Johnny Enlow: "2019: A Year of Extreme Revelation"
I have one word for Johnny Enlow's prophetic word for 2019: AMAZING!
We had a great time with Elizabeth and Johnny Enlow last week at our, "What is Heaven Planning for 2019?" conference.
This article is a bit longer than normal, so I will let you get right to it. I encourage you to read Johnny's article below and then order our conference set where Johnny and Elizabeth and other speakers such as Dutch Sheets, Katie Souza and Lance Wallnau go in-depth about what the Lord showed them for this year and beyond! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"2019: A Year of Extreme Revelation"
We have entered into perhaps the most revelatory year since the birth of Jesus and because of it, none of us will ever be the same. A day of so much disclosure is now upon us and by this time next year, we will be amazed at how different our world actually is from what we thought. The light we presently see by today, we will consider as relative darkness compared to where we will have advanced to by 2020. It will be an exceptional and even shocking revelation.
Let's look at two definitions for the word "revelation" for some parameters on what I am talking about. Revelation:
1) A surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made way in a dramatic way.
2) The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans.
2) The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans.
The 5770-5779 Window is Completed
For those who follow the Hebraic Calendar, you know that the present 5779 year is closing out a most important decade. In the number 70 there is the Hebrew letter Ayin associated with it and it carries the picture symbol for the eye. For the 2010-2019 decade the primary focus has been on SEEING. I have covered that fact in virtually every year of this 5770-5779 decade. Battles are won and lost at the point of SEEING. As we remember ancient Israel, the difference in a "Caleb" and "10 spies" is that "Calebs" are anointed seers and "10 spies" are unanointed seers.
"Revelation and the glory that accompanies revelation are increasingly going to be the fruit of 2019."
The Body of Christ is in the process of shifting from following unanointed seers who keep the people locked in a wilderness-survival mentality, to following seers who lead them into the "Promised Land" of cities and nations. It is the Church's great battle of the day, and a "fake news" narrative is being exposed and progressively abandoned. Unanointed seers unduly highlight the enemy, miss the moment of visitation, and keep the people "wilderness bound" under a premature rapture mindset.
Anointed seers see the enemy but highlight the greatness of God and His promise of inheriting the nations, as we are "salt" and "light" in the 7 mountains of society. Unanointed seers tell us, "We're getting out of here," while anointed seers declare the Kingdom coming "on Earth as it is in Heaven." We are disconnecting the fake narrative IVs and returning to Jesus' original message of inheriting the earth (Matthew 5:5). God builds a plan of destiny around the anointed seers even while they are the profound minority, as in Caleb and Joshua's case where His plan was built around the two who could see.
Now about the 9 in 5779 and in 2019. The number nine in the Hebrew has the letter Tet in it, which is the picture/symbol of either a snake or a womb. They are both highlighted this year. The snake in the grass will be discovered by those with Caleb's eagle eyes, and the tearing up of that snake will allow for birthing and fruitfulness. The snake in the grass will be exposed this year and you will either capitulate to it or destroy the lies and fear associated with it and arise and shine to your destiny.
The key is to see the snake from an eagle's perspective and not from a chicken's perspective. A snake is food for an eagle while a chicken will freak out and run from a snake. The window of properly SEEING gets completed this year and what becomes visible in 2019 will exceed the totality of the previous nine years of seeing. It will be almost like we didn't see anything in the last decade.
Rosh Hashanah of this year we will enter the 5780s and that represents a whole new beginning based on proper seeing. A year from now we will begin the year 2020 and the numerology will not be coincidental. 20/20 vision is coming and that is where divine objectivity rules. God is seen and magnified. The enemy is also seen, but he is not magnified and so he becomes "bread" for us (Numbers 14:9).
Revelation in Government: Trump Will Get Louder
"And when the blast of the TRUMP sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him, by voice." (Exodus 19:19 emphasis mine)
One of the areas of profound blindness right now for many Christians is understanding the role of President Donald Trump. As 45th president of the United States he carries an Isaiah 45 "Cyrus anointing" to break down the "double, bronze and iron gates of Babylon" (Isaiah 45:1-2). This is an assignment to dislodge and eliminate embedded and syndicated evil in government. The tentacles are at the tops of all the 7 mountains of society (media, economy, education, family, arts/entertainment, religion and government) and the tops of all the mountains are going to have their evil "gatekeepers" removed.
