Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Spirit Of Violence And Civil Unrest Is Rising In America - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Riot 2 - Public Domain

Posted: 25 May 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

It was only a matter of time before our deeply divided nation was going to start coming apart at the seams.  Waves of anger, frustration, violence and civil unrest are starting to sweep across the United States, and political rallies for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump have become a focal point for releasing some of that energy.  The angry mob that threw rocks, bottles and burning T-shirts at police and Donald Trump supporters on Tuesday night wanted to get the attention of the national media, and they got it in droves.  

Now that the election is less than five months away, this kind of scene is going to be repeated over and over, and this is something that I warned about back in March.  Millions upon millions of our young people have fully embraced the radical left, and they have already made it exceedingly clear that they are not afraid to use violence to advance their cause.

Never before in my lifetime have I seen America so divided.  Our politicians and the mainstream media have been endlessly pitting various groups against one another for years, and wherever you look hearts are growing very cold.

I have said it before, and I will say it again.  I believe that this is going to be the most chaotic election season that we have ever experienced, and the chaos and violence that are going to be unleashed over the next five months are going to shock the entire world.

On Tuesday night, the angry mob that gathered outside of the Albuquerque Convention Center didn’t seem to care who they hurt as they unleashed their anger.  According to Fox News, some of the protesters even tried to set police horses on fire…
The rampaging gang was made up of anti-Trump goons — waving the Mexican flag and burning a Trump banner.
“Viva Mexico,” protesters shouted, according to the Albuquerque Journal.
The rioters even targeted police horses — knocking one down – and throwing burning T-shirts at others. Who tries to burn down a horse?
How sick and twisted do you have to be to try to set a horse on fire?

But this is what happens when a spirit of violence descends on a group of people.  The consequences can quickly spiral out of control in unexpected ways.

Here is how CNS News described the chaotic scene outside of the Albuquerque Convention Center…
In one of the presidential campaign year’s more grisly spectacles, protesters in New Mexico opposing Donald Trump’s candidacy threw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers, injuring several, and toppled trash cans and barricades.
Police responded by firing pepper spray and smoke grenades into the crowd outside the Albuquerque Convention Center.
According to at least one report, rocks thrown by some of the rioters were actually flying through the convention center windows, and a number of innocent people got hurt.

What would make people act like that?  This isn’t what America is supposed to look like.  But when fundamental institutions such as the family and the church start to crumble, this is how people start to behave.  You can see a clip that includes footage of protesters jumping on police cars last night in Albuquerque right here

And of course the spirit of violence and civil unrest that is rising in America is not limited to Donald Trump rallies.

In major cities all over the nation, violent crime is rising by double digit percentages.  In Chicago, the number of people that have been shot so far in 2016 is 50 percent higher than during the same period last year
This past weekend in Chicago saw another five killed and 40 wounded in shootings, slightly down from Mother’s day weekend when eight people were killed and 42 wounded. The two weekends are indicative of what’s taking place in the homicide riddled city, in which the number of people shot so far this year is running an astonishing 50% above this time last year – what’s worse, summer is not even here yet, which is traditionally the city’s most violent period.

Other big cities are seeing similar spikes in violent crime.  The following is an excerpt from a recent article in the New York Times
Experts cannot agree on what to call a recent rise in homicides, much less its cause, but new data on Friday that showed a sharp spike in homicide rates in more than 20 cities rekindled debate over whether it was time for alarm.
The data showed particularly significant increases in homicides in six cities in the first three months of the year compared with the same period last year — Chicago, Dallas, Jacksonville, Fla., Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Memphis.
If this is happening now, with the stock market soaring and unemployment a bit lower than it was during the depths of the last recession, what is going to happen when things start getting really bad in this country?

Desperate people do desperate things, and if people are willing to hurl rocks and set horses on fire because they are upset at a political candidate, what are they going to do when there is no food for their families?

