Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Perfect Muslim Ally? The Nation That Stands Between the West and Jihad - Chris Mitchell, CBN News

Perfect Muslim Ally? The Nation That Stands Between the West and Jihad
CBN News Chris Mitchell
THE JORDAN VALLEY, Israel – One of the most strategic nations in the Middle East could be the next target for ISIS. Jordan faces tremendous pressure from both sides of the border due to that threat. It is undoubtedly a critical time for the United States to support this faithful ally.
In January 2015, ISIS shocked the world by burning a captured Jordanian pilot alive. The act also put the Islamic State and Jordan on a collision course. King Abdullah and his country are a critical ally against ISIS and a strategic asset to Israel. 
Jordan sits on Israel's eastern border and the Jordan Valley forms a natural geographic and strategic barrier on that front. It's one reason why Jordan plays a crucial role in today's Middle East.
"Many Americans, many Westerners, don't  even think about Jordan as an important country, right, but Jordan is the…eastern cornerstone of the security architecture that keeps Israel safe and is (a) buffer, the frontline buffer, against the wave of Islamic jihad that is coming toward the West," best-selling author Joel Rosenberg told CBN News.
An Invitation from a King
Rosenberg wrote about Jordan in his latest series and he also got to enjoy what a central character in his novels got to do: meet King Abdullah of Jordan.
"What happened was the king – Abdullah, the king of Jordan read one of my novels. It happened to be The First Hostage," Rosenberg explained. "He read it in January. A friend of his had read it and gave it to him and he enjoyed it and invited me and my wife to come and visit."
Rosenberg also included the king in his latest two books. From their time together, Rosenberg discovered the enormous pressures facing King Abdullah and his kingdom. He wrote about those challenges recently in the Jerusalem Post.
ISIS Sleeper Cells?
"The moment is incredibly dangerous, meaning, he's got 30 percent of his population aren't Jordanian citizens," Rosenberg continued. "They're Syrians, they're Iraqi refugees, and nobody exactly knows who each person is. What percentage of them are loyal to ISIS?  What -- how many of them are members of ISIS sleeper cells?  Nobody knows."  
It's a concern shared by IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Yair Golan.
"Jordan is terrifying (sic) by the presence of the Islamic State in Jordan cities and towns," he said.
While Golan is optimistic about Jordan's stability, he agrees with Rosenberg that ISIS could turn its sights there.
"We know that ISIS is trying to bring down the government of Iraq.  We know that ISIS is trying to bring down the government of Syria.  The question's where do they go next?  Now, I'm not saying that definitively Jordan will be the next place that they try to overthrow, but it makes sense," Golan said.  
Jordan's King Abdullah appears qualified and ready for any threat from ISIS. Trained as a commando, he serves as general commander of Jordanian Special Forces. The king made headlines around the world when he personally led a strike against the Islamic State after the terror group killed the Jordanian pilot.
"The king understands instinctively how to fight terror and how to train his military to deal – and the security forces – to deal with this threat," Rosenberg said. "But will that be enough? That's the question."
Why the US Needs to Step Up
The Syrian refugee situation is also a burden. Since the Syrian Civil War began, Jordan's population has exploded by 30 percent.
"Imagine in America 30 percent more – that's 60 million people. Can you imagine American people, American government, having to take care of the food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare for 60 million non-citizens?  That's what Jordan is essentially facing," he explained.
Rosenberg believes the U.S. can do more to stand with this strategic ally.
"We learned that Jordan only has eight working Blackhawk helicopters and we were told that 12 are needed to effectively run the type of cross-border anti-terror, anti-ISIS raids into Syria, into Iraq, that are needed," he said. 
"Now, the United States has promised to give eight more Blackhawks at the end of 2017," he continued. "But I have to ask why are we waiting?  If Jordan's king is willing to be in the fight, is in the fight against ISIS, why don't we give them these helicopters now?"
The Perfect Muslim Ally?
Rosenberg also believes King Abdullah fits the kind of Muslim leader the West needs now.

"He is a moderate.  He believes in Jews, Christians and Muslims working together. He's actively in a hot war fighting against Islamic extremism and radicalism, apocalyptic Islam," he told CBN News.
"Here's a guy who's our ally and wants to help and is helping.  This is what we want, right?" Rosenberg said. "We often… hear people say, 'How come we don't hear Muslims standing up against these radicals, standing up against these Jihadists?  How come they're not doing anything?'  He is. King Abdullah is." 
"We need to help him, lest, you know, we wake up one day and find that we didn't do enough and he and his government are gone," he warned.

