Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Inscribe Them Upon the Doorposts" ✡ 70 Years Since Liberation - ISRAEL365

And these words, which I command you this day, shall be upon your heart... And you shall inscribe them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.


וְהָיוּ הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּוֹם עַל לְבָבֶךָ  וּכְתַבְתָּם עַל מְזֻזוֹתבֵּיתֶךָ וּבִשְׁעָרֶיךָ

דברים ו:ו,ט

v'-hai-u ha-d'-va-reem ha-ay-le a-sher a-no-khee m'-tza-v'-kha ha-yom al l'-va-ve-kha  u-kh'-tav-tam al m'-zu-zot bay-te-kha u-vish'-a-re-kha

Today's Israel Inspiration

Yesterday marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Just 37 miles east of the death camp is Krakow, a once-thriving pre-war Jewish community, where today empty doorposts bear the haunted markings of mezuzahs. Yet in an unbelievable resurgence, descendants of Jews who survived in hiding in Krakow are showing the best revenge against those who sought to destroy. “Israel Returns” supports Jewish activities for young Poles searching for their heritage, bringing them to Israel to experience the Land and to learn Torah. Their latest initiative is re-affixing mezuzahs to the mantels of Krakow’s Jewish homes. Share in this formidable Jewish spirit!

The Mystery of the Jews

This powerful short film reveals the real story behind "The Mystery of the Jews". With remarkable insights by renowned historians, world leaders and authors, this video follows the story of Abraham to the modern State of Israel.

Ghost Town Gets a Jewish Revival

Throughout Krakow ghosts of a once thriving, rich, cultural and religious Jewish life haunt the streets and remind some of the Krakow that once was but is no more. But perhaps it can be once again. Here are some of the many examples of the spiritual return.

Hebrew Word by Word Study Tool

This great CD, Word by Word, teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the book of Genesis. It teaches one word at a time, at your pace. This essential Bible Study tool will help you develop Bible Study skills that will last a lifetime.

Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len's photo of a quaint alleyway in the northern city of Safed. Many of the doors throughout the city are painted turquoise, reminiscent of the heavens above.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Michael Shmidt featured the Golan Heights Wind Farm. These wind turbines generate enough energy for a mineral water bottling plant, a local winery and about 20,000 local residents. Now that's Israel energy!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Jose A Corado from Seatac, Washington. Toda Raba!

“Your Spectacular Sites”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Your spectacular sites Jerusalem365/Israel365 are the only teachings I read online...So i am deeply grateful that both are now restored to me. May God continue to grant you favour as you serve Him in this wondrous way.  I celebrated my 70th birthday in Israel/ first visit 'home'...and perhaps I will celebrate my 75th there this fall, the Lord willling. Either way, I am 'there' with you all, in love and prayer. Shalom and faith, Joanne
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Majority of Germans Fed Up With Holocaust Remembrance - ISRAEL TODAY

Majority of Germans Fed Up With Holocaust Remembrance

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Tuesday marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz by the Soviet Red Army. The anniversary has become the International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorating the organized extermination of the Jewish people by the Nazi regime.
However, according to a representative survey conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation, an overwhelming 81 percent of Germans have grown weary of dedicating so much time and effort to Holocaust remembrance, and want to instead focus on present-day problems.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier disagreed. “It remains the duty of parents to inform their children that there can never be a line drawn under [our history],” he told Germany’s Bild newspaper.
“We can consider ourselves lucky that after the atrocities of the Third Reich, after 70 million dead in the Second World War and 6 million murdered Jews, that we can be accepted back into the international community, even today,” the foreign minister continued.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed similar sentiments at a ceremony at Auschwitz, calling the former death camp a symbol that “concerns us all, today and tomorrow and not only on anniversaries. …We must not forget. We owe that to the many millions of victims.”
Unfortunately, it would seem a majority of Germans simply don’t see eye-to-eye with their leaders on this issue, and much of that has to do with the modern State of Israel.
According to the survey, more than a third of Germans believe that Israel’s policies in dealing with Palestinian terrorism is comparable to what the Nazis did to the Jews. Only 36 percent of Germans said they hold a positive view of Israel.
PHOTO: A young Israeli visiting the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My visit to Auschwitz on this, International Holocaust Remembrance Day - Joel Rosenberg

