values to form a government - that which our US Constitution is based.

This is the land...O God bless our land!...as we repent of our sins, turn from our wicked ways, and seek the Living God of Israel; the same God who inspired and moved on hearts of men and women to come to America.

Today, and every day, let us seek the Lord's face; let us pray like we have never prayed before; let us give thanks that we are still standing, still being a beacon of light in the darkness.

O Lord we cry out to You! 

O Lord, come and heal our land that You have given to us!

We need the Lord more than ever. He alone is our help and our salvation.

With all my love for Jesus and His purposes,

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Here is a special song I want to share with you today. The Lord Jesus, Yeshua, the Savior of the world, is worthy of all our praise. As we seek the Lord Yeshua, His love will bring hope, healing, and maintain our freedom for our children, grandchildren, and our homes. 

We need Him so desperately this day.

Transformation Church worship team - "Holy, Holy/Glory Is Beautiful/Nothing But The Blood of Jesus/Worthy Is The Lamb" medley. Video filmed by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel, Pakistan and Northern Ireland, whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858. 
Secure, conveniently contributions can be done online now through our website: Donate

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) Please share Now Think On This with your friends. Steve Martin

Now Think On This (Special Edition) - In the Year of our Lord 7.04.17 - #298 – “America – We Need the Lord.” – Tuesday, 5:30 am 

And a special appreciative shout out is given to all the men and women, past and present, who have sacrificed their lives for the America. 

We salute those who serve now, protecting our freedoms, to keep us safe, and those we help in other nations.

We SALUTE the men and women of the US Army, Navy, 
Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

We love you! Thank you very much!