It is a historic moment for the Kingdom of God. Because of it, in 2019 Trump is not going to tone down and weaken his approach. He is going to become stronger and his voice will become louder and louder. He is not going to fail in his assignment and it will be a testament not to his greatness, but to the greatness of God.
Despite Trump's billions, his friends and his influence, he is far too limited to take on what he has been called to take on. It is God's anointing on him for the assignment that covers and emboldens him. Our nation will be known as "before Trump" and "after Trump." The Lord also clearly spoke to me that the whole world will be known as "before Trump" and "after Trump." I am neither a Trump fan, nor a Republican fan, nor even a Conservative fan. I am a God fan. Trump is God's idea, and though God is patient, the sooner you recognize that truth the sooner it will be evidence of your seeing being anointed. Once you begin to discover the level of evil against him, you will no longer ask the irrelevant question of, "How could God pick such an imperfect man?" What he lacks in holiness he makes up for in courage, and ultimately his courage is going to lead him into holiness.
When God is taking people into new territory He looks first for courage. His demand of Joshua in Joshua 1:7 was, "Only be strong and very courageous," and He said that over and over. Once you see the "deep state" of the 7 mountains and of the nations you realize it takes GREAT courage. Working on holiness comes later, but when you are facing enemies bigger than yourself it is courage that sustains you. Before Trump is done he will have leveled and replaced most of our ruling institutions and will have been a part of discovering a previously unknown history of the world of the last century. It will be a great reveal and a most significant part of this year of extreme revelation.
Can Trump Fail in His Assignment?
Can Trump fail in his assignment? This is a concern and a question that many Trump supporters have, and more especially so as they begin to see the extreme dangers that he is up against. Well, I suppose humans can always disappoint and can always fail. I suppose we could be too slack in our prayer cover for him. I suppose his age and the size of the task before him could overwhelm him. However, the greatness of our God is that it is His trademark that He loves to execute His great plans with fragile or imperfect people. He loves to confound the wise of this world by using His "foolishness" (1 Corinthians 1:27). Except for in the case of Jesus; He NEVER used overwhelming strength or perfection to accomplish His better storylines.
So can Trump fail? Yes, but I don't think so. This has all the makings of a great God-story. Keeping Trump alive and healthy is a much easier task for God than it was to keep Jesus alive in His day when not only was the "deep state" out to prematurely kill Him, but every demon in Hell desired His "scalp." Until He was age thirty-three and until it was THE day of passover, Jesus could not be killed. Yes, Trump could fail, but God will not. Were he somehow able to be taken out early it would only make way for a more amazing story of God's greatness. His NEXT always outdoes even His original. He is the "bigger-than" God with the "greater-than" plan. That's just who He is. It is not over until Psalms 37:9 is in effect: "For evildoers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth." You can take Psalm 37:1-2 as a prophetic word for NOW:
"Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb."
"Workers of iniquity" are the present target for the zeal and justice of the Lord. His first offer is always mercy, but justice has to come because justice is the evidence to the abused that God has mercy on them. Those who have been sex-trafficked, enslaved, and otherwise abused are about to be the beneficiaries of the justice of God. There is no freedom for the enslaved without justice. President Donald Trump is an emissary of the justice of God, and I believe God is quite pleased with how well he has done since being elected president. His courage is seen as heroic in Heaven because they see what he is up against. This year enough of that gets revealed to the Body of Christ so that we stop the finger pointing. President Trump was not called to be your pastor so let's quit putting that standard on him.
Revelation in Church: Exposures and Prophetic Upgrades
"So he departed from there, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing...Then Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle on him." (1 Kings 19:19)
This is the passage where Elijah anoints Elisha and he receives the double portion of what was on Elijah. Elisha, with that upgrade, is the catalyst for Jezebel being easily dealt with. Jezebel was someone Elijah was not able to deal with. Elisha, through Jehu, overthrew Jezebel in a very public and demonstrable way. President Trump also has a Jehu anointing. Jezebel at a macro level is being dealt with this year, and it is not coincidental that it is 1 Kings 19:19 that tells of the release of the double portion. The new extreme revelation is going to place and displace "Kings" (government rulers). Both the name of the book and the double on the 19s are significant.
"The snake in the grass will be exposed this year and you will either capitulate to it or destroy the lies and fear associated with it and arise and shine to your destiny."
The Church will experience two different versions of this extreme revelation. First of all, there will be shocking disclosures of evil and corruption, and even networks of deep darkness.