Some thoughts on my visit to Auschwitz on this, International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

by joelcrosenberg
My visit to the Nazi death camp in southern Poland led me to write "The Auschwitz Escape."
My visit to the Nazi death camp in southern Poland led me to write "The Auschwitz Escape."
(Naples, Florida) -- Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Today is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in southern Poland. Indeed, this year marks 70 years since the defeat of the Nazi reign of terror, the end of World War II, and the end of the Holocaust that led to the systematic murder of six million Jews.
Let us take some time today -- and throughout this year -- to remember the horrors of what really happened. Let each of us take time to remember the heroes who fought the Nazis and survived and won the war. Let us also consider lessons learned from that darkest of eras in human history, and recommit ourselves to never letting it happen again.
Have you visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., or Yad Vashem in Israel, or one of the Nazi death camps in Europe? I would encourage you to do so, and to take your family.
In November of 2011, I had the opportunity to tour Auschwitz with several friends. The experience marked me forever.
Here is a short video of my time at Auschwitz, produced my oldest son, Caleb, for The Joshua Fund. It runs a little less than five minutes. I hope you'll take a few moments to watch it and to share it with others, especially today.
Here, too, is a link to the historical novel I published in the spring of 2014, The Auschwitz Escape. I hope you and your family will take some time to read it and discuss it.
I did not go to Poland planning to write a book. But as many of you know, I became so deeply fascinated in the lives of four Jewish men, true heroes, who actually escaped from Auschwitz, against all odds. I became intrigued with how they did it, and with their burning passion to escape not simply to save their own lives, but to risk all to tell the world -- including FDR and Churchill -- what was really happening there, and to plead with the world to take decisive action to liberate the camps and end the nightmare. Without question, these were the greatest escapes in human history.
Finally, for now, here is an article I posted on The Joshua Fund website several years ago describing my visit to Auschwitz and some of my thoughts on that visit. I hope you'll find it helpful.
In November, after teaching on Bible prophecy and God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people at a wonderful, pro-Israel evangelical church in Germany, I had the opportunity to travel to Krakow, Poland with the pastor of that church and his wife, and a dear pastor friend from the U.S., and his wife. Together, the five of us spent a day touring the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps not far from Krakow. None of us had ever been there before. None of us will ever forget the experience. More than 1.3 million prisoners were brought to the camps by the Nazis during World War II. Of those, 1.1 million were exterminated in the gas chambers and the crematoria. One million were Jews. So many of them were children.
It is difficult to describe my emotions as a Jewish person as I stood inside one of the Nazi gas chambers. Or walked through rooms filled with enormous glass cases filled with human hair. And glasses. And shoes. And suitcases from all over Europe. How can one explain the inexplicable? With the help of my eldest son, Caleb, I’ve produced this short video report from Auschwitz to share with you, at least, some of the images that my colleagues and I saw at the camps. At the end of the video, you’ll also see an excerpt of a speech that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered in 2010. He said that the prophecies of Ezekiel 37 regarding the “Valley of the Dry Bones” were fulfilled during the Holocaust and the subsequent resurrection of the State of Israel. I couldn’t agree more. I hope you’ll take a moment to watch the video and encourage your friends and family to watch it as well.
My time at Auschwitz raised many sobering questions. Among them: Why was the world silent for so long? Why didn’t the U.S. and the allies take decisive action to stop Hitler before it was nearly too late? Why didn’t the Church do more to rescue Jews? As difficult as these questions are to answer, more difficult still are these: Why is much of the world largely silent again today as Radical Muslims in Tehran and elsewhere in the Middle East threaten to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people? Why are the U.S. and our allies refusing to take decisive action now to neutralize the Iran nuclear threat before it’s too late?
That said, I am glad to be able to report some good news: More and more Christians are repenting for the Church’s sins against the Jewish people in the past. The Church is mobilizing today to bless Israel and the Jewish people in ways that to her shame she did not in the 1930s and 1940s. More followers of Jesus Christ are hearing and heeding the call to learn, pray, give and go to the work of the Lord and caring for Holocaust survivors today than ever before. More Christians are helping persecuted Jews immigrate to Israel than ever before. More Christians are helping to feed and clothe the poor and needy in Israel than ever before. More Christians are visiting the Holy Land and meeting Israelis and learning about the past, present, and the future of the Promised Land and the Chosen people than ever before. Not all. And not enough. But more than ever. This is good, but more must be done. Evil is rising once again. Israel faces existential threats. The world is increasingly turning a blind eye to the fate of the Jews. Now evangelical Christians are the best friends that Israel and the Jewish people have. We cannot undo the past. But we can ask the Lord to forgive us and ask Him for the courage to be faithful to the Scriptures and to the Jewish people in the times in which we live. We can bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1-3. We can show unconditional love and unwavering support, come what may. This is the heart of The Joshua Fund. That’s what our work is all about. And visiting Auschwitz was another powerful reminder to me personally that this work is more vital and urgent than ever.
As 2011 ends, therefore, I see the gathering storm on the horizon, but I am not frightened or discouraged. I know the God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. I know He is moving powerfully. I know the Lord is taking what man meant for evil and turning it for good. Indeed, the Lord is moving powerfully to care for His people, Israel, and turn their hearts back to Him and His Word. And for this reason I rejoice. I look forward to 2012. I’m determined to stay the course, and I hope and pray that you will be, too.
“Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people. I will put My Spirit within you and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken and done it,” declares the Lord.’”(Ezekiel 37:11-14)
joelcrosenberg | January 27, 2015 at 3:16 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Report Names France 'Most Dangerous' for Jews

