Thursday, March 19, 2015

What Now for Israel's Government? - ISRAEL TODAY

What Now for Israel's Government?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
A brief, but stormy election campaign has come to an end, and not only is Benjamin Netanyahu still prime minister, he appears poised to establish a far more stable government made up only of right-wing parties.
In the coming days, President Reuven Rivlin will select the candidate best positioned to form the next government. Given Likud’s crushing victory over the left-wing Zionist Union faction, that candidate will be Netanyahu.
Rivlin has expressed his hope for a national unity government, and is expected to ask Netanyahu to consider such an option.
But while a coalition consisting only of Likud, the Zionist Union and one or two other parties would be an interesting prospect, it is far more likely that Netanyahu will capitalize on the results of the elections by building a coalition made up of right-wing and religious parties.
Likud brings 30 seats to the table. It has natural partners in Naftali Bennett’s Jewish Home (8 seats) and Avigdor Lieberman’s Israel Beiteinu (6 seats). The new Kulanu faction (10 seats) of Moshe Kahlon, himself a former Likud heavyweight, is also expected to be an easy sell for Netanyahu.
That would already bring Netanyahu’s coalition to 54 out of 120 Knesset seats.
At that point, Netanyahu could again approach Yair Lapid and his centrist Yesh Atid party, but it is unlikely he will want that headache. It was Lapid who essentially brought down the last government over budget disputes.
Netanyahu’s other option is to woo the two ultra-Orthodox parties - Shas (7 seats) and United Torah Judaism (6 seats).
Getting Shas and United Torah Judaism into the government is easy, provided Netanyahu is prepared to offer the Interior Ministry, significant public funding for Orthodox yeshivas and to make compromises on legislation requiring ultra-Orthodox males to do military service like all other Israeli Jews.
If he’s willing to pay that price, Netanyahu can establish a coalition of 67 seats.
This coalition would still have some differences of opinion regarding economic and social issues, but would largely see eye-to-eye on security and diplomatic issues like Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
In other words, it would appear Netanyahu has the opportunity to form the coalition he wanted and one that might finally serve a full four-year term.
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"6 Prophetic Words for Your New Beginning" - Jennifer LeClaire

"6 Prophetic Words for 
Your New Beginning"
Jennifer LeClaire, Fort Lauderdale, FL
The Elijah List

Earlier this year, I released a prophetic word for 2015: It's the year of new beginnings. I believe 2015 is a year of new beginnings and that means birthings.

Some of you, though, need a little more encouragement. In my book, Mornings With the Holy Spirit: Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God, I have shared with the world prophetic words the Holy Spirit has spoken to my heart over the years during times of prayer, worship and just everyday living.

I believe the following six utterances, along with Scriptural references and prayer starters, can help you press into your new beginning. I hope they encourage you as much as they did me.

1. Determine to Follow Your Desires

Determine to follow your desires, for I have placed those desires in your heart as you have delighted yourself in Father. As you continue to seek first the Kingdom and Our righteousness, I will direct your steps on a lighted path that will take you where We both want you to go. Apart from Christ you can do nothing, but you are not apart from Christ. You are in Christ, and He is in you. If you determine to reach His high calling for you and lean and depend on Me to guide you, nothing shall by any means stop you.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 37:4; Proverbs 3:5

PRAYER: Thank You for Your faithfulness to the dreams You have put in my heart. Give me a determined heart that will not turn to the right or to the left. Help me to stay focused on Your perfect will for me this day and every day.

2. Look Ahead to Your Destiny

Don't look back. I know your hurts. I know your wounds. I know your disappointments. I saw the betrayals. I saw the tears. I was with you through the pain, and I am here to make it right. I will work it all—the hurt, the disappointment, the betrayals—together for your good because you love Me and I love you. I will give you beauty for ashes. But you have to leave those ashes behind so I can resurrect with newness of life those things the enemy tried to steal, kill and destroy. Remember Lot's wife. Don't look back. Your destiny is ahead, and I am leading you toward your dreams. (Photo via Wikimedia)

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:12-14; Isaiah 61:3; Romans 8
PRAYER: Thank You for Your healing power in my soul. Give me the strength to press beyond the past and toward my high calling in Christ. Show me how to make the divine exchange that will give me beauty for ashes, and I will glorify Your name.