Just look at what is happening down in Venezuela.  People are hunting down dogs and cats because they don’t have anything to eat.  There have been at least 107 mass looting events so far in 2016 alone, and crime is completely and utterly out of control.

What is happening down there is eventually coming to America too, and the chaos and violence that we will see during the coming months will be a small preview of that.

The funny thing is that none of these political protests are going to matter anyway.  It remains my contention that the elite will move heaven and earth to do whatever is necessary to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.  They have already spent tens of millions of dollars against him and they have continuously had their media outlets put out “hit pieces” in an attempt to destroy him.

But their bag of tricks goes a lot deeper than that, and this is not a game to them.

I know that a lot of people out there have some very high hopes for Donald Trump, and we should be praying for him and for his family.

However, the time when the people determined the direction of this nation is long past, and the elite guard their monopoly over the political process very zealously.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

10 Occupational Hazards of Ministry - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA

When entering the ministry, consider these things.

10 Occupational Hazards of Ministry

When entering the ministry, consider these things. (iStock photo )

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
When I surrendered to the call of God several years ago, I did it soberly because I knew I was stepping into a dangerous assignment. Despite what you might hear from a few prosperity preachers wearing silk suits and pancake makeup, ministry is not glamorous—nor is it risk-free.
When you answer God's call, you put your life on the line. Just ask the apostle Paul, who told the Galatians, "From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus" (Gal. 6:17). The Greek word for "marks" is stigma, and it refers to the marks that were burned into the flesh of a slave to show who owned him.
Paul was saying, "I have the scars to prove I serve Jesus."
Ministry has a long list of occupational hazards, and I do an injustice to any young leader today if I don't warn him or her of what might happen on the job. I'm not sharing this to scare anybody. But if the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can require businesses to display a poster to encourage workplace safety, we should at least read this list of ministerial hazards when leaders are ordained.
To all my young friends who are considering a ministry career, I offer these warnings:
1. The devil will attack you and your loved ones. I don't focus on the devil or his demons, but it is foolish to be ignorant of hell's schemes. Satan hates ministers. You are in a war, and your enemy plays dirty. You must learn to fight both defensively and offensively if you expect to win.
2. Religious people will hate you. Jesus and Paul both proved that persecution comes not just from worldly unbelievers but from self-righteous saints who think they are doing God a favor by discrediting you. Religious people hate change. Many pastors I know have been chewed up and spit out by mean-spirited people who love their sacred cows more than they love Jesus. God's leaders must have the guts to challenge lifeless, status quo tradition.
3. You will face discouragement often. Preaching is a unique effort that requires you to lean wholly on God for a word from heaven. No wonder it is emotionally draining! Charles Spurgeon told his students that he often got depressed after intense ministry. He wrote: "How often, on Lord's-day evenings, do we feel as if life were completely washed out of us! After pouring out our souls over our congregations, we feel like empty earthen pitchers which a child might break." Don't be shocked when heavy feelings come.
4. Your pride will be wounded. You may think your sermon was awesome, but some people will yawn, some will sleep and others will remind you of the points you missed. Don't let the criticism make you bitter; allow it to nail your flesh to the cross so you can remember that ministry is not about you anyway.
5. Your heart will be broken. You may invest your time and energy into people who eventually walk away without even thanking you. Sometimes a close disciple may prove to be a Judas. Don't let disappointment cause you to close your heart to people. Keep on loving and giving, despite the heartache.
6. Your knees will become calloused. Any good leader knows that prayer is the fuel that keeps him or her going. As long as hands are raised to heaven and hearts are bowed low, heaven's oil will not run out. Never let the flame of prayer go out in your personal life.
7. Your priorities will be turned upside down. For me, God's call included traveling—which meant spending lots of time away from home. I would personally rather sleep in my own bed than in a strange bed in Nigeria or India, but when you pray, "Here I am, Lord, send me," you do not have the luxury of running your own schedule. Your life is not your own.
8. Your dreams and ambitions will be misunderstood. Joseph was thrown in a pit after he shared his dream. David's brothers questioned his motives when he came to the battle to challenge Goliath. Anyone who attempts great things for God will be maligned. If you are worried about your reputation, or you want everyone to say nice things about you, don't pursue a ministry career.
9. Your faith will be stretched to the breaking point. God gave Moses a stick and told him to split the Red Sea. He told Gideon to win a battle with 300 ill-equipped soldiers. Leaders who are following the Spirit will be constantly challenged to look beyond natural circumstances and believe in God's supernatural ability. This is never comfortable. Jesus calls us out of the boat and onto the water. Get used to it.
10. Your character will be tested in the heat of God's furnace. The work of the Refiner is never finished. You are engaged in a heavenly process, and you go from one level of glory to the next. The Spirit will regularly turn up the heat to test your motives, adjust your attitude and chisel your character until you look like Christ. The best leaders have learned to live in the fire so they can be examples to the flock. 
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
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Ron Cantor - VIDEO SERIES: Romans 11 Revealed