Report Names France 'Most Dangerous' for Jews

AP file photo

JERUSALEM, Israel -- A new report on anti-Semitic trends worldwide named France the most dangerous country in the world for Jews.

Anti-Semitic attacks in France doubled in 2014 compared to the previous year.

The study, carried out by the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry, was released over the weekend to coincide with Tuesday's observance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) presented the report, which highlights the link between the global rise in anti-Semitism and the campaign to delegitimize Israel crisscrossing international borders.

In a statement following the report's presentation, Bennett pointed out that Islamists are the "main instigators" behind the majority of anti-Semitic incidents.

"It is radical Islam that is acting as the bridge for these two racist beliefs," the statement read. It says Muslim extremists "use any perverted excuse to further their goal, which is the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people."

For the first time in its history, the U.N. General Assembly hosted an informal meeting last week on the global rise of anti-Semitism.

Spielberg Marks Holocaust at Auschwitz

Spielberg Marks Holocaust at Auschwitz

Associated Press photo

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Award-winning director Steven Spielberg traveled to Poland to take part in 70th anniversary ceremonies marking the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps.

In an evening address before Tuesday's observance of International Holocaust Memorial Day, Spielberg warned about rising anti-Semitism worldwide.

The Oscar-winning director of the 1983 Holocaust film, "Schindler's List," spoke of the growing danger of "anti-Semites, radical extremists and religious fanatics" targeting Jews today, noting today some of them are using social media to track their targets.

Spielberg's Shoah Foundation joined a delegation of Hollywood executives, the Polish government, and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum to bring about 100 elderly Holocaust survivors and their families to Poland to mark the 70th anniversary of the death camp's liberation.

Discovery Communications CEO David Zaslav, chairman of "Auschwitz: The Past Is Present Committee," led a leadership team composed of leading media and business executives.

Zaslav, whose family fled Poland before the Nazi reign of terror, admonished participants to "reflect and recognize" what took place at death camp, especially in view of rising anti-Israel and anti-Semitic groups.

"Auschwitz is the best example of what can happen when religious, racial and ethnic hatred is unbridled," Zaslav told Variety (ITALICS).

At Tuesday's ceremonies, the presidents of Germany and Austria and other world leaders will join some 300 elderly survivors to honor the memory of the 1.1 million killed at the camp during the Nazi reign.

