Monday, February 24, 2014

Unlocking the Power of a Jesus-Focused Life by Ruth Lopez Whitfield

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A few years ago, while stepping down off the back patio at a friend’s house, I lost my footing, twisted my ankle and fell. As a result, I found myself face down on a brick walkway, grateful that I had hurt only my ankle.
Although the area began to swell, I didn’t think the injury would be much of a deterrent to my activities. After all, it was only a simple sprain, and I expected my ankle to continue to function as usual.
However, what I thought was a simple sprain proved to be not only painful but also very inconvenient. The ankle affected the foot, and the foot affected my entire body. Since I could place no weight on it, the rest of my body had to make up for what the right foot could no longer do.
I was never really aware of this foot until it could no longer function without pain. I had taken walking pain-free for granted. Even after I injured it, I thought, “This isn’t going to hinder me. I’m going about my business as usual.”
I thought wrong!
Whereas previously I could walk from one place to another independently, I now had to lean on something or someone else and hobble to my destination. In addition, when I wasn’t hobbling, I had to elevate the foot to keep the swelling down. I was out of balance and my mobility was greatly curtailed.
It’s funny that I was never conscious of the foot until it demanded attention. Now even simple activities were tedious. It took the strength of a gymnast just to perform routine tasks in the bathroom!
I had not realized how much I depended on that foot until it was out of commission. Then what I had never taken notice of before became my focus.
I am not by nature a patient person. So when an obstacle over which I had no control came into my path, I didn’t react well. I wasn’t happy to discover my limitations!
But I knew there must be a lesson in it somewhere. So I prayed, “OK. What is it, Lord?”
After reflecting, I realized that what had happened to me is a natural picture of a spiritual truth. When we are focused on something in the distance, we can become careless. We think we are standing on solid ground, but unless we are conscious of where we step, we can fall.
Also, when part of the body is hurt and cannot function, as it should, we are no longer able to ignore that part; we must tend to it. In addition, the other parts must compensate for the lack. This is difficult because they are unaccustomed to the strain. All of them must learn to adjust.
The body of Christ functions the same way. As believers, we can be intensely focused on something “out there” and lose sight of whether we are standing on solid ground and our steps are ordered by the Lord (see Ps.37:23).
Although the apostle Peter warns us to be vigilant and watchful of the danger the enemy can put in our way (see 1 Pet. 5:8), we sometimes ignore the admonition if things are going well, and we tend to focus on the bigger picture while overlooking little things.
When we focus on the wrong things, we lose our balance, fall, get injured, and need help and time to heal. The other members must not only come to our rescue but also take up the slack for the vacuum we leave, adding to the weight the whole body must carry.
The wrong focus is the crux of the problem. When we focus on something in the distance—such as ministry, career, future plans—and lose sight of our immediate surroundings—family, finances, relationships—we may not see the danger close at hand, and we can fall. Paul the apostle warns: “Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10:12).
We need to be vigilant and careful about how we walk this life of faith. Let’s stay close to the Lord and allow Him to order our steps!
This week ask the Lord to direct your focus so that you are aware of the little things that may cause you to trip in your spiritual walk. As you pray for the nations remember to include your own nation and community. Pray for the local authorities and educators in your area. Pray that God would raise up godly leaders in each of these areas. Continue to pray for the president’s protection and that he have godly wisdom in all his dealings. Pray for our governmental, national, local and spiritual leaders. Remember Israel, the Middle East, our military and the persecuted church around the world. Ask God for more laborers for His already ripe harvest field. 1 Cor. 10:12; 1 Pet.5:8; Ps. 37:23.
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Charlie Brown knows...

Linus knows too... 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - Eva Haglund "God Loves the Jews"

A beautiful blue rose


God has not rejected the Jews. He loves them.

God loves all people -all have the same value but I also think that God see the Jewish people as a people unique. As different flowers all can be beautiful but different from each other. 

When the Jews were in Egypt and things happend around them - plagues as to Pharoah - God's heart was to do everything for the Jews so He fought for them to help them. He loved His people. He wanted them to go because He loved them and also for His own sake He did it. 

The signs He did brought glory to Him and He showed His power among people. He wanted generations to know, "that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your sons' son the mighty things I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have done among them, that you may know that I am the Lord". Ex. 10:2. 

God wanted His people also to have a feast for Him in the wilderness. Ex.5:1.  I am thinking that when God in His love has saved them out of Egypt that it would be natural for the children of Israel to have a feast for Him! They ought to be very thankful for what He had done and saved them when people came against them. In His love He even let the sea be dry so they could walk through it on dry land! 

It gives also hope for us that God can help us in circumstances. We will not drown in the "water" but God will bring us through by standing on the Word - the Bible. God`s heart is love.

