Thursday, September 8, 2016

"Dad Why Did You Leave Us? What Will We Do Without You?" - Esti Eliraz ISRAEL TODAY

"Dad Why Did You Leave Us? What Will We Do Without You?"

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  Esti Eliraz  ISRAEL TODAY
Herzl Shaul, father of Oron Shaul declared dead in action, passed away Friday last week Friday aged 54. He fought in vain for 2 years for the return of the body of his son which is being held by Hamas in Gaza. After he was diagnosed with cancer a year ago, he continued with his battle "Operation bring Oron back". He was adamant and in the end he forfeited his life.
Herzl's condition deteriorated in July when planned protests against Israel's government drew less support than was hoped for which was a major blow to him. According to his wife, Zahava, Herzl's spirit finally broke and the disease spread throughout his body.
Aviram, his son, addressed Israel's President and Prime Minister saying that his father had died of a broken heart.He had died regretting mourning for Oron who had been declared dead simply because of a bullet hole and bloodstains in his helmet.
Israel Today visited the Shaul family and conveyed our deepest condolences and a little comfort during the "week of mourning". Many parents who had lost their sons during "Operation Tzuk Eitan" came to pay their condolences. Army Generals also came to pay their condolences and told Zahava that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must do everything possible to bring back the body of her son Oron.
Kay, Oron's beloved boxer dog, still waits for his missing master. He lays down in the doorway of Oron's empty room, as he has done every night for the last two years.
Herzl's two surviving sons, Ofek & Aviram promised their father, that they would continue to do everything they possibly can to bring Oron home, as he lay on his deathbed!

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Enjoy Your Flight to Palestine?! - Yossi Aloni ISRAEL TODAY

Enjoy Your Flight to Palestine?!

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  
Ground crew at the international airport in Belgrade, Serbia last week caused an uproar when they made a final call for an Air Serbia flight to Tel Aviv by urging passengers to board their flight to “Palestine.”
Israeli passengers refused to board until the ground crew retracted and corrected the call.
“Suddenly, the flight attendant announced over the loudspeaker: ‘Passengers on flight 816 to Palestine should proceed to gate C3.’ And she made the announcement twice,” said one of the Israelis. “I couldn’t believe my ears. I asked several people if I heard the announcement correctly. Myself and another Israeli passenger approached the counter and insisted they announce the flight to Israel, not Palestine.”
The managing attendant insisted that the flight was to Tel Aviv, not Israel.
“I told her that it was also not a flight to Palestine, and insisted that the announcement be amended, otherwise we would not board a flight to ‘Palestine,’” the passenger continued.
After heated debate with colleagues, the manager eventually announced the flight to Tel Aviv, and apologies were offered to the Israelis.
Israel Foreign Ministry Spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon called the incident “very disturbing. He promised to bring the issue to the Serbian authorities and Air Serbia, adding that ”it’s inconceivable that an airport employee with a microphone can try and change reality in such a defiant and false manner."
Israel’s ambassador to Serbia, Alona Fisher-Kamm, later contacted the CEO of Air Serbia, who reportedly expressed shock and dismay over the incident.
“This political position doesn’t reflect the company’s position,” he insisted, while apologizing profusely to Fisher-Kamm.
The following day, an investigation by Air Serbia found that it was an airport employee, and not an employee of the airline, that had made the offending announcement. Air Serbia has demanded that airport officials in Belgrade discipline the employee for damaging the airline’s reputation.
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Island Appears in Parched Sea of Galilee - Israel Today Staff

Island Appears in Parched Sea of Galilee

Thursday, September 08, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A new drought is in full swing in Israel, as evidenced by the plummeting water level of the Sea of Galilee, known locally as the Kinneret, which has resulted in the appearance of a large island near its southern shore.
The Galilee today stands some 4.5 meters (nearly 15 feet) below its optimal water level, and is fast approaching its “Black Line”, at which point it will suffer irreversible ecological damage, experts have warned in the past.
The deputy head of the Kinneret Authority told Israel’s Ynet news portal that “everyone needs to pray for a rainy winter.”
But meteorologists have already forecast below average rainfall in the coming months.
Indeed, Israel’s Water Authority bleakly predicted that “the worst is still before us.”
In other words, a miracle is in order.
And while this danger is lost on no one, some are pointing out that the drying up of the Sea of Galilee was foretold millennia ago, and could be connected to the coming of Messiah.
According to ancient Talmudic sage Rabbi Yehuda, “in the generation when the Son of David comes, the house of assembly will be for harlots, Galilee in ruins, Gablan [the rivers of the Golan] lie desolate.” (Sanhedrin 97a)
This prediction is tied to Isaiah 19:5, which reads: “And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be drained dry.”
In remarks to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of David’s Tomb in Jerusalem, explained that “the Talmud is full of signs that indicate the coming of the Messiah, and every single one of them is undeniably coming true.”
Watch video here: Sea of Galilee
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A Name and a Legacy ✡ "Let My Name Be Named In Them" - ISRAEL365

the angel who hath redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named in them, and the name of my fathers Avraham and Yitzchak; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.’

