Sunday, March 17, 2019

Prophecy: Body of Christ Now Going Through Spiritual Debridement - DAWN HILL CHARISMA NEWS


Prophecy: Body of Christ Now Going Through Spiritual Debridement


Spiritual debridement. These were the words I heard this morning while sitting in the floor of the sanctuary, praying. As an individual who has had prior medical experience, I knew what debridement meant. I had encountered this in my time as a doctor. Wounds heal from the inside out. I have seen some pretty nasty wounds in times past. There were some wounds that took more time to heal because of their size and because of the presence of decaying tissue and infection.
In order for a natural wound to heal, you need healthy tissue and time. You need proper treatment of the wound. Without proper treatment, healing is delayed and inhibited.
As I was asked to pray for the church, I saw an internal picture of a large, gaping wound, and as I prayed, I heard the words "spiritual debridement." Debriding a wound requires cutting away and removing decay and death from the affected area. It requires removing everything that interferes with healthy transformation to a state that is whole. It requires removing things that cause you to carry a stench that is noncompliant with the fragrance of heaven.
Do you know what is great about removing dead things? Removing things without life in them does not hurt. There is no circulation present. Nerve sensation is dead. Debridement is necessary to heal. Some of you reading this have wounds that have not healed, whether from years of trauma or offense. Some may be holding onto what has lost life. I want to encourage you, allow the healer to debride those wounds with His Word and by the Holy Spirit so that you can be healed in the binding of your wounds by the only one who can heal you.
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A wound heals from the inside out. We must be whole inwardly before we can be whole outwardly. Debridement is a cutting away to expose life and to accelerate the process to a fresh start. Sometimes, we avoid spiritual debridement because we fear what could happen. We become comfortable with the unhealthy flesh. Debridement is surrender to the process, and it can be more convenient to simply cover up the wound and attempt to ignore it.

Debride the Bride

While I was praying, it occurred to me that "bride" is in the word "debride." It is a simple thought, but profound at the same time because according to, the prefix "de-" means in this case "privation, removal and separation." When I looked up the word "privation," I found out that it means the "loss or absence of a quality or attribute that is normally present" (Google dictionary). Just as there is a spiritual and necessary debridement taking place individually and corporately, there is an agenda from the enemy to de-bride the bride, to create a loss or absence of a quality or attribute that is normally present.
The church is the bride of Christ, and we are called to have the characteristics of a bride; pure, spotless and without blemish. A spiritual debridement is taking place. Dead things are being removed, and elements that do not bear life are being cut away. The bride is being washed by the water of the Word. There is some spiritual agitation taking place so that what is alive can circulate properly and remain steadfast in being whole, Spirit, soul and body.
The bride longs for the Bridegroom. We are called to cultivate intimacy with Jesus Christ. We were created to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. We were created to tabernacle with the Holy Spirit. In every facet of that relationship, wholeness is of upmost importance.
I believe the enemy would like to cause us to lose the attributes that make us the bride of Christ. He wants to de-bride the bride and for us to embrace absence of the qualities designed to separate us from the things of this world. Jesus is the head. We are His body, mandated to demonstrate His kingdom through salvation, miracles, signs and wonders. We are also called to demonstrate His nature of righteousness, holiness and integrity. To not demonstrate His love through the power to save, heal and set free is legalism. To not emanate His nature of righteousness and holiness is a performance and is self-serving. There must be the presence of both. There are many things that are attributes of the Lord and thereby attributes of the bride that the world and the devil would love to strip as our heritage: the call to serve, the call to humility, the call to bear fruit and so on. All are vital.
I am encouraged to hear this and to recognize that spiritual debridement from the Lord is a good thing. It means that healing is available and desired by God for His body. May we all embrace this healing, and may we not lose our identity in Him in the process. Allow God to cut those dead things off and to pour healing balm on your soul. He wants you to carry His fragrance. He wants His body whole and present in the qualities and attributes that are normally present as the bride of Christ. 
Dawn Hill is a Christ-follower and a freelance writer. She writes a blog called "Lovesick Scribe."
This article originally appeared at
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Former 'Prince of ISIS' Turns to Christ After a God Dream: 'I Saw a Love That Didn't Exist in Islam' - CBN News Ericah Jones