3. It's Never Too Late to Start Over

No matter what destruction the enemy has brought to your life, you can start over again. Father started over with Noah after the destruction of the Flood. He made a covenant with man never to flood the earth again. And He has made a covenant with you through His Son. So be at peace, knowing that when the enemy comes in like a flood, Father will raise up a standard against him. And what the enemy meant for harm, Father means for good. You can start again in My grace. It's never too late to start over in Christ.

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 9:17; Isaiah 59:19; Genesis 50:20

PRAYER: Thank You for Your covenant with me. Thank You for protecting me from the wiles of the enemy. Thank You for giving me a fresh start in Christ. Anoint me to walk out of the old season and into what You have planned for me.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

4. Forget What Lies Behind

It's a new day. Forget what lies behind, and press on to what Jesus has for you. Don't let your mind wander to the people and places of the past, no matter how good or how bad. If you try to move forward while looking back, you will stumble. You will stumble over frustration, either because things didn't go the way you hoped or because your current circumstances do not live up to those of your past. Don't look back. Stay focused on your mission in Christ. He will take care of the past, present and future if you keep your mind stayed on Him.

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:13-14; Isaiah 43:19; Ephesians 2:1
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, when my mind wanders away from Your truth, please speak to my heart and remind me that the past is the past and the future is bright. Please give me a glimpse of what lies ahead so I can press on toward that higher calling of God in Christ Jesus.

5. Prepare for a New Season

I've given you a gift, and I expect you to use it. You've wondered many times why your gift has not made room for you. But, My friend, you must take the first step and make room for the gift. You must put away from you and lay aside those things that are distracting you from My higher purpose for your life. I want to take you into deep waters. Prepare yourself now for a new season in which My gifts will manifest through you for the glory of Christ. (Photo via Wikimedia)

SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 12:1

PRAYER: I want to glorify Christ with the gifts You've given me. I will yield to You, Holy Spirit, if You make Your way known to me. Help me to turn away from anything and everything that's distracting me from Your love, Your presence and Your will.

6. I Will Give You Wisdom and Strategies for Victory

Just as I was with Moses, Joshua and David, empowering them with wisdom and revelation and delivering them from the hand of the enemy, so I am with you. I am the power that defeats all your enemies. Speak against your spiritual foes in the name of Jesus, and I will enforce His will against your enemies—they will fall in defeat. I will give you wisdom for every battle and reveal strategies for victory. Just as I was with Moses, Joshua and David, so I am with you.

SCRIPTURE: Zechariah 4:6; Psalm 31:8; Psalm 24:8

PRAYER: Give me a revelation of Your presence and an understanding of the power of the name of Jesus, that I may stand confidently—fearlessly—against the wiles of the enemy and see Your victory in my life. Thank You for the authority to use Christ's name!

Used by Permission from Charisma Magazine.

Jennifer LeClaire
News Editor at Charisma Media,
Founder of Jennifer LeClaire Ministries


Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel.

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The One Thing That Shuts Out God - Joy F. Strang

The One Thing That Shuts Out God

surprised woman
What shuts out God's activity in your life may surprise you. (Charisma archives)

