Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mentors: The Good, The Bad, The Awful By Barbara Wentroble

Mentors: The Good, The Bad, The Awful By Barbara Wentroble

By Barbara Wentroble, Identity Network

You think you've found a friend who will help you release your potential. But instead, you've attached yourself to someone who will stop at nothing to derail your hopes. Here's how to recognize the right and wrong kind of mentor.

Mary began baking cookies for her family and friends about 15 years ago and found great joy in it. Her cookies were so good that many people encouraged her to start her own cookie business. After just five years, her business is getting requests for shipments of cookies to areas all around the United States. Baking cookies for family and friends was easy, but cookies for people in distant places? "Could I do this? Is there anyone who can help?" she wondered. "How do I get my business to the next level? Is there someone to advise me?"

Lisa feels she has a call of God on her life. She remembers an encounter with the Lord when she was a teenager. Although that happened years ago, Lisa never forgot the commitment she made to God. She promised Him that she would preach His Word. Now, many years later, she senses it is time to act on her promise. How should I begin? she asks herself. I wish there was someone who could help me get started.

Mary and Lisa are like thousands of other women. They want to obey God and fulfill their God-given destinies, but they know they cannot do it alone. They need a mentor.

Many women find themselves in situations similar to what happened when I was just starting out in ministry. I needed help, but I didn't have anyone to turn to. Instead, I read every book I could find that I thought would help me. I attended any seminar or conference that seemed relevant. I devoured the Bible and any Bible study book I could find. I spent long periods of time in fasting and prayer.

There's a more effective way called "mentoring" or "coaching," which is the process of developing not only skills, but also character. A quality mentor is a respected and trusted counselor or guide. There's something in the mentor that the protégé wants for herself. The mentoree knows she is inexperienced and is confident that she will receive excellent benefits and empowerment from the mentoring relationship.

Throughout the Bible, we can find examples of mentoring relationships. Elisha was willing to forsake everything in order to follow Elijah, the powerful prophet of his time. Even when Elijah encouraged Elisha to remain behind while he was traveling to various cities, Elisha refused. He knew what he was after! He wanted God's resources found in Elijah.

As a result of Elisha's faithfulness to Elijah, Elisha received a double portion of the anointing. Elisha performed twice as many miracles in his life as Elijah did during his ministry.

The apostle Paul mentored young Timothy; the New Testament is full of the wisdom of Paul in his letters to Timothy. Where would we be in the church today without those writings? As a result of Paul mentoring Timothy, this rich inheritance has helped shape church history (see 1 Tim. and 2 Tim.).

Good mentors can affect future generations. Their lives are good role models for up-and-coming leaders.

Beware of Toxic Mentors

Finding the right mentor is not always easy. There are many instances where mentors have caused serious problems and brought pain to the ones they were mentoring. These mentors are what I call "toxic mentors" and can be like poison to the protégé. Following are some of the different types of toxic mentors.

The Busy Bee. This type of mentor reminds you that you are one in a multitude of people needing her help. She will fit you in only when it is convenient to her schedule. The mentoree fights feelings of "taking a number." Surely all the other people in the life of the Busy Bee are more important than she is!

Busy schedules are easy to understand. When possible, schedule phone calls and visits. This will help both parties.  However, emergencies do happen. What I have told the people I have mentored through the years is, "If you can't get help when you really need it, what good is the mentor?"

The Slave Master. The Bible speaks of leaders having the heart of a servant. The Slave Master interprets this as permission to use the mentoree as her personal slave. The mentoree ends up as a glorified "gopher" of sorts-running errands, babysitting, doing chores and other such tasks. Learning the Word of God and prayer can get lost in the many everyday jobs that the mentoree is expected to do. This dysfunction causes abusive "master/slave" relationships.

The Controller. The mentor wants to know about every decision and the location of the mentoree at all times. Permission must be granted for all decisions in life. Should the mentoree make a decision without permission, the mentor usually responds in a couple of different ways. Sometimes the mentor will lash out in anger. Anger is a powerful tool that keeps the protégé fearful and insecure. If anger doesn't work, the mentor will use guilt, condemnation and whatever else it takes to keep the mentoree under her control.