I am thinking about that there were Jews who expected a king to come like a usual king but Jesus did not because He was different. He was a King who came as a servant and was a King of love with a purpose of love. He was willing to suffer as a King - a loving King willing to give His life for the people.

God had to send His son as His lamb without faults who had no sin and laid on him "the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6. Jesus was slaughtered at Calvary.The precious  lamb was slaughtered for our sake.
He who was God´s Son and a great King was willing to humble Himself as a servant and show the biggest love anyone can show. He could have chosen to go back to heaven but He choose to suffer the biggest pain anyone has carried. "He opened not His mouth" Isaiah.53:7.

The greatest love - giving His life for us in a terrible pain. He is also a real "King of the Jews".
God`s heart is crushed  for them. He gave all He had for them. He gave His Son.

It was a King who was willing to suffer for them - to give all He had.  In Gethsemane He had tears of blood in agony. He had so much agony because He knew before that He would suffer SO much for all people and for the Jews but He did it because He LOVED the Jews and all people.

Our heavenly Daddy has not rejected the Jews. He loves them SO much!

Salvation is in Jesus' name for everyone and for God's chosen people - the Jews.
"For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". John.3:16.

Eva Haglund.

 Den officiella flagga Israel ClipArt

Syrian Rebels Thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion

Syrian Rebels Thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion

Sunday, February 23, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Related Stories
Israeli GoodwillOne of the leaders of the Syrian opposition forces on Friday expressed his appreciation for the compassion and care offered to victims of Syria's ongoing civil war by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli people.
Speaking from Istanbul, Mohammed Badie told Israel Radio that he and other Syrian rebel leaders were deeply thankful for the goodwill fellow Syrians had experienced at the hands of Israel as they continue to struggle against the regime of Bashar Assad.
Badie said that Netanyahu's public visit to the Israeli army field hospital that processes wounded Syrians crossing the border had sent an "important message" both to average Syrians and the Assad regime.
Netanyahu visited the Golan Heights field hospital last Tuesday. After visiting with doctors and patients, the prime minister said in this very place the world could see the stark difference between Israel and the Islamist forces behind the daily brutality in Syria.
Israel has been highly critical of the Assad regime for its use of often exaggerated and indiscriminate force that results in massive casualties among civilians.
At the same time, many of the rebel groups (and there are many, some of which are warring with one another) have links to Al Qaeda and other Islamist extremists and have acted with even greater savagery against average Syrians, especially non-Muslims.
Meanwhile, Israel treats anyone and everyone who crossed the border in need of medical care. On average, some 100 Syrians are being processed each month by the IDF field hospital before being sent on to larger medical facilities in Israel for more advanced treatment.
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Presbyterian Church Rejects Anti-Israel Study Book, Boycott

Presbyterian Church Rejects Anti-Israel Study Book, Boycott

Sunday, February 23, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Senior members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) last week pushed back against a study guide recently published by one of its subsidiaries that attacks Zionism (both Christian and Jewish) as the source of the Israeli-Arab conflict.
Last month, the Israel Palestine Mission Network, an affiliated non-profit that falls under the PC(USA)'s umbrella, published the study guide "Zionism Unsettled," along with a companion DVD documentary.
The guide attacks Zionism as a supremacist interpretation of the Bible, and accuses mainstream Jewish groups of a conspiracy to silence criticism of Israel. It also chastises Christians for supporting a theology that it says is akin to the Christian beliefs that "contributed to the Nazi Holocaust, the genocide of Native Americans, and countless other instances of tragic brutality."
Needless to say, the publication of "Zionism Unsettled" was deeply concerning for the many Jews who had begun to see Christians as genuine and natural allies, following centuries of overt Christian anti-Semitism.
In a statement released to the media, the leadership of the PC(USA) sought to put those concerns to rest by distancing itself from "Zionism Unsettled," if not from the authors.
"The Israel Palestine Mission Network booklet was neither paid for nor published by the Presbyterian Church (USA)," the statement read.
For some Jewish leaders, that wasn't good enough, since the Israel Palestine Mission Network falls fully under the administrative umbrella of the PC(USA).
But other Presbyterian leaders stepped in to clarify that "Zionism Unsettled" not only doesn't reflect the views of the Church's mainstream membership, it is strongly rejected by those who truly love the Jewish people.
"My first response to my friends in the Jewish community with whom I associate on a monthly basis in a Jewish-Presbyterian dialogue group is to assure them that this does not represent even close to a majority opinion," Rev. Mike Cole, a Houston-area Presbyterian leader, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Rev. Katharine Rhodes Henderson, president of New York's Auburn Theological Seminary, added that "this document purports to be about love, but it actually expresses demonization, distortion and imbalance."
In related news, a delegation of 14 Presbyterian leaders from America were in Israel last week to get to know the Jewish state so as to better relate to the arguments and propaganda surrounding her.
Of note, the Presbyterian delegation visited the SodaStream factory in the Jewish settlement of Maaleh Adumim that was the focus of so much media attention prior to the Super Bowl.
When SodaStream contracted Hollywood super star Scarlett Johansson as its new spokesperson, anti-Israel groups looking to boycott the Jewish state threw a fit, prompting Johansson to stop her work with one such group in particular - Oxfam.
According to Israel National News, the Presbyterian leaders couldn't see what all the fuss was about, and agreed with Johansson that SodaStream's location in the so-called "West Bank" as an Israeli business providing jobs to hundreds of Palestinians is actually good for peace.
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God Must Love Drummers - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

