Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Come Out of Hiding by Elaine Tavolacci By Identity Network

Come Out of Hiding by Elaine Tavolacci

Come Out of Hiding by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network  April 16, 2019
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By Tim Sheets
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The Lord showed me something interesting today. There are several men and women in the Bible who hid from God's calling. There's a prophet in the Old Testament named Jonah. The Lord told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh to prophesy against it because of their great wickedness. Jonah refused to go and went from the presence of the Lord on his own way. He got on a ship in Jaffa that was going to Tarshish, which geographically is in the opposite direction of where the Lord told him to go. As he walked out of God's will, he not only put his own life in jeopardy, but also the men in the boat as well as the people in Nineveh.

As Jonah was asleep in the lowest part of the ship, the Lord sent a great storm. The men on the ship cast lots, to see who was responsible for this great tempest, and found that it was Jonah. Jonah then told the men to throw him into the sea, and after this, they did this, the sea ceased from its raging. Jonah was saved by being swallowed up by a large fish, which the Lord prepared. Jonah prayed while in the fish, and after three days, he was vomited out at the Lord's command. 

Jonah then went to Nineveh, prophesied to the people and the whole city fasted and prayed and turned from their wickedness. Then God relented and did not bring the destruction on Nineveh that they deserved.

This is an unusual story of a supernatural occurrence. Some of you may understand the metaphor of this story. (Matthew 12:40). The Lord is showing me that He wants to use many of us today to bring repentance, revival, and restoration to our cities. He is not a God of judgment and just as He had mercy on Jonah and the people of Nineveh, Jesus will also have mercy on people today. In return, multitudes will turn from their wicked ways and come into the Kingdom of God.

Let Me Awaken You

The Lord says, "I am the God of mercy and I am calling you to come into alignment with what I have called you to do. As you walk into your calling, you will see things begin to fall into place in your personal life and ministry. You will begin to see others being set free from their self-destructive ways. Don't be afraid of confrontation. Don't fear the opposition of the enemy. I will go with you and I will speak through you. Things may look unfamiliar to you as you go along, but trust in Me. I will never mislead you but you will become familiar with My ways as you take each step of faith. 

For those of you who are asleep in the boat, allow Me to awaken you. You are carrying something precious and now is the time to raise your voice in the victory that I have given to you. Speak My words in boldness, proclaiming the good news to the nations. Don't fear those who threaten you, because My word in your mouth carries greater authority. My anointing on your life will bring change. Never compromise who you are and what you believe in, but take a stand for righteousness at all times.

Take no offence when you are confronted with the views and opinions of others. Don't be intimidated or swayed by their words of deception. Do not be concerned about your reputation. Do not fear the spirit of anti-Christ because you have been called to greatness. Do not be afraid of their faces, and don't be alarmed by their words. I am looking for those who will yield to the calling that I have placed on their lives, and will walk by faith and not by sight", says the Lord.

Psalm 139:7-9 Where can I go from Your Spirit? or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.

Jonah 1:1-3 Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me." But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.

Ephesians 5:15-17 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Elaine Tavolacci

Song, Dance, Inspiration Flow From Bethel's First Full-Length Film - JESSILYN LANCASTER CHARISMA NEWS

Chloe Vassallo
Chloe Vassallo (Contributed/The {m} Collective)

Song, Dance, Inspiration Flow From Bethel's First Full-Length Film

Chloe Vassallo is so energetic and vivacious that she stars in Bright Ones, which is Bethel Music's first feature-length film.
The story follows teens at a California performing arts school as they wrestle with identity, legacy and more.
And while the movie has been described as "in the vein of High School Musical," there's one notable difference: the Holy Spirit. 
"We would all pray together before we start anything," Vassallo says. "Just to honestly get the Presence in the room. I feel like when you don't get the Presence in the room, people can sort of feel awkward. And He's the Prince of Peace. He really comes and calms everybody's nerves, and it just goes with ease."
So what else was happening on set? How well do the stars actually know each other in real life? Listen to the podcast to find out, and see Bright Ones when it dances into theaters on April 22. Get your tickets here.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