The Critic. This mentor finds fault with every leader and mentor she has known both past and present. All other mentors fall short of your mentor. Her gifts are the only perfect ones. Your gifts are very insignificant and could never measure up to hers. For your own protection, you need to stay under her mentoring and hope to someday arrive at the level where she is. Your calling and destiny in God's plan seem unobtainable.

Healthy Mentors

There are other types of toxic mentors, but the above list gives you an idea of what I am talking about. Not all mentors fall into those categories. Some mentors are exactly what each of us need in our lives. Following are some of the characteristics of good mentors.

Same Spiritual DNA. Medical experts have been using DNA testing for a number of years. They do this to determine who a person is and who their offspring are. Children have the same DNA as their parents and exhibit some of the same physical and emotional characteristics. A mentoree will usually have the same "spiritual DNA" as her mentor. They have the same vision, purpose in life, character and spiritual giftings.

Sees Your Potential. The mentor sees beyond where you are today. She sees things in you that you may not see in yourself. She sees things that your family, teachers and friends may not see.

The mentor does not limit you to your past. She sees not just where you have been, but where you are going. She is able to see the great potential in you and refuses to give up until that potential is released!

Jane came from a background of abuse, neglect and rejection. After giving her heart to Jesus, she sensed the Lord had a plan for her life, but the emotions and inner turmoil from the past haunted her. Jane loved to sing, but felt her voice was not as good as others. Besides that, she could never imagine herself being used by the Lord.

She attended many of the meetings where I was speaking and was so hungry for the Lord. I encouraged Jane simply to stand next to me while I ministered one-on-one at the end of my services.

Soon, she was ministering with me, giving individuals prophetic words. This began to build a confidence in Jane and after a period of time, I asked her to sing prophetically over the people I ministered to. How surprised she was when she discovered she could do that!

Today, Jane is used by the Lord to sing and prophesy. She releases a powerful, healing anointing as she ministers. Jane had a wonderful prophetic potential on the inside. She merely needed someone to pull on that potential until it was released!

Role Model. Do not look for perfection in a mentor; no one is perfect other than Jesus. However, there must be respect for the mentor. A mentor is a role model.

A mentoree should respect not only the gifts in the mentor, but also the character. How does the mentor handle times of difficulty, family life, finances? Answers to these questions will help you decide if a certain individual is the right mentor, the right role model for you.

Agreement. Both mentor and mentoree must agree on the mentoring process. Agree on the length of time for the mentoring. Agree that if the mentoring is not working for either party, freedom is to be released.

God has times and seasons on His calendar. We need to be willing to shift into a new season when the time for the last season has ended.

Many advantages are available in having a mentor. Usually the mentoree gets to do things faster than the mentor did. I want those I mentor to run faster in the Lord than I did and to accomplish more and do it with a higher level of excellence.

Finishing Strong

A good mentor will help you develop skills and character that will affect you for the rest of your life. A good mentor also will help you stay focused. It is so easy to want to do many things, but these distractions can keep us from fulfilling the plan of God for our lives.

Kim is a very creative person. She loves to spend time cooking, writing, composing music and decorating. The problem is that she often gets frustrated because she cannot get any one task completely done. Her mentor helped Kim learn how to prioritize and set goals.

With her goals identified and set in front of her, Kim learned how to prioritize her daily activities. Within just a few weeks, Kim ran into her mentor's office, ecstatic that she had accomplished more in the last month than she had in almost a year.

Oftentimes a mentor can help us see through the fog around us. They can see what we often cannot. Breaking some old lifestyles can propel us toward our destinies. It takes focus to stay on the path and to go where God is taking us.

Through the years, I have either heard about or witnessed many powerful ministry leaders who failed to finish their course well. The apostle Paul gave a strong admonition when he said,"Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win" (1 Cor. 9:24, NLT). Mentors will help a person to complete the journey the Lord has prepared and to finish strong.

My prayer is that you and I will be remembered for finishing strong. May someone say of us at the end of life that we fulfilled the purposes of God in our generation! (See Acts 13:36.)

Pray and ask the Lord to lead you to the right mentor. Set your heart on desiring to be a vessel of honor for Him.

Ask God to free you from the effects of any toxic mentors you may have had and to give you greater discernment. Thank Him for sending into your life someone who can help you finish your course. With God's help and the right kind of mentoring, you will successfully finish your race and receive all that He has for your life.