God Must Love Drummers
by Steve Martin

“David, ceremonially dressed in priest's linen, danced with great abandon before God.” (2 Samuel 6:14 THE MESSAGE)

Drummers fascinate me. They beat on those skins. They bang on the cymbals. They give it all with such passion. Even as King David danced with great abandon before God, I know drummers who have given it their all, also in worship.

God must love drummers.

Laurie and I have led bands through two decades - in churches, conferences, and in public places outside of the church walls. Whether it was leading the Steve Martin & The Raiders band back in 2002 (did you get that CD? Well, no one else did either!), the Ahava Love Band from 2011-2013 (we did get some recordings with these great guys) or the worship teams with All Nations Church (1994-2001), Cornerstone Fellowship (2002-2004) or Antioch International Church on occasion (2011-2013), one thing I really appreciated were our drummers.

I remember all well, for each one had a special style. Combined with their joy and commitment to keep the foundation of the music going steady, the sound they generated would fill the place. Often during the set I would look back from my position in the front, give them a big smile of encouragement, and continue leading, along with them, the listeners and participants into the presence of the good Lord.

The list is long. Ron Bowen from Rock Hill, SC has probably played the most hours with us. Beginning with All Nations Church in 1998 or so, he was on the team for the Friday night all praise and prayer times we called The Watch of the Lord, with Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda. We’d lead worship from 10 pm until 6 am for years. Ron would be one of those banging on the drums. 

Ron Bowen on the drums
Steve Martin & The Raiders - 2002

When we started the Raiders, Ron was our drummer. Who was the drummer for Ahava Love Band? Ron Bowen of course. His heart for the Lord was contagious, and I loved seeing his big grin from behind the glass in the corner, filling the room with his joy and zeal for the Lord.

Steve, Laurie, Wane Daroux on bass...
and Ron Bowen on drums!
(both photos) 

Gilbert Crespo, All Nations Church, now playing in person for the Lord Jesus in heaven, was a perfectionist. His Caribbean flair just added immensely to his renditions. When we had guest worship leaders at our Mahesh Chavda Ministries conferences from 1995-2001, Gilbert was the drummer of choice. He recorded several CDs with Robert Stearns of Eagles Wing, and others.

Brian Cockfield of Cornerstone Fellowship, a mature drummer in his late 40s, seemed to always have this real seriousness about him. All knew it was coming from a firm love for the Lord. James DeVito, also at Cornerstone at the time we were, was a young guy with big aspirations. But getting him there on time was a challenge we helped him work through, because the Lord had His hand on James.

Matt Wyns of Antioch International Church was another favorite of mine. He had that particular look while playing, occasionally sharing a smile which you might catch coming out of the corner of his mouth, that let you know this was good stuff. I like Matt.

Savannah (I knew her mostly as Jill before she changed her name) could keep the rhythm with the best of them. Her Caribbean heritage also added greatly to her style.

When Laurie and I go to our home church of MorningStar in Fort Mill, SC every Sunday and for conferences, my heart is so blessed to see the young kids give it their all on the drums. Their passion for the Lord is so contagious, as I see them play with boldness and immense strength. For hours on end I think, some of them could go on and on and on. Little energizer bunnies.

You know why I believe the Lord loves drummers so much? Because as hard as His heart beats for the nations, I can see His expression of that love come through them as they share their talent and skill with the church body. Whether it is playing a soft, gentle love song, or a steady, warring anthem, these men, women and kids come to play their finest for the King.

Be it a little drummer boy or a mature man, full of wisdom and sensitivity to the moving of the Holy Spirit in their movements, God is so blessed by their expression of love for Him.

Keep on drumming guys! You serve the great King of kings, Commander of the Armies of Heaven, and soon returning Messiah, full of glory and song.

You have truly been a joy to team with, and now a joy to watch and worship alongside, for the glory of the Lord God of Israel.

Thank you my friends,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #123   “God Must Love Drummers”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.23.14) Sunday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Now Think On This & Ahava Love Letters can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Now Think On This & Ahava Love Letters