הַמַּלְאָךְ הַגֹּאֵל אֹתִי מִכָּל רָע יְבָרֵךְ אֶת הַנְּעָרִים וְיִקָּרֵא בָהֶם שְׁמִי וְשֵׁם אֲבֹתַי אַבְרָהָם וְיִצְחָק וְיִדְגּוּ לָרֹב בְּקֶרֶב הָאָרֶץ

בראשית מח:יח

ha-mal-akh ha-go-ayl o-tee mi-kol ra y’-va-raykh et ha-n’-a-reem v’-yi-ka-ray va-hem sh’-mee v’-shaym a-vo-tai av-ra-ham v’-yitz-khak v’-yid-gu la-rov b’-ke-rev ha--retz

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Hebrew word for name is ‘shem.’ The great master of the Hebrew language, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, explains that the word ‘shem’ is related to the word, ‘sham,’ meaning ‘there.’ Rabbi Hirsch explains that “in the realm of the mind, by naming and defining something, one puts it in its ‘proper place’.” Here, Jacob blesses his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh, by placing their ancestors’ names upon them, establishing ‘their place’ within the spiritual legacy of their forebearers.  The legacy of the Patriarchs was one of kindness adn giving.  As the new year approaches please help Meir Panim provide for the needy of the Holy Land.

Make Some Noise and Stand Up for Israel

In a great YouTube video, an Israeli soldier urged people to shout out their love of Israel and overcome the deafening noise of anti-Israel lies. Viewers responded so positively and showered him with fantastic videos from around the world declaring their support for Israel.

The Hebrew Calendar and the Messiah's Arrival!

A new movement marking the growing ways many Christians are moving closer to their Biblical roots is calling for Christians to switch from the Gregorian calendar to the Hebrew calendar.

Today's Israel Photo

A fascinating view of Tel Beersheba, an archaeaological site unearthing the remains of the original Biblical town where Abraham and Isaac once lived!

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Thanks to everyone who responded to yesterday's photo trivia! As you could see, weddings at the foot of the Cave of Machpela in Hebron have become the new trend!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Could Donald Trump Reverse the Curse Over America? - DR. JIM GARLOW CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump
Donald Trump (Reuters )

Could Donald Trump Reverse the Curse Over America?