The Soviet army liberated Auschwitz on January 27, 1945.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Faithfulness Carries Its Rewards - Mike Bickle

God will reward you in your faithfulness and diligence in pursuing Him. (Lightstock )

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
How diligently are you seeking God? Do you remain steady in your love for Him no matter what, or do you let life's disappointments interfere with your pursuit of Him? Daniel loved God and showed it in his daily life in spite of his circumstances, and the Lord responded.
The Lord revealed His love to Daniel in a deep way through an angel, who addressed Daniel as the beloved of the Lord: "He [the angel] said to me, 'O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I have been sent to you now.' And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood trembling" (Dan. 10:11, 19).
I assume that receiving the understanding of how much God loved him was one of the most powerful things that happened to Daniel personally. The angel said, "O Daniel, greatly beloved." Imagine a high-ranking angel telling you, "The Lord greatly loves you, and you are beloved by your God." In other words, he is saying, "The Lord is moved by the way you live. He is moved by your hunger for Him and by your lifestyle choices."
We know that God loves the world. He loves unbelievers, even though He does not enjoy a relationship with them. But there are those in whom God takes special delight; that is, He delights in the choices they make for Him. In this sense His love for them is different than that with which He loves the world. He takes greater enjoyment in those who seek to love and obey Him with all their hearts.
And God clearly took great enjoyment in Daniel. In essence He told Daniel, "I am moved by the way you care about My kingdom and My glory and the way you care about who I am. That touches Me."
Jesus taught that the Father loves all who obey Him. He loves the relationship He has with all who keep His commandments, and He loves their life choices.
"He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father. And I will love him and will reveal Myself to him" (John 14:21)
Lest we think that Jesus loves only those who love Him, let's remember that Scripture says God loved us first (1 John 4:19). But He loves the choices of those who love Him.
Jesus made the amazing statement that He would manifest Himself to those who show their love for Him in their words, actions and lifestyles. No one is "good enough" to deserve a greater manifestation of God's glory. It's not about being good enough but about positioning ourselves to receive more from God.
Every believer can have a close relationship with the Lord. Daniel was forcibly taken to Babylon as a prisoner of war in his youth. Yet even as a captive, far from his home in Jerusalem and in a foreign culture, he determined to seek God with all his heart for all his days. Today the Lord is looking for men and women like Daniel, who will set their hearts to live before God as Daniel did.
Some people are easily offended. If they don't get on the worship team at their church or aren't hired for the job position they were hoping for, they ask, "How could God allow this to happen to me? It's so rough." Yes, your heart hurts, and the pain is real, but your response to life's trials and disappointments is the crucial issue.
Look at Daniel. He was taken into captivity, and yet he determined not to defile himself and to be a man of prayer all his days. He did not let any person or any disappointment steal the vision of what he was determined to be from his heart. He remained steady in his love for God and lived out his commitment in his daily life until he died.
In my 40 years of ministry I have seen many people go hard after God for five or even 10-plus years. Most of them were young and in their twenties. By the time they reached 35, several had "good" reasons for drawing back and being more "practical."
I have seen only a few people stay consistent in seeking God with diligence for 20 or 30 years or more. Daniel stayed consistent in seeking God for 60 years, even during his time in the pagan city of Babylon.
I want the Lord to say to me on the last day, "I loved the way you spent your time and money and the way you obeyed Me; I loved the way that you loved Me." I want Him to be able to say the things about me that He said about Daniel. I want to be steady like this great man of God, even when I'm 80. What about you?
Adapted from Growing in Prayer by Mike Bickle, copyright 2014, published by Passio-Charisma House. This book will help you develop a passionate life of prayer where it ceases to be a dutiful ritual and becomes a time of personal encounter with the God of the universe, who will listen and respond with great love, revealing His heart, giving you guidance, blessing your circumstances and making a difference in your world. To order your copy, click here.
Prayer Power for the Week of Jan. 26, 2015
This week set your heart to live before God as Daniel did. Seek Him daily through prayer, the Word and worship. Declare His Word over your circumstances and exalt His Name as the God of the universe, our only Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Commit your ways to Him and surrender all to His will. Continue to pray for worldwide revival, more laborers for His harvest fields, the spread of the gospel into unknown places, the persecuted church, the protection and destiny of Israel, our own nation and its leaders and the next generation (Dan. 10:11, 19; John 14:21; 1 John 4:19).
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"Unlocking Intimacy On the Threshing Floor" - Bobby Conner

"Unlocking Intimacy 
On the Threshing Floor"
Bobby Conner, Bullard, TX
The Elijah List

An Old Dream Reawakened

Recently I've had several prophetic events referring to a vivid dream I had in the mid-1990s. I feel that God is about to release and restore some foundational truths revealed in this dream – truths that God has waited to unveil. The time for the revealing has come!