VIDEO SERIES: Romans 11 Revealed

Ron Cantor —  May 25, 2016

Has the Church replaced Israel? Has God rejected his people, Israel? Why does Paul talk so much about the Jews and Israel in Romans? Check out our new series on Romans 11.

Israel's Judean Desert Treasures to Be Saved From Antiques Robbers [PHOTOS] By JNI Media - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Volunteers at work in the archaeological excavation. (Photo: Yoli Shwartz/IAA/JNi Media)

Israel's Judean Desert Treasures to Be Saved From Antiques Robbers [PHOTOS]

“The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in Him I take refuge; my shield, and my horn of salvation, my high tower.” Psalms 18:3 (The Israel Bible™)
The Israel Antiquities Authority is promoting a national plan for comprehensive archaeological excavations in the Judean Desert caves, and for rescuing the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are among the earliest texts written in the Hebrew language. The plan is carried out in cooperation with the Heritage Project in the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs, and Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev (Likud).
Israel Hasson, director-general of the IAA, said in a statement, “For years now our most important heritage and cultural assets have been excavated illicitly and plundered in the Judean Desert caves for reasons of greed. The goal of the national plan that we are advancing is to excavate and find all of the scrolls that remain in the caves, once and for all, so that they will be rescued and preserved by the state.”

The cave where the archaeological excavation is being conducted is situated c. 80 meters from the top of the cliff and c. 250 meters above the base of the canyon. (Photo: Guy Fitoussi, courtesy of the IAA Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery)
The cave where the archaeological excavation is being conducted is situated c. 80 meters from the top of the cliff and c. 250 meters above the base of the canyon. (Photo: Guy Fitoussi, courtesy of the IAA Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery)

Minister of Culture and Sport Miri Regev said in a statement, “The antiquities robbers are plundering the Land of Israel’s history, which is something we cannot allow. The Dead Sea scrolls are an exciting testament of paramount importance that bear witness to the existence of Israel in the Land of Israel 2,000 years ago, and they were found close to the Return to Zion and the establishment of the State of Israel in the Land of Israel. It is our duty to protect these unique treasures, which belong to the Jewish people and the entire world. I will work to increase the punishment against those that rob our country’s antiquities.”
Menorah of old replica necklace, from the City of David. Buy Now!
Last week, the IAA took a first step in the plan by commencing a complicated and extraordinary archaeological excavation in search of scrolls in Nahal Tse’elim. A team from the IAA’s Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery accompanied by researchers from the Caves Research Center of the Hebrew University and hundreds of volunteers from across the country is participating in the excavation, which is taking place with the support of the Heritage Project in the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs.
The excavation is being directed by archaeologists Dr. Eitan Klein, Dr. Uri Davidovich, Royee Porat and Amir Ganor. For many years, IAA inspectors have been proactively enforcing the law in the desert, during the course of which they have made a number of seizures and foiled bands of antiquities robbers that sought to become rich through the detrimental exposure of items of great historical importance. However, these actions are a mere drop in the ocean and the IAA stresses that only by excavating all of the scrolls in the ground and transferring them to the state, will it be possible to ensure their well-being and preservation for future generations.
In November 2014, inspectors of the IAA’s Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery apprehended a band of robbers, residents of the village of Sa‘ir near Hebron, in the act of plundering the contents of the Cave of the Skulls in Nahal Tse’elim. The suspects who were caught “red-handed” were arrested on the spot, interrogated, and later sentenced and served a prison sentence, and are required to pay the State of Israel a fine of $25,000. At the time of their arrest they were in possession of important archaeological artifacts that date to the Roman period, c. 2,000 years ago, and the Neolithic period, c. 8,000 years ago.

