Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "I Raise My Eyes Upon the Mountains"

I raise my eyes upon the mountains, from where does my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.

PSALMS (121:1)

אֶשָּׂא עֵינַי אֶל הֶהָרִים מֵאַיִן יָבֹא עֶזְרִי עֶזְרִי מֵעִם יְ-הוָה עֹשֵׂה שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ

תהילים קכ’’א:א

e-sa ay-nai el he-ha-reem may-ai-yin ya-vo ez-ree ez-ree may-im a-do-nai o-say sha-mai-yim va-a-retz

Today's Israel Inspiration

This famous chapter in Psalms asks for God to provide assistance through all of life’s trying moments, but according to Jewish mysticism, it contains a specific secret formula as well. “From where does my help come” in Hebrew is ‘from where does my עזרי come from. This is the same word used in Genesis when God creates Eve to be an עזר כנגדו/ a ‘help mate’ for Adam. Accordingly, Psalm 121 is considered to be particularly potent when praying for an appropriate spouse, as in ‘my help mate comes from the Lord.’

"Masada of the North"

Get a beautiful vantage point of Israel's northern treasure, known as "Masada of the North." Here, Jews in the times of the Second Temple led a strong defense against the mighty Romans. (Trivia spoiler alert!)

Will Israel Stop Cancer in its Tracks?

Israel has long been on the cutting-edge of cancer research. One company is now working on a drug meant to halt cancer recurrence.

Hebrew Name Necklace

Stay connected to your biblical roots by wearing your Hebrew name proudly! Don’t know your Hebrew name? No problem! Many English names derive from Hebrew names in the Bible, and the rest have etymological or spiritual cousins in Biblical sources. Just include your English name and we’ll find the Hebrew name in the Bible that’s most closely connected to yours.

Israel Photo Trivia

Ilan Rosen's photo features a magnificent landmark in northern Israel. One look at the hump-like shape of the hill is enough to understand why it was given its name, which comes from the Hebrew word for camel/ גמל ("gamal"). Can you guess its name? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Sheila Baker from Marina, California. Toda Raba!

“You Have Put Affection for Jerusalem and Israel Into Many Hearts Around the World”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I so enjoy getting your daily communications and articles.  I use them as a point of contact to pray for Israel and all of the precious Jewish people there and in Jewish communities around the world. I want to encourage you to stand strong.  Please know that your Christian brothers and sisters in the USA are praying for you daily, lifting you up and supporting you however we can. Rebecca in Dalton, Georgia, USA (near Atlanta)

Dear Rabbi Tuly - congratulations to you and your staff and all your supporters on your third anniversary! May the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shower you with His love and continue to guide you, reward and favour you, shield and protect you and your team and all He has given you in this year 5775, and may all His plans for you succeed! You have put affection for Jerusalem and Israel into many hearts around the world. I believe that this has formed invisible spiritual connections and brought together encircling prayer warriors (24hrs per day) for such a time as this. God bless all your work and all in your team! God bless Jerusalem and the land and State of Israel forever! Love and prayers from the Gold Coast, Australia.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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A Simple Proposal for All Muslim Immigrants - Michael Brown

A Simple Proposal for All Muslim Immigrants

Muslim prayer immigration
What should Muslims do when they come to America? (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

