Thursday, October 6, 2016

Have You Pinched Yourself Lately? - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

We should be pinching ourselves every day about the wonderful things God does.
We should be pinching ourselves every day about the wonderful things God does. (iStock photo )

Have You Pinched Yourself Lately?

Last week I spent six days in Durban, South Africa, with a dynamic congregation called His Church. The members come from all kinds of backgrounds: White Afrikaan believers, black Zulus, Indians, and immigrants from Congo, Malawi and Mozambique. When we gathered last Sunday, it was obvious that the intensity of these people's love for each other was only surpassed by their passion for praising God.
My eyes welled up with tears as I entered into worship that morning. I was witnessing a miracle. I had read enough about South Africa's painful history to know that blacks, whites and Indians have not always loved each other like this. In the days of apartheid, which was not dismantled until the 1990s, society was rigidly segregated—and so were South Africa's churches.
Now, the Holy Spirit has broken down those walls. I had to pinch myself to make sure this was not a dream.
I was in awe.
I thought to myself, I actually get to see this! I am witnessing something that Christians in previous ages never even imagined.
But as profound as that moment in Durban was for me, I should be pinching myself every day. If you are a Christian, you should be continually astounded by what God has done for you and how He is working around you. Consider just a few of his mind-boggling blessings:
1. You have been forgiven. If you're a Christian, you carry absolutely no guilt for your past sins. There are no marks on your record. Like a criminal who was released from death row, you have been declared not guilty, and you no longer face punishment. When you wake up every morning, you should pinch yourself as you realize how merciful God was to pardon you!
2. The Father has adopted you. Adoption is a foreign concept in many cultures. There is not even a word for adoption in some languages. Yet God loved you so much that He brought you into His family, called you His child and shared His eternal inheritance with you. Have you taken time to ponder what that means?
3. You can read and treasure God's Word. There are still many people today who do not have the Bible in their language. There are others who live in countries where Bibles are restricted. Do you realize how high a price was paid by previous generations so you could have the Bible now? Do you read it with a sense of grateful humility?
4. You have continual access to God's presence. In the days of the Old Covenant, people who worshipped the true God could only do it from a distance. They stood outside the door of the temple while priests made sacrifices for them. You should pinch yourself now! Because we live in the New Covenant era, every born-again Christian can approach the throne of God with confidence.
5. The Holy Spirit lives inside you. Before Jesus came, the Holy Spirit only "came upon" certain people—prophets, kings or special messengers. And even those people ran the risk of losing the Spirit's presence. But today, because of Jesus' atonement, He has caused His Spirit to abide in us forever. The Spirit lives in you 24/7, praying for you, refining you, refreshing you, empowering you and leading you deeper and deeper into God's truth. Shouldn't you be in awe of a God who does that?
6. You can enjoy God's house and His people. Jesus said when we gather together, His presence is there. He dwells in His congregation. Yet many Christians have given up on the church because they got hurt, or because pastors weren't perfect. But do you realize that the church is a miracle? It is the living body of Christ, and until He returns it will be the place where God accomplishes His purposes. Don't miss that profound blessing!
7. You get to experience the Holy Spirit moving all around you. When I preached in one Zulu congregation in South Africa last week, more than 30 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit. I had to pinch myself again when I witnessed this! The Holy Spirit is moving in profound ways today. Churches are growing rapidly in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America, and many new churches are being planted in the United States. Instead of focusing on the negative trends you see in the media, you should stand in awe that we live in a day that ancient prophets longed to see.
8. You are going to heaven. No matter what pain, sickness, disappointment or trial you face during your short time on Earth, you are going to step into an eternity where there is no darkness, no death and no tears. When this life is over, you are going to live forever. It will take an eternity to comprehend a God who would treat us so mercifully.
Please take time to ponder God's marvelous, mind-blowing love. Pinch yourself and be reminded that the truths we read in the Bible are not just words on a page or dry doctrinal concepts. They are living realities that should shake you to the core and produce the purest form of wide-eyed, awestruck worship. 
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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Why Christians Aren't Laughing at Lance Wallnau Saying God is Raising Up Donald Trump Like Cyrus in Isaiah 45 - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Donald Trump
Donald Trump (Gino Santa Maria; Joseph Sohm)

Why Christians Aren't Laughing at Lance Wallnau Saying God is Raising Up Donald Trump Like Cyrus in Isaiah 45

