Friday, June 23, 2017

Why Does The Face Of Christ Keep Appearing On Tortillas? - HELLO CHRISTIAN


A bizarre phenomenon has found itself at the top of the tabloids in recent years: the face of Christ appearing on tortilla wraps. Weird,...
Teacher At A Christian Nursery Fired For Secretly Working As A Porn Star 
A 21-year-old nursery school teacher has been fired after staff found out she was moonlighting as a porn star. She was let go when she...
Former Homosexual Pastor Reveals His Story Of Freedom And Transformation 
Darryl Foster is founder and executive director of Witness Freedom ministries, a Christan organization that seeks to reach out to men a...
Actor Claims Tom Cruise Was Once Bible-Reading, 'Born-Again Christian' Sleeping With Teenage Girls 
Actor Curtis Armstrong has made some shocking comments about megastar actor Tom Cruise, claiming that he was a born-again,...
Doug Wilson Says SBC Was "Played" Into Condemning White Supremacy 
Evangelical pastor Doug Wilson has asserted his belief that the Southern Baptist Convention was "played" into condemning the alt-rght an...
It Is Never OK To Use The Phrase 'Oh My God!' And Here's Why 
As Christians, we know that taking the Lord's name in vain is a very serious thing. It constitutes blasphemy, and should not be glossed o...
Texas Pastors Oppose LGBT School Curriculum: 'This Is Houston, Not San Francisco' 
A group of Texan pastors have publicly denounced a new proposal for Houston's public schools to introduce an LGBT studies program.&nb...
After The London Fire, The Church Got It Right Where The Council Failed 
Following the horrific fire at Grenfell tower block in West London, the Church sprung into action, offering food, prayer, shelter and...
United Methodist Church Faces Serious 'Financial Crisis' After Electing Lesbian Bishop 
The United Methodist Conference has announced it is facing 'unprecedented financial crisis' after electing a lesbian woman to the pos...
Franklin Graham: 'So Much Money Has Been Donated To Promote A Godless Liberal Agenda' 
Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has expressed his delight at the Republican Karen Handel's victory in the Georgia special election, assert...
Matt Chandler: Philando Castile Verdict "Feels Dirty And Demonic" 
Pastor Matt Chandler has spoken out on the verdict handed down for the police shooting of Philando Castile. Officer Jeronimo Yanez was...
Trump Administration Strongly Opposes UN Resolution Supporting Abortion 
The Trump administration has strongly opposed a UN resolution that sanctions abortion. The UN has been consistently attempting to add...
Church Of England Allowed Sex Abuse Bishop To Keep Working Despite Numerous Warnings 
The Church of England has been heavily criticized for its handling of a historic case of clergy child abuse. Peter Ball, who is now...
Pro-Life Republican Karen Handel Wins Huge Victory In Georgia Special Election 
Georgia special election candidate Republican Karen Handel has won in the sixth congressional district, beating Democrat rival Jon Ossoff.&n...
Christians Must STOP Judging Other Believers Before It's Too Late 
Christianity harbors a dark side - judgementalism. It appears in many forms, and is often directed towards the world and its ways. Howe...
Charges Dropped Against Activists Who Exposed California Planned Parenthood 
Fourteen charges have been dropped against the pro-life activists who secretly filmed Planned Parenthood in California. The films exp...
US Military Archbishop Offers Heartfelt Prayers For Victims Of USS Fitzgerald Collision 
The Archbishop of the US military has offered his prayers and condolexnces to the families of the victims of the brutal naval crash which c...
N.Ireland Refuses To Let Gay Irish Prime Minister Push Them Into Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage 
The new openly gay Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, is urging Northern Ireland to legalize same-sex marriag...
5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Prayer Life 
1.  Find a prayer "hot spot" and use it. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 We all k...
EPIC Mashup Of Come Thou Fount And How Great Thou Art Will Give You That #FridayFeeling 
It's Friday! Who's excited for the weekend? It is a brilliant time to just stop, reflect and get refreshed. But only one person can truly...
Joyce Meyer Explains Why We Need God's Help In EVERYTHING That We Do 
As flawed human beings, we should recognize our constant need for the presence of God in our lives. Whether it is in small, insignifcant&nb...