'So Let It Be Done': As ABC Re-Airs 'Ten Commandments' for 45th Time, Here's What You Didn't Know About 1 Epic Special Effect - CBN News Steve Warren

Screenshot of Charlton Heston as Moses from the trailer for Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 epic "The Ten Commandments." (Image credit: Paramount/Wikipedia)
Screenshot of Charlton Heston as Moses from the trailer for Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 epic "The Ten Commandments." (Image credit: Paramount/Wikipedia)
'So Let It Be Done': As ABC Re-Airs 'Ten Commandments' for 45th Time, Here's What You Didn't Know About 1 Epic Special Effect
CBN News Steve Warren
Cecil B. DeMille's biblical epic about an original game of thrones played out between two Egyptian princes will be seen again on broadcast television this weekend.
The Academy Award-winning The Ten Commandments will air on the ABC television network at 7:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm Central, Saturday, April 20. 
Spoiler alert:  One prince wins the throne, while the other ends up as a messenger for the Most High. 
Except for one gap in 1999, the 1956 classic film, starring Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as Rameses, has been broadcast by ABC around Easter and Passover since 1973.   
The Ten Commandments remains one of the most popular films ever made. It was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects. 
It was also a box office hit. The film is the seventh-highest-grossing film of all time, adjusted for inflation, according to Wikipedia.  As of 2011, the movie was estimated to have brought in more than $2 billion. 
The cast reads like a who's who of old Hollywood. Along with Heston and Brynner, the film also stars Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson, Yvonne De Carlo, Debra Paget, John Derek, Vincent Price, and John Carradine.
The working title of the film was originally "Prince of Egypt." It was directed and produced by DeMille, who intended it as a remake of his earlier 1923 Paramount film The Ten Commandments
According to the Turner Classic Movies website, in the original theatrical version of the film before the opening title credits, DeMille is seen stepping from behind a curtain and onto a stage. He then directly addressed the viewing audience, telling them that the Bible omits approximately 30 years in its description of the life of Moses and that the filmmakers drew upon historical works such as those by Philo and Josephus and the Hebrew Midrash for the picture. 
The director also explained that the subject of Moses' life is particularly timely, as it deals with themes such as whether man is to be ruled by God's law or the whims of a dictator like Rameses. The director said the filmmakers' intent was "not to create a story but to be worthy of the story divinely created 3,000 years ago, the five books of Moses." 
The film also has the significance of having the most expensive special effect ever made for a film -- the parting of the Red Sea.
In April 1955 the New York Times reported the special effects team "built a 200,000 cubic-foot swimming pool and installed hydraulic equipment that could deluge the area with 360,000 gallons of water in two minutes flat."  
A May 20, 1955, Hollywood Reporter news item asserted that the Red Sea sequence would cost $500,000, both for filming and creating the special effects. The Times review, however, claimed that the scene "cost more than a million dollars and took 18 months to shoot."
Last year, Jeff Pfeiffer wrote an article posted to the TV Insider website about The Ten Commandments re-airing on ABC and asked the questions: Why is the film still so popular today when any film, including The Ten Commandments, is readily available via streaming or DVD?  And why do people still display a sometimes passionate desire to see ABC air this film every year at around the same time?
"This seems to be a case where it's not only the film itself but the tradition of watching it on television, most likely with family, that combines to make it a special event for many viewers, perhaps made stronger set against the backdrop of various spring holidays," he wrote. 
"Television times may have changed, but ABC's annual Easter airing of The Ten Commandments can still give (particularly older) viewers some sense of that comfort and familiarity," Pfeiffer continued. 
So this Saturday night, plan on spending some time with your family watching the movie... and pass the popcorn. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Matt and Laurie Crouch: TBN's Brand-New Show Encourages Women in a Way 'The View' Won't - Steve Strang

Strang Report, with Steve Strang
Monday, April 15, 2019
Matt and Laurie Crouch: TBN's Brand-New Show Encourages Women in a Way 'The View' Won't 