Former 'Prince of ISIS' Turns to Christ After a God Dream: 'I Saw a Love That Didn't Exist in Islam'
A "Prince of ISIS" has done what many would consider unthinkable, making a commitment to turn away from his horrifying past to unite with a new way of life through Jesus Christ.
The former ISIS leader, whose identity has been disguised for his safety, is being called Mohammad. The miraculous circumstances that led to his transformation were reported by Dr. Michael Youssef's Leading The Way ministry.
Since the launch of its Christian satellite TV station, THE KINGDOM SAT, Leading The Way is working to touch "some of the most unreachable lives in the Arabic world," including people like this notorious 'Prince of ISIS'.
A video testimony from the ministry reported that one of their follow-up coordinators named Peter received a call several years ago from a man who pleaded to meet with him.
The man on the other end of the phone with Peter turned out to be a spiritual leader in the terrorist group. Even though Peter knew it was possible that Mohammad may try to kill him, he believed God was leading him to go ahead with the meeting.
In a reenacted testimony, Mohammad opened up about his dramatic shift from Islam to Christianity. "One day, somebody asked me why I am a Muslim," he said. Scrambling for answers, Mohammad began to search in the Quran, Hadith, and Sunnah.
"I wanted to find proof and evidence that Allah exists and Islam is right... I found nothing," he said. 
But that wasn't the initial reason why Mohammad met with Peter. He says he had just wanted to kill Peter, but during their first encounter, Peter boldly spoke the Word of Jesus over the ISIS leader.
The meeting did not end on a positive note. Mohammad became frustrated and struggled to grasp what Peter had told him about who God really is.
Then the two met for a second time.
Charisma News reports that Leading The Way's senior director of ministry outreach Maged Atalla explained what happened in the next meeting. "The second time they met, Mohammad told Peter he had a dream and saw an envelope dripping blood with great fragrance," he said.
Peter explained that the dream was God telling him that blood had to be shed for the forgiveness of sins.
"Peter told him, 'Jesus is sending you a message and you need to give your life to Him.' At that moment he surrendered his life to Jesus. Mohammed then told Peter that the first time they met he had a knife in his pocket and wanted to kill him on the spot, but something prevented him from doing this," said Atalla.
Now Mohammad's burning life questions have been answered and his life dramatically turned around.
After repenting, Mohammad experienced a peace he had never felt before.
"I saw a love that didn't exist in Islam," he said.
Because of his regular meetings with Peter, this so-called 'Prince of ISIS' accepted Jesus Christ into his life and began his journey as a Christian.
"The true book, in my opinion, is the Bible," declared Mohammad. "I found the truth in Jesus Christ. And because I have surrendered my life to the Lord, I am certain He will never forsake me."
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Lana Vawser: "Prophets: Hold on! A Major Surge is Coming!" - The Elijah List

Lana Vawser: "Prophets: Hold on! A Major Surge is Coming!"