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.Proverbs 25:2
As the dream begins, I'm driving with Bob Jones on the German autobahn. We're in a magnificent German automobile, driving at a very fast speed down a beautiful stretch of roadway. Bob and I are talking about past and pending moves of God. Bob then instructs me, saying, "When I tell you to, pull over to the side of the road and stop." I agreed. (Photo by Bubo bubo via Wikimedia Commons)

In a few moments, Bob said, "I think this is the place! Pull over!" I slowed the car and pulled to a stop off the shoulder of the road. As we got out of the car, we saw that the shoulder fell off into a ditch that was quite steep, beyond which was an exceptionally tight barbed wire fence, obviously meant to keep out intruders. 

Surveying the surroundings closely, Bob said excitedly, "Yes! Yes! This is the right place!"

He pointed out a small opening in the fence between the wires. Extremely thick brush had grown against the fence, but Bob pointed to a faint, unused path. It was encouraging to see Bob so excited and exceedingly happy that we had discovered the right place to gain entrance. It was difficult for us to walk down and back up the ditch to the fence, but we made it, and, with care, edged our way through the tightly woven barbed wire.

Once inside the fenced area, we began to make our way tediously up a hill through dense brush; the way was getting clearer and easier to travel with every step. I was eager to find out what our destination was, and I asked Bob, only to be told that he wasn't quite sure, but that we would surely find out when we arrived there!

Through the Double Doors

The hill became steeper as we walked, and after a difficult climb up the mountain path, we arrived at a massive old barn. The barn itself was a wonderful work of outstanding craftsmanship, a work of art, extremely old yet in pristine condition. The barn had two very large doors that were locked with what appeared to be a large, stainless steel chain and master lock. I was sad and disappointed that we had made such a difficult climb – only to be locked out of our discovery. (Photo by Dlong417 via Wikimedia Commons)

Bob beamed with a delightful smile, however, when I asked him if he knew the combination to the lock. Nodding his head as if to say, "You didn't even have to ask," he carefully began to turn the dial on the lock. I watched with great interest. He slowly turned the lock to the left five full turns, stopping at the number 3. Then he turned the dial to the right three full turns, stopping at the number 4, then back to the left, stopping at the number 1, then around to 6, then to 8, then back to the number 2.

At this point, the lock clicked. It opened. I said to Bob, "I knew you would have used 3-4-1, but I didn't know about 6-8-2!" Bob answered, confident, "It is the time of the double! When you double 341, you have 682." And then he repeated, "This is a season of the double. Expect a time of grace, grace!"

The House of Treasures

With great excitement and eager anticipation, Bob and I swung open the massive wooden doors! There was no need for electric lights because huge skylights flooded the barn with sunlight.

The first thing we saw was a beautiful, hand-carved pulpit lying on its side. It almost blocked the entrance to the building. Our first chore was to set the pulpit upright and in its proper place.
Filled with anticipation, we moved even deeper into the building. I was stunned to discover that the building was packed from bottom to top with the most beautiful old lumber I had ever seen. 

It was numbered, cataloged, and stored in the most orderly manner. This was not ordinary wood – the beams were massive. The wood grain was wonderful beyond words. No beam was out of place. This was the lumber to reconstruct the Church! Every piece of wood was strong, brilliant, and beautiful. (Photo via Pixabay)

I was truly amazed at the perfect order of the barn's contents – absent of all dust and cobwebs. Somehow I knew we were in a house of authentic treasures, and that God was going to use the prophetic in a powerful way to help rediscover and rebuild His lost treasures.

In this dream given so long ago, Bob said, "This is the time of restoration of the foundational function for the Church."

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

5775: Double Doors, Double Portion

Deep within my spirit I know this dream has great importance for us in 2015, especially in the days ahead. An authentic reformation and radical revolution is about to return to the Church!