Victoria Osteen, Laurie Crouch and Christine Caine film a segment for TBN's "Better Together." (Facebook/Better Together TV)
Matt and Laurie Crouch are making some huge changes at TBN—the largest Christian television network in the world—since they took over from Matt's late parents several years ago. Next week TBN launches the first daily TV program made by women for women. I invited the Crouches onto my "Strang Report" podcast to talk about their new endeavor called Better Together that will launch April 22 at 10:30 a.m. PT. From what they told me, this show offers Christian women a type of encouragement and ministry they won't find on any other women's TV programs. (You can listen to the interview here or scroll to the end of the article.)

I've known Matt and Laurie since around the time they got married in 1985. We've traveled the world together and supported each other in ministry for years. So I was excited to interview them about their new, much-needed program.

"We started thinking about how, quite frankly, underserved the female audience is on Christian television," Matt tells me. "We have dynamic people like Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore and others, but as far as having regular programming on our network, Trinity Broadcasting, we wanted to change that. So about a year ago, we started dealing with set people—decorators, producers, all sorts of different people it takes to make a TV program."

Their goal is to create an atmosphere where women can have an authentic conversation about life and faith. Matt and Laurie have noticed throughout the years that whenever they attend a large dinner party, the women invariably congregate toward one end of the table and the men then go to the other end. Matt says that by the time the men sit down, the women are usually deep in conversation, fully engaged with each other. That's the dynamic the Crouches want for their new show.

"We [want to] basically create an atmosphere where women could sit facing each other—in our case that's a circle—and they could have genuine dialog," Matt says.

To do so, the Crouches hide small, high-quality, remote-controlled cameras around the set. They then roll the doors to the set closed so all the women are facing each other without the interruption of cameramen and cue cards. With women like Christine Caine, Victoria Osteen, Lisa Harper, Lisa Bevere, Holly Wagner, DeeDee Freeman, Jen Johnson and others, the conversation is ... read more 

Better Together with Matt and Laurie Crouch
Better Together with Matt and Laurie Crouch
38 Minutes - April 15th 2019
"Better Together" is Trinity Broadcasting Network's (TBN) first daily original program made by women for women. Listen to this interview with Matt and Laurie Crouch on why they developed the show. Hear who the guests will be to help develop a community of women doing life together.
The first episode airs April 22 at 10:30 AM Pacific Time. For more information visit www.tbn.org/programs/better-together.
Strang Report podcast
Strang Report podcastHot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach. Join host Steve Strang, founding editor and publisher of Charisma magazine, as he discusses these topics and challenges you to know what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally. Listen now
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James Goll: Revival, Appointments and God's Prophetic Calendar -THE ELIJAH LIST


Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...

 From the desk of Steve Shultz:
 I simply cannot say enough about Dr. James Goll. He literally is a "walking Bible" and knows the times and seasons we are in, including the many moves of God, past and present.
 James is one of the least boring people I know…and I mean that. He is vibrant in personality and in spirit.
 In our interview with James you'll be taken into:
  • The past 150 years of history dealing with revivals, 'great awakenings' and what we can expect in these times of acceleration
  • The bread of God's presence and how James reveals that this is the key to revival
  • Mighty shifts taking place in Washington DC with judges that will be appointments by President Trump and revelation regarding  a Deborah that will be appointed in the Supreme Court.
Don't miss out on this extreme revelatory episode with Dr. James Goll on Elijah Streams! I encourage you to get his products he hand-picked just for YOU to go along with his episode to take you much further and deeper with the Lord!

 Steve and Derene Shultz
 Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries


Learn how to pray effectively and decree key prophecies!
James Goll with Steve Shultz...
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 If you want to increase your spiritual senses and discernment, taste the bread of His presence, and develop the lifestyle of an effective watchmen, you won't want to miss out on this exciting offer from James Goll called: "Develop Your Senses! Learn to Discern the World Around You!"
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Steve and Derene Shultz
Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries


Elijah List - 528 Ellsworth St SW, Albany OR, 97321