Spirit-Led Woman

Have you ever watched a small child transition from the infantile state of total dependence to relative independence? As he learns to dress himself, brush his teeth and so on, he develops an attitude that declares, "I can do it myself!" This attitude, encouraged by parents and reinforced by a culture that prides itself on its own resourcefulness, can become a stronghold of self-reliance. And self-reliance shuts out God.
I learned this truth the hard way. I had always been an independent person, and though I was quick to seek God's intervention in circumstances that were beyond my control, I tried to handle the bulk of my life situations on my own. In fact, I thought that was what God wanted me to do.
But as I grew closer to God, I learned I was wrong. I began to pray, "Lord, show me anything that is a hindrance to knowing You." One day when I uttered this prayer the presence of God filled my car.
Rather than revealing some forgotten sin or offense, the Holy Spirit said, "Your independence is a stench to Me." I came to understand that He didn't want me to wait until I had run out of my own resources to put things into His hands; He wanted me to depend on Him for everything.
Proverbs 3:5 spells out the attitude we are to have: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him" (NKJV). Notice that this verse doesn't tell us to acknowledge Him in just some of our ways--but in all our ways. We are to depend not on ourselves but on Him.
To the extent that we rely on our own abilities, gifts or resources to accomplish what God is calling us to, we limit Him. He is much more powerful than we are--and He wants to do much more than we could do on our own! Because we operate in the natural realm, we will certainly use our gifts and abilities in carrying out His plans, but we have to remember that it is He who not only gave them to us but also empowers us to use them. We couldn't even take our next breath without His grace.
Total dependence on God is not weakness. It is a place of surrender that acknowledges that we can do nothing without Him (see John 15:5). We can take this stance in confidence, knowing that whatever resources we need, He will provide, and whatever tasks He assigns, He will do through us. After all, if He is to receive the glory for everything we do, He has to do the work.
Catherine Marshall (p.64) is right: Helplessness "is one of the greatest assets a human being can have"--if it is coupled with knowing God. When we accept the truth of our own inadequacy in light of His limitless power and infinite love for us, we can trust Him to do "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph. 3:20).

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Against All Odds: Unpacking Netanyahu's Landslide Win

Against All Odds: Unpacking Netanyahu's Landslide Win

TEL AVIV, Israel -- Just days ago, some pundits were writing his political obituary. But Israeli voters gave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a stunning victory Tuesday.

His Likud Party won nearly half the seats it needs for a majority in the next Knesset.

It's a result that embarrassed the pollsters and sent shockwaves to capitals from Tehran to Washington.

Israeli voters delivered a clear message to the White House, the media, and the world: Thanks for your help, but we'll keep our prime minister.

Why did the pollsters and media miss so badly on this election? CBN’s Chris Mitchell and John Waage address this question and more on The 700 Club, March 18.

What was supposed to be a tight race that favored the leftist Zionist Union turned overnight into a surprisingly strong victory for the nationalist right, led by Netanyahu.

In his victory speech, the prime minister quoted from the Book of Joel.

"And I want to thank you, all the citizens of Israel, for faith in Israeli democracy and for the faith in our one and only country. With your help and with the help of God we will protect her together, and 'Judah will be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem for all generations.'" (Joel 3:20)

Faced with negative poll numbers and a hostile media, Netanyahu told a huge nationalist rally Sunday that his Likud Party could close the gap on the union of leftist parties. It appears he did that and surprised even his supporters.

Every pre-election indicator said Israelis would vote their pocketbooks and vote Labor. But in the end, security concerns prevailed.

"I see that the Israeli public understood that despite all the issues and all the problems, when we see the threat of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas, the Likud is the best leading party to head the nation for the next four years," Likud MK Danny Danon said.

Netanyahu will now bypass parties on the Left and try to form a government of the Right, but he will have to focus on the high cost of housing and other social issues as well. That contributed to the 24 seats won by Labor and the good showing of Kulanu, a Likud offshoot, that the prime minister will need for his majority.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu's victory sets Israel and the Obama administration on a potential collision course over Iran.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper just removed Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, from its list of terror threats, while Netanyahu calls Iran the number one state sponsor of terror in the world.

"As Water Reflects a Face" ✡ Children of the Same God

As water reflects a face back to a face, so one's heart is reflected back to him by another.

PROVERBS (27:19)

כַּמַּיִם הַפָּנִים לַפָּנִים כֵּן לֵב הָאָדָם לָאָדָם

מִשְׁלֵי כז:יט

ka-mai-yim ha-pa-neem la-pa-neem kayn layv ha-a-dam la-a-dam

Today’s Israel Inspiration

Today's verse from Proverbs contains a wonderful tip for improving personal relationships. Our feelings towards another person reflect back to us like a mirror. If we feel love or hate for a person, he or she will feel the same way in return. To improve a relationship, one need only work on exuding positive energy and admiration for the person in mind, and like a mirror, his heart will begin to match ours. "Heart to Heart" is Israel's National Blood Bank, sustaining Israel’s blood supply to help ensure that sick and injured Israelis can get the blood they need in case of emergency.

