Friday, June 9, 2017

The Rise of the Antichrist Spirit (Day 2) - Joel Richardson on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: The Rise of the Antichrist Spirit (Day 2) - Joel Richardson on The Jim Bakker Show

Joel Richardson
Jim Bakker Show 2017 | Show# 3256 | Aired on June 8, 2017

America, Christian, Donald Trump, Islam, News

A Morningside Studios Production

Pastor Jim and Lori discuss the rising corruption within society today that is the antichrist spirit. With special guest Joel Richardson.


If we are ever going to defeat or come against radical Islamic terrorism, we have to at least be able to call it for what it is. -Joel Richardson
The beast, the system of the beast is right in front of us and we have to come together again, as Christians of all stripes to cry out and say “Lord give us a spirit of repentance and revival over this nation.” It’s really very simple. -Joel Richardson


Matthew 12:25 MEV But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.
Ephesians 2:1 KJV And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.
1 John 2:15 MEV Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Daniel 10:13 MEV But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for twenty-one days. So Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.


Why Some See Jesus in Wonder Woman CBN News 06-08-2017

Why Some See Jesus in Wonder Woman
CBN News 06-08-2017
Wonder Woman landed in theaters around the world and was a big hit among audiences everywhere. 
It's not just the action-packed battle scene that had people raving. Some say it's the Christ-like themes in the movie that's making audiences swoon.
"'Wonder Woman' movie was a Sunday movie," writer M. Hudson said in a review for
"The Wonder Woman movie is the story of Christ, and it is obvious from Director Patty Jenkins' decisions that this was planned. The movie is wrapped up in faux Greek mythology, true, but there's no mistaking the Christology here," Hudson says. "To make sure you're getting the message, the cinematographer practically hits you over the head with it in shots such as Diana descending slowly to the ground in the attitude of the cross."
Hudson also describes how Diana has to leave her heaven-like planet to defeat the evil one on earth and bring peace to mankind. He says this is a direct comparison of Jesus coming down to defeat Satan and bring freedom through salvation. 
However, Film reviewer Michael Foust isn't convinced and says he saw little to no Christian content in the movie. 
"We see a couple of nuns, but that's it," he wrote on
He's also not a fan that much of the movie takes place in a universe of Greek Gods. 
"Wonder Woman may take place in the real world, but its worldview is grounded within the Greek universe of gods and goddesses. It's a world where gods can have multiple offspring, battle one another and then die. Certainly, families of young children may want to address the subject of false gods, but the film provides an equally significant topic," Foust continued. 
"'Only love can save the world,' she (Diana) says. We'll call it 'Wonder Woman theology,' and lots of our friends and family members believe it. Scripture says something very different (Romans 3:10-23; Ecclesiastes 7:20). We're dreadful, sin-filled creatures in need of a Savior (John 3:16). In other words, there are no good people."
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New Faith-Based Film Reveals the Horrific Reality of John 15:20 - MICHAEL IRELAND/ASSIST CHARISMA NEWS

(Public Domain)

New Faith-Based Film Reveals the Horrific Reality of John 15:20

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"America will stand by followers of Christ in this hour of need," U.S. Vice President Mike Pence told the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians, the recent conference on the topic of persecution held in the nation's capital.
"Our administration is fully committed in bringing relief and comfort to believers, not only across the Middle East but across the world," he said.
People from 130 countries were represented at the summit, which was organized by evangelist Franklin Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
So what is happening to Christians around the world that is worrying so many people?
Clarion Project's new film Faithkeepers uncovers the horrific reality faced by so many simply for being who they are.
In the Middle East, the birthplace of Christianity, Christians and other minorities are being violently persecuted, driven out of their homes, and killed," the Faithkeepers team says. "Their places of worship are being destroyed, and their history is being erased."
Across the world, but particularly in the Middle East, Christians and other religious minorities are persecuted for their faith. Most of this persecution is meted out at the hands of radical Islam, although by no means all of it.
In Iraq and Syria, ravaged by war, Christians, Yazidis and other minority groups are suffering grievously under the yoke of terrorist groups like the Islamic State. Christian communities that fall under their control are given a simple choice: convert to Islam, pay the jizya, a humiliating protection tax, or die.
Thousands of Yazidi women and girls were kidnapped into sex slavery and sold in the markets of Mosul and Raqqa. They have suffered unimaginably.
"Faithkeepers gives face and voice to the humanitarian crisis and genocide affecting millions in the Middle East as a result of religious and ethnic persecution," the Faithkeepers team added.
"The film is a testament to the stories of the persecuted and an inspiring portrait of the human spirit. Faithkeepers—the movie and movement— will awaken, enlighten and inspire all people of faith to stand up and take action."
In an exclusive interview with Faithkeepers Producer Paula Kweskin by Elliot Friedland, obtained by ASSIST News Service (, she was asked why she's so excited about her latest movie, which premiered on May 23.
"It brings much-needed attention to the horrific persecution faced by Christians and other minorities in the Middle East," she said.
What is the goal of Faithkeepers?
"We would like to awaken the Christian community and all people of conscience to understand and be empowered to take action on behalf of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East who are experiencing genocide. We feel there is a real lack of information and this is first and foremost a film to educate people and wake them up about this humanitarian crisis."
Asked what efforts is the U.S. government doing to protect Christians in the Middle East and is it enough? Kweskin said: "Congress has taken a number of steps to protect Christians and other minorities in the Middle East.
"House Concurrent Resolution 75, which passed the House of Representatives in March 2016, correctly states 'the atrocities perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against Christians, Yezidis, and other religious and ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.' The bill is currently awaiting passage through the Senate but if passed it will push the U.N. and other international bodies, working with U.S. leadership, to establish war crimes tribunals for ISIS leaders and take other more robust steps to tackle ISIS. There are other proposed bills, including one which would expedite the asylum process for Christians and other minorities fleeing ISIS persecution.
(Editor's Note: HR (House Resolution) 390, 'The Iraq and Syria Emergency Genocide Relief and Accountability Act' passed the U.S. House of Representatives on the evening of June 6 by unanimous consent).
"In addition, President Trump has increased the number of soldiers deployed to Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS and earlier this year he gave Defense Secretary Mattis the authority to set troop levels in Iraq and Syria. This means the U.S. military has the freedom to commit the forces it needs to eliminate ISIS, working with local partners on the ground."
"We have a three-pronged call to action: awareness, advocacy, and aid. Visit our website for more information on how exactly to help ( ):
Awareness: Spread the word by posting the trailer on your Facebook page or sending it to family and friends – each one of has the capacity to do that and awareness leads to action.
Advocacy: Speak to elected officials and make sure they are engaged on the issue and are supporting steps to end the genocide and help these communities.
Aid: We are collecting funds to distribute to selected charities and organizations in the region doing critical work on the ground."
What needs to be done to help Christians and other minorities who are now returning to villages and towns that were devastated by ISIS?
"First and foremost, there has to be strong security in place. But we can't just protect them, we also have to help them rebuild. Right now they're going back to destroyed churches and homes and are in a terrible situation. We need to give them the support to restore their devastated communities, whether that is politically, economically or in other ways. But I don't think it will be possible for them to return unless there is a strong effort from the international community to assist them, not just in the short term but in the long term."
How do you respond to people who say the United States has already wasted too much blood and treasure in the Middle East and that it's not our problem to fix?
"This is a humanitarian mission that goes beyond any one country. I see a genocide happening and I feel compelled to act. Minorities in the Middle East are a stabilizing and moderating force in the region.
"A strong, peaceful and diverse Middle East is definitely in America's interests." 
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Israel Excitedly Welcomes US Ambassador Nikki Haley - Israel Today

