Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Was Solomon a Republican? News Magazine Attacks Rubio's Bible Tweets - CBN News Mark Martin, Abigail Robertson

Marco Rubio
Was Solomon a Republican? News Magazine Attacks Rubio's 
Bible Tweets

07-11-2017 CBN News Mark Martin,
Senator Marco Rubio likes to tweet Bible verses almost every day, but one news organization is accusing him of playing politics with the Holy Scriptures.
 A recent article in Politico Magazine says Rubio is "tweeting the most Republican part of the Bible" -- Proverbs.
"Some of the statements in Proverbs look strikingly similar to those made by modern-day conservative policymakers," Joel S. Baden wrote for the magazine.
Baden goes on to write that Proverbs "generally deals with questions of how to live a righteous life."
"For example: Just this past July 5, Rubio tweeted, 'They will die from lack of discipline, lost because of their great folly. Proverbs 5:23,'" Baden continued.
In response, the Florida senator tweeted, "Proverbs is the Republican part of the Bible?I don't think Solomon had yet joined the GOP when he wrote the first 29 chapters of Proverbs."
Evangelist Franklin Graham came to the defense of Rubio, writing on Facebook, "God's Word is filled with wisdom — and it's neither Republican nor Democrat." 
CBN Chaplain Joel Palser agrees with Graham's statement about God's Word.
"Probably the greatest theologian of the 20th century -- he's been called that -- Karl Barth... said it was timeless truth, and so the idea that it would somehow be owned by one party or another was ludicrous," he told CBN News.
"This is ageless, timeless -- applicable to every culture and time," Palser continued. 
Rubio has received criticism of his biblical tweets in the past. For example, Leah McElrath, writer for liberal website Shareblue, called the tweets "unsettling," to which The Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin responded, "Either he was hacked or he's totally lost it." 
Esquire politics blogger Charles Pierce called the tweets "oddly terrifying." 
Many on Twitter, however, have come to Sen. Rubio's defense, saying they appreciate the Bible verses that have thousands of likes and retweets.
When asked on "Fox & Friends" what he thinks of some of the negative responses his tweets received, Rubio replied, "If people don't like the Bible and they don't like the Gospel, they don't have to follow me on Twitter I suppose."
The Florida lawmaker says he tries to read the Bible every day, and he will continue to post Scriptural tweets, "especially if there's something in there that I think just spoke to me, and I want to share with people on Twitter."
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White House: President Trump's Nominations Face Needless Obstruction - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

White House: President Trump's Nominations Face Needless Obstruction

President Donald Trump is getting tired of Democrats getting in the way of his agenda, but unlike past presidents who faced similar obstructions and sat on their hands, he's taking his message directly to the American people.
In a message released Tuesday afternoon, the White House stated:
Senate Democrats have decided to obstruct President Donald J. Trump's administration, and the American people, by refusing to confirm qualified nominations. In an effort to prevent the president from following through on the policies for which the American people voted, Senate Democrats are putting his nominations through time-consuming parliamentary procedures not seen by the previous administration.
In a pursuit to obstruct the will of the American people and the president's agenda, Senate Democrats have delayed crucial appointments made by President Trump. The blatant obstruction of President Trump's nominations threatens key aspects of the government, including national security, by leaving positions vacant.
Senate Democrats have shown they are willing to break irresponsibly with tradition that allows a president to choose his own appointees in a timely fashion. President Trump has nominated qualified individuals to key positions, but their confirmations have been delayed by obstructionism in the Senate.
This attempt by Senate Democrats to hamstring President Trump's agenda is most negatively affecting the American people. It is time to shift the focus back to the public and allow the President's vision for a better America to stand without hindrance from obstructionists.
The White House also took to social media, putting out the following facts in a series of tweets:
  • 90 percent of President Obama's nominations were confirmed by voice vote at this point in 2009, while only 10 percent of President Trump's nominations have been confirmed by a simple voice vote
  • President Trump has made less than half as many nominations (220 compared to 454) as his predecessor, but the Senate has confirmed, proportionately, only a third as many of those nominations (23 percent compared to 69 percent)
  • total confirmations at this point in their respective presidencies: George W. Bush 130, Barack Obama 183, Donald Trump 50
  • so far, the president has nominated 197 people to agencies in the executive branch, but only 48 have been confirmed
  • so far, the president has nominated 23 people to federal court vacancies, but only two have been confirmed 
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Viral Video Points Out the Top 15 Funny Things That Christians Do - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

Christian vlogger Jordan Taylor - Blimey Cow vlog

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Jordan Taylor, a Christian vlogger who hosts the YouTube channel Blimey Cow, observed lots of clichés among his Christian friend group. So he made a funny video pointing them all out—and it went viral. Have you seen these clichés?
(Below: A few from the video (screen shots by Steve Martin, Love For His People)
Selfies with Bible verses (spelling??)

Holding hands while praying...

Repeating the Name of the One we are praying to while praying...
Worship leaders calling people to the front.
"I'm going to lose my job if you don't come the the front!"

