Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thousands Harmed By Fires in Israel ✡ "Wickedness has burned like a fire" - ISRAEL365

For wickedness has burned like a fire that consumes briers and thorns; it sets thickets of the forest on fire, and skyward they swirl in a column of smoke.

כִּי בָעֲרָה כָאֵשׁ רִשְׁעָה שָׁמִיר וָשַׁיִת תֹּאכֵל וַתִּצַּת בְּסִבְכֵי הַיַּעַר וַיִּתְאַבְּכוּ גֵּאוּת עָשָׁן

ישעיהו ט:יד

Kee va-ah-RA ka-ESH reesh-AH sha-MEER vah-shay-EET to-KHAYL va-tee-TZAHT bi-seev-KHEE ha-ya-AHR va-yeet-ahb-KHOO gay-OOT ah-SHAHN

Today's Israel Inspiration

Just as the prophet Isaiah wrote about terrifying fire and columns of smoke ravaging the Land of Israel, over the past few days, hundreds of fires were set all over Israel leading to tens of thousands of Israelis to flee their homes. Miraculously, no one was killed, and we thank God for His great kindness. However, hundreds of homes were destroyed and countless lives have been ruined in what is being called an “arson intifada”. Your prayers are needed and so is your financial support. Please help the victims of Israel in her time of need and donate generously to our emergency campaign.

WATCH: Arab Terrorist Setting Fire to Bushes

In response to the "arson intifada" PM Netanyahu said, "Every fire that was caused by arson, or incitement to arson, is terrorism by all accounts. And we will treat it as such. Whoever tries to burn parts of Israel will be punished for it severely."

Biblical Message in Recent Wave of Terrorist Arson

As fires rage across the Carmel region, the result of terrorist arson, some Israelis look to the Bible to understand a deeper lesson of what these flames mean.

Today's Israel Photo

Israeli artist Yoram Raanan views the remnants of his art studio burned to the ground in Beit Meir near Jerusalem. Yoram posted on Facebook, “I'm absolutely astounded at the outpouring of love we have received in the past few days. Your tender empathy continues to resonate in our hearts.”
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"Todah Rabbah" to Mary Bennett from Michigan; Linda Borenstein from New York; Danielle Marak from Texas.
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"Todah Rabbah" to Kimberly Cole from Michigan; Dawn Stalke from Massachusetts; Karen Speller from Ohio.

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I really love Israel & i love the Jews because they are the chosen people of God the father. I love the Jewish history that's why i love reading the bible everyday. -Max Oporto
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WATCH: American Supertanker in Action Near Jerusalem - Israel Today

WATCH: American Supertanker in Action Near Jerusalem

Sunday, November 27, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Twenty-nine aircraft are currently taking part in the battle against fires raging across Israel, among them the US 747 Supertanker.
The Supertanker was spotted over the weekend helping to contain a fire that destroyed part of the Jerusalem-area village of Nataf.
Thousands of exhausted firefighters continue to battle blazes, which now number over 600 in the past week.
The northern port city of Haifa and the Jerusalem corridor have been hardest hit. Hundreds of homes have burned, and over 75,000 have been evacuated, many of them with nothing to return to.
The fires have so far consumed 32,000 acres of forest, 30 percent more than the disastrous Carmel Forest fire of 2010.
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Saturday, November 26, 2016