 Iwrite these words as a concerned onlooker, not as an expert on immigration and certainly not as anyone having any authority in these matters at all. It is simply time to put these things on the table, since the subject of Muslim immigration is a burning hot topic worldwide, especially in Europe.
First, the obvious backdrop to the story.
In the aftermath of the latest Islamic terror attacks, how can the citizens of countries like France, Germany, Holland and Spain feel safe living alongside their Muslim neighbors? And since there has been a backlash against Muslims living in these countries, including attacks on places of business and worship, how can these Muslims feel safe?
The New York Times reported that French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared in a speech on Saturday "that France was at war with radical Islam after the harrowing sieges that led to the deaths of three gunmen and four hostages the day before."
He said, "It is a war against terrorism, against jihadism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom, solidarity." The next day, a massive crowd gathered in Paris—the largest in French history—to stand in unity against terrorism.
What does this mean for Muslims living in France and in other non-Muslim countries?
Muslim groups like CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations), which is looked at with suspicion by critics of radical Islam, categorically denounced the Paris terror attacks: "We strongly condemn this brutal and cowardly attack and reiterate our repudiation of any such assault on freedom of speech, even speech that mocks faiths and religious figures. The proper response to such attacks on the freedoms we hold dear is not to vilify any faith, but instead to marginalize extremists of all backgrounds who seek to stifle freedom and to create or widen societal divisions."
Similarly, Dr. Shuja Shafi, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain said: "Nothing justifies the taking of life. Those who have killed in the name of our religion today claim to be avenging the insults made against Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace. But nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder. Our thoughts, prayers and solidarity go to the families of the victims and the people of France."
(On a side note, one would think that the Muslim radicals who supposedly "avenged" the honor of Mohammed would have realized that by slaughtering people in cold blood in his name, they did more to hurt their cause than to help it.)
But other Muslim leaders, like the radical British cleric Anjem Choudary, struck a very different tone, tweeting out his support of the massacre: "Freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the Prophets of Allah, whatever your views on the events in Paris today! #ParisShooting"
Years earlier, Choudary said that "he wanted every woman to be covered by a full-length cloak in his vision of Britain under Sharia law." He also said "he wanted to see the 'flag of Allah' flying over Downing Street, adulterers stoned to death and drunks whipped."
Unfortunately, these sentiments are shared by many Muslim immigrants to Europe, Australia and New Zealand, America and elsewhere: They want to see our nations overturned—including our democracies and freedoms—and they want to see Sharia Law instated.
My good friend and frequent debating opponent, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, recently called for a million Muslim march, stating, "The time has come for a coordinated world march—by Muslims—against Islamic violence. If 30,000 Muslims can march in the streets of Paris and London last summer to condemn Israel, then surely they can also march to condemn violence in Islam's name."
This is certainly commendable, and there's no good reason for Muslims not to do this, if indeed, they are completely and categorically repudiate the murderous acts of the radical Muslims of Paris—not to mention those of Boko Haram and the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and many others.
But something more needs to be done, and this brings me to my simple proposal.
If Muslims want to immigrate to our countries and practice their faith while respecting the nature of our government and society, wonderful. And they can do that while differing with our moral standards and without fully embracing our way of life.
But if their faith calls for them to seek to undermine (or even) overthrow the government, or if their vision includes potential violence against those who reject or insult their faith, then they have no business living among us, and we have no business granting them citizenship. (Could you imagine Saudi Arabia or Pakistan granting citizenship to large numbers of professing Christians whose goal was the violent overthrow of their country?)
A massive, bloody clash is looming, as the radicals become more numerous (and even more radical, an example being the defection of Hamas members to ISIS to fight against Israel, since Hamas is deemed too "moderate"), and as anti-Islamic forces continue to rise in Europe.
The solution to all this is relatively simple: Don't use the liberties you enjoy in our countries to foster a murderous agenda or the attempted implementation of Sharia Law. Instead, work together with us for the good of all citizens.
If you can't do that, our country is not for you.
Fair enough?
Michael Brown is the author of 25 books, including Can You Be Gay and Christian?and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire . He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience.
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Monday, January 12, 2015

French Terror Attack Increases 'Aliyah'

French Terror Attack Increases 'Aliyah'

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Anti-Semitism in France is not a new phenomenon. Last year saw more than 600 attacks on Jewish residents, nearly twice as many as the previous year.
French Jews tired of dealing with harassment and frightened by physical assaults on themselves and their children have been immigrating to Israel for years.
But last week's terror attack at a kosher supermarket in Paris have many reevaluating whether it's wise to stay in a country where they are increasingly vulnerable.
That notion played out in 2014, when the French aliyah (immigration to Israel under the Law of Return) led every country in the world, nearly doubling the numbers from the previous year.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, along with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett joined other world leaders Monday in a protest march against terrorism in Paris. An estimated 3.5 million people took part.
Over the weekend, Netanyahu encouraged French Jews to consider immigrating to Israel.
"The State of Israel is not just the place to which you turn in prayer," Netanyahu said. "The State of Israel is also your home."
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat reiterated the call at a solidarity rally on behalf of French Jewry on Sunday, saying "Brothers and sisters, the gates of Jerusalem are open to you."
Barkat told participants the Jerusalem Municipality is opening a special situation room at city hall, staffed by French-speaking Israelis, to assist immigrants with the absorption process.
The bodies of the four Jewish victims will be buried at a state ceremony in Jerusalem on Tuesday.