Israel Excitedly Welcomes US Ambassador Nikki Haley

Wednesday, June 07, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
Just days after threatening to withdraw the US from the UN Human Rights Council over its sick obsession with Israel, Ambassador Nikki Haley on Wednesday landed in the Jewish state, where she was warmly welcomed.
Haley is in the country for three days, during which time she will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin.
She'll also visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem and tour Israel's northern and southern borders.
Haley's colleague, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, will accompany her throughout the visit.
Haley is perhaps the most outspoken supporter of Israel in a Trump Administration that boasts not a few lovers of the Jewish state.
As Haley arrived on Wednesday, Danon told her: "We are honored to welcome you to our country and thank you for standing resolutely by our side. We look forward to showing you our beautiful country as we work together to further strengthen our alliance."
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In your heart today.

MUSIC FRIDAY! - I Belong To You & Spend My Life With You - Phil Keaggy (HQ)


I Belong To You 

Spend My Life With You
 - Phil Keaggy

Ph'lip Side (1980)

Phil Keaggy, one of the most, if NOT the greatest, guitarists of all time! Phil has been around since at least the late '60s. I "discovered" Phil in the early 1970's, and I am glad I did.

His sweet songs just captured my heart, enduring me to his music for decades. I know I have all his CDs, and a few vinyl albums at that (including this one, Ph'lip Side, which has to be my favorite), along with What A Day and Love Broke Through.


And he has been playing his guitars with just nine fingers! (Phil Keaggy - bio)

Thanks Phil!

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA

Phil Keaggy and Steve Martin - 2004

In 2004, Phil graciously accepted the invitation to come and play during the memorial service of Derek Prince, an event we had as staff in honor of Derek's passing at the age of 88. It was held at Forest Hill Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Other guest speakers included John Hagee, Mahesh Chavda and Jim Croft. 

Afterwards I had the honor of taking Phil to the Charlotte airport, after this photo above was taken. 

Phil played two songs during the service, and spoke highly of the influence of Derek's Bible teaching - his love for God's Word and Israel. Both of these foundational teachings were "instrumental" in Phil's discipled, Christian life he said.

Such a pleasant guy! On the way to his flight in the car he gave me a CD demo of his next album, with just a hand written label on it. Wish I still had that one!  (Maybe I do. I tend to save every memory I can.)

Be blessed in your listen to Phil's music and heart!

Steve Martin

P.S. Be sure to also listen to the second song featured this week - Spend My Life With You - below.

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2010
From Phil Keaggy's album: Ph'lip Side (August 1980)

-Sound Labs
-Hollywood, California
-Martinsound Studios
-Alahambra, Californoa
-Sound City Studios
-Van Nuys, California
-Smoketree Studios
-Catsworth, California


Dan Collins
Phil Keaggy
* Phil Keaggy: acoustic & electric guitars, vocals.
* Paul Leim: drums.
* Leon Gaer: electric synthesised bass.
* Richard Souther: piano, Rhodes, and synthesizers
* Alex Acuña: percussion.
* Dan Collins, Jamie Owens Collins, Greg X. Volz, Matthew Ward: Background Vocals.

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2010
From Phil Keaggy's album: Ph'lip Side (August 1980)

-Sound Labs
-Hollywood, California
-Martinsound Studios
-Alahambra, Californoa
-Sound City Studios
-Van Nuys, California
-Smoketree Studios
-Catsworth, California


Dan Collins
Phil Keaggy
* Phil Keaggy: acoustic & electric guitars, vocals.
* Paul Leim: drums.
* Leon Gaer: electric synthesised bass.
* Richard Souther: piano, Rhodes, and synthesizers
* Alex Acuña: percussion.
* Dan Collins, Jamie Owens Collins, Greg X. Volz, Matthew Ward: Background Vocals.