The Church has its own version of the "deep state" and it is going to be exposed as well. Some significant exposures took place in 2018, but there is a whole other level in both the Catholic church as well as the Evangelical/Charismatic/Pentecostal church. Many churches and church networks operate by a similar creed to how Hollywood and high government positions run. In these places, the "gatekeepers" at the places of influence require some behavior that is able to be blackmailed so that their loyalty and silence is bought forever. Blackmail is the currency of the tops of the mountains and it is going to be exposed in the mountain of religion as well. In church circles it is often mixed and mingled with religious speech so that it doesn't look like blackmail, but it is blackmail.
I remember decades ago being a part of a church whose lead bishop would often say that he didn't trust anyone "who didn't have a limp" and connected it to the Jacob in the Bible. What was revealed was that this bishop had seduced at least ten women in the church, and it also included pedophilia. The "not trusting anyone without a limp" showed up in that no significant associate pastor or leader was advanced who they didn't have some dirt on. Not surprisingly, he had great loyalty from these pastors and leaders, even when the full truth came out, because they were "blackmail-able." There is way more of this going on than seems possible—be prepared for shocks regarding that in 2019. In mega churches this is actually more the norm than the exception, but you won't have to take my word for it. A year of extreme revelation is upon us.
Prophetic Upgrades
This is the other side of the coin of advanced revelation, but sometimes they will go hand-in-hand, as the prophetic upgrades will cause a new level of holiness. I remember some time ago in Peru where a pastor's wife was taken by the Holy Spirit and for weeks was in and out of a trance and could speak only in tongues. It was quite inconvenient. When she finally could communicate she was in an open Heaven realm seeing everything, including the sins of their key leaders and members—including when and where. It was amazing how the church cleaned itself up. The pastor himself told me it was tough for him because it was like "sleeping with the Holy Spirit" and he had no choice but to get totally clean himself. It is amazing what being under an increased light does to us.
Seeing is going to another level. This is something we desperately need as our prophetic level is relatively pathetic at this time, even often underperforming to psychics and "new age" energy feelers. One reason for this is that the enemy has stolen the prophetic from much of the Church through demonic doctrines that say the age for this has passed. This is truly a "deep state" doctrine that has stripped the Church from perhaps its most vital tool for spreading the love and power of God. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:5, "I wish you all would prophesy" (emphasis mine), and a prophesying Church will always be more fruitful. We have other reasons for our low level of prophetic revelation, such as lack of prophetic accountability and also conversely a lack of a nurturing environment for the prophetic. The ones zealous for accountability would kill the prophetic if left to their devices, and the ones only nurturing the prophetic tend to keep it about quantity above quality. We need both.
Another suppressor of the next level in the prophetic is when the exercise is disconnected from our reformation (outside the Church) assignment. The prophetic was made to thrive in the seven mountains of society. My prophetic level has always been less in and to the Church, and increased when outside the Church. Having said that, I am first in line desiring the promised prophetic upgrades. I want to be positively shocked at how much I am seeing and how much transformational change it engenders. I look forward to stepping into clarity where we not only prophesy sometimes-fuzzy outcomes like "double portion," "breakthrough," "shift," "prosperity," "a door," "a window"—but we also can flesh out what that actually looks like. The upgrade is coming this year because it is tied into knowing some macro things we never knew before; some things we haven't been able to see because we have had the wrong facts and operated to a wrong narrative based on the presumed facts. You will know more about what I am talking about as the year progresses.
Perhaps the greatest key in getting a prophetic upgrade is staying out of pride. There have been so many who have become "head cases" when they finally saw something truly revelatory that they ceased getting more secrets from God, as God resists the proud. Hopefully there are so many with the next level of revelation that this is no longer a reality. Either way, I will tell you that the children born in this decade of seeing (Generation Z) are going to be true game-changer seers and prophets and will require us to upgrade if nothing else does. Status quo revelation has not been getting it done and the next level is coming along with the next level of glory.
Watch the Sixty-Seven Mile Wide Path of Totality
Psalm 67 starts with this verse, "God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on the earth; Your salvation among all nations."
This prophetic upgrade is ultimately His face shining on us so that we may make His ways known on the earth and His salvation among ALL nations. Revelation and the glory that accompanies revelation are increasingly going to be the fruit of 2019. Exodus 19:19 was about the glory descending on Israel in Moses' day. 1 Kings 19:19 was about the double portion prophetic mantle from Elijah being released to Elisha. God was able to encode timing factors for us about the new level of glory and revelation. We are in yet another game-changer year, but I think it is perhaps the greatest one in centuries and especially so for revelation and disclosure.
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.