"Isaiah 22:22: The Key To Governmental Authority" Dutch Sheets

"Isaiah 22:22: The Key To 
Governmental Authority"
Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX
The Elijah List

Fifteen years ago, God unequivocally and undeniably gave me Isaiah 22:22 as a life-verse."Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, when he opens no one will shut, when he shuts no one will open." After 40 plus confirmations over a two-week period – yes, more than 40 – I became thoroughly convinced this verse was both a promise and a weapon for me. I have since used the verse hundreds of times throughout America – in all 50 states and in Washington DC – to open and close spiritual doors for the Lord.

After receiving the Isaiah 22:22 key for impacting the nation, much of my time was spent in the nation's capital, carrying out very specific and strategic prayer assignments. Heaven's endorsement on these missions was without question, with confirmation after confirmation being given to affirm the assignments. Oh, the stories I could tell from that season of my life – amazing! While this verse has never left my thinking or ministry, for several years after the 2008 change in our national leadership, the Lord redirected my attention toward other assignments in America. As a result, my time in Washington DC, decreased significantly.

Within the past year, however, I have sensed the Lord asking me to wield the Isaiah 22:22 key in our nation's capital once again. 

Through my recent recommissioning, and other prophetic revelation, the Lord has confirmed to me that the door to the governmental arena – and to Washington DC, specifically – is again wide open. And where Holy Spirit leads, I will certainly follow.

The Keys of The Ekklesia

This invitation to cross the threshold back into the sphere of governmental intercession has not only been extended to me, but to the entire Body of Christ. 

As we mentioned, a key, symbolizing governmental authority is first mentioned in the book of Isaiah, within a prophetic passage concerning Jesus, the Messiah; but the second time keys, symbolizing spiritual authority, are spoken of in Scripture is at Jesus' first mention of the Church.

"I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, [Greek: ekklesia]and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven." Matthew 16:18-19

In the disciples' day, the paradigm for an ekklesia (Church) was very different from contemporary notions. In the disciples' culture, an ekklesia was an assembly of people assigned to govern the affairs of a city, state or nation – in essence, a parliament or congress. To the Romans, it was an assembly of people sent into a conquered region to govern, but also to alter the culture until it became like that of Rome.

They infiltrated government, language, social structure, schools, etc. until the people talked, thought and acted like Romans. In other words, they brought the culture and ideals of the Kingdom of Rome to their assigned region. When Jesus said He would build His "Church," – His ekklesia – He was speaking of a Body of people that would legislate spiritually for Him, extending His Kingdom government and influence on the earth.

Christ's statement that "the gates of Hades will not overpower it" makes much more sense when we understand that these gates are not physical, but rather spiritual, and also symbolize government. In Biblical times, city gates were often where judges sat to rule, and where governing councils met to make decisions; therefore the word "gate/s" often symbolized government (for example, see 2 Samuel 19:8; Proverbs 22:22-23; Ruth 4:4-10).

In this first announcement regarding the Church, Jesus is declaring that the kingdom government (rule, decree, councils) of Hell won't prevail over His Kingdom government on earth – the Church. He follows this declaration by saying that He would give to His ekklesia "keys," which, just as in Isaiah 22:22, represent spiritual authority. In Isaiah 22:22, these keys close or open spiritual doors allowing or disallowing access and activity. 

In Matthew 16, Christ's Church would also have keys – to bind and loose (lock, unlock, allow, forbid) – the "gates" or governmental decisions of Hell and to release the governmental decisions of Heaven.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

God's Call to Kingdom Governance

We should attempt to function in this calling through prayer, by voting, and also by serving in governmental positions

I frequently hear statements from the media, political leaders, educators, and others saying that religious beliefs should be kept "private" or that "they have no place in the public arena," and especially that they have no place in government. Nothing could be more unbiblical! The purpose behind this satanically-inspired dogma is to keep the Church from being the Church – the ekklesia. 

The Bible brims with examples of God influencing government through individuals that were knowingly representing Him and His will.

We cannot place all hope for change in a wrong interpretation of God's sovereignty – a belief that when God wants and chooses to, He will change a particular problem or situation to be in accordance with His will, with or without our involvement. We must realize that we are God's governing force on the earth, which have been given keys of authority from Him to legislate from the spiritual realm. 

With those keys, we are to close spiritual doors through which evil and destruction might otherwise enter.

The outcome of our mid-term election causes hope to arise, affirming that people are ready for change. Americans are being awakened and made ready to press through complacency taking strides toward real change. For such a time as this, God has prepared and positioned Kingdom ambassadors to wield His influence and shape our national destiny.