What Russia's Top Church Leader is Saying about Donald Trump - CBN News

What Russia's Top Church Leader is Saying about Donald Trump
CBN News 11-26-2016
The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church believes President-elect Donald Trump is the only American politician to give Russians, and Christians, hope in the war against the Islamic State. 
Patriarch Kirill told Russia Today (RT) he is encouraged by the incoming president's strong position against ISIS. 
"Based on what Mr. Trump said in the course of the election campaign, we can see that he does have the intention to establish a dialogue with Russia, including first and foremost when it comes to combating terrorism," Kirill said. 
"That's good; it opens up new opportunities for cooperation, which is what I hope we're going to have in Russia-U.S. relations in order to tackle this," he added.
"I don't know him personally, and I don't know much about his life, so I can only judge based on his statements, which were in stark contrast to other politicians' stances. There was no hope in what others were saying, while Mr. Trump's words give us hope," he said.
Kirill also told RT that he agrees that Trump is not afraid to speak his mind especially during a time when Christians in America are being shut down by political correctness. 
"It seems as if political correctness is meant to limit Christians' freedom to practice their faith. For example, why should we use 'X-mas' instead of 'Christmas'?," he asked. "We're very wary when, under the guise of political correctness and universal rights and liberties, we glimpse signs of discrimination against the people who want to be open about their Christian convictions." 
As Russia's Vladmir Putin congratulated Trump on his election victory and later vowed to dialogue with the U.S. "on the basis of mutual respect," Kirill said it is important for Christians to continue to pray for the nations that are working to eradicate terrorism. 
"All that is left to us as Christians is to pray and, of course, work together with everyone, so that all the nations involved realize that collaboration is instrumental. We keep hearing that the coalition has its own approach, and Russia has a different stance. Well, now is the time when we can't have two conflicting positions any longer; we need to align ourselves with each other," he said.

Israel to Begin 3-Year Search for More Dead Sea Scrolls - CBN News

Dead Sea scroll museum in Jerusalem

Israel to Begin 3-Year Search for More Dead Sea Scrolls
CBN News 11-15-2016

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is set to embark on a three-year expedition to search for additional Dead Sea Scrolls and other antiquities in the Judean Desert.
The expedition, led by a government research team, will mark the first large-scale archaeological survey of the area in more than 20 years. It's set to begin next month.
The archaeologists plan to survey hundreds of desert caves near the Dead Sea, where the world's oldest biblical manuscripts were discovered in 1947.   
The government initiated the expedition after looters found manuscripts in the area in recent years.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are thought of as the crown jewel of Israeli antiquities.
Recently, the Palestinian Authority petitioned UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to deny Israeli ownership of the Dead Sea Scrolls, saying the caves where they were found are beyond the "green line," making them stolen property.

Revival in Iran: 'I Want to Be a Christian' - CBN News Chris Mitchell

Revival in Iran: 'I Want to Be a Christian'
CBN News Chris Mitchell

CENTRAL TURKEY -- When we think of Iran, scenes of mobs shouting "death to America," blindfolded hostages, and radical leaders demanding nuclear technology come to mind.
But there's another side of the country: Iranians who love America, Israel, and Jesus Christ.
CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell met and talked with some of these Iranian believers outside of their country in central Turkey.
Infectious Faith
When someone gets baptized in this house church, people clap and cheer like fans at a World Cup match. While they've suffered persecution and often fled for their lies, they still possess an infectious and joyous faith like Iranian believer Raizal.
"Growing up I wanted to say I grew up [with] Jesus Christ," Raizal told CBN News. "Every time, His name was in my mind. And the next moment I started liking Christianity."
"It was really sweet to me, the feelings, the stories, everything. So by the time I was 15, I believed in Him and I said I want to be a Christian," he said.
Many Iranian refugees have fled Iran and come here to Turkey where they can seek refugee status with the United Nations. Some say it's just like coming out of the darkness.

"[It's] totally different from Iran," Iranian Christian Afshin told CBN News. "I can privilege [speak about] God's Word to other guys. I can freely praise the Lord. I can easily go to church. It's completely different."
Pastor Saeed's Church
Afshin attended the church led by American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who languished for years in an Iranian prison.
Following his arrest in the summer of 2012, the church disbanded. Later Afshin found himself on the run.
"As a result, I came out of Iran because day by day it was more difficult and it was more risky for me also," he explained.
"I had to change our home because I was sure that one day they would realize my home as an underground house church," he continued. "They would recognize it; the intelligence services would recognize it."
Internet Church 
Others, like Raizal and Reza, her brother, fled for their lives.
"It was really a bad situation there," Raizal recalled. "I couldn't pray [to] God with all my heart because all trouble was there. Even if I say 'Jesus Christ,' they may kill me."
"It become [sic] [a] problem for my job and my health," Reza said. "They tried to kill me [and] then I start to run away."
Despite the constant threat, danger, and risk, these believers keep the faith. Now they've found a church home and family. Their pastor leads house churches in Iran, as well as the United States, Canada, Germany, and Malaysia, all via Skype.
"The main church is my house, and through the Internet I connect to everybody," Reza said. "That's why it's become like an Internet church."