My Times Are In Your Hands (Confidence in the Lord) - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

My Times Are In Your Hands
Confidence in the Lord

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“My times are in Your hand…” (Psalms 31:15, NKJV)

Confidence is a big deal. If you are confident in something, or someone, you will go beyond the expected norm to get something done, to go somewhere (where no man has gone before!), or say what is really on your heart. You know you have the backing of another.

In the case of the believer, the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) has your back. For your times are in His hands.

I can only imagine (love these music lyrics!) what it will be like in our heavenly realm. I certainly look forward to that day. But in the here and now, we need to have the confidence in our hearts, in our heads, to work through our bodies; that what we are called to do here, what is our specific mission in this life, we can and must accomplish. 

The world, the nations of earth, knowingly or unknowingly, is depending on it. Being saved into God the Father’s family is more than getting a free ride to heaven. It is to do what He has given us to do here. Now. More than ever in our lifetime.

What have you been called to do? Do you know? Do you want to know?

Steve Martin saying

When we have the assurance that the living God of Israel is standing up, cheering us on, and giving us the energy and gifts of the Holy Spirit, along with the Comforter Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) Himself to walk with us…whatever the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) gives us to do, we can and must do it.

Faith to me is having the trust, the confidence in my God, Who He says He is, that what He says He will do, and what He has promised to me, to bring about its fulfillment in the exact time it needs to happen, gives me the boldness to step out in faith and do what I am supposed to do.

Do that “something” that we can know what we have been given the assignment to do.

At some point in our lives we need to just “do it.” That is an overworked advertisement and cliché, but none the less you know what I mean. You get my point.

And as the late, beloved musician, artist and missions-minded man Keith Green sang so much, “Jesus commands us to go!”

Hanging in our garage. Photo by Steve Martin

 There have been several key times in my life when a major decision had to be made. Each of the four times it involved my immediate family (numbering up to six, depending upon what year it was, and how many kids had arrived by then), our local church and my current job. Those times called for a move from one USA state to another. Major moves to be sure.

Was I hearing the Lord properly? Would my good wife Laurie walk in agreement? What about the financial concerns, the kids in school, the family and friends we had strong connections with? All these factors were needed to be considered.

Prayer? Yes indeed? Fasting? You bet! Council from others? Always wisdom in the abundance of counselors.

Proverbs 24:6 rightly says, “For by wise guidance you will wage war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” (NASU)

After we have sought the Lord, confirmed His word to us, and made the decision to walk in faith, our trust that we are in His hands, He has our back, and we can move out, standing on the firm conviction we have, on the strong foundation He has given us, we did what we had to do.

We can do what He has called us to do. You can do what He has called you to do. We must. For His sake, our sake, and for the lives of those we will have an effect on by our obedience.

Others have walked in faith and have seen the fruit of their obedience. I love reading the biographies of the patriarchs, matriarch and other saints who have gone on before us, from Abraham, Moses, King David, Paul the Apostle, to Eric Liddell, Oskar Schindler, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and so many more.

 Eric Liddell, The Flying Scotsman

   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "I have a dream."

Seeing Jews make aliyah blesses me, as they leave behind the comforts of one home to return to their real homeland, that of the Promised Israel (Yisrael). I am encouraged in my walk of faith, seeing people like our good friend Hadassah and her family, living near Jerusalem, hearing the Lord speak specifically to them, and responding accordingly.

She wrote for the Love For His People blog her message "Just Say Yes", “While I was watching the sun come up from the crater and worshipping, I was overcome with gratitude. I cried out to God, “Why have we been allowed to live here?” And just as at times before when we have asked this question, the answer was the same - because you said “Yes!”

Hadassah's family in Israel

This is part of the basics of life, to have that foundational trust in God our Father. Those who do have and maintain this confidence can hear Him speak personally, walk then in obedience, and do that which they have been created, before the beginning of time.