Having "unspoken prayers" for all to pray for...
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

The Meaning of UNESCO's Decisions Regarding Jewish Heritage in the Holy Land - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

The Meaning of UNESCO's Decisions Regarding Jewish Heritage in the Holy Land

Tuesday, July 11, 2017 | Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY
The latest UNESCO decision to recognize Hebron and the Cave of the Patriarchs as a threatened "Palestinian" world heritage site sparked a tantrum among Israeli leaders. 
Though it is a given that Hebron is an indisputably Jewish heritage site, in all fairness at least the Cave has become a Muslim heritage site, too. UNESCO's manifest about old town of Hebron al-Khalil & its environs demonstrates its unforgivable bias that conveniently skips any Jewish history in the area. Yet, to argue that Hebron has nothing to do with Islam is to miss the point entirely.
Stressing the importance of Hebron for Islam inevitably shifts the conflict from the nationalistic to the religious sphere. Whether wittingly or not, UNESCO has agreed to prefer Islam's version of the Bible, transforms Abraham into the father of Islamic faith. When Prime Minister Netanyahu says in response that Abraham is the father of the Jewish people, he says nothing Muslims don't know. They would agree, but would also insist that because Jews have forsaken the teachings of the prophets, they no longer belong to the heritage of the prophets, Abraham being the first of them.
Netanyahu and UNESCO demonstrate best of all what happens when the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is finally placed in its correct context: A fight over God's inheritance that can never be compromised. 
This sober reality means that the conflict will end only when Israel or the Palestinians accept the other side's interpretation of the Bible. This, we all know, will never happen. Furthermore, if the conflict is primarily religious in nature, as indeed it is, a Palestinian state should be viewed as a tool designed to achieve a greater Islamic goal, which is to free the Promised Land from the grip of the most vile of infidels, the Jews.
Unfortunately, since its miraculous victory in 1967, Israel has been content to pay little more than lip service to Jewish heritage sites like the Temple Mount and the Cave of the Patriarchs. Even Netanyahu's decision to divert money from UNESCO to building a Jewish heritage center in Hebron is pathetic. Rather than strengthening living Jews, he has opted for building a memorial for the dead. 
For some, this comes as little surprise, considering that it was Netanyahu who, in 1997, agreed to pull out of Hebron under the Oslo Accords. And it wasn't only Netanyahu. Every Israeli prime minister since then has been willing to surrender more and more of Hebron, along with its sacred Jewish heritage sites, to the Palestinians. Such a policy leaves the onlooker wondering about the level of Jewish commitment to their heritage.
Nevertheless, UNESCO's greatest service is in its insistence on clearly revealing the true nature of the conflict. By its consistent decisions denying Jewish heritage in the Holy Land, UNESCO says loud and clear that a significant part of the international community prefers the welfare of Islam over that of the Jewish people.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - Visiting with Vice President Mike Pence - introducing him to one of our sons.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Visiting with the Vice President — and introducing him to one of our sons.

by joelcrosenberg
(Washington, D.C.) -- It was a very special day at the White House.
Noah turns 13 on Thursday and part of his present was getting to join Lynn and me in a meeting today with Vice President Mike Pence in his West Wing office.
This was Noah's first time ever to visit the White House, and certainly his first time meeting a Vice President, and it was pretty cool. Noah got the VP's autograph and actually got to sit at his desk.
Noah also met Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the Principal Deputy Press Secretary, who gave him a tour of the White House Press Briefing Room and let him stand behind the podium. It was fun to give her a copy of my latest novel.
One of Pence's aides also gave us a tour of the VP's ceremonial office in the Old Executive Office Building -- and if that weren't enough, Noah got some White House brand Hershey's chocolates, too.
The Lord has opened some remarkable years for us over the years. We don't deserve these opportunities, and we're humbled by them. But what an extra special blessing to be able to share them with our children.
Lynn and I are very grateful for our friendship with the Pences. We've known them since Mike was in Congress and they are a real class act -- humble, down to earth, and truly Midwestern nice. The VP was particularly kind to welcome Noah and us like this amidst a crazy busy summer and it was an unexpected blessing to be able to catch up with him.
We count it an honor to be able to pray for the Pences, and for the President and the First Family and their staffs, and we hope you're praying faithfully for them, too.
P.S. -- Here's a photo we took with Mike and Karen a few years ago when he was the Governor of Indiana leading a trade delegation to Israel and we spent such a fun evening with them  in Jerusalem. Honestly, they haven't changed a bit. Just as warm and kind today as they've ever been.
(Four of these are Official White House Photos by Joyce N. Boghosian. The rest were taken by Lynn and me.)
[Official Required Disclaimer: These (four) photographs are provided by THE WHITE HOUSE as a courtesy and may be printed by the subject(s) in the photograph for personal use only. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not otherwise be reproduced, disseminated or broadcast, without the written permission of the White House Photo Office. This photograph may not be used in any commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.]
joelcrosenberg | July 11, 2017 at 9:31 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

The top 10 finds in the City of David that prove Jerusalem belongs to Israel - Israel Video Network

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Host Erick Stakelbeck tours the City of David in Jerusalem to discover the top ten archaeological finds that prove the ancient Jewish Biblical claim to Jerusalem.
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