He says a great revival is underway within the Islamic Republic of Iran.
"Right now you can see the results of the Holy Spirit," he said. "From 1994, there were about 100,000 believers. Right now, there are 3 million. You can see what the Holy Spirit is doing with the people."
Dreams and Visions of Christ 
Many came to faith through a dream or a vision.
"I had a dream. I had a dream long time back and every time that Jesus was with me," he continued. "And in all of my life, He was helping me and I didn't know who was this Person. Suddenly Jesus Christ was over there and He said, 'Come to Me.' And I came to that side and He accepted me."
Despite all the hardship and being forced from their homeland, these believers exude joy. Many hope to achieve refugee status one day and immigrate to other countries.
In the meantime, they want believers in the West to pray for the Church in Iran.
"And I'm just begging, really, from the other believers, from other sisters and brothers from all over the world, to pray for Iran and to all the people of Iran to find new God and be familiar with God, with Jesus Christ," he said.

Top Congressman: Palestinian Authority’s ‘Pay-to-Slay’ Scheme Has Got to Stop by Barney Breen-Portnoy the algemeiner

Congressman Ed Royce of California, the chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
Congressman Ed Royce of California, the chair of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Top Congressman: Palestinian Authority’s ‘Pay-to-Slay’ Scheme Has Got to Stop

 by Barney Breen-Portnoy    the algemeiner  11.21.16
The US must cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority if it continues to pay monetary rewards to terrorists and their families, the chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs said on Sunday.
“This pay-to-slay scheme has got to stop,” Republican Congressman Ed Royce of California said in remarks at the Zionist Organization of America’s annual awards gala in New York City.
With this goal in mind — as reported by The Algemeiner — three Republican senators (Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Dan Coats of Indiana and Roy Blunt of Missouri) introduced the “Taylor Force Act” earlier this year, which was named after the 28-year-old West Point graduate who was stabbed to death on the Tel Aviv beach promenade by a Palestinian terrorist in March.
NOVEMBER 25, 2016 1:53 PM

US, Western Allies Push Iran to Reduce Enriched Uranium Stockpile as Part of Efforts to Strengthen Nuclear Deal

The U.S. and its Western allies are pressing Iran to take steps to sharply cut the amount of radioactive material...
Another speaker at Sunday’s ZOA dinner — which was the subject of controversy after it was announced last week that senior Donald Trump adviser Stephen Bannon, who has faced allegations of antisemitism, would be in attendance (he ultimately did not show up) — was internationally renowned legal expert Alan Dershowitz.
“The Left in Europe and the United States is moving more left, and the Right is moving more right,” Dershowitz said. “I think these trends are troubling…Israel and Jews have historically always thrived at the center. We’ve always suffered between the extremes of right and left…between the black of fascism and the red of communism.”
“I’m a little worried today that there are Jews in many parts of the world that are being seduced by the hard Right,” Dershowitz went on to say. “We must not become complicit in bigotry, whether it is from the Right or the Left…I think that being pro-Israel can never serve as an excuse for bigotry against any other group. And we must be as stalwart in condemning bigotry among our friends as we are in condemning bigotry among our enemies.”
Dershowitz, a Democrat, vowed, “I will fight to keep the Democratic Party pro-Israel. It won’t be easy. And it won’t be any easier if Keith Ellison is appointed the head of the DNC (Democratic National Committee).”