The Modest Beginnings of The Great Return Of Spanish and Portuguese Jews By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)

The Modest Beginnings of The Great Return Of Spanish and Portuguese Jews

“Therefore say: Thus saith the Lord GOD: Although I have removed them far off among the nations and although I have scattered them among the countries yet have I been to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they are come; therefore say: Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will even gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered and I will give you the land of Yisrael.” Ezekiel 11:16-17 (The Israel Bible™)
The “crypto-Jews”,  or Bnei Anousim in Hebrew, are descendants of Jews who were forcibly converted in Spain and Portugal during the Inquisitions in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. At the time of the Inquisitions, Jews made up 20 percent of the population of Spain and Portugal but only about half a million fled during the  subsequent expulsions. Those who remained were forced to convert. Many maintained a covert connection to their Jewish roots through cryptic family traditions and are just now beginning tentative steps to re-establish their spiritual and genealogical identity.
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
The rallies were organized by Ezra L’Anousim (“Help to the Anousim” in Hebrew), an organization started by Batya Yaffa Dacosta, a returned Jew, to help crypto-Jews reconnect to their Jewish roots. The organization offers a platform for crypto-Jews to connect to each other in their journey back to their spiritual roots.
Acknowledging this national identity had special meaning for the groups of emerging crypto-Jews who gathered together in over 40 cities around the world on Israel’s Independence Day last week to show support for the state. The turnout was admittedly modest but participation at the rallies was visibly enthusiastic . The small groups represent the vanguard of a much larger movement that can only continue to grow. The cause is important and the number of people affected is in the millions.
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
This religious identity took on a nationalistic dimension with the creation of the modern State of Israel, which in many ways enabled the Bnei Anousim to finally reconnect with Judaism. Dacosta explained that Israel provides a focal point for Jews to come together, a necessary aspect of the return of the Bnei Anousim.
“The reason for the rallies was so that these people who have had to live a secret life for so long should know that they are not alone,” DaCosta told Breaking Israel News. “There is an incredible awakening going on but some of the people are so afraid to come out publicly because of all the fear that has been passed down.” DaCosta compared it to the experience of Holocaust survivors, who were suddenly turned on by their neighbors. “The difference is that this has gone on for 500 years.”
DaCosta said that many of the Bnei Anousim want to come live in Israel, expressing a preference for settling in the Negev, the southern area of Israel, as an enactment of the prophecy in Obadiah.
And the captivity of this host of the B’nei Yisrael that are among the Canaanites even unto Zarephath  (France) and the captivity of Jerusalem that is in Sepharad (Spain) shall possess the cities of the South.  (Obadiah 1:20)
Recent awareness of the plight of the Bnei Anousim has led to the creation of several organizations to help the Bnei Anousim connect with the Jewish People. Shavei Israel, the largest of these organizations, has been working with Bnei Anousim for over a decade. Its Spanish language guidebook for crypto-Jews has been distributed to tens of thousands for free and future editions in Portugese, Italian, and English are planned. Reconectar is a website that helps people on any level they choose, whether it is to reconnect with Judaism, or just to learn more about their own heritage.
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
(Photo: Ezra L’Anousim)
The return of the Bnei Anousim is a recent global phenomenon. Spanish and Portuguese governments are offering citizenship to descendants of Jews expelled from their countries centuries ago. In October, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the first ever official Knesset Caucus for Reconnection with the Descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Communities.
DaCosta plans on having a global rally every year on Israel’s Independence Day. She compared it to the beginnings of the movement that opened the doors for millions of trapped Jews to leave the former Soviet Union, though the return of the Bnei Anousim has far more potential for the Jewish people. Recent genetic studies have shown that the return of the Bnei Anousim could increase the number of Jews in the world four times over.
Dacosta insisted that these first steps towards raising awareness are essential. She has high hopes for more people around the world to discover their Jewish roots and joining in future rallies. “There is really a great anousim awakening going on, and it is only just beginning.”

Israel Photo Trivia from a Talented Reader! ✡ "Make Signposts for Yourself" - ISRAEL365

Make signposts for yourself, set up landmarks ... Return, O Maiden of Israel, return to these cities of yours.

הַצִּיבִי לָךְ צִיֻּנִים שִׂמִי לָךְ תַּמְרוּרִים
...שׁוּבִי בְּתוּלַת יִשְׂרָאֵל שֻׁבִי אֶל עָרַיִךְ אֵלֶּה

ירמיה לא:כ

ha-tzee-vee lakh tzi-yu-neem si-mee lakh tam-ru-reem... shu-vee b'-tu-lat yis-ra-ayl shu-vee el a-ra-yikh ay-le

Today's Israel Inspiration

This incredible road sign provides a stark insight into life in Israel and the true miracle of Israel's existence. Surely God could have nestled His Chosen Land in a more blissfully peaceful part of the world! Yet how much more so are we stirred to thank Him for the modern State of Israel, made all the more miraculous in our eyes when we view the road signs here in Israel.

Beautiful Hebrew Music Video of Prayer for the State of Israel

Watch the generations come together to pray for peace and safety of the State of Israel. Beautiful!

Where Were You on Israel Independence Day?

In the last few years, Israel's Christian minority has stepped up its visibility while seeking greater participation within Israeli society. What were Christians in Israel doing on Israel Independence Day?