The Elijah List  Mar 15, 2019

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure appreciate the prophetic voice of Lana Vawser from Australia. There is so much amazing revelation coming from the prophetic voices in the land down under!
In this recent article from Lana, she shares some heart-penetrating words from the Lord such as:
The enemy is ferociously angry and he is attempting to muzzle the prophets, but he will not prevail. For I am decreeing over My prophets, 'IT'S TIME TO MOVE INTO NEW MANTLES. It's time for a double mantle to be birthed upon you—the prophet and the evangelist converging! Prophets, you are now birthing! The enemy is coming on assignment to abort, but I am decreeing now is your time to birth!
Many are called to birth something new right now, but are also really going through it too! Know this: when the enemy tries to abort, it's really a time for you to birth God's plans over your life! Push full steam ahead! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here
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Recently, the Lord showed me that there is a significant battle against many prophets right now. They are feeling like they have had the wind knocked out of their sails. I saw many in a place of deep heaviness; feeling oppression, confusion, lack of clarity, disorientation and even torment.
As I leaned into the Lord I heard His voice resound so loudly: "The battle is over MY voice and the mantle of evangelism that is being activated over the prophets! IT'S TIME FOR A MAJOR SURGE OF PROPHETIC EVANGELISM."
Birthing the Double Mantles
I then began to see flashes before my eyes of the positioning hand of God in the lives of the prophets in this new era. He was positioning them in the world in places they never imagined. I could hear the Lord speaking:
"I have and will continue to position you in the Church for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry. I am now also releasing you in greater ways into the world, with great favor to release My words and to spread the Good News of My Gospel to bring in the harvest. It is time for My voice to resound in the world, louder than before, and I am activating a mantle of evangelism over many prophets.
"The enemy is trying to keep many of My prophets caged in this place of inactivity because of fear, and tremendous opposition. I have heard the cries of many of My prophets crying out to Me because of the battle and deep torment they have been facing, but this is because MY VOICE that is about to go forth louder than before. (Photo via Pixabay)
The enemy is ferociously angry and he is attempting to muzzle the prophets, but he will not prevail. For I am decreeing over My prophets, 'IT'S TIME TO MOVE INTO NEW MANTLES. It's time for a double mantle to be birthed upon you—the prophet and the evangelist converging! Prophets, you are now birthing! The enemy is coming on assignment to abort, but I am decreeing now is your time to birth!
"You are about to birth in great joy! You are moving into another mantle, My prophets, and there's a battle on the mantle, but greater momentum shall you find in this mantle than you have ever known. The enemy is terrified of the mantle you are moving into, My prophets. Get fierce! Be ferocious and don't stop! Move! Move! Move! It's time to move into the new mantle. The witchcraft coming against this new mantle is a sign of the momentum contained within the mantle. The promotion—this moving into, this new mantle—is the greatest promotion and shift in many of your lives thus far. It's the greatest increase of anointing that you have known."
Words That Unlock Hearts
In this vision I began to see prophets being positioned in the world and speaking words from the heart of the Father—words that unlocked the hearts of those who do not yet know Jesus, and salvation SUDDENLY came forth.
The Lord said, "There is a completely new display of prophetic evangelism that is about to burst forth as the increase of clarity, revelation and insight is released to the prophets to release My nature and the secrets of My heart to mankind across the earth."
The Lord is training and increasing the prophets right now in clarity and insight to go forth in greater empowerment of the Spirit, to partner with Him in a new level of prophetic evangelism.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
"It's a Surge!"
I then heard the Lord say, "IT'S A SURGE!" He continued to speak, saying: "There's a MAJOR SURGE of prophetic evangelism that is about to take place, and the enemy is attempting to silence the prophets so they will not move into these double mantles, but I am fighting on their behalf. I am training them in the fire and they will go forth with My words like fire in their mouths, with the fire of My presence upon them. They will begin to see harvest all around. It's time for the prophet and the evangelist to CONVERGE like never before."
Surge is defined as: "A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide." Here are some synonyms for surge: "gush, rush, outpouring, stream, flow, sweep, swell, swelling, heaving, billowing, rolling, roll, bulging, eddying, swirling, tide, burst, pour, cascade, spill, overflow."
It's Time to Go Behind the Veil
"My prophets, it is time to go behind the veil like never before. It is time to come deeper into the place of Jeremiah 33:3. For the level of insight, revelation, and clarity of My secrets and My Word that I am releasing to you in this new era is unlike anything you have seen and heard before. It is a new level of insight and a new level of revelation.
"As you come behind the veil into the secret place, I will entrust you to revelation knowledge and wisdom that you will take into the world and the places I send you. You will release these secrets and they will bring forth a GREAT UNLOCKING for the harvest. Hearts will be unlocked and come into salvation. Cultures, cities and nations will be affected by the answers and prophetic insight that I will release to you and through you for the world, and you will see the world left in awe of My wisdom that will also bring in the harvest. Many in the world will come to the knowledge of My reality and who I am—My goodness—and come to know Me, recognizing the wisdom from on high! It's time to come behind the veil like never before. (Photo via Pixabay)
A Coming Tidal Wave of Activation
"There is also an increase of the training and equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry that is about to ESCALATE and ACCELERATE for the harvest! There is going to be a greater acceleration of the training and equipping of the saints, a greater maturing to send out, prepare, activate and equip. For there is a tidal wave of activation crashing into the Body of Christ right now to activate My people in PROPHECY and EVANGELISM! It's time for the prophet and the evangelist to expand!"
His Voice is Going Forth Louder Than Before
The Lord said, "My prophets, the enemy is attempting to drag many of you into a battle that feels like Hell because you and I are about to snatch souls and save them from the reality of Hell. This is the sound of the harvest! This is why the enemy is screaming at you to stop right now. My prophets, because My voice is about to go forth through you, My Gospel and the secrets of My heart, like never before, will bring MANY into the Kingdom and the saving knowledge of who I am and My goodness. You MUST go forth! It's your time to move into the new activated mantle and move into the harvest field. It's time! You have arrived! It is time.
"I am leading many of you where you have never been before. It's uncomfortable, but it will be glorious as you see Me move in power through you like NEVER before. 'For SUCH a time as this' is resounding loudly over you. Now is the time to trust in Me and trust in My power! The harvest is ripe, and you are being sent forth in great acceleration and empowerment to bring in the harvest!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, with their three sons.
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Friday, March 15, 2019

Even the little kids sing "Raise A Hallelujah"! Jesus!

Even the little kids sing "Raise A Hallelujah"! Jesus!
Published on Mar 15, 2019

Even the little kids sing "Raise A Hallelujah"! Jesus! March 14, 2019 in Charleston, SC Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

MercyMe! concert in Charleston, SC (#4 of 22)

MercyMe! concert in Charleston, SC (#4 of 22)

Published on Mar 15, 2019

MercyMe! concert in Charleston, SC (#4 of 22) March 14, 2019 Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Crowder (MercyMe! concert) in Charleston, SC (#1 of 22)

 Published on Mar 15, 2019

Crowder (MercyMe! concert) in Charleston, SC (#1 of 22) March 15, 2019 Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Walk With Me - in the low country of Charleston, SC (2) - Steve Martin, Love For His People

 Published on Mar 15, 2019

Walk With Me - in the low country of Charleston, SC (2) - Steve Martin, Love For His People Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.