Barbara Wentroble
Schizophrenic God
Finding Reality in Conflict, Confusion, and Contradiction
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Hamas Leader Sends Granddaughter to Israel for Treatment - ISRAEL TODAY

Hamas Leader Sends Granddaughter to Israel for Treatment

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 |  Ryan Jones, Israel Today  
Israel is the devil and the merciless foe of the Palestinian Arabs. Except for when a Palestinian leader or one of his or her family members needs emergency medical care.
Israel on Sunday provided such treatment to Amal Haniyeh, granddaughter of Gaza-based Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, of all people.
The one-year-old girl had reportedly deteriorated to critical condition after contracting an acute infection of her digestive tract. Seemingly without hesitation, Haniyeh sent the girl to Israel, and the Jewish state, equally without hesitation, opened its arms to help the child.
Nor was little Amal the first member of the Haniyeh family to receive medical care from Israel. In the summer of 2012, Haniyeh's brother-in-law was rushed across the border to receive urgent heart treatment at a hospital near Tel Aviv.
Now, this is nothing new on the Israeli side of the equation. Hundreds of Palestinians from Gaza enter Israel every month for medical treatment, some of it life-saving.
But for Haniyeh himself to send his own flesh and blood into what he and other Hamas leaders describe as the lion's den certainly must send the wrong kind of message.
Speaking at a conference on education last year, Haniyeh labeled Israel "a cancerous tumor that must be removed and uprooted," and urged Palestinian school teachers to "raise a generation that will fight and liberate the Palestinians from the occupation."
And, no, his definition of "occupation" is not confined to the pre-1967 armistice lines.
"The armed...struggle [is] the path and the strategic choice for liberating the Palestinian land, from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river, and for the expulsion of the invaders and usurpers [Israel]... We won't relinquish one inch of the land of Palestine," Haniyeh stated in December 2011 on the occasion of Hamas' 24th anniversary.
Two months later in Tehran, Haniyeh insisted that Hamas would "never recognize Israel," regardless of any peace agreement reached between Israel and other Palestinian leaders.
One must wonder, if Hamas' long-term strategic goals are met, where then will Haniyeh send his family when they become ill?
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Colossians 4:2

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Secular Humanists Attack Franklin Graham's Operation Christmas Child

Secular Humanists Attack Franklin Graham's Operation Christmas Child

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham
An organization of nonbelievers is threatening legal action against public schools that participate in an evangelical Christian charity that delivers Christmas toys to poor children.
The American Humanist Association, a national advocacy organization with 20,000 members nationwide, sent letters this week to two public elementary schools after parents complained their children were being asked to collect toys and money for Operation Christmas Child.
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an evangelical relief organization founded by Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham. Its stated mission is “to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.”
The toys collected by Operation Christmas Child come with an invitation for recipients to accept Christianity. Since its founding in 1993, Operation Christmas Child has sent 100 million boxes of toys to poor children.
According to the humanist association, East Point Academy in West Columbia, S.C., has organized a toy drive and raised funds for the charity for at least three years. A second school, SkyView Academy in Highlands Ranch, Colo., has participated for “several years” and has acknowledged packaging 500 toy boxes in 2012.
Both schools received letters from the AHA informing them their actions are unconstitutional. The same day it received the letter, East Point Academy said it would cut its ties with the charity out of “an abundance of caution because we do not want to expend school financial resources defending a lawsuit.”
Monica Miller, legal counsel for the AHA’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center, said the schools are violating the First Amendment’s guarantee of the separation of church and state and its ban against government endorsement of religion.
“There is also a problem of a lack of transparency,” she said. “One of the parents was not aware of the Christian nature (of Operation Christmas Child) and he let his kids participate because he assumed the school would not promote religion.”
In its letter to the schools, AHA described the toys as “bribes,” and Miller said schoolchildren were also promised incentives for participation, such as pizza parties and free dress days.
Kelly Wells, a spokeswoman for the DeMoss Group, a public relations firm that represents Samaritan’s Purse, said in an email that the organization is aware that public schools participate in its annual toy drive but does not know how many are involved.
“The project is very clear in its marketing material and website that its mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world,” Wells wrote. “Therefore, Operation Christmas Child’s goal is to to generate participation in and through local churches and like-minded groups . . . Of course, any person or group is welcome to participate in packing shoebox gifts if they so choose.”
The AHA has not yet heard from the Colorado school, and Miller said the association will pursue a lawsuit if the school does not terminate its participation.