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus DVD

Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus by Timothy Mahony, is a video presenting an examination of a plethora of information gathered during twelve years of research and travel, in an attempt to unlock and reveal evidence of one of the most well-known stories within biblical history, The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Literary, archaeological and historical records were examined to determine whether or not the famous story of the Exodus of Israelites from the land of Egypt is fact or fiction. The story of the journey into this investigation is available to you here on DVD. It is one that will intrigue you and help you to understand the patterns of evidence discovered.
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Israel Photo Trivia

Thanks to our reader Ronnie Goldstein for submitting this incredible photo. Can you guess where this road sign is located in Israel? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - What are threats the next President will face? Here’s one: A Czar rising in Russia.


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

What are threats the next President will face? Here’s one: A Czar rising in Russia.

by joelcrosenberg
As we continue our look at major threats the next American President will face, we must take a hard look at Vladimir Putin.
In addition to invading Georgia and Ukraine in recent years, Putin has continued to rebuild Russia's military and expand Russia's military and diplomatic influence in the Middle East. Specially, Putin has:
  • aggressively forged a military alliance with Iran
  • sold state-of-the-art weapons systems to Iran
  • sent Russian troops into Syria to fight alongside Iran to prop up the murderous regime of Bashar al-Assad
  • expanded Russia's arms and nuclear sales to countries throughout the Middle East
  • eagerly moved to fill the vacuum created by President Obama's retreat from the Mideast.
The trend lines are as clear as they are dangerous. At his core, Putin is a Czar. He wants to dramatically expand the imperial reach of Mother Russia. He is testing and probing Western defenses and resolve to see when and where he can expand next. If he remains unchecked by the U.S. and NATO, Putin will make even more dangerous military incursions in the near future -- possibly into Europe, but also in the Middle East.
I commend to your attention a recent article in Politico by Dennis Ross, a former senior advisor to President Obama who has becoming increasingly critical of the President. The article is titled, "Why Middle Eastern Leaders Are Talking to Putin, Not Obama: Russia is less dominant militarily but more willing to act, and that has changed the dynamics in the region."
That said, to best understand how serious a threat Putin will be in the future, one must look at what he has said in the past. In 2014, I wrote a column for National Review on this subject. Let me cite here some of my findings.
  • In 2000, three Russian journalists — Nataliya Gevorkyan, Natalya Timakova, and Andrei Kolesnikov — published First Person, which may prove to be one of the most important books ever written about Putin. It is useful not because the journalists offered their own ­insights or analysis into Putin, but because they simply let Putin speak for himself. They interviewed the Russian leader six separate times, each time for about four hours. The book is merely a transcript, and when it comes to understanding Putin’s ambitions and approach, it is a gold mine of intelligence.
  • Putin on his mission in life: “My historical mission,” he insisted, is to stop “the collapse of the USSR” (p. 139). To do this, he vowed to “consolidate the armed forces, the Interior Ministry, and the FSB [the successor to the KGB, the secret police of the Soviet Union]” (p. 140). “If I can help save Russia from collapse, then I’ll have something to be proud of” (p. 204).
  • Putin on his style: “Everyone says I’m harsh, even brutal,” Putin acknowledged, without ever disputing such observations. “A dog senses when somebody is afraid of it, and bites,” he observed. “The same applies [to dealing with one’s enemies]. If you become jittery, they will think they are stronger. Only one thing works in such circumstances—to go on the offensive. You must hit first, and hit so hard that your opponent will not rise to his feet” (p. 168).
  • Putin on the czars: “From the very beginning, Russia was created as a super-centralized state. That’s practically laid down in its genetic code, its traditions, and the mentality of its people,” said Putin, adding, “In certain periods of time . . . in a certain place . . . under certain conditions . . . monarchy has played and continues to this day to play a positive role. . . . The monarch doesn’t have to worry about whether or not he will be elected, or about petty political interests, or about how to influence the electorate. He can think about the destiny of the people and not become distracted with trivialities” (p. 186).
  • Putin on his choice of history’s most interesting political leader: “Napoleon Bonaparte” (p. 194). On his rise from spy to president: “In the Kremlin, I have a different position. Nobody controls me here. I control everybody else” (p. 131).
  • Putin on his critics: “To hell with them” (p. 140).
In 2014, I engaged McLaughlin & Associates, a nationally-respected polling firm, to ask a series of questions of 1,000 likely U.S. voters. Among the questions we asked: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “In light of Russia’s invasion of southern Ukraine, and Russia selling arms and nuclear technology to Iran, and Russia selling arms to the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria, I have come to believe that Vladimir Putin and the government of Russia pose a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States and our ally, Israel”?
We found a remarkable 72 percent of Americans said they agreed with such a statement. Only 19 percent disagreed.
Since 2014, the U.S. has retreated even more aggressively from the Middle East, and Putin has even more aggressively moved to fill the vacuum. Make no mistake: the Russian Bear is hungry, and unless he is stopped, he will devour again.
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joelcrosenberg | May 17, 2016 at 7:41 am | Categories: Epicenter | URL: http://wp.me/piWZ7-4PQ