Children of the Same God

A young Christian woman shares her passion for supporting Israel’s national blood bank, which gives the gift of life to everyone equally, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.

IDF: No More Code Red Sirens?

Instead of Code Red sirens warning of rocket attacks, Israelis living within 7 km of the Gaza Strip may, in future wars, be evacuated or moved to bomb shelters to reduce the traumatic effect on children of constant sirens.

Matzah and Afikoman Covers

These meaningful Passover ritual items will add a touch of beauty to your Seder night. The embroided words in Hebrew are “Passover” and “Afikomen” (which is the last piece of matzah eaten at the Seder).

Today's Israel Photo

Today's beautiful photo by Noam Chen was taken in the Hula Valley in northern Israel.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo trivia featured the Tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem's Kidron Valley on the eastern side of the Old City. Absalom was the rebellious son of King David, and the Bible describes Absalom building the tomb himself for he had no sons to do it (I Samuel 18:18).

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Rising 'Nones' Show Americans Losing Their Religion

Rising 'Nones' Show Americans Losing Their Religion

A shocking 7.5 million people have left religion since 2012, a new survey released last week shows.
The so called "Great Decline" of religion continued into last year, the 2014 General Social Survey showed.
Each year, the National Science Foundation releases a multi-million dollar study that monitors societal change in the adult population of the United States. The NSF researches things like life satisfaction, race relations, crime and punishment, and religion.
For the past decade, this study has shown a steady decrease in the number of religious Americans.
Three sections of this survey show the growing trend of nonreligious Americans.
1. More Americans say their religious preference is "none"
Nearly 1 in 4 Americans say their religious preference is "none." This has increased almost 20 percent since the 1990s, when the percentage of Americans who affiliated as nonreligious was in the single digits.
In comparison, around 24 percent of Americans affiliate as Catholic, the largest religious denomination in the United States. If the trend keeps increasing, in a few years the largest religion in the United States could be no religion at all.
2. Less Americans Attend Church
The number of Americans never attending church or other worship services each weekend is at an all time high. More than a third of Americans say they never attend a worship service.
3. Less Americans Pray
Only 17 percent of Americans say they never pray compared to the almost 35 percent who say they never attend a worship service and the 23 percent who affiliate as nonreligious.
Even though people aren't attending worship services or affiliating with religion, most of the country still believes in the power of prayer.
CBN News reporter Efrem Graham spoke with Dr. Corne Bekker, with Regent University, about what the church can do to stop this growing trend of nonreligious Americans.
"We need to put the scriptures back at the center of absolutely everything we do," Bekker said. "We need to give people real hope. The church needs to be a place of hope."
Click play to watch Dr. Bekker's full interview.

Netanyahu Scores Decisive Victory

Netanyahu Scores Decisive Victory

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
With 99 percent of the ballots counted by Wednesday morning, it was clear that Benjamin Netanyahu had for the fourth time been elected as Israel’s prime minister.
Netanyahu’s Likud Party ended up winning 30 out of 120 Knesset seats. The opposition “Zionist Union” made a good showing with 24 seats, but it wasn’t enough to propel party leader Isaac “Buji” Herzog to the premiership.
As expected, and to the great concern of some, the newly forged United Arab List became the Knesset’s third largest faction with 14 seats.
While there were few surprises with the smaller parties, the most recent pre-election surveys had shown Herzog unseating Netanyahu. Even preliminary results late Tuesday night had Likud and the Zionist Union neck-and-neck with 27 seats each, making it entirely unclear who would be tapped by President Reuven Rivlin to form the next government.
But hours later as the final ballots were tallied, there was no question that not only had Netanyahu won, he had effectively laid the groundwork facilitating the formation of a stable right-wing coalition. Gone was the need to rely on the center-left factions that had caused Netanyahu so many headaches in the previous government.
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