The Lord has called Dutch Sheets Ministries, and other similar ministries, to partner with Him by making bold governmental decrees, strongly supporting Godly leaders, strengthening the Church, and releasing Divine strategy for reigniting a prayer movement that will shift our nation toward righteousness. I believe these strides toward Kingdom governance will birth revival in America. As members of His ekklesia you, too, are called to be a part of this.

Your Delegated Authority

As Holy Spirit has reemphasized Isaiah 22:22 to me, I have prayed that you will be encouraged to take hold of God's promises and personally activate the keys – governmental authority – in your own life and for the nation. 

My prayer is that you would walk boldly in this authority God has delegated to you.

Some of you may be instructed of the Lord, as I have been, to use your Isaiah 22:22 key within the sphere of government, and particularly within Washington DC. Some of you are called to pray for your state capital, your city or even another nation. Others of you may be assigned to use your Kingdom keys in the financial realm, for educational institutions, or for the entertainment sector. As you seek the Lord, He will revealthese and other assignments to you.

In this New Year the Lord is releasing keys – Heaven's governmental authority – that are yours for the taking. As you lay hold of them, your intercession and obedience will release you into a partnership with God, resulting in even broader realms of influence.

God is not finished with America, and He needs each one of us to help shift this nation! He is calling forth Kingdom warriors who will effectively wield the Isaiah 22:22 weapon, such that His throne of righteousness and justice is reestablished within our land.

Will you join us?

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here
Website: dutchsheets.org

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its Godly heritage. Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. 

Dutch and his wife Ceci have been married for 35 years and now reside in the Dallas area. They treasure time spent with their two grown daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren.

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Franklin Graham Fired Up Over Attacks on Christian Faith

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham (BGEA)
The latest target of politically correct bullying against Bible-believing Christians is Atlanta's former fire chief Kelvin Cochran. That's right, I said "former." Cochran was fired Tuesday because of a small passage—less than half a page—in a book he wrote for his church's Bible study group.
The book on biblical morality simply restates God's position put forth in His Word, the Bible. From Cochran's book: "Uncleanness—whatever is opposite of purity; including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism, pederasty, bestiality, all other forms of sexual perversion."
I personally know Chief Cochran. He served as chairman of my Crusade in Shreveport in 2005. He is a fearless man of great faith.
Because Cochran expressed his biblical belief on sexual purity in general—not only on homosexuality—an openly gay city council member went on a rampage to discredit this upstanding servant of the community. Cochran didn't discriminate against anyone, he didn't persecute anyone for homosexuality or create a hostile work environment. Instead he was persecuted and denied his career because of his privately held religious beliefs. This is true discrimination.
The LGBT community wants us to be afraid of expressing our Christian beliefs. They want us to cower in the face of their threats to the livelihoods of believers. But we shouldn't back down!  Cochran said, "I'm not discouraged and I'm not downtrodden," he said. "This is a God thing and He's going to do great things and He will vindicate me publicly."

BBC Reporter Seemingly Justifies Paris Attack on Jews

BBC Reporter Seemingly Justifies Paris Attack on Jews

Monday, January 12, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Just days after a senior CNN anchor tried to drag Israel into the debate over the Paris terror attacks, a BBC reporter on Sunday seemingly justified the targeting of a Jewish grocery store in the French capital.
Correspondent Tom Willcox was tasked with interviewing a Jewish participant in what turned out to be the largest rally in European history when some two million people turned out on the streets of Paris to denounce radical Islamic terror.
That it is becoming increasingly impossible to avoid the fact that most terrorism today emanates from Islam appears to irk many in the mainstream media and other liberal Western elements. And the BBC is no exception.
Willcox’s interviewee was an Israeli-French woman by the name of Chava, a daughter of Holocaust survivors who warned that the anti-Semitic atmosphere in Europe today is dangerously reminiscent of the 1930s.
Willcox cut in, insisting that “many critics…of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffered hugely at Jewish hands as well.”
The remark struck most as either wholly unrelated or a subtle justification of, or at least understanding for, the rising tide of Muslim anti-Semitism in Europe.
Chava, who was taken aback by the suggestion, said that the two situations shouldn’t be linked, to which Willcox replied that everyone sees things “from different perspectives.”
Critics in both Israel and Europe slammed Willcox for his “disgraceful” display, and said the episode was yet further evidence that the BBC could not be trusted to be impartial and objective in its reporting on the Middle East conflict.
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