Love For His People Editor's Note: I worked for two seasons at the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child annual project in Charlotte, NC. It is a very well run organization, blessing literally millions of kids. I highly commend and support Franklin Graham for his integrity and leadership.
Steve Martin

President Obama, Are You Really a Christian?

President Obama, Are You Really a Christian?

President Obama
President Obama
Mr. President, I thank you for this opportunity to share the following with you.
After graduating from Cleveland State University, where I was privileged to serve as the president of our student body, I was selected for a post at the AFL-CIO headquarters across the street from the White House, your home. One day I bumped into President Nixon as he exited his limo, and I asked him this question: "Mr. President, do you read the Bible?"
The smile he tried to swallow surfaced on his face as he replied with a wink and a nod, "I not only read it, I even quote from it sometimes!"
Although Richard Nixon knew Bible verses, when I reflect on that interchange I still wonder if he was really a born-again Christian. The fruit and witness of his life are a tragedy and make it suspect, so I leave the eternal destiny of this departed leader in the hands of God. 
President Obama, would you allow me to share with you that I and scores of others have similar doubts about your conversion and the authenticity of your Christianity? I say up front that while I'm in disagreement with many of your policies and beliefs, I do love you and pray for you every single day. I affirm your God-given leadership gifting and your exemplary role as a husband and a father to your two lovely daughters. Yet I must be honest with you: I'm not sure you're really a Christian
Will you allow me to present my reasons and, if you're not, to challenge you to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ at a time when America desperately needs your moral leadership? After political leader William Wilberforce was genuinely converted, he became the leader in the abolition of the slave trade in England that reverberated later to America. He brought about a righteous transformation, but it was accomplished after a true born-again experience that catapulted him to victory because of the blessing of God on his life.
Mr. President, as multitudes observe you lately, you seem to be under a heavy burden and striving to make things happen through the power of your own will, through clever obfuscation and through manipulation of the masses. Your signature issue of Obamacare is imploding. The promises you made to the American people regarding keeping our health plans, keeping our doctors, saving us money and insuring more than 30 million people with free medical care without adding "one dime to the federal deficit" appear to be lies and deception to informed and perceptive Americans. 
You told us this would be the most transparent administration ever. Is it? More than a year has elapsed, and you have yet to deliver the promised answers on the four Americans left to die in Benghazi. You assured us you would restore civility to political discourse. You talked of economic growth and recovery and stimulus packages that have delivered a paltry return on all our tax money.
One senior commentator stated, "Obama has told more whoppers than Burger King has sold!" Maybe this produces a laugh, but the tragedy is watching your credibility disintegrate daily while watching you squirm uncomfortably behind your podium. The majority don't see you as trustworthy anymore, and this is a terrible reflection on your so-called Christian testimony. 
But then again, maybe the label has been applied prematurely and God is using these events to bring you providentially to a place of desperation. Could the God who created you and gifted you in such incredible ways be orchestrating things to bring you to a newfound relationship with Himself?
On Tuesday your former nemesis, President George W. Bush, will make a rare TV appearance on the Tonight Show. Having a brush with death recently due to a heart problem, Jay Leno may interject something spiritual into the interview. If so, "W" may repeat something he's said previously regarding hisChristian faith and the confidence it gives him. He has been exemplary in his attitude toward you since leaving the White House, and maybe this statement gives us a clue into his excellent character. He has said, "When you turn your heart and your life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as the Savior, it changes your heart." This he learned after a soul-searching conversation with Billy Graham that led him to his born-again experience.
A changed life is at the core of a genuine conversion experience. This is what separates the authentic from the counterfeit when so many Americans—some polls say 80 percent—profess to be Christian, yet something seems terribly amiss as we survey our society today. And with all due respect, that's where I and countless others find ourselves sincerely questioning your stated spiritual identity of "I'm aChristian."
Are you?
Not that long ago, another former president, Jimmy Carter, shared that his conversion to Christ came when confronted by this challenging inquiry: "If you were arrested for being a Christian today, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Convicted of his religious hypocrisy and self-righteousness, the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga., repented and was genuinely born again, as Jesus stated each person must be in order to become a child of God. Admittedly, where he's at today is another story!