It's interesting to consider some of the Hebraic meanings suggested within this dream, beginning with it being quickened to me once again at the beginning of 2015. On God's Hebrew calendar, this isn't 2015, but the year 5775, which began on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, on September 24, 2014.

As ancient Hebrew did not have numerals, but used the alphabet for its numbers (similar to the practice of ancient Rome, which used Roman numerals), it's curious to note that the numerals 5775 actually spell a Hebrew word, Tish'eh, which means to take heed, to notice, to gaze at. It can also be written Ha'tish'eh, which means Will you pay heed?

This year, we're being asked whether or not we will pay attention. To what?

Hebrew numbers are represented by letters – and the letters themselves form pictures, as most Bible students know. The 5775 forms a very distinct picture, letter by letter. Within the patterning and sequencing of the Hebrew letters, you will find an image of the Lord coming through double doors with a double portion, with His sword – His Word – warring over and nourishing His people.

How will we respond to this open double door opening with a double portion? Will we give heed to what the Spirit is saying to the Church to rebuild and reform our foundational function?

Indeed, the third and fourth blood moons are fast approaching, once again on the two Jewish feast days of Passover and Sukkot, repeating the pattern of 2014. In 2014, the blood moons occurred on Passover and Sukkot; in 2015, the blood moons will occur once again on these same feast days, on April 4, 2015 (Passover) and September 28, 2015 (Sukkot). We have a "double portion" of two blood moons on two feast days. These same heavenly signs occurred in 1492, 1948, and 1967 – significant years in history. What significant event is upon us now?

A Double Portion of Intimacy

The Hebrew word translated "barn" can also be translated "threshing place." The threshing floor is indeed the place that is being opened to us now for this most significant season ahead. The threshing floor has been leveled and made smooth. It is a place where the wheat is separated from the chaff – the place where true treasures are discovered and stored. 

The threshing place is the treasured place where Ruth met her Boaz, where the Church meets her God – the place of profound intimacy. The threshing place is the place where the Beloved calls out to His Bride, "Grace, grace!" (Photo by Brian Snelson via Wikimedia Commons)

How do we open the lock to this place of intimacy? What is the combination? It is our love for our neighbor and our Beloved, who calls out to us, "Grace, grace," as we read in Song of Solomon 5:5: "I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock."

The 341 combination to unlock this intimacy with the Beloved is the shama' to Israel, calling them to take heed, to listen, and to obey, the grace of Isaiah 34:1: "Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it."

Double Blessings...To Be a Blessing

For many years, the number 341, the number to unlock the barn's lock in the dream, was significant to Bob Jones, given to him as a special sign from God beginning in 1980, and continuing throughout his lifetime as the Lord continued to guide him.

Bonnie Jones reports that eventually she and Bob came to understand that the number 341 represented six things spiritually: 1) healing, 2) a holy convocation, 3) asking, 4) petitioning, 5) teaching received from God, and 6) prosperity.

We are being invited to draw near to God on the threshing floor, to find Him as our treasure, and to be built together into His Church. The key to unlocking this place of meeting is found in responding to His call of grace. God's grace brings gifts of healing and prosperity, but it also calls for a holy convocation of every Believer, a sanctification and setting-apart of ourselves from this world (see 2 Corinthians 7:1 AMP).

We are being called to ask, seek, knock, and petition the Lord for wisdom and revelation directly from His throne (see James 1:5). He longs to speak to His Bride and pour out His manifest love and presence – so we will be prepared for the significant season ahead. (Photo via Pixabay)

Bobby Conner
EaglesView Ministries


Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.

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What Does the Future Hold for European Jews? - CBN News

What Does the Future Hold 

for European Jews?

In the wake of the terrorist attack on a kosher market in Paris, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued an impassioned call for French Jews to come home to Israel.

"To all the Jews of France, all the Jews of Europe, I would like to say that Israel is not just the place in whose direction you pray. The state of Israel is your home," Netanyahu said in a statement.

What does the future have in store for Jews in Europe?

Alan Ronkin, director of American Jewish Committee in Washington, D.C., talks about the rising anti-semitism in Europe, upcoming Israeli elections, and more. 

Click here to watch: European Jews