Access to the cave is complicated and for safety’s sake requires the use of rappelling equipment. (Photo: Yoli Shwartz, courtesy of the IAA/JNi Media)
Access to the cave is complicated and for safety’s sake requires the use of rappelling equipment. (Photo: Yoli Shwartz, courtesy of the IAA/JNi Media)

In 2009 an ancient papyrus that was written in Hebrew and dates to the Year Four of the Destruction of the House of Israel (139 CE) was seized. The papyrus was confiscated in a joint operation by the IAA’s Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery and the Israel Police during a meeting with antiquities dealers in which the papyrus was offered for sale for the amount of $2 million. The investigation of the robbers revealed that this papyrus had also been discovered in Nahal Tse’elim. The contents of it, which mention the towns and settlements in the area of the Hebron hill-country, suggest that the papyrus was part of an archive of documents belonging to Jews who fled to the desert from the Hebron area after the Bar Kokhba uprising. Now, the IAA hopes to find similar documents.
The Cave of Skulls, where the excavation is taking place, is located about 80 yards from the top of the cliff, and about 750 ft above the base of the canyon. Because of the difficulty in reaching the site, the IAA obtained a special permit from the Nature and Parks Authority to construct an access trail, which requires the use of rappelling equipment for the safety of the participants in the excavation. More than 500 volunteers and field personnel from Israel and abroad were required for the undertaking, and they are sleeping and living in a camp in desert field conditions. Many requests by individuals offering to participate have been denied because of the lack of infrastructure to provide for such a large group of archaeologists, volunteers and interested parties. The current excavation season will end in another two weeks, assuming this will be sufficient time in order to extract the valuable archaeological information from the cave.

The ancient text that dates to the Year Four of the Destruction of the House of Israel (139 CE), which was seized in a joint operation by the Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery and the Israel Police. (Photo: Shai Halevi, courtesy of the Leon Levy Digital Library, IAA/JNi Media)
The ancient text that dates to the Year Four of the Destruction of the House of Israel (139 CE), which was seized in a joint operation by the Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery and the Israel Police. (Photo: Shai Halevi, courtesy of the Leon Levy Digital Library, IAA/JNi Media)

According to Amir Ganor, director of the IAA’s Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery, “The excavation in Nahal Tse’elim is an operation of extraordinary complexity and scope, and one that has not occurred in the Judean Desert in the past thirty years. Despite the rigorous enforcement actions taken against the antiquities robbers, we still witness acts of severe plundering that unfortunately are possible in such large desert expanses. There are hundreds of caves in cliffs in the area, access to which is both dangerous and challenging. In almost every cave that we examined we found evidence of illicit intervention and it is simply heart-breaking. The loss of the finds is irreversible damage that cannot be tolerated.”
Israel Hasson, director-general of the IAA, added, “It is exciting to see the extraordinary work of the volunteers, who have lent a hand and participated in the excavation in complicated field conditions, out of a desire to join in an historic undertaking and discover finds that can provide priceless information about our past here. The time has come for the state to underwrite broad action so as to rescue the cultural assets of enormous historical importance while they still remain in the caves. Substantial amounts need to be allocated which will allow the IAA to embark upon a large-scale operation for studying the desert, including the caves, and excavating the artifacts. After all, the Dead Sea scrolls are of religious, political and historical importance to Jews, Christians and all of humanity.”