Our times are in His hands enabling us to do this. We must.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

 P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily for those living in Israel, Pakistan, Northern Ireland and India, and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.


Donate to Bless families in Israel, Pakistan and Northern Ireland. 
Love For His People, Inc. is a 501(c)3 ministry in the USA.

Are you also obsessed with your fidget spinner? You'll never believe why they were invented!

Watch here: Are you also obsessed with your fidget spinner? You'll never believe why they were invented!

Source - Facebook: The Israel Project, Israeli American Council - IAC May 16, 2017 ·  

The Way Congress Is Handling Health Care Shows Why They Only Have A 17 Percent Approval Rating - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 22 Jun 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The Senate health care bill was unveiled on Thursday, and it appears to be dead on arrival. 

At least four conservative senators say that they can’t vote for the current version because it doesn’t go far enough, while several moderate Republicans are expressing concerns that it goes too far in repealing popular Obamacare provisions.  You can read the full text of the bill here

Since Democrats are going to be united in voting against any bill that the Republicans put forward, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can only lose two Republican votes if he wants something to pass.  I don’t know how that is going to be possible, and so in the end we may be stuck with Obamacare for the foreseeable future and that would be a total disaster.

It is astounding to me that Republicans don’t want to pass the exact same clean Obamacare repeal bill that they got to Obama’s desk in 2016.  If they got that same bill to Trump’s desk, he would sign it.  Instead of trying to do everything at once, just repeal Obamacare and then start working on various pieces of the health care system one at a time.

According to Real Clear Politics, Congress currently has an average approval rating of just 17.6 percent.  It is an institution that has failed the American people over and over again, and we are never going to move things in a positive direction in this country until we do something to clean up that cesspool of filth and corruption.

If we truly want to fix health care in this country, we need to rebuild the entire system from the ground up based on free market principles.  But of course the bill that was just unveiled in the Senate simply tries to patch up the system we already have, and that ultimately won’t work…
The bill is very similar to the version of the House bill that passed last month but with some key changes. The text released Thursday showed the Senate legislation would still make major changes to the nation’s health care system, repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate, drastically cutting back federal support of Medicaid, eliminating Obamacare’s taxes on the wealthy, insurers and others. The Senate plan however would keep Obamacare’s subsidies to help people pay for individual coverage.
One thing that is good about the Senate bill is that it would eliminate Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood for 12 months, but of course this is something that would need to be made permanent as soon as possible.

A more detailed list of major changes that the Senate bill makes was posted on Zero Hedge
  • Gives subsidies illegal immigrants if they are working in the United States
  • Subsidies based on 350% Federal Poverty Level, not 400%.
  • Gets rid of business and consumer mandates with no penalty
  • Qualified plans don’t need to provide abortion coverage unless it’s to save the life of the mother
  • Each state gets 15-10 Billion for uninsurables
  • Cadillac tax is gone
  • OTC med tax is gone
  • HSA penalty tax is 10%
  • Prescription tax is gone
  • Medical device tax is gone
  • Business owners can deduct part d expense again
  • Deductible medical expenses are back to 7.5% instead of 10% AGI
  • Tanning tax is gone (ironic)
  • Net investment tax is gone
  • HSA deductibility will be adjusted every year for COLA
  • Both spouses can now make catch-up contributions to a family HSA
  • 60 day limitation to setting up an HSA account when first getting the plan for purposes of a current claim
  • No coverage for abortion clinics
  • Repeal of cost-sharing subsidy
  • MLR set by states
  • Grants for states battling opiod addiction (like mine)
  • CHIP is reauthorized
  • $5,000 app fee to create small business association health pool
  • Psychiatric coverage is limited to institutionalized individuals only, and for stays up to 30 days but not to exceed 90 days
  • The Senate draft health-care bill doesn’t currently include a provision penalizing people who don’t maintain continuous coverage
Overall, the Senate bill would be a bit of an improvement over Obamacare. But a slight improvement over a major disaster is still a disaster.