Standing With Israel
Editor's Note: Dr. Jim Garlow recently wrote an article for titled "If You're on the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is at Stake." The article quickly went viral and has garnered more than 1 million shares in four weeks.
In part one of this article, we covered five key points that lay out the background for understanding Donald Trump's view of Israel. Today, part two will cover the nine key points with allow us to understand Trump's stand on Israel:
1. Trump and Israel. So how does Donald Trump view Israel? (I have made it known in other writings that I was originally for Huckabee, and then when his campaign ended, supported Cruz. And I have commented here why I am supporting Trump over Hillary.)
Succinctly stated: Trump supports Israel. Yes, I am aware of his February statement about being "neutral" in negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, which is restated in this online video. Frankly, that is unrealistic. One cannot be "neutral" with two parties when one party would merely like to peacefully exist in its own tiny country and the other party has in its charter that it wants the other side dead and provides proof of that with suicide bombers sent into shopping centers. What are clues to where Trump stands on Israel.    
2. Israel adviser.  Who is Trump's closest adviser on Israel?  His name is Jason Greenblatt, an acquaintance of mine. Who is he? He is a Jew. He has been Trump's attorney for 20 years. He is the executive vice president/chief legal officer of the Trump Organization and he is co-chairman of Mr. Trump's Israel Advisory Committee. Mr. Greenblatt's voluminous writing provides clues as to where Trump stands.
There are those who attempt to paint Trump as an anti-Semite. This charge is so absurd, I will respond only briefly. The July 8, 2016, Washington Post headline for Jason Greenblatt's op-ed column says it all, "I'm a Jew who has worked with Donald Trump for years. He's no anti-Semite."
3. Jerusalem as capital. Imagine with me if the rest of the world demanded that the U.S. keep its capital in a city of their choosing, but not Washington, D.C., as we have chosen. That is what has happened to Israel. The U.S.—and others—have demanded that Israel not be allowed to select its own capital city!  
Donald Trump rightly believes that Israel should choose its own capital (CNN, published June 29, 2016). What a novel thought: A nation getting to select its own capital! By the way, the capital of Israel was resolved approximately 3,000 years ago! Clue: It's Jerusalem.
4. BDS. If you don't know what those three letters mean, you should. This is an attempt by the American "left" (I don't care for the "right vs. left" delineations since I believe this is actually a case of "right vs. wrong." However I will use "left" here as common jargon.) to strangle Israel's economy by:  B (boycotting Israeli products), D (divesting of funds in Israel's growing and glowing economy) and S (sanctioning or ostracizing the nation). There is a name for BDS. It is called anti-Semitism. Trump stands against BDS anti-Semitism (Fox News, published June 9, 2016).
5. War.  The people of Israel want peace, but they can't have it. Within 24 hours after they came into existence, surrounding nations attacked them! They fought their War for Independence from 1947 to 1949 and wars have continued: 1956, 1967, 1973, 1971-1983 (Palestinian aggression from Lebanon), 1982, 1987-93, 2000-2005, 2006, 2008-10, 2014.  
When can Israel just be left alone? By all indications, Trump seems to understand this.
6. The T-shirt. My favorite T-shirt was purchased in Jerusalem. It states, "Civilizations, nations and empires that have tried to destroy the Jewish People." Following that are two columns: one with "nation," the other with the "status."
Working down the columns: "Ancient Egypt—Gone. Philistines—Gone. Assyrian Empire—Gone. Babylonian Empire—Gone. Persian Empire—Gone. Greek Empire—Gone. Roman Empire—Gone. Byzantine Empire—Gone. Crusaders—Gone. Spanish Empire—Gone. Nazi Germany—Gone. Soviet Union—Gone. Iran—???" The implication of the "???" is essentially saying: "Your time is coming!"  
Across the bottom of the T-shirt are these words: "The Jewish People: The smallest of nations but with a Friend in the highest of places! So...BE NICE!" How true!
I repeat, God will bless those who bless Israel. Curse Israel and ... you get the picture. If for some reason you won't stand with Israel, God will! At, there is a brief video in which Trump states, "I love Israel.  I am very pro-Israel. ... Israel, I love you." Are these words important? They would be to me if I were an Israeli. Given the fact that God will bless those who bless Israel, they are important to me as an American as well.
7. While in Israel.  I am now preparing to leave for my 11th trip to Israel as my wife prepares for her 58th trip. Thus we are in Israel with frequency. While in Israel, I would feel considerably safer with a Trump presidency than a Hillary presidency. All our Israeli friends feel the same way. 
8. Platforms matter. The GOP platform has Trump's tacit approval. The Democratic platform has Hillary's. The platforms are a "window" into the candidate. The allows us to see what the respective parties actually believe. These two platforms are different.
The Republicans rejected a "two-state solution" and refuse to call Israel an "occupier." The GOP platform states:
"We oppose any measures intended to impose an agreement or to dictate borders or other terms, and call for the immediate termination of all U.S. funding of any entity that attempts to do so. Our party is proud to stand with Israel now and always."
The Democratic Platform states:
"We will continue to work toward a two-state solution of the Israel-Palestinian conflict negotiated directly by the parties that guarantees Israel's future as a secure and democratic Jewish state with recognized borders, and provides the Palestinians with independence, sovereignty and dignity."  
One problem: the Palestinian leaders don't merely want the above listed items. They want the Jews dead and Israel gone.  
Reminder: The phrase "two-state solution" is a way of lopping off a big piece of Israel, thus rendering the Jewish state defenseless. How would you like it if some nation or nations demanded that we surrender a huge section of America to give it to people who want us dead or at least driven out?
Based on the party platforms, you have two clear choices this election: 1) a party that calls for Israel to become defenseless, that is, a vote for Hillary, or 2) a party that recognizes Israel's right to exist and defend itself, which is, a vote for Trump.
9. "Occupier." To her credit, Hillary prevailed on her party platform not to call Israel an "occupier." However her motivation was faulty. She claimed that it might enflame the emotions in the Middle East. However, this is not about "enflaming emotions." It is about speaking truth. Just for the record: Israel does not "occupy" the land. It owns it! 
Dr. Jim Garlowauthor of Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today's Tough Issues, commentator on The Garlow Perspective, a one-minute commentary on 850 radio outlets daily, pastor of Skyline Church in the San Diego area, and co-founder of The Jefferson Gathering, a weekly worship service for Members of Congress in the U.S. Capitol Building. Garlow has a Ph.D. from Drew University in historical theology and master's degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary, Asbury Theological Seminary and Southern Nazarene University.
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Is Your Family Tree Being Shaken? - Bill Yount

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 Bill Yount
If your family tree is being shaken, you are right on schedule. I see the Lord shaking the hell out of many family trees right now. God's shaking alone will bring in your spouse, children and grandchildren into His kingdom like nothing else will.

Many parents are wondering where and how to pass their baton onto the next generation. Don't be surprised that through this great shaking, you discover your baton falling down through the family tree and being caught by your children and grandchildren.

Caution: They will most likely take your legacy and ministry in a whole new direction to reach a unique generation.

Can you hear the rustling of the leaves at the top of your family tree? Rejoice, it's God beginning to blow His breath like a mighty wind into your family's nostrils to live again.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

 My new book: "Some Hear Thunder.. I Hear A Roar! / Supernatural Encounters & Stories to Encourage Your Heart," is available.

If you would like a signed copy of my book with a greeting, you can send a check for $16 ( which includes shipping ) to Bill Yount 132 East North Ave. Hagerstown, MD 21740.

Bill Yount