Strang Report, by Steve Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
Lance Wallnau believes God is raising up Donald Trump like he did King Cyrus in Isaiah 45. When the charismatic speaker/business consultant first said this long before the billionaire businessman received the Republican nomination, nearly everyone thought he was nuts.
Now, Wallnau's analysis is ringing true with many Christians who are looking to make sense spiritually of this very strange election season.
Wallnau also believes God gives leaders "common grace" to be instruments of His purposes—ones like Lincoln or Churchill or Thatcher. In a recent podcast, Wallnau told me all this and more. You can listen to it here as well as a follow up podcast with Wallnau here.
I felt this message was so important that I asked Wallnau to write it and we published it in Charisma magazine in our October issue which has Donald Trump and Gov. Mike Pence on the cover. An early form of this article was published online in three installments and you can read them here and here and here.
Wallnau told me he had an impression when he first met Donald Trump early this year that there was an anointing on him. He didn't understand the impression since he preferred Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina. Then he saw a meme on Facebook showing Trump as the nation's 45th president. About the same time, he felt the Lord tell him to read Isaiah 45, which says King Cyrus who is called the Lord's "anointed" and later in the chapter says, "I have even called you by your name ... though you have not known Me."
Wallnau then told me he felt he heard the Lord tell him "common grace," and he found the term in a Charles Colson book. It was a term the Reformers used to contrast "saving grace," when there was a basic understanding of God that influenced governments and societies even though the people who had this common grace might not have experienced "saving grace."
I urge you to not only listen to the podcast (and share it with friends on social media) but to read the article in Charisma. The full issue is available digitally behind a paywall and you can access it here and learn how to subscribe.
Meanwhile Steve Shultz, founder of The Elijah List sent out an email about my podcast with Wallnau with this incredible subject line: "Wow: The Bible's 'Cyrus the Great' and 'Donald Trump'—Is This God?" Here, he encouraged his readers, as I am, to listen to the podcast, then he gave a detailed report on what Wallnau said. I found it interesting in how Shultz wrote it, and I end my report by quoting him:
Lance Wallnau shares in this podcast:
  • God anoints secular rulers in history for specific purposes in order to protect His interests.
  • This will amaze you! The three issues that Cyrus took the most satisfaction in:
  1. Dealing with terror
  2. Restoring the habitations or economic stability of their cities
  3. Honoring their sanctuaries or their houses of faith
The Cyrus cylinder (that was uncovered in an archaeological dig) talks about terrorism, economics and faith.
  • This election is so critical ... Lance says, "I don't know yet if the church is going to be as awakened as they need to be—to show up in the force they need to show up in to support what this man's (Donald Trump) capable of doing in restoration. Because 'if history tells us anything (it's this)—when God shows up He's 'disguised' and His people don't (always) recognize Him."
  • "Trump is like a wrecking ball."
  • Trump challenged this group of ministers (who met with him at Trump Tower)and said, "If you don't mind me saying so, I think you guys have gotten soft."
Lance went on to explain that Trump was looking at how fear and embarrassment are so often in ministry ... with the church backing up from issues.
  • Lance continued saying that Trump is like a wrecking ball going toward many controversial issues. And Trump's observation was, "I really think that America's turned against Christianity in the last decade in a way that's not healthy, and I think you guys have gotten soft in terms of taking your ground and holding it."
Only someone like Donald Trump, himself a brand-new Christian, could actually get away with saying that to the church leadership in America. 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and hereto sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
Get to know the Holy Spirit and how to interact with Him on a daily basis. Learn to enter God's presence and hear His voice clearly for yourself! Go deeper in your faith with Life in the Spirit and change your life and destiny. Are you ready to start your journey?
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Antisemitism Masquerading as an Angel of Light - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Antisemitism Masquerading as an Angel of Light

Thursday, October 06, 2016 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
If one were to choose the most important point from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' speech on the mutation of antisemitism, given at the the European Parliament on September 27, it would be this: To justify their hate for Jews, today's antisemites appeal to "the highest source of authority worldwide [which] is human rights. That is why Israel … is regularly accused of the five cardinal sins against human rights: racism, apartheid, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide."
Sacks (pictured), who served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth from 1991 to 2013, was able to give a precise prognosis to the elusive disease of antisemitism. 
Given the complexity of this malignant phenomenon, Sacks' speech should be considered one of the more helpful attempts to unveil the beast masquerading as an angel of light.
Sacks updates the definition of antisemitism, which is no longer just hate for Jews and Judaism. "[Contemporary] antisemitism means denying the right of Jews to exist collectively as Jews with the same rights as everyone else," Sacks stated, correctly noting that antisemitism has morphed into hate for Israel.
"The new antisemitism," he continued, "has mutated so that any practitioner of it can deny that he or she is an antisemite. After all, they’ll say, I’m not a racist. I have no problem with Jews or Judaism. I only have a problem with the State of Israel. But in a world of 56 Muslim nations and 103 Christian ones, there is only one Jewish state, Israel … the only one of the 193 member nations of the United Nations that has its right to exist regularly challenged, with one state, Iran, and many, many other groups, committed to its destruction."
Though this modern mutation of antisemitism claims to be peace-loving and chiefly concerned with human rights, it has proved to be exactly the opposite, bringing only misery and strife rather than peace and prosperity.
Europe was not a happy place during the Crusades and Nazi Germany, and Europe is not a happy place now. Persecuting Jews, said Sacks, has never benefited anyone, least of all the antisemites themselves. "The appearance of antisemitism in a culture," he concluded, "is the first symptom of a disease, the early warning sign of collective breakdown."
Out of love for an ungrateful Europe, Sacks summed up with a sober warning: If Europe does nothing to stop antisemitism, if Jews leave Europe, "European liberty will die."
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Against all odds he survived the Nazi Death Camps. This is how he knows God was with him. - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