Shortly after the bill was unveiled, four conservative senators announced that they cannot vote for the bill the way that it stands now…
However, four conservative Republican senators —Rand Paul of Kentucky, Ted Cruz of Texas, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Mike Lee of Utah— said they “are not ready to vote for this bill” because it does not go far enough in repealing Obamacare. Separately, moderate GOP Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada said he has “serious concerns” about the bill’s impact on Medicaid patients.
“Currently, for a variety of reasons, we are not ready to vote for this bill, but we are open to negotiation and obtaining more information before it is brought to the floor,” Paul, Cruz, Johnson and Lee said in a joint statement. “There are provisions in this draft that represent an improvement to our current health care system, but it does not appear this draft as written will accomplish the most important promise that we made to Americans: to repeal Obamacare and lower their health care costs.”
On the other end of the spectrum, a couple of RINO (Republican in name only) senators are expected to object to the bill because it would reduce funding for Planned Parenthood
The Senate bill would cut Medicaid funds from organizations that provide abortions for one year. It does not mention Planned Parenthood by name, but the legislation is clearly targeting the organization, which Republican leaders have promised to defund.
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, have both expressed concerns about any legislation that defunds Planned Parenthood. Murkowski said Thursday she was still reviewing the bill’s provisions.
President Trump says that the Senate bill is not a finished product and that it is open for negotiation.

But I don’t see how in the world anyone is going to be able to craft something that will be acceptable to at least 50 Republicans in the Senate.

Unfortunately, even if the Republicans pass a health care bill somehow it will not fix the giant mess that our system has become.

One step in the right direction would be to legalize the kind of national buying groups that Rand Paul has proposed
Imagine if the tens of millions of people who belong to Credit Unions, or organizations like the NRA or ACLU, could negotiate as a group for health insurance and drug prices!  Imagine the insurance executives and drug companies coming on bended knee to negotiate for the business of tens of millions of people!
I have proposed legalizing nationwide Association Health Plans.  My Senate Bill 222 does just that.  I have advised the President to act through his Secretary of Labor to review existing law and make it explicitly known that national associations can negotiate as one to bring down insurance prices.
And I would also like to see an expansion of direct primary care and other models that bypass the health insurance companies entirely.

The health insurance companies collectively make a profit of 15 billion dollars a year, and they are a big part of what is wrong with our current system.

There is so much that needs to be done to fix things, and both parties are failing the American people.

So let’s hope that we can remove a lot of these incumbents in 2018, because we definitely need some fresh thinking in Washington.

A Victory of Sorts for Undercover Pro-Life Activists Against 'Politically Motivated Prosecution' - CBN News

A Victory of Sorts for Undercover Pro-Life Activists Against 'Politically Motivated Prosecution'
CBN News 06-22-2017
A California court dismissed 14 of the 15 criminal charges against two pro-life undercover investigators with the Center for Medical Progress. 
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra brought the charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for recording conversations they had with Planned Parenthood officials. Those tapes allegedly include discussions about the sale of aborted baby tissue and body parts by Planned Parenthood. 
The Superior Court in San Francisco dropped the 14 charges, but left all of them open to amend. That means Becerra could change the charges and bring them again, or bring new charges against Daleiden and Merrit. The court also kept one charge against Merrit for allegedly conspiring to invade privacy. 
Daleiden believes this legal battle has little to do with what he did, and everything to do with politics. 
"This is a politically motivated prosecution," Daleiden told reporters Wednesday. "And this is discriminatory against pro-life Americans and a rally against Californians who happen to have a different point of view."
Becerra, the attorney who brought the charges, is also known for having close ties to Planned Parenthood. He reportedly received thousands of dollars from the abortion giant during his congressional election bids between 1998 and 2014
Even the Los Angeles Times' editorial board called out Becerra for his actions. 
"It's disturbingly aggressive for Becerra to apply this criminal statute to people who were trying to influence a contested issue of public policy, regardless of how sound or popular that policy may be," the Los Angeles Times said in a statement. "The state doesn't need to threaten the pair with prison time."
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