The 'son of Hamas' just gave a speech that will completely shock you - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Mosab Hassan Yousef
Son of Hamas
Mosab Hassan Yousef – the “Green Prince” – who worked as an Israeli spy, just gave an extraordinary speech at The Jerusalem Post’s annual conference in New York on Sunday. Yousef noted that at one point he was working for and being paid by Israel, the US, the PA and Hamas, all at the same time - so he speaks from experience!

What if Jews Had Raped an Arab Girl? - Israel Today Staff

What if Jews Had Raped an Arab Girl?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The lifting of a court gag order on a severe incident that occurred in Tel Aviv two weeks ago once again demonstrates the blatant double standards of the mainstream media and the international community.
It was revealed on Wednesday that earlier this month police arrested two young Arab men - one an Israeli citizen and the other from the Palestinian-controlled territories - on suspicion they and a third accomplice had brutally raped a mentally handicapped Jewish girl.
The girl, who filed the initial complaint, was found by police to be in severe mental distress.
Over the course of the investigation, it was discovered that one of the Arab suspects had filmed the assault on his cellphone. The footage, according to police, shows the two raping the 20-year-old Jewish girl while spitting on her and shouting racist slogans.
The two men also threatened to kill the girl’s family if she told anyone what had happened.
In her ruling approving an extended remand for the suspects, the judge wrote, “This is a shocking incident of exploitation of a helpless and handicapped girl that had racist motives.”
The story was quickly picked up by most of the Hebrew press, but was nowhere to be found in the mainstream international English-language media.
As one might imagine, had the roles been reversed - had three Jewish men violently raped a handicapped Arab girl while shouting racist slogans - it would take mere minutes for the story to become headline news around the globe.
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Israel Destination: Haifa ✡ "All of Israel to Mount Carmel" - ISRAEL365

And now, send and gather for me all of Israel to
Mount Carmel.

וְעַתָּה שְׁלַח קְבֹץ אֵלַי אֶת כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶל הַר הַכַּרְמֶל

דברים ג:י’’ח

v'-a-ta sh'-lakh k'-votz ay-lai et kol yis-ra-ayl el har ha-kar-mel

Today's Israel Inspiration

We love to learn and share the biblical significance of the modern day cities of Israel. Haifa is not just the largest and most important northern city of Israel, with a glorious setting on the slopes of Mount Carmel, surrounded by sea. It is also rich in biblical history. The Book of Kings describes the prophet Elijah ascending Mount Carmel to challenge the pagan gods. It was here that Elijah successfully discredited them and thus returned the hearts of the people to the Almighty (I Kings 18:19). Haifa’s name hints to its magical setting, stemming from the words “hof” (beach) and “yaffa” (beautiful). Wear your love of the Land with our beautiful new Israel Map Necklace.

Great Tour of Haifa

Along with its natural beauty of sea and mountain, Haifa is also rich in diversity and peaceful co-existence among all three major world religions. Check it out in this fascinating tour video.

Spectacular Finds of Ancient Shipwreck in Caesarea

A fortuitous discovery by two divers in the ancient port of Caesarea has led to the revelation of a large and spectacular ancient cargo of a merchant ship that sank during the late Roman period, about 1,600 years ago.

What's man's role in the End of Days?

Today's Israel Photo

A stunning sunset over the hills of Haifa by Natasha Pnini.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

You know your Israel! Yesterday's incredible photo by Ilan Rosen featured Israeli air force jets flying in formation over Masada.

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Thank you for your daily updates from the greatest country on earth. I miss Israel and can't wait to go back. Your updates are a blessing to us here in Australia where we don't get the "real news" on what's happening over there! Love the photos! G_od bless Israel and all your people. Kind regards, Loretta Harvey
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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