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Against all odds he survived the Nazi Death Camps. This is how he knows God was with him. - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Inspiring tale of true faith in God and breathtaking new song

"After speaking about how he was a survivor of Auschwitz, he then told me the incredible story of how the actual numbers on his arm served as testimony that Hashem was with him throughout his time in the death camp. Be Inspired... click on the link to watch Mr. Slotkin tell his story, along with a nigun (tune) I humbly composed inspired by this tale of true faith in God." - Eitan Katz

Ex-Witch Reveals What Really Happens in Ritual Satanic Abuse - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Ex-Witch Reveals What Really Happens in Ritual Satanic Abuse

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

When ex-witch Beth turned away from darkness and handed her life over to Christ, she had to deal with the torment of her past, including ritual satanic abuse. 
The catch is, she was unaware at the time of just how deceived she was. 
"There are many in this world who would believe that this sort of thing never happens. Then there are others who would believe this only happens in 'satanic churches' or other such evil places. All would most definitely assume that it would never happen right in their own neighborhood, by people they know, who are Christian. That is how the devil deceives the masses daily," Beth shares in a recent blog post.
However, as children of God, we know Satan is the father of lies. 
Watch the video to see Beth's story about how God set her free from the prison of the enemy. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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An Everyday Biblical Secret ✡ "The Dove Came to Him" - ISRAEL365

And the dove came in to him at eventide; and lo in her mouth an olive-leaf freshly plucked; so Noach knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

וַתָּבֹא אֵלָיו הַיּוֹנָה לְעֵת עֶרֶב וְהִנֵּה עֲלֵה זַיִת טָרָף בְּפִיהָ וַיֵּדַע נֹחַ כִּי קַלּוּ הַמַּיִם מֵעַל הָאָרֶץ

בראשית ח:יא

va-ta-vo ay-lav ha-yo-nah l'-ait e-rev v'-hi-nay a-lah za-yit ta-raf b'-fi-hah va-yai-da no-akh ki ka-lu ha-ma-yim may-al ha-a-retz

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse comes at the very end of the famous story of Noah and the flood. For 40 days and nights, endless storms brought unbelievable amounts of rain to the world, thus destroying the wicked within. Only Noah and his family, along with pairs of each animal that lived, were merited to be saved from the torrential downpour. When the storm finally let up, Noah sent a dove to explore whether there was any dry land to embark upon. When she brought back a simple olive branch, Noah knew the time had come to leave the ark that had protected them for so long. The olive branch not only represented an end to destruction, but brought with it a spark of hope, a chance to renew the world. Throughout the Hebrew Bible, olive oil is used to anoint leaders, in the Holy Temple, or even to accompany meals, showing this message of renewal and of promise should be a part of our every day. Using only the finest olives grown in Northern Israel, Galilee Green provides the sweetest oil to patrons all over the world, helping each and every individual internalize this message and deepen their connection to the Holy Land.

A Healthy Start to the
New Year

May our lives this year be as pure and enriched as the sweetest olive oil from the Holy Land!

The Astounding Biblical Nutrients of an Ancient Pastime

Everyone’s heard the maxim, “You are what you eat.” But did you know that what you put on your body is just as important as what you put inside of it?

Today's Israel Photo

The olive tree is one of the most recognized vegetations that grows in the Holy Land. Bearing the same fruit used by our Biblical ancestors, as well as one of the seven holy species of Israel, seeing a single olive reminds us of times of old.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Noam Chen featured the spectacular Hula Valley which lies in Northern Israel just below the Lebanon border. A sanctuary for hundreds of species of different animals, the nature reserve is a popular site for birdwatchers who gather at the valley once a year to witness the incredible migration of birds from all over the world who make the Hula Valley a safe rest stop along their journey.
If you enjoy your Israel365 daily email newsletter, please consider planting a tree or buying products from our store to bless the Land and the People of Israel.

“Todah Rabbah” to our Latest Tree Donors

Candace P. from Michigan for planting 2 trees!
Aileen M. from Ontario, Canada for planting a tree!
Rose B. from Pennsylvania for planting a tree!

“Love and Blessings to You!”

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My name is Carol and I also love Israel. I am a Christian living in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney and my church and friends regularly pray for Israel. In fact the 4th Tueday night of every month is a dedicated Israeli pray night. Our love and blessings to you all at Israel 365. May The Lord bless you and shine His countenance upon you.
Aussie Friends.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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