Immediately this poses a problem with your expressed theology. Scripture clearly teaches that while all people are loved by God, created in God's image and are to be treated with dignity as God's creation, only those who repent and put their total trust in God's only begotten Son are designated children of God. (See John 1:12.) That may not be popular or politically correct, but it's fact according to divinerevelation.
Yet you say what scores of people mistakenly or ignorantly embrace: "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people. We are all children of God."
Being incorrect on this fundamental of the faith is but one of many areas that cause many to sincerely question your understanding of the true nature of Christianity as well as the legitimacy of your conversion. And if you hold that we all are God's children, why won't you defend the least of these and most vulnerable—the unborn? Your 100-percent NARAL pro-abortion rating, your endorsement of taxpayer dollars for Plan B contraception, your support of partial-birth abortion, your opposition to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act and your speech to Planned Parenthood that ended with "God bless you!" leaves us dumbfounded.
Lest you and others stiffen at this point and say, "Hold it! Religion is personal. That's disrespectful. Doesn't the Bible state, 'Judge not'?" let's  be clear here on what Jesus actually said. He stated, "Judge with righteous judgment" (John 7:24) while cautioning us to avoid anything hypocritical, mean-spirited or unredemptive.
When it comes to leaders, righteous judgment is not an elective but a directive so we'll know their character and the values that shape their positions on critical issues affecting our lives. Also, we must examine their fruit (what they're producing), which takes time, something I and millions have afforded you. To simply give you a pass here because of the historic nature of your election or because of your race is idolatry and must be categorically rejected once and for all. America is imploding rapidly, and we cannot afford to remain ignorant or complacent or to retreat at this watershed moment.
Jesus Christ stated, "Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit" (Matt. 7:17). While I want to honor you in your position as our commander in chief, I respectfully submit that we are seeing lots of "bad fruit" coming from a tree most likely in need of real redemption. The Good News of the gospel begins with this recognition!
Mr. President, examining your beliefs, policies, social leanings and character lead us to this reasonable conclusion. Much of them are inconsistent with living out the biblical worldview that is to characterize an authentic, obedient Christian. It also encourages other high-profile Catholic Christians like Kathleen Sebelius, Nancy Pelosi and Caroline Kennedy to continue in their wayward paths. 
We all know you went to a Catholic school in a Muslim country. I, too, had 12 years of parochial school upbringing but wasn't truly born again till the age of 20. Later, after an admitted lifestyle of drug usage and fornication (cohabitation), you straightened out somewhat in Chicago and joined Trinity United Church of Christ, pastored by Jeremiah Wright.
You spent 20 years there but later disassociated yourself as public scrutiny of the reverend and his teachings became uncomfortable for you. As I proceed, know that I definitely cut you some slack here because this represents your formative years in the Christian faith. We know that the content of a church's message determines the authenticity of its converts. 
My question to you is this: Have you ever received correct instruction in the Christian faith? 
It's probably uncomfortable to hear this forthright and honest inquiry into your spiritual life, but we all need people in our lives who will tell us not what we want to hear but what we need to hear. You are surrounded by many who receive their direction from you and desire to please you (and keep their jobs!). Yet what is at stake is your eternal destiny. 
As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, remember he was only 46 when he met his untimely death. You're 52. "No one knows the day nor the hour."  The very shoes we tie in the morning can be untied by a funeral director that night.
Franklin Graham was asked not long ago about your faith. He's an honest man who pulls no punches. "I don't know if he's a Christian," he said.
On the other hand, your former religious adviser Joshua Dubois appears on national TV promoting his new book, The President's Devotional. He testified to your faith in glowing terms: "The President is a committed Christian. ... He practices his faith spending time in the Oval Office with pastors praying for him. ... He went up the side of a mountain to visit Billy Graham. ... He has a yearly prayer call with pastors on his birthday. ... He really lives it out. ... I'd rather have a leader who lives a sermon than preaches one!"
Mr. President, these are all commendable activities, but most of us know atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and humanitarians who also are good husbands and fathers, who pray with others, who do good deeds and visit the sick. What really matters is this: Are they—and are you—born again?
Jesus told a learned, very religious man, "Unless one is born again, he cannot see [or enter] the kingdom of God" (John 3:3, 5). How's that for straight talk?
Years ago, Charles Colson, White House special counsel and "hatchet man" for President Nixon, was radically transformed when he repented and yielded his life to Jesus Christ. He penned a bestseller entitled Born Again to share his journey. May I suggest it for your next reading?
Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matt. 7:21). The key here is not merely a declaration but a demonstration—obedience to God's Son and His Words as revealed in sacred Scripture.
Years ago, at Moody Church in your hometown of Chicago, a famous pastor spoke with an elderly man who confessed to the pastor his uncertainty about his conversion experience. He told the pastor how he longed for some definite witness that he could not mistake.
"Suppose," said the pastor, "that you had a vision of an angel who told you your sins were forgiven and you were genuinely converted. Would that be enough to rest on?"
"Yes," the man replied. "I think it would. An angel would be great!"
The pastor continued, "Suppose on your deathbed Satan came and said, 'I was that angel, transformed to deceive you.' What would you say then?"
The gentleman was speechless.
The pastor smiled and put his arm around the shoulder of the older gentleman and said the following: "God has given us something much more trustworthy and authoritative than the voice of an angel. Consider an angel supposedly launched the Mormon faith and Islam! God has given us His Son and His authoritative Word."
That is enough to rest on—if we will humble ourselves and follow in obedience. 
The 7 Biblical Marks of an Authentic Christian
Mr. President, the words of the Lord Jesus Christ are clear on what it really means to be His disciple, aChristian. There is scarcely any room for misunderstanding if we will accept what He says at face value. Here are the terms as communicated by the Savior Himself:
1. A supreme love for Jesus Christ (Luke 14:26).
2. A denial of self (Matt. 16:24).
3. A deliberate choosing of the cross (Matt. 16:24).
4. A life spent following Christ (Matt. 16:24).
5. A fervent love for all who belong to Christ (John 13:35).
6. And unswerving continuance in His Word (John 8:31).
7. A forsaking of all to follow Him (Luke 14:33).
I must alert you, as Jesus did those to whom He preached, that it is wise to first "count the cost." There are many positions you hold that are totally incompatible with biblical teaching, no matter how many liberal Bible scholars have told you otherwise. These positions will have to change if you follow Jesus and obey His Word. 
For instance:
  • "Jesus is a historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man ... and he's also a wonderful teacher." Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. 
  • "I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power." There is salvation in no one else except through Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. 
  • "I'm a big believer in tolerance. I'm a progressive Christian." While we should respect everyone's beliefs, we can't respect everyone's conduct. 
  • "I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell." The path to salvation is open to all, but it is narrow, excluding all who reject God's free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. 
  • "Parts of the Bible may be modified to accommodate modern life." Extreme caution is needed here, as we have a mandate to "rightly divide the Word of truth."
  • "What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, I will be rewarded. I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die." Salvation comes as a result not of good deeds we do but totally as a gift of God received by faith and with a certainty of heaven upon one's death. 
  • "Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God's will—they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths." At conception, a separate human being is created in God's image and deserves full protection and care until the child is born.
  • Regarding homosexuality and gay marriage, "I am not willing to accept a reading of the Bible that consists of an obscure line from Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount." Throughout the entire Bible, the practice of homosexuality is declared as sinful and contradicting of God's design for human relationships, marriage and family. 
Thank you for listening, Mr. President! If what I have communicated resonates with you, I'd suggest you give a call to the Rev. Billy Graham and let him pray with you, as he has other presidents for decades. What a phenomenal gift it would be to this man who just celebrated his 95th birthday and has spent his lifetime introducing people to an authentic relationship with God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Respectfully, I am
Larry Tomczak
Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author and cultural commentator with over 40 years of trusted ministry experience. His passion is to bring perspective, analysis and insight from a biblical worldview. He loves people and loves awakening them to today's cultural realities and the responses needed for the bride of Christ—His church—